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We Can Use Strike Drones in J&K If People Will Accept Collateral Damage: Army Chief

a certain airforce did not even have the stones to engage the IAF

The PAF wasn't required, ground forces were enough to down a few of your aircraft.

We have no interest in killing common people

You might not, but many people that hold pretty high positions in India do. The fact is that (unfortunately) some of you are still salty about the historical Muslim rule over India.
He meant more collateral damage than a few dozens killed each month and some more blinded by pellet guns!!
I dont know,, i think the "people" in India will accept that (judging by the members we have here)
The PAF wasn't required, ground forces were enough to down a few of your aircraft.

Were your AA guns and MANPADs enough when the Mirages were flying at an altitude of 10km dropping LGBs and eventually winning the war.
I have been hearing these excuses since I joined pdf.
What military doesn't want to use every asset in it's disposal just coz they think ground forces will be enough?
They don't coz they aren't confident in their chances of victory hence the non participation of PAF.

354 SOF Casualties in total over course of 14 years.
780 as per Tahir Masood, commander pak ssg.

Civilians were evacuated from area and as you are pulling everything from your behind as usual,let me tell you that terrarin is not meant for tanks,on few loactions tanks were deployed to demoralize enemy.

Clearly pa is the asmani fauj which can never go beyond ZERO civilian casualties or collateral damage during a major offensive.
"The army is attacking our children with their missiles. Let them say they are helping us, but we will not take their help,"

Tanks were used to shell towns andthe like.
and eventually winning the war.

No, Pakistan still occupies the most strategic point in Kargil, which is 5353. And we only retreated because of political pressure being placed on Musharaf both internally and externally, we still held on to a significant portion of the region after several months of your forces trying to evict us (but to no avail, despiting outnumbering us more than 5 times over).

But I know your leadership will never tell you that. They're too arrogant, whereas ours actually teaches us of our mistakes (e.g 1971) and how to learn from them.
If there's a chance of mistake or missed targeting... then a BIG No however drone strikes are ok in jungles and outside cities
You might not, but many people that hold pretty high positions in India do. The fact is that (unfortunately) some of you are still salty about the historical Muslim rule over India.

Not really. That's what you don't understand. Things don't work like that in our country. Even the most ruthless saffronists don't want to wipe out the Muslims. Riots and violence are a part of 'you hit me I hit you' mindset. But extermination? You'd be out of your mind to think someone would want to wipe out 200 million people.

Salty about Muslim rule? People don't even talk about it in daily life here. It is more of a Pakistani thing because your founders wanted to re-create the Mughal era. Mughals are not even a conversation here (and I am not referring to my state, but northern India) in any regular discussions; unless of course, it is about the food. :D

I will agree with you that the Hindus and the rest of us are here who do really not like your kind. Even Jews don't like Nazis even today after 75 years, don't they?

Pretty much similar reasons; killing and violence. You glorify foreign invaders. We resent them.

They are dead and long gone. The problem starts when Muslims keep relentlessly demanding resources and attention and always feel insecure. After some time, other communities here are like "Do we look idiots to you, listening to your whining about getting offended by everything we do? That's why Pakistan was established. If you had so many complaints against us, why didn't you leave then?" .

And this mindset is only for the radical crazy ones who want an Islamic India. There are many who don't even care about anything else and are regular folks here. They partake in local activities and don't really see Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist, or anything else.

Personally speaking, I wasn't very familiar with the whole Muslim-vs-rest issue until I started listening to people here and doing my own research in the background. You see, my part of the country was never exactly conquered by Muslims. Many tried but failed. We treat the whole Muslim thing as a 'foreign' issue. Of late there has been a concern about infiltration of radical Muslims into northeast through Bengal's pathetic CM's behest.

ttack in our area, then even you miss our drones and air force won't. If u want it to be more bloodier, then bring it o

Nope. We want to kill the terrorists. These lunatics have caused a lot of bloodshed here.

If you shelter terrorists from us who kill our people, we will come after them. Simple.

And we are.

We have no interest in targeting your cities and civilians or even your Army.

It all boils down to your support of those who harm our country directly causing life and property damage.
Clearly pa is the asmani fauj which can never go beyond ZERO civilian casualties or collateral damage during a major offensive.
"The army is attacking our children with their missiles. Let them say they are helping us, but we will not take their help,"

Tanks were used to shell towns andthe like.
Who said about zero collateral damage?
But yes there was and is no use of mass rapes and pellet guns.

Who said about zero collateral damage?
But yes there was and is no use of mass rapes and pellet guns.

I am so sorry we used pellet guns against stone throwers, clearly pellets are far worse than artillery, tanks and jets and almost a million people being displaced because of the same.

