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Watch video of BSF response to unprovoked firing from Pakistan

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Firstly it doesn't suit a fake ID stray like you to box above your weight and I'm surprised that @Areesh hasn't noticed you yet.
So genius, after the following incident in the Red Corridor, is Indian army going to heat up the LOC.


Well at least this is the logic you are implying in reference to with Pakistan army.
And picking and choosing random tweets will not salvage your tiny ego.
I mean is the Indian army going to disclose the real causality figures a decade later like before.

Shut up, I do not operate at fake Ids (you are doing that). One punching in the air way above your weight is you.
Yes, if army was attacked by maos we would have definitely increased heat on LoC.

Also that RTI is as credible as Nawaz claiming 3000 Pakistani soldiers killed in kargil war or SSG general saying 700 SSG commandos killed in Waziristan.
Shut up, I do not operate at fake Ids (you are doing that). One punching in the air way above your weight is you.
Yes, if army was attacked by maos we would have definitely increased heat on LoC.

Also that RTI is as credible as Nawaz claiming 3000 Pakistani soldiers killed in kargil war or SSG general saying 700 SSG commandos killed in Waziristan.
Seems i have hit your nerve, Put a sock in it kid, you maybe able to change your ID but not your desperate habits of posting random tweets and blabbering about ISPR.
And if it wasn't Maos, who attacked your security forces today or previously, surely not some desperate Dalits.
Pakistani Generals and Indian media also say Pakistan still holds four Katgil heights, what you say about that.
Seems i have hit your nerve, Put a sock in it kid, you maybe able to change your ID but not your desperate habits of posting random tweets and blabbering about ISPR.
And if it wasn't Maos, who attacked your security forces today or previously, surely not some desperate Dalits.
Pakistani Generals and Indian media also say Pakistan still holds four Katgil heights, what you say about that.
Desperate enough to create fake Ids is only one here and it is you. Looks like I touched a nerve by mentioning your ISPR masters.
I Cleary said If army was attacked by maos we would have heated up LoC but ones who got attacked were cops not army.

Reminder that the very first person to mention about Point 5353 also mentioned about Point 5310 which was captured by Indian troops inside Pakistan side of LoC. Additionally we also captured point 5770 & Point anzbari in Kamar sector on Pak side of LoC
Firstly it doesn't suit a fake ID stray like you to box above your weight and I'm surprised that @Areesh hasn't noticed you yet.
So genius, after the following incident in the Red Corridor, is Indian army going to heat up the LOC.


Well at least this is the logic you are implying in reference to with Pakistan army.
And picking and choosing random tweets will not salvage your tiny ego.
I mean is the Indian army going to disclose the real causality figures a decade later like before.

Not one word on what he said,did Isrp report the soliders death he was referring to
Desperate enough to create fake Ids is only one here and it is you. Looks like I touched a nerve by mentioning your ISPR masters.
I Cleary said If army was attacked by maos we would have heated up LoC but ones who got attacked were cops not army.
Damn, i have been operating under a fake ID for the last ten years and you have just exposed me. :lol:
Your stupidity is evident from your posts....you are saying that if Maoist attack your army in one side of country, you will heat up the LOC. :lol:...... i guess that's the usual Indian ploy to cover their frustration.
Reminder that the very first person to mention about Point 5353 also mentioned about Point 5310 which was captured by Indian troops inside Pakistan side of LoC. Additionally we also captured point 5770 & Point anzbari in Kamar sector on Pak side of LoC
Well you Indians make a song and dance about even capturing a Pigeon, if there was any reality in above, I'm sure Sunny Deol would put on a wig and go berserk again.
Damn, i have been operating under a fake ID for the last ten years and you have just exposed me. :lol:
Your stupidity is evident from your posts....you are saying that if Maoist attack your army in one side of country, you will heat up the LOC. :lol:...... i guess that's the usual Indian ploy to cover their frustration.

Well you Indians make a song and dance about even capturing a Pigeon, if there was any reality in above, I'm sure Sunny Deol would put on a wig and go berserk again.
Yes everyone knows about fakeness of of yours posts as you have got busted many times posting fake Facebook videos.

BTW capture of Anzabari and Point 5310 was confirmed by US Assitant secretary of Defense Peter Lavoy in his book:

https://books.google.co.in/books?id=-vifpWqV2WYC&pg=PA58&lpg=PA58&dq=anzbari+feature+1992&source=bl&ots=eqk7w8j9mK&sig=bICM79xFUqZhenzzwNAZai9l1oM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiI1v6BlsLXAhUCTbwKHVyTBwMQ6AEIHzAA#v=onepage&q=anzbari feature 1992&f=false
Ok,Let's suppose this is a video shot taken using Thermals,but where are human heat signatures,because thermal would detect human signature,
See how a body with Heat Signature is detected.I guess that was same like Fake Encounters.

Except this is an active border where two military powers engage sporadically.
You are not going to see soldiers canoeing freely so that rpgs and bullets can hit them.

Do use that common sense.
Except this is an active border where two military powers engage sporadically.
You are not going to see soldiers canoeing freely so that rpgs and bullets can hit them.

Do use that common sense.
Still there are patrolling parties+santries who would have been quite visable using TVG's.
And all these bunkers are capable of withstanding Mortor fire,RPG fire,HMG Fire,RR Fire and many are capable of withstanding ATGM's.
Using your own logic we can say that Pakistan is firing on border to take attention away from incidents like this from last week:

Also how is it dubious when Pakistan does not reveal to the public it's casualties on LoC, for example this Sepoy Raja Ahsan was reported as casualty on chhamb sector LoC on 26/04/18 by local news channels in Mirpur in Pak controlled Kashmir but ISPR never reported it:


First of all this is a fake news from social media and no sepoy raja ahsan has died at LOC due to Indian fire.

Yeah 5 Indian soldiers died in April so sepoy raha ahsan may have killed 1 or 2 of them.

So we openly challenge you prove death of this Sepoy Raja Ahsan from a credible news source other than social media and we would prove death of 5 Indian soldiers in return.

Can you do it bharati? I bet you can't :lol:

@Windjammer Yeah he is the shameless multiple ID rat. I did recognize him but didn't point him to mods since I wanted to be more confirm about him.

Anyways I have given him a challenge. He just needs to prove 1 death and I would prove 5. Let's see whether social media would fake a proof for him or not.

Yes everyone knows about fakeness of of yours posts as you have got busted many times posting fake Facebook videos.

BTW capture of Anzabari and Point 5310 was confirmed by US Assitant secretary of Defense Peter Lavoy in his book:

https://books.google.co.in/books?id=-vifpWqV2WYC&pg=PA58&lpg=PA58&dq=anzbari+feature+1992&source=bl&ots=eqk7w8j9mK&sig=bICM79xFUqZhenzzwNAZai9l1oM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiI1v6BlsLXAhUCTbwKHVyTBwMQ6AEIHzAA#v=onepage&q=anzbari feature 1992&f=false

At least 4 Indian posts were under Pakistani control after kargil war as confirmed by Indian media itself.the number can be as high as 6.

But f*ck that and prove that you killed 1 raja ahsan and I would prove we killed 5 in April.

The challenge is open and we are waiting. Bring any credible source other than social media

We are waiting and if you fail then I would personally get you banned. Save yourself on this forum Multiple ID rat. :lol:
First of all this is a fake news from social media and no sepoy raja ahsan has died at LOC due to Indian fire.

Yeah 5 Indian soldiers died in April so sepoy raha ahsan may have killed 1 or 2 of them.

So we openly challenge you prove death of this Sepoy Raja Ahsan from a credible news source other than social media and we would prove death of 5 Indian soldiers in return.

Can you do it bharati? I bet you can't :lol:

@Windjammer Yeah he is the shameless multiple ID rat. I did recognize him but didn't point him to mods since I wanted to be more confirm about him.

Anyways I have given him a challenge. He just needs to prove 1 death and I would prove 5. Let's see whether social media would fake a proof for him or not.

At least 4 Indian posts were under Pakistani control after kargil war as confirmed by Indian media itself.the number can be as high as 6.

But f*ck that and prove that you killed 1 raja ahsan and I would prove we killed 5 in April.

The challenge is open and we are waiting. Bring any credible source other than social media

We are waiting and if you fail then I would personally get you banned. Save yourself on this forum Multiple ID rat. :lol:
I am no multiple ID rat but your definitely multiple denial rat.
Anyways I do not have to prove anything and nor do I care about your crying nonethless Sepoy Raja Ahsan death was reported by Kashmir tezz (its right there in the pic) which is the largest news website from Mirpur.

But fk that as it is immaterial since 2018 ISPR ceremony proved that neither ISPR nor Pak media reported several casualties in 2016. Even in that ceremony only the names of Tamgha award receivers were revealed
so it means non award winner still get not get reported.

Plus capture of Point 5310, Point 5770, Point Anzabari and other points in Kaksar were appropriate responses
I am no multiple ID ra but your definitely multiple denial rat.
Anyways I do not have to prove anything and nor do I care about your crying nonethless Sep oh Raja Ahsan death was reported by Kashmir tezz (its right there in the pic) which is the largest news website from Mirpur.

But fk that as it is immaterial since 2018 ISPR ceremony proved that neither ISPR not Pak media reported several casualties in 2016. Even in that ceremony only the names of Tamgha award receivers were revealed
so it means non award winner still get not get reported.

First of all you are a Multiple ID and with every post you are confirming that.

Secondly the source that you have given is no credible or authentic source but is a stupid blog that shares news like

"mirpur ka naujawan larki sai mu Kala kartai hoye pakra gaya"

:rofl: :rofl:

You call that authentic source Multiple ID rat? It is even less credible than your dozens of fake ID that I have got banned on this forum.

Anyways give any credible local news source from AJK to prove death of this raja ahsan and I would prove 5 Indian deaths in april from authentic news source.

Challenge is on. Come on you just need to prove 1 death while I have to prove 5 :lol:
First of all you are a Multiple ID and with every post you are confirming that.

Secondly the source that you have given is no credible or authentic source but is a stupid blog that shares news like

"mirpur ka naujawan larki sai mu Kala kartai hoye pakra gaya"

:rofl: :rofl:

You call that authentic source Multiple ID rat? It is even less credible than your dozens of fake ID that I have got banned on this forum.

Anyways give any credible local news source from AJK to prove death of this raja ahsan and I would prove 5 Indian deaths in april from authentic news source.

Challenge is on. Come on you just need to prove 1 death while I have to prove 5 :lol:
While I am no multiple ID rat thanks for proving you are a multiple whining rat.:rofl:

I have a simple challenge for you, prove that these four loc casualties from 2016 were reported in Pak media or ISPR before GHQ award ceremony in 2018:
1) Sepoy Ali gohar
2) L/Nk Mohammed Intizar
3) Sepoy Khial Muhammad
4) Sepoy Nