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'We can't vaccinate the planet every six months': Leading Oxford vaccine expert warns giving regular boosters is 'not sustainable' and says fourth Cov

There are people around me who have been vaccinated 5 times. Things started to get very strange.
It is just about sustainable till we find a GENERIC vaccine for covid that offers sustained immunity.
All Pharma giants are focused on such a vaccine and are convinced that this is doable
Easy money for the ones in the know.

Why did Rishi Sunak, England chancellor purchase shares in moderna months before the outbreak?
It was not sustainable from the beginning and not now and not in the future. The world is very connected and by the time vaccines reach poor countries, the largely unvaccinated populations there would have generated variants which would escape the vaccine protection. The zero-covid, all-vaccinated approach was flawed to begin with but some people, especially at the CDC, are unwilling to appear fools now and in front of history.
By late 2020, there was enough data about the pandemic to try a different approach: Protect the vulnerable as much as possible, come up with treatments, increase hospital capacities, BUT allow the healthier, younger segments of the populations to live freely. Oh well, it's water under the bridge now. Let's hope Omicron will give rise to herd immunity of considerable nature.
Easy money for the ones in the know.

Why did Rishi Sunak, England chancellor purchase shares in moderna months before the outbreak?

There were and are good reasons for buying Moderna shares. When Moderna acquired the rights mRNA technology, it was clear that a path for creating vaccines in record time was possible. The mRNA tech offers avenues for other Pharma products besides vaccines.
Only idiots who barely understand science and technology would ascribe conspiratorial reasons for buying those shares. ( By the way he bought shares in tens of different companies nothing to do with vaccines as well )

Being a Labour supporter, I am happy Keir for purely political reasons to ascribe impropriety by Sunak. :laughcry: . We have a rigorous system in the Commons Committee on Standards. chaired by Chris Bryant ( Labour) .
If Sunak did ANYTHING that smells than Bryant would love to sink the knife into Sunak

However he did nothing wrong or iffy. Sunak is a very very very rich man , he does not need to do anything stupid for a few million.

If there is ANY
I am no doctor/virologist or anything but as far as I know there are 3 different kinds of vaccines for Covid in Pak:
- Inactivated (Sinopharm/SinoVac)
- Viral Vector (AstraZeneca/Sputnik/CanSinoBio
- mRNA(Pfier/Moderna)

As far as I have understood, the potency of vacines goes like this:
mRna > Viral Vector > Inactivated

My old parents are fully vaccinated with 2 dose inactivated vaccine (SinoPharm). I have been fully vaccinated with single dose CanSinoBio.

Now, do I think my vulnerable parents should get a booster shot since it has been over 8 months of vaccination? Sure, if they feel like it.
What should they get? May be Inactivated again. Or may be something stronger. I dunno, tbh.
Should they get another booster shot 6 months later? Erm, why? I don't think there should be any need for that especially if they have already taken inactivated + rna

Coming to me, an healthy fit 30+ guy, should I be getting a booster dose? Hmmm... since I took single dose vaccine previously, may be I should go for another dose of the same vaccine. Or may be get an Rna based vaccine dose which is stronger than Vector. I dunno. Honestly, I don't care and I don't see the need for it, tbh.

What I do believe is that, it should be voluntarily. I am no anti vax, infact quite the opposite. But I don't understand, why would most of the healthy people be needing 2/3/4 booster shots. It's unnecessary.

What I also don't get is why do you(healthy ones) need multiple booster shots especially if you were fully vacinated with the strongest mRna vacines in the first place? You being fully vaccinated should be enough.
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