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WB has agreed to finance Diamer-Bhasha dam | Dar

Any link to the announcement by the World Bank itself?

Sir as you are already aware... Such news are created to feed the trolls. It doesn't have to be true but serves the purpose well of day dreaming. I don't even remember the count of banks which agreed to finance diamer bhasha dam before pulling out. So yes take it as a wish for as long as it is not announced by the world bank itself and the agreement signed and most importantly funds are released and the construction work begins
Sir as you are already aware... Such news are created to feed the trolls. It doesn't have to be true but serves the purpose well of day dreaming. I don't even remember the count of banks which agreed to finance diamer bhasha dam before pulling out. So yes take it as a wish for as long as it is not announced by the world bank itself and the agreement signed and most importantly funds are released and the construction work begins

It is rather sad to see the Finance Minister of the only Muslim nuclear power sink to be such a utterly unbelievable fool , but may be it is a matter of necessity to keep fooling our people?
Don't start Kalabagh vs Diamer debate in this thread. You can create another one for such purpose

As far as I remember, if correctly...

Its 3600mw vs 4500mw
Its 6 billion USD vs 14 billion USD
Its about 6 million acre feet of water vs 8 million acre feet of water storage
It's displacement of 28,000 people vs 1 lakh people
One is a dream vs May be a reality

But the fact is, we need both dams and more dams to secure the future of water in Pakistan and both dams comes with distinguished features/advantages so it is not right to compare Apple and oranges.

Now lets get back to Diamer-Bhasha dam only

more like 8 -9 billion..you will hardly get turbines and electric work with 6 billion( no new cost estimation exist).
..also add 800 million dollars to bahsaha for transmission lines kalabagh dam would not require that..

you are wrong about people displaced, its 30,350 people in 32 villages in 4228 houses, 100 km of KKH has to be rebuilt . 9 model villages will be built. half of the land submerged belongs to govt half was brought, while about 33000 rock craving will be affected..important one will be replicated or taken out to be preserved in museum ..(source wapda investment portfolio 2012 october available online) while kalabagh displacement is unknown as no recent report exist but given the surrounding population it should be nearly 100,000 atleast..
Sir as you are already aware... Such news are created to feed the trolls. It doesn't have to be true but serves the purpose well of day dreaming. I don't even remember the count of banks which agreed to finance diamer bhasha dam before pulling out. So yes take it as a wish for as long as it is not announced by the world bank itself and the agreement signed and most importantly funds are released and the construction work begins

real issue is that govt is not willingly to put investment into it..all the govt need is to invest 5-6 billion dollars i.e about 50 billion per year or 10% of your development projects and you will see most of donors nodding yes..you can even get 1-3 billion in supplier credit..how do u think countries like india are making dozen dams there self?
without govt commitment donors usually shy away
Don't start Kalabagh vs Diamer debate in this thread. You can create another one for such purpose

As far as I remember, if correctly...

Its 3600mw vs 4500mw
Its 6 billion USD vs 14 billion USD
Its about 6 million acre feet of water vs 8 million acre feet of water storage
It's displacement of 28,000 people vs 1 lakh people
One is a dream vs May be a reality

But the fact is, we need both dams and more dams to secure the future of water in Pakistan and both dams comes with distinguished features/advantages so it is not right to compare Apple and oranges.

Now lets get back to Diamer-Bhasha dam only

There is no comparison between diamer and kalabagh, we know the electricity of diamer is great so is the investement which is around 150% higher when comparing to build up cost vs energy produced.

But my point was, if same 16 billion $$ could be spend on diamer power station (instead of dam), then the remaining money could be spend on kalabagh. which would b resultant extra storage more canals and so o on.. which here non-knowledgeable people put into debate of comparing both. Which wasn't my point.

actually you are wrong
Kalabagh dam will produce around 16000gwh/yr where as diamer bhasha 19500gw/yr

also another 3800gwhr/yr billion units of electrcity will be added to tarbela dam too.
given that tarbela dam will see a massive extension of 1400mw to total of 4900mw. it will be crucial and may add,
besides this energy at ghazi brotha, chashma will also significantly increase
tarbela life will be increased and floods controlled

however the advantage kalabgh has is time, money and storage on river kabul...
kalabagh can be built in half expensive half time with irrigation canals to surrounding areas

also if munda dam is made it will not only protect punjab also KPK unlike kalabagh

i am in favour of kalabagh dam but we should not discard bhasha dam

lol what a logic, you are stopping terbella water and expecting the power generation will grow. That enough to replay your stupid number analogy. Which is pretty far away from actual figures.

Please do some research then speak.

PS: It's my last post in this thread believe what ever you guys want to believe...
Dar sb, is this also at your own terms like always? :lol:
There is no comparison between diamer and kalabagh, we know the electricity of diamer is great so is the investement which is around 150% higher when comparing to build up cost vs energy produced.

But my point was, if same 16 billion $$ could be spend on diamer power station (instead of dam), then the remaining money could be spend on kalabagh. which would b resultant extra storage more canals and so o on.. which here non-knowledgeable people put into debate of comparing both. Which wasn't my point.

lol what a logic, you are stopping terbella water and expecting the power generation will grow. That enough to replay your stupid number analogy. Which is pretty far away from actual figures.

Please do some research then speak.

PS: It's my last post in this thread believe what ever you guys want to believe...
I am surprised that u r doibg "lol" on peiple who spent billions on studies and feasibiltes studies. What I am quoting is from official source. Now for amatuers to understand I will explain why ? Bhasha dam will be filled up in summer as there is enough water at that time both dam tarbela and bhasha will be at max operation in summer
The real problem is when winter comes, these days we top releasing water as we have to conserve water so production goes down when u do release water its jut 5-6 million acre water plus the slow inflow that generate power, in case of bhasha dam u will get another 6 macf water that will pass through tarbela and ghazi brotha and chashma in winter meaing additional power ..this will also stop the sedimentation and prolong tarbela dam life. building the dasu in future will be beter as it would give more power to it tooo
In nutshell reserves upstream have advantage of increasing power down stream due to more flows in winter

Sorry for spelling, using mobile set

Search wapda offical site the info is available there
Well, there goes a pretty long stretch of the KKH. As much as I appreciate the necessity of this dam, I still wish there was a way around it.
Well, there goes a pretty long stretch of the KKH. As much as I appreciate the necessity of this dam, I still wish there was a way around it.

they have already completed the feasibility of the new KKH, its cost is included in dam construction cost!

the dam may ad upto 10% to gdp directly..its ROI ratio is 2.2 years..meaning it will return govt investment within 2 years of its completion
its more important than motor ways
imagine had it been built in 90s...today we would have been producing 12,000 mw through just tarbela ,bhasha,mangla and ghazi brotha (out of summer demand of 17000mw).
the benefit of bhasha is that regulating flow willl allow max production from tarbela dam,ghazi brotha and chasma too
unfortunately we wasted alot of time making the dam very costly..
they have already completed the feasibility of the new KKH, its cost is included in dam construction cost!

the dam may ad upto 10% to gdp directly..its ROI ratio is 2.2 years..meaning it will return govt investment within 2 years of its completion
its more important than motor ways
imagine had it been built in 90s...today we would have been producing 12,000 mw through just tarbela ,bhasha,mangla and ghazi brotha (out of summer demand of 17000mw).
the benefit of bhasha is that regulating flow willl allow max production from tarbela dam,ghazi brotha and chasma too
unfortunately we wasted alot of time making the dam very costly..

Yeah I know, its a pretty sensible step. I was speaking in concern for the adverse impacts on the environment and the historic heritage.
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