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Water Warriors



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Jun 10, 2012
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Ask anyone in Pakistan: what shall the two neighbors, India and Pakistan, fight their next war on, and you are likely to get a consensus on the answer: water. Not that it is necessarily true, but that is the current creed, built on a half-baked and semi-literate discourse pedaled on a daily basis in the mainstream media.

Why is this done? And, why is such a narrative successfully entrenching itself? The answer to both dilemmas lies in the domain of partial inquiry that beguiles this developing thought. Those who pass as experts are only half that. None is taught the field of hydrology or even has basic education in water. In such a barren landscape, shorn of water wit, if the dominating belief is that India is selling Pakistan’s electricity extracted from stolen Pakistani waters, or even more insidiously, is sending our way water minus its electricity, show me the way to Mars.

This Martian existence has other dimensions, too. The present adviser on water and power to the government is a pharmacist by training. The PPP government had a medical doctor as the minister in charge for petroleum and natural resources for most of its five years, who reportedly had something to do with inducting the pharmacist. Not exactly a reassuring lineage. But listen to the current adviser on water talk of the power travails and his prescription for alleviating the curse of persistent power cuts, and you are likely to come out singing his praises. Whether he has ever been close to a real grid station though, is another issue altogether.

With premier slots in the government open to glib fly-by-night experts, competition is bound to rise. That, in essence, is the underlying causality for the current band of water warriors spewing venom at one another and on anything that emerges from the inner sanctums of government as the way forward out of the power morass.

The basic construct of the Indus Basin Water Treaty, which governs water relations between India and Pakistan, was luckily constituted in English — translations, too, are available — and anyone with a basic sense of science and geography should be able to understand the essence of what this excellent piece of agreement contains as the guiding principles to keep waters flowing. The treaty has stood the test of three-and-a-half wars, and many near ones since, when all else failed between the two states.

The problem is, not many have opened up the treaty and its various annexes to correctly define and identify the rules for run-of-the river projects and permitted levels for domestic, consumptive, non-consumptive and agricultural use. Similarly, what is India permitted as ‘pondage’, as against ‘storage’ that she is frequently indicted for in the Pakistani narrative? Cumulative storage in ‘pondage’ is not to exceed 3.6 million acre-feet (MAF). Do we know how much India is actually storing? A recent figure suggested over 200 MAF in popular discourse in Pakistan. Pakistan’s total share of the three western rivers averages 117 MAF. From where is India managing to store more than 200 MAF from the same rivers? And these are Pakistan’s rivers. Since we don’t read, we become easy prey for the disinformation that goes around on such critical issues.

India and Pakistan each store roughly the same amount of water (16 MAF) from their allotted rivers in the Indus Water Treaty; yet, India produces 12,700 MW of power from their three rivers, compared with Pakistan’s 6,717 MW only from the three western rivers. From Chenab alone, India recovers 8,700 MW, while Pakistan extracts only 14 MW. It is a dynamic of finances — of which India has plenty more — and of topography that India exploits better. Our woes are many; in water, too, but we must begin by husbanding our resources better.

A recent television discussion on water wars counted a civil engineer, a fighter-pilot, a man who runs a private security company and two journalists as experts. Pity the listening audience. The landscape is droughty and barren and the impostors have an easy ride. Ferret out the water-literate and put them to work.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 12th, 2013 By Shahzad Chaudhry

Water warriors – The Express Tribune
India is a water thief, not only Pakistan but Bangladesh also facing this theft from indian govt. shameful, no doubt. !
Pakistan has lost all cases of arbitration it has brought against India so far, which simply proves that the media is once again favoring war with India instead of peace. Slanted media reports about India stealing Pakistan’s waters are planted to cause alarm and resultant jingoism for another war with India that Pakistan will surely lose.

Is India Stealing Pakistan

India is a water thief, not only Pakistan but Bangladesh also facing this theft from indian govt. shameful, no doubt. !

prove that or leave it..and if you guys want to scrap the treaty I'll be the happiest man..cause,next in the line will be something like 30% of water,whats BD is going to get...but we know Pakistan willn't do that..cause,you guys know that its your fault that causes huge amount of wastage of resources like water,not ours....by the way,read the above article posted...
Pakistan has lost all cases of arbitration it has brought against India so far, which simply proves that the media is once again favoring war with India instead of peace. Slanted media reports about India stealing Pakistan’s waters are planted to cause alarm and resultant jingoism for another war with India that Pakistan will surely lose.

