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We could have inflicted heavy damage on Pakistan during aerial raid if we had 'tech asymmetry': IAF

NEW DELHI: If the Indian Air Force possessed high levels of "technological asymmetry", then it would have been able to inflict heavy damage on Pakistan during its unsuccessful aerial raid on February 27, according to an IAF report.

The report analysed various aspects of IAF's air strike on a Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terrorist training camp in Pakistan's Balakot on February 26 and the subsequent Pakistani retaliation the next day.

India carried out the air strike to avenge the Pulwama attack in which 40 CRPF personnel were killed.

In the report, the IAF said Pakistan Air Force has been consistently enhancing its air defence and offensive capabilities since the Kargil war in 1999 and there was a need for India to bolster its "technological asymmetry" for aerial combat, official sources said sharing details from the report.

At present, Pakistan has some edge with its fleet of F-16 jets with AMRAAM missile fitted with them, said an official.

The sources said the planned induction of Rafale aircraft with deadly Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) and S-400 air defence missile system will provide India a significant advantage over Pakistani Air Force.

"We felt we could not punish the adversaries appropriately. So we need to bolster technological asymmetry so that the enemy does not even dare to come close to the border," said a source.

On the Balakot strikes, the report said the Israeli Spice 2000 precision guided munitions (PGM) fired from Mirage 2000 jets hit five out of the six designated targets in the JeM training facility. However, one Spice PGM did not leave the aircraft because of a drift in the inertial navigation system.

The report said the deception used was successful as Pakistan was caught off guard despite their air force being put on highest alert.
Various packages of jets flew in several directions including a fleet of Jaguars went towards Bahawalpur, a key air base of Pakistan Air Force, sources said.

In the list of possitives from the strike, the IAF talked about accuracy of intelligence inputs, precise selection of targets, demonstration of its ability to carry out precision strikes and its success in maintaining secrecy of the operation though over 6,000 personnel were involved in it.

In its analysis of possible areas for improvement, the IAF sought superior technological asymmetry and air defence system over Pakistan, sources said.

It also talked about the need for procuring new weapons and other platforms for enhancing the IAF's overall combat capabilities.

Induction of Rafale jets along with Meteor beyond-visual-range missile and S-400 air defence missile system will provide India an edge over Pakistan, according to the report.

India is procuring a batch of S-400 air defence system from Russia at a cost of USD 5 billion. India is also buying 36 Rafale fighter jets from France at a cost of Rs 58,000 crore.

During the aerial combat of February 27, IAF pilot Abhinandan Varthaman had engaged with one of the Pakistani F-16s and shot it down before his Mig-21 Bison was downed.

Varthaman was captured by Pakistan and was released after spending nearly 60 hours in Pakistani custody.

The Indian Air Force had on February 28 displayed pieces of an AMRAAM missile, fired by a Pakistani F-16, as evidence to prove that Pakistan deployed the US-manufactured fighter jets during the raid.


R77, MKI, Mirage? :confused:

They are saying about a USAF against Iraqi AF scenario.
Something that is not possible for now .
The intention of this report itself is for more asking more budget .Same tactic of all other military .They want to form a 60 plus squadron of advanced jets .
For now their priority seems more Rafale
How come IAF still claim balakot strikes hit targets in presence of SAT imagery totally contradictory evidence ?? Is there noone to question not lack of evdience, but actually the evidence against strikes..

If ISPR claims a second jet(which many Pakistani are skeptical till definitive evidence come) why are there no skeptic on indian side...??

Remeber the ISPR claim is lack of evidence, its not like indian claim which have evidence against it (f16 count & sat imagery)

E.g Its like PAF claiming it strike down a AWEC when IAF shows all if its AWECS are flying

So that's it ..is it the end of reasonable questioning in Indian academia?..is the transformation in a nationalist fascist country completed ?

What happened to your plan of taking journos to Balakot are of JEM camp. You were supposed to take them very next day. Now two months have passes. you have yet to take them to site.
What happened to your plan of taking journos to Balakot are of JEM camp. You were supposed to take them very next day. Now two months have passes. you have yet to take them to site.
you are deflecting..there are 5 dozens of international journalist who visited the place
infact the first to break it were from bbc, they were able to pin point the earliest

bbc hindi broke the news even before pakistani media in this clip

than they went there next day and recorded this clip

more of international media went in pakistan later this month

---------but this is besides the point the real evidence is SAT imagery, doesnt matter whether some media personnel went or not
you are deflecting..there are 5 dozens of international journalist who visited the place
infact the first to break it were from bbc, they were able to pin point the earliest

bbc hindi broke the news even before pakistani media in this clip

Ya they were taken to a Madrasa after one and half month and no local was allowed to talk. They were not taken to JEM camp Site.
The never ending love of "IF" "COULD" and then explanations by the followers sugar coating with "Budget" contexts. Even if IAF is saying all that for more budget then on other hand isn't that a "lie" & "manipulation" by IAF? So the Indian Military has to lie and embarrass itself merely for the budget? The point being said is; it takes courage & and then moral to say the fact and read writing on the wall. However the strategy is so perfect that on one hand Indian Military accepts the failures and then comes the public/media houses explaining the same by twisting the fact and divert attention to budget need and save face.
more more more! we are 10x your size byach you still cant do anything to us!!

You mean 1/8th and NOT 10X, right?

Even if you have the most advance tech, you do not have the will and heart to win against us. Our Warriors enter into the field with Takbeer and end up with Nara e Hayderi striking their enemy with the strength of Zulfiqar.

Too many big words in a single sentence, that's just about the gist of your post!

Be humble before India humbles you again like it did in 1971!
Green Pine, Phalcon, 200+ mini AWACS and much, much more. They have a friggin' powerful military but their cowardice and incompetence makes the latest hi-tech gear useless! The only way they can win is if super advanced AI does the job for them.

They want a 2-front war, they are NOT prepared for a war with just Pakistan, they are building up and prepared for THE 2-front war and they will teach Pakistan and China a lesson, together.

Maybe Indians can give the above example and excuse for the debacle?
they are fallen short of logic and reasons on professional grounds to satisfy international media and professionals world over. having hands down, they are now face saving their forces and the ballooned ego that they cant let go, in front of their public and this will go on for years. but what earned is earned which is on both sides for obvious, lets enjoy our part and let them theirs the way they want.

Indian still throwing a hissy fit.

"Oh rafale rafale if only Uncle Bolton had sent his tech force we could beat em, oh where art thou rafale."
Read between the lines: IAF wants more Rafale & they are creating urgency for them by raising 26th/27th Feb defeat. Modi was unable to buy any more, especially during the election year as Rafale has been a controversial subject, and instead had to resort to buying MiG-29s. The 26/27 Feb argument will also ensure that if Congress wins they are unable to alter the contract with France due to it being an urgent requirement for IAF. Otherwise, it might take a year or two to renegotiate.

I agree with the assessment. IAF wants to seize the opportunity to get more Rafale. I also think IAF deliberately sent Mig-21s instead of MKIs to make some sort of an opportunity that it could then seize upon which it is doing now.
I agree with the assessment. IAF wants to seize the opportunity to get more Rafale. I also think IAF deliberately sent Mig-21s instead of MKIs to make some sort of an opportunity that it could then seize upon which it is doing now.

he got a good chance to create a cover up to his corruption in Rafale deal and he cash it. IAF got a chance to present its case more strong for more Rafale. both agreed then who cares what the world says.
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