And pakistanis are absolutely the best people to lecture us because clearly you lot are more righteous as PA has never-ever mass raped any populace ever and then tried to hide it.

No, Pakistan still occupies the most strategic point in Kargil, which is 5353. And we only retreated because of political pressure being placed on Musharaf both internally and externally, we still held on to a significant portion of the region after several months of your forces trying to evict us (but to no avail, despiting outnumbering us more than 5 times over).

But I know your leadership will never tell you that. They're too arrogant, whereas ours actually teaches us of our mistakes (e.g 1971) and how to learn from them.

Oh bravo, here let me rain claps coz PA got a territory that wasn't defended in the first place.
Also, you have it coz we never attacked it like we did Tololing and Tiger Hill, and the world community intervened before we could.
Also, what really can PA do when literally every other important peak around 5353 is occupied by us.

Lovely attempt at revisionism but this is the age of information, literally anyone can prove you wrong.
Pakistan was in the throes of defeat when Nawaz Sharif went begging to Clinton to intervene which US eventually did.

Your lot learnt nothing, like in every other war that pak has initiated, you lot failed to achieve your primary objectives and by the end of it all you have to console yourselves with peanuts.
Whereas when we start something, we actually do it. In 71 we parted you with almost half your territory, a major chunk of your population and changed your name forever and in 84 took Siachen and gained some 1000 sqm right from under your nose.
The PAF wasn't required, ground forces were enough to down a few of your aircraft.

IAF changed its tactics after reports of infiltrators possessing MANPAD and employed Mirage 2000 to bomb Pakistani positions.
No, Pakistan still occupies the most strategic point in Kargil, which is 5353. And we only retreated because of political pressure being placed on Musharaf both internally and externally, we still held on to a significant portion of the region after several months of your forces trying to evict us (but to no avail, despiting outnumbering us more than 5 times over).

But I know your leadership will never tell you that. They're too arrogant, whereas ours actually teaches us of our mistakes (e.g 1971) and how to learn from them.
Yes Pakistan still occupies Pt.5353 which lies exactly on the LoC. There were no attempts made by India to capture the peak as it was almost impossible because of nearly vertical slope on indian side. After the Kargil war Pakistan had withdrawn from Pt.5353 and it was decided that no one will occupy the peak but on August 2 1999 Pakistan army reoccupied Pt.5353
In retaliation India captured Pt.5245 which was southeast of Pt.5353.
Pt.5310 was also occupied by india in the year 2000.
During 2002 standoff Indian artillery fire had levelled all the posts on Pt. 5353 but it was decided not to occupy the feature as it was difficult to hold the position.

PT.3260 was occupied by Pakistan in the year 2002 but the posts on this feature were bombed by IAF Mirage 2000 2 days later.

LoC was highly volatile before 2003 ceasefire agreement.
despiting outnumbering us more than 5 times over
You need that ratio while fighting an enemy occupying higher positions and can watch all your movements. Read more about mountain warfare:

Also the occupied posts had started falling one after another when Nawaz visited US on request from Musharraf.
Listen what Lt.Gen Shahid Aziz says. He was DG Analysis in ISI during Kargil war.
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Nope. We want to kill the terrorists. These lunatics have caused a lot of bloodshed here.

If you shelter terrorists from us who kill our people, we will come after them. Simple.

And we are.

We have no interest in targeting your cities and civilians or even your Army.

It all boils down to your support of those who harm our country directly causing life and property damage.
you van ill terrorists and we will consider attacking someone on Pakistans land as terrorists.
Also the occupied posts had started falling one after another when Nawaz visited US on request from Musharraf.

Pakistan still firmly held onto a good chunk of Kargil (I believe it was around 20%).

Yes Pakistan still occupies Pt.5353 which lies exactly on the LoC.

Yep, and your own military admits how strategically important it is.
In simple words rawat monkey is accepting his forces are losing ground in kashmir day by day.. And now he want govt permission to use drones in no go areas...
Pakistan still firmly held onto a good chunk of Kargil (I believe it was around 20%).

Yep, and your own military admits how strategically important it is.
We still occupy highest feature in the region i.e the tiger hill. Also we can direct effective artillery fire from pt.5245 which was proven in 2002 standoff.
BTW how did you conclude that Pakistan still occupies 20% of Kargil. For your knowledge pt.5353 lies on no man's land i.e exactly on LoC and was unoccupied before Kargil war.

In case you don't know there is an underground military base hospital in Kargil which displays a plaque “inaugurated by Capt Pervez Musharraf,1970”. The hospital was captured by Indian troops in 1971.
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