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'We are ready to fight, we are ready to die'


Feb 12, 2006
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'We are ready to fight, we are ready to die'

uploaded 10 Aug 2006

Clancy Chassay in Beirut
Wednesday August 9, 2006

Eleven-year-old Zahra sits on a desk in a crowded corridor of a west Beirut school and explains eloquently why she believes in the need for resistance.
"All children now want to grow up to fight Israel. It's shameful how we are being treated. What have we as children ever done to them? Nobody cares what happens to us, nobody will do anything if we don't defend ourselves."

Her friend Howra, also 11 and also a refugee from southern Lebanon now living in the school in Zarif, joins in. "Even if a thousand of our fighters are killed we will remain strong. Even with the Israeli technology, we are not afraid of them; we have the strongest fighters in the world."

Estimates of the number of Hizbullah fighters active in the field range from 1,000 to 10,000, with a potential reserve force as high as 200,000. But the daily killing of civilians has created a new militancy among Lebanon's youth, suggesting that Hizbullah can now mobilise thousands more.

Those keen to join the battle disregard the mounting number of deaths of Israeli civilians from Hizbullah's daily barrage of rockets compared to the much higher Lebanese toll.

"We are ready to fight, we are ready to die, we are only waiting for Sayyed Hassan [Nasrallah, Hizbullah leader] to give the word," says Ali from Bint Jbeil, sitting under a tree by a makeshift tent in Sanaya Gardens, one of Beirut's few parks, now a refugee camp.

Lebanon's Shias have borne the brunt of the Israeli onslaught and many of those driven out of the south are eager to return to defend their villages. But it is not just the poor, dispossessed Shias who are eager to fight: the new militancy now cuts across the class divide.

"I have a good education, a good family, good friends, a career, a privileged home - but I am willing to give up all these things to live in dignity," says Hassan, from a wealthy Shia family. He and his equally privileged friends, Firas and Mohammed, attend one of Lebanon's elite universities, and have the opportunity to work overseas.

"We are all students in university, some of us have businesses, but we will give our lives to defend our country," says Mohammed, a 23-year-old political science student.

Firas, 22, nods. "You only have one thought in your head - how you are going to defend your country, how you are going to defeat Israel." Since the war began, the friends say, their perception of their lives has changed. "We are not thinking about material things any more. We are all willing to give up everything," Mohammed says.

The young men say they are willing to serve the resistance in any way they can. "If they [Hizbullah] ask us to hold a gun, we will take up arms. If they ask us to deliver food, we will deliver food. We are just waiting for a signal," Firas says.

In some cases the radicalisation has crossed religious lines. Daisy is a 34-year-old Christian who works in a bank in upmarket district of Beirut. "I feel a great rage burning inside me," she says. "We are all the resistance now. They [Hizbullah] are not doing this for Syria, they're not doing this for Iran, they are doing this for Lebanon."

According to Mohammed, some of those keen to join the war have made it south and have been allowed to remain in their villages to defend them. "There is Hizbullah in the villages but there are others there as well. You can go back to your village and defend it if you can reach it, but Hizbullah will not allow you to accompany them on their operations."

A senior Hizbullah member who asked not be named said: "Religiously it is not permitted to waste people's lives by putting them in danger when they are not adequately trained. There are volunteers who help with supplies and other things."

Young women are among those eager to volunteer. Sitting with three friends in one of the Zarif school's empty classrooms recently converted into a women's prayer room, 21-year-old Sanine says: "As a woman I can help in many non-military ways. I can help the wounded; I can provide food and bring supplies. We all want to help in anyway we can."

Despite ideological differences, many young leftists are also now backing the fight against Israel. They see Hizbullah as filling the vacuum left by the largely ineffective Lebanese government and respect what they see as the dedication and competence of the fighters.

Samir, a 21-year-old journalism student and member of the Lebanese communist party, is helping to distribute supplies at the school in Zarif. "Every boy and man here longs to go and fight in the south. We will fight eventually."

Many of the young men who talk seriously about going to fight say they fear death - and the pain felt by the loved ones they might leave behind. But, they add, this is the sacrifice they are willing to make. "We love to live, but we love to live with our heads held high," says Mohammed as Israeli warplanes roar overhead.

Source: Guardian, UK
are muslims acting thinking they should be proud of this? that a whole generation of youth abandon their books?
MrConcerned said:
are muslims acting thinking they should be proud of this? that a whole generation of youth abandon their books?

You will abandon your book too if someone attack USA.
MrConcerned said:
are muslims acting thinking they should be proud of this? that a whole generation of youth abandon their books?

what can they do about that?? they can only say.
no I would think that it would be highly tragic that Muslims or American or any other kids have to stop studying to go fight in a war.

I am not saying they're not justified in abandoning their books. If they perceive they are defending their nation they are. I'm saying instead of it being an issue of martial pride as some of us see it now, can we see it for what it is - a tragic state of affairs. Education is important for children in all teh world's developign nations.

Man, I hope the Western nations pay to put Lebanese lives together again.
MrConcerned said:
no I would think that it would be highly tragic that Muslims or American or any other kids have to stop studying to go fight in a war.

I am not saying they're not justified in abandoning their books. If they perceive they are defending their nation they are. I'm saying instead of it being an issue of martial pride as some of us see it now, can we see it for what it is - a tragic state of affairs. Education is important for children in all teh world's developign nations.

Man, I hope the Western nations pay to put Lebanese lives together again.

Why are they studying to do some thing good for their country in future. But if there is no future what the hell are they gonna do with those books.

You can keep on hoping. and this hope is what, which is leaving the muslim world behind.

You recon they are gonna rebuilt them again after spending all that budget$$$ and all that effort to destroy them. What a justice, Destroy them and then rebiuld them.
If you can some spare time out of your useful life and if you can read urdu, then plz read the articles at the end in todays and yesterdays jang link.
Here they are:

1. http://jang.com.pk/jang/aug2006-daily/10-08-2006/main.htm
2. http://jang.com.pk/jang/aug2006-daily/11-08-2006/main.htm

Sorry for the people who can't read urdu.

These are real stories, and this is what your western world is doing. Not only this but successfully putting blinds in front of all of us in the whole world's eyes.
One should not abandon their studies.

Let adults do the fighting and there are enough of them to carry on.

No idea to add to the mess.

However, if it is just to display some jingoism without actually abandoning studies, then it good for the morale when the bombs falls and buildings vaporise.


If the western world is fooling the people, then you should abandon them and return home and do some service for the people. Why live amingst such people whom you find are horrible and deceitful?
Salim said:

If the western world is fooling the people, then you should abandon them and return home and do some service for the people. Why live amingst such people whom you find are horrible and deceitful?

Yes offcourse i am gonna come back, believe me i cant stand to stay here for a single min. But i have to finish my degree, in an year's time i will be back to help my own country my own people.

And you did'nt get the point either, i was pointing at the western media rather than the whole west itself. And who is using the media as weapon to bainwash people, Western govt agencies. And who controls the western government, "Jewish lobby". You can clearly see that. Its a whole bunch of chain that runs through.

Also there are people there who do understand the truth and reality as well; there is no doubt about that. The world is full of politics, you know that better, there is always a minority who create troubles and leaves it's impact on others.
The entire arab world inspite off all the ranting and jingoism has done **** to do anything to help the leboneese.

Where are they,,where those who said they will fight the jews...what are they waiting for?

if not now, then when?

The answer is its all fart and no ****!!!
Bull said:
The entire arab world inspite off all the ranting and jingoism has done **** to do anything to help the leboneese.

Where are they,,where those who said they will fight the jews...what are they waiting for?

if not now, then when?

The answer is its all fart and no ****!!!

Arabs are against Zionism not jews, both terms are not the same.

Just to let you know some jews support Palestine cause and are against Zionism.
You mean like Muslims and terrorists? The Muslims who can tell the difference are in a minority and truth be told, most Jews are pro-Israelis which in practicallity, your two religions are going to be at each other's throats.
MC, this isn't anything to be proud of, this is tragic. Another tragedy bestowed upon them by Israel.

Perhaps Arab adults would talk them out of fighting in their childhood. But here's another generation dedicating their lives against Israel. Wasn't the idea to remove Hezbollah and empower normal Lebanese people? What'd be the objective when there are no normal Lebanese people and only Hisbullah.

This isn't anything to be proud of. It's shameful. It's shameful that Israelis have attracted the hatred and disgust of thousands of children.
Officer of Engineers said:
You mean like Muslims and terrorists? The Muslims who can tell the difference are in a minority and truth be told, most Jews are pro-Israelis which in practicallity, your two religions are going to be at each other's throats.

Not all jews are pro-Isrealis.

Orthodox jews are against the Zionist state of Isreal

Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism

True Torah Jews Against Zionism

Isreal dosnt follows the teachings of Torah. Zionism is no one's friend.
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