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We are thankful to Jinnah for giving us an independent Pakistan

Yeah and Indians have forgotten their great founder and leader Gandhi Ji. Gandhi Ji talked about peace and love but India talks about war and revenge.

It is not one sided,what about yr Militant leaders who talk of Ghazwa E Hind.U have Bhutto talking of a 1000 year war with India
Yeah and Indians have forgotten their great founder and leader Gandhi Ji. Gandhi Ji talked about peace and love but India talks about war and revenge.

Love and peace are useless gestures for Some people. They do not understand the language of Love and peace so we have to talk to of revenge and war.
Pakistan was never-is not-and will never be defined without reference to India. Pakistan's identity cannot be separated from India, despite all their pathetic attempts.

Yes but Pakistan is an independent nation for six decade. Still they want the Justification of being separated from India. There are many voices of dissent in Pakistan and there are lots of questions are raised against the partion by none other than the intellectuals and media of Pakistan.
Sir, religious bigotry is at peak here.... Hate based on religion, sections, subsections, target killings , shia, sunni, wahabi, ahmadi, terrorist organisations Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) , Sepah-e-Muhammad Pakistan (SMP) ,Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM), Sepah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) , Tehreek-e-Jaafria Pakistan (TJP) ,Tehreek-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammad (TNSM) , Tehreek-e-Islami, Millat-e-Islamia Pakistan (Ex-SSP), Khuddam-ul-Islam (Ex JeM) , Islami Tehreek Pakistan (Ex-TJP) , Jamiat-ul-Ansar ,Jamiat-ul-Furqan , Hizbut Tehrir , Islamic Students Movement of Pakistan , Lashkar-e-Islam , Ansar-ul-Islam , Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) Ex-banned organisation (SSP) , Muslim Students Organisation(MSO) , Jaish-e- Islam , Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD), Tehreek-e- Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

Why you want to create unrest in India?? You want to make Khatam Bharat instead of Akhand Bharat?:what:

Sir, could not understand your post clearly. I did not say that I want a merger with Pakistan in Today's scenario and own all extremist by default.

What I told is that Partition in 1947 was a mistake. United India would have been more powerful economically and in other fronts too. And in such scenario ( May be it would be a loose union) the united country would follow a secular path. All those Muslim extremists fraction would not be created at all.

But as partition happened , to me-

1. Partition happened by and for Muslim Landlords to maintain the status quo and not for Muslim people of the subcontinent. No land reforms in last 60+ years support this statement.
2. It is now a reality and cannot be undone
3. All religious extremisms, anti India Jihad etc what Pakistan is facing today are the extension of the root cause of Pakistan's creation ie keeping status quo for land lords.
4. As partition was based on religion, we should have accepted the reality fully. All Muslims should go to Pakistan, and all Hindus should have come to India. Pakistan (East+West) was created for all Muslims of the subcontinent and not for the people staying there during the partition. They should have owned the responsibility. This could have solved many internal issues of our countries

My observation was based on historical perpective not on today's situation. I am not at all in favour of Akhand Bharat. Please do not misunderstand
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Sir, could not understand your post clearly. I did not say that I want a merger with Pakistan in Today's scenario and own all extremist by default.

What I told is that Partition in 1947 was a mistake. United India would have been more powerful economically and in other fronts too. And in such scenario ( May be it would be a loose union) the united country would follow a secular path. All those Muslim extremists fraction would not be created at all.

But as partition happened , to me-

1. Partition happened by and for Muslim Landlords to maintain the status quo and not for Muslim people of the subcontinent. No land reforms in last 60+ years support this statement.
2. It is now a reality and cannot be undone
3. All religious extremisms, anti India Jihad etc what Pakistan is facing today are the extension of the root cause of Pakistan's creation ie keeping status quo for land lords.
4. As partition was based on religion, we should have accepted the reality fully. All Muslims should go to Pakistan, and all Hindus should have come to India. Pakistan (East+West) was created for all Muslims of the subcontinent and not for the people staying there during the partition. They should have owned the responsibility. This could have solved many internal issues of our countries

My observation was based on historical perpective not on today's situation. I am not at all in favour of Akhand Bharat. Please do not misunderstand
I agree with your observation that if partition had to be done, it should have been fully realised, i.e., Pakistan completely for Muslims and India for non - Muslims then it would have been much better for the subcontinent because then two conflicting and mutually exclusive ideologies would not have to coexist together in our country.

It should either have been no partition or complete partition, not the haphazard partition that eventually happened. The incomplete manner in which partition occurred caused a lot of problems in the subcontinent.
Jinnah didnt 'create' Pakistan, British did. For us Pashtuns the newly founded Pakistan was end of British rule, nothing else. In fact all of our wars , revolts and movements against British went to waste with creation of Pakistan, as our qaum remained divided. Hindi muslims of Pakistan movement were driven by fear of Hindus and were not exactly anti-British, but Pashtun of North-west was simply fighting against the farangi invaders since 1849........We were the freedom fighters and anti-imperialists in the truest sense, not Farangi-like jinnah with cigar in his mouth and dogs in his lap in the style of europeans.
Jinnah didnt 'create' Pakistan, British did. For us Pashtuns the newly founded Pakistan was end of British rule, nothing else. In fact all of our wars , revolts and movements against British went to waste with creation of Pakistan, as our qaum remained divided. Hindi muslims of Pakistan movement were driven by fear of Hindus and were not exactly anti-British, but Pashtun of North-west was simply fighting against the farangi invaders since 1849........We were the freedom fighters and anti-imperialists in the truest sense, not Farangi-like jinnah with cigar in his mouth and dogs in his lap in the style of europeans.

shut your bloody trap... you are the same idiot who was telling us how ML had a strong hold in lakki marwat...
My friend to me After watching "Gand of Waseypur"

Yaara Musalmano ne to india main hindu ki maari rakhi hue hai lekin ye pir bhi achay hay,agar hum hotey to inhe Nepal main band hi kr dete sab k sab ko
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