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"We are desperate for money’: Pakistan's Imran Khan flies into political storm in Saudi Arabia

Chakar The Great

Apr 25, 2018
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United Kingdom
Imran Khan is heading for a trip to the "Future Investment Initiative" in Riyadh; the business forum being widely boycotted by international attendees following the murder of the Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, at the nation’s consulate in Istanbul.

Pakistan's prime minister, however, is in no position to follow such gestures of disapproval. His country is in deep economic crisis, and there is an urgent need for Saudi largesse. Failure to get funds from the Kingdom and China, Islamabad’s long term ally, will mean turning to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for their 13th bailout, with inevitably harsh conditions, since the country’s birth 70 years ago.

Speaking to The Independent in his first interview with foreign media since he came to power two months ago, Mr Khan sought to explain why he had to make the visit. “What happened in Turkey is just shocking, what can I say? It’s shocked all of us,” he said. “But that aside, the reason I have to take this opportunity is because we are country of 210 million people and we have the worst debt crisis in our history.”

“We are desperate for money,” Mr Khan added. “Unless we get loans from friendly countries of IMF, we actually won’t have foreign exchange to either service our debts or to pay for our imports, so unless we get loans, or investment from abroad, we’ll have real, real problems.”
Coming a few weeks after the former captain of the Pakistan cricket team won his unexpected victory at the polls, the meeting with The Independent and two Middle-Eastern publications was timed to take place, say his staff, after he has had time to fully gauge what needed to be done to fulfil his election pledge of tackling poverty and social inequality while trying to balance the books.

But the death of Mr Khashoggi, and the storm it has created, now hangs over dealings of international leaders with Riyadh. Was Mr Khan, the leader of one of the most populous Muslim nations in the world, as well as one of the Kingdom’s closest military allies, in favour of full disclosure? Will he raise the issue with the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who many have accused of being linked to the killing? Did he find the Saudi version of what happened, that Mr Khashoggi had “died in a fistfight” credible?

“I will probably meet Crown Prince Mohammed [bin Salman] at the conference. The question has been raised at many forums and I presume the Saudi Arabian government will have to come up with answers for what happened. They have said that he was killed in a fight, in a scuffle, that’s what I have heard: but they have to come up with an answer,” said the prime minister.

“My position is that I will go along and I will wait for whatever the final explanation is. We hope there is an explanation which satisfies people and those responsible are punished. But again I repeat that as a democrat, as a human being, I find the whole thing sad beyond belief.”

Mr Khan’s wife will not be accompanying him in the Saudi visit, something which could, perhaps, spare embarrassment. Bushra Bibi, his third and current wife, declared recently that apart from the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, this century has had only two really genuine international leaders — her husband and Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Imran Khan sworn in as Pakistan's prime minister
At a time when the Turkish president is engaged in a high-stakes diplomatic manoeuvre with the Saudis over the Khashoggi affair, declaring on Sunday that he will reveal the “naked truth” about the killing – Mrs Khan’s admiration for Mr Erdogan may not have gone down well in the Kingdom. Pakistani government officials wanted to point out that there was no need for Mrs Khan to accompany her husband on such a working visit.

The meeting with Imran Khan took place at his home in Bani Gala, a modern airy house of clean lines in the hills over the sprawling urban landscape of the capital, Islamabad: a home designed to the taste of his his first wife, Jemima Goldsmith a decade and half ago.

We spoke at the Prime Minister’s private office, a relatively modest-sized room with windows looking on to the blue-green waters of Rawal Lake. There were photos of his two sons on the desk, and cricket paintings alongside landscapes on the cream walls. Mr Khan, casually dressed in a plain dark blue shalwar kamiz, and black sandals as befits his image of a man of simple tastes, fingered prayers beads as he spoke.

It was difficult to avoid cricketing terms with a prime minister fond of using them fairly frequently. Asked, for instance, about gaining power after 22 years in Pakistan politics he responded: “I played international sport for 21 years.... One of the most important thing for a sportsman is self-belief, when you step on the field, you always think you’re going to win.” On governance: “You have to keep your eyes on the ball at all times, focus and keep a straight bat”. On his view of Donald Trump: “If I wasn’t the prime minister I would have given my views. Being the prime minister, I have much more responsibility so I’ll just, as in cricket, leave it to go past the off-tump to the keeper: ‘well left’ you may say.”

Relations between the US and Islamabad are at a particularly low ebb at present. Successive American presidents had threatened to cut aid to the Pakistani military unless action was taken against the Taliban and other violent Islamist groups like the Haqqani Network, who the West and the Afghan government claimed were fed and watered in Pakistan while carrying out murderous attacks in Afghanistan. Pakistan has repeatedly denied this.

Mr Trump’s first tweet this year stated that the US “has foolishly given Pakistan more than $33bn in aid over the last 15 years, and they have given us nothing but lies & deceit, thinking of our leaders as fools”. Last month the US administration announced that it was cutting $300m in aid to Pakistan’s military.

Imran Khan with the king of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud at Al-Salam Royal Palace in Jeddah in September (Getty Images)
But it is America which has harmed Pakistan gravely, holds Mr Khan, insisting that Islamabad tackles terrorist sanctuaries in tribal areas. The resultant backlash to that has led to a bitter insurgency killing thousands.

“What should never happen again is that Pakistan on anyone’s insistence, including the Americans, ever send troops against its own people. What should happen instead is [looking at] the only way out of this quagmire in which the Americans are stuck in Afghanistan”, Mr Khan said.

“There has to be a political settlement is what I am saying. For advocating political settlement ten years ago they called me ‘Taliban Khan’. They said I was pro-militant, pro-Talban - this was what I was dubbed in newspapers here and abroad as well,” he added. “Finally there is a realisation now that everywhere, the Americans and the Afghan government that there must be a political settlement. Finally the Americans are also on the same wavelength, previously this was not the case. Finally talks have started with the Taliban.”

Talks have indeed started in Qatar. But in reality talks have been going on with the Taliban, on and off, in Qatar and elsewhere, for over a decade without success. And Imran Khan did not get the monikers ‘Taliban Khan,’ the ‘beardless Islamist’ and other similar sobriquets just
for advocating a political settlement in Afghanistan. It was also because he had taken a hardline stance on a number of religious, social and political issues including supporting the country’s draconian blasphemy laws which carry the death penalty.

It may well be the case that Imran Khan, once the habitué of London nightclubs and filler of gossip columns with his various girlfriends, has, indeed, become a devout and conservative man of religion. His new wife Bibi is a spiritual guide, pir, who wears an all enveloping niqab in public. He only saw his future bride’s face, Mr Khan has said, on the wedding day.

The prime minister’s opponents claim, however, that this has been largely a political act to gain the support of Islamic political parties and also to get the support of the military, a force which has made and broken civilian governments since independence.

The accusation that the prime minister is the military’s man is made by supporters as well as adversaries. Parvez, ‘PJ’ Mir, a broadcaster, former professional cricketer and a backer of the new government said: “This is an army state. This country is not ready for democracy, we have our own habits. The man in the street does not understand democracy, he just wants strong government.”

Supporters of Pakistan's cricketer-turned politician Imran Khan celebrate his election in July (AFP/Getty)
Mr Khan insisted that the country’s military regime’s have in the past been more benign than some civilian governments and the army now promotes and safeguards civilian rule.

“I can tell you that under General Zia’s military rule there was less political victimisation than in the last ten years of Nawaz Sharif and Zardari” he said. “The intentions of the Pakistani military are being misrepresented and that, in fact, it is currently promotes and safeguards civilian rule.

“The military’s role in politics depends on one man, the army chief,” Mr Khan said. “The establishment of Gen Bajwa [Qamar Javed Bajwa, the current chief] is probably the most pro-democratic establishment in our history. I mean the way they have conducted the elections... The army was inside the polling stations and outside, they protected the election on the day.

“A lot of people were killed during the elections and I was under severe threats. It was the security forces which provided the security for me to stand up and conduct rallies, that is why this is the most pro-democratic institution under General Bajwa”.

Ultimately it is the state of the economy rather than the Army which is likely to decide the fate of Imran Khan’s government. There is growing discontent over rising electricity and other commodity prices while unemployment continues to rise.

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With the growing crisis the Khan government has turned to China, as well as Saudi Arabia, for help. Pakistan is very much a part of Beijing’s ‘belt and road’ programme of infrastructure development. The Chinese are building a port in Gwador, in southwestern Balochistan. There are other infrastructure projects and loans and invitation for other countries to join in.

The US, the West, Japan, Australia and India are among states which have rejected Beijing’s plan, seeing it as seeking to spread economic hegemony alongside military expansion, the ‘string of pearls’, in the China Seas and the Indian Ocean.

Within Pakistan there are fears among some of ‘debt-dependency’ to Beijing being suffered by many others involved in the ‘belt and road’ policy. Sri Lanka, for example, has had to cede a port to China for a naval base after ending up owing huge sums. Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand and Bangladesh have all recently all turned away Chinese financing of infrastructure projects.

There have been reports that Mr Khan was opposed to some elements of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) deal. But Mr Khan said he saw it as a “silver lining” for the country.

“It has given Pakistan an opportunity to really take off because of the connectivity and the investment that came in, the only investment and very cheap loans that came into Pakistan when no one else was giving us money,” Mr Khan said.

One of the key conditions of any IMF bail-out of Pakistan, as stressed by the organisation’s managing director, Christine Lagarde, as well as the US, is that the money provided by the Fund is not used to pay off some of the large debt owed to Beijing.

As he juggles various rescue options Mr Khan says he understands “the great expectations from people”.

“They are going through a bad time whatever we do, we will have to raise the price of electricity, gas. The gas sector is bankrupt, the power sector is bankrupt” he said.

“So people are going through a tough period. But once people realise that reforms are taking place, once people see changes coming, then they will realise they will struggle for a while, they’ll put up with bad times.”

It remains unclear just how much time he will be allowed. Two by-elections have been lost since his government came to office two months ago. While international focus remains on the Saudi Arabia in the aftermath of Mr Khashoggi’s killing, Mr Khan’s visit to the Kingdom – taking place in the shadow of that raging controversy – is a matter of huge significance for the future of Pakistan.

And isolated

Replace love with money.
Well a criminal investigation is on way by Joint commission setup by Turkey and Saudia
The citizen is from Saudia and in their embassy and embassies on Turkish soil.

There is not much which Pakistan can do in this regards but to hope the Joint commission finds real facts and help bring answers to the bizarre incident
“The military’s role in politics depends on one man, the army chief,” Mr Khan said.......... The army was inside the polling stations and outside, they protected the election on the day.

“A lot of people were killed during the elections and I was under severe threats. It was the security forces which provided the security for me to stand up and conduct rallies, that is why this is the most pro-democratic institution under General Bajwa”.

One is reminded of the famous quote attributed to a US major in the Vietnam war by Peter Arnett: "It became necessary to destroy the town to save it". I am glad that Mr. Khan cleared that right up. :D
When I saw the language, words like 'desperate' I knew this is a rapistani reporter. Imran Khan is unaware but his associate like Naeem ul Haq should vet and check the reporter and his publication before allowing them to meet PM Imran Khan.

Randians operating in media have used this language to destroy Pakistan's image abroad since late 90s.
This publication wrote a fake article with regards to Makkah which created hue and cry in most of the muslim world and Saudi Foreign Ministry had to clarify this is fake information.

This article is not right at this point of time as he is going for Investment conference. And this gives a wrong impression.
Its comic that he gives reaction for Khashogji murder but does'nt respond on Donald Trump. Somebody needs to school PTI dumb*sses how to handle every tom, dick and harry coming from US and UK calling itself Foreign media or even talk to them.
where is zafar hilali?? will he now open his big phat mouth like he did at yemen saga.
Whenyou are out of power, you can scream morals, virtue and the rest.

When in power, you get a reality check. Different people in power, but the same shit.
We are not desperate to set our relationship with Saudia. Pakistan has its historical relationship with Saudia.

Killing of one journalist is not a strong point to left any diplomatic relationship.

If Saudia want to supporting Pakistan then there is not negative point, even we are submitting to IMF for loans against highest interest.

Diplomacy is not a child work to compare it with micro dysfunction.

ویسے بھی یہاں ایسے جاہل کافی ہیں جو چرس اور

ایفیڈرین بیچنے والے کی گرفتاری کے اکثر چلاتے ھیں

:smokin: آئی ایس آئی مردہ باد
When Pak gets desperate about something, usually she gets it!!! Few examples to recap and refresh:
  • Securing Pak from the jaws of Ram Rajya
  • Getting at least some strategic parts of Kashmir (35%)
  • Stopping the Indian invasion in '65 to undo the Pak hinterlands
  • Preventing traitor terrorist scum Mujib (= Indira) from getting into the power
  • Getting nukes/missiles etc.
  • Getting rid of the USSR
  • Making Afganistan a no-win for the foreign powers
  • Decimating WOT, by CIA/MOSSAD/RAW etc., to make Irak/Syria etc. out of Pak
  • etc.
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