Is India Stealing Pakistan

prove that or leave it..and if you guys want to scrap the treaty I'll be the happiest man..cause,next in the line will be something like 30% of water,whats BD is going to get...but we know Pakistan willn't do that..cause,you guys know that its your fault that causes huge amount of wastage of resources like water,not ours....by the way,read the above article posted...

I always say India is a technical chor, you get away with theft because you plan it that way, it doesnot mean India is not a thief !
Water is an emotional topic and anti-India terrorist organisations have chosen to manipulate the facts and use the subject as a means to recruit the millions of destitute people in Pakistan's rural population. Pakistan's anxieties regarding shared waters should be addressed by all means but on the basis of fact and reason not emotions and misconceptions.
I always say India is a technical chor, you get away with theft because you plan it that way, it doesnot mean India is not a thief !

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I liked it.."Technical Chor".. :rofl: :rofl:

so why don't you prove that we're a "Technical chor"??I mean,International court will punish a thief,be it technical or not...

by the way,I'll advice Pakistan not to badmouth India what we didn't and start reserving water..
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I liked it.."Technical Chor".. :rofl: :rofl:

so why don't you prove that we're a "Technical chor"??I mean,International court will punish a thief,be it technical or not...

by the way,I'll advice Pakistan not to badmouth India what we didn't and start reserving water..

technical chor is one who gets away from net of law.

but is still a chor !
technical chor is one who gets away from net of law.

but is still a chor !

ok...got your point..so,you've no proof..yet you guys just want to badmouth..I can live with that... :sleep:
ok...got your point..so,you've no proof..yet you guys just want to badmouth..I can live with that... :sleep:

you can act stupid as long as it serves you.. good for you !


Heavy flood expected in Kasur as India releases 87000 cusec water in Sutlej.

this is water terrorism from India !
you can act stupid as long as it serves you.. good for you !


Heavy flood expected in Kasur as India releases 87000 cusec water in Sutlej.

this is water terrorism from India !

did Pakistani establishment accuse India for releasing water without warning or without proper reason????post official statement if you can..

got it.....

KASUR: India has released 87,000 cusecs of water in River Sutlej from Harike headworks.

According to DCO Syed Javed Bukhari, the released fresh water is likely to enter Pakistani territory at Ganda Singhwala on Monday evening.

He said that villages and towns near River Sutlej are being evacuated in wake of any possible uncertain situation.


he nowhere accused India for "Water Terrorism"..its most likely a discussed move and they already evacuated the towns...
did Pakistani establishment accuse India for releasing water without warning or without proper reason????post official statement if you can..

like I said you can act stupid as long as it serves you, its good for you !
India is a water thief, not only Pakistan but Bangladesh also facing this theft from indian govt. shameful, no doubt. !

You guys just like to blame us for your own incompetency. Do keep in mind there is an international neutral court for water issues, and the few times Pakistan has challenged India, it has failed miserably.

Its not our fault you Muslims dont have any technology and cannot build dams or storage facility in BD or Pak.
like I said you can act stupid as long as it serves you, its good for you !

and you act as imbecile as long as serve you..do you have a single proof about India steal water or India intentionally realeased water to cause flood in Pakistan..when you'll have,then we'll talk..until then...ADIOS....

You guys just like to blame us for your own incompetency. Do keep in mind there is an international neutral court for water issues, and the few times Pakistan has challenged India, it has failed miserably.

Its not our fault you Muslims dont have any technology and cannot build dams or storage facility in BD or Pak.

one correction..Muslim have tech..its likely Pakistan don't have money or intention to build it..they're living in a fool's paradise..lets not make a troll fest here..edit you post please..
Yes india is real water thief, sirf Pakistan he Bangladesh ko mushkialat ho rai hai India ka goverment sy , i
You guys just like to blame us for your own incompetency. Do keep in mind there is an international neutral court for water issues, and the few times Pakistan has challenged India, it has failed miserably.

Its not our fault you Muslims dont have any technology and cannot build dams or storage facility in BD or Pak.

You Muslims?? I been watching you express your distaste for muslims over and over in this forum.Just because you have a problem with BD & Pakistan doesn't meant you single out an entire race but hey that's what you people are taught in india.
Save your bigotry for some other forum.This ain't the place.

On topic: BD and Pakistan can build dams if they want but they have incompetent politicians.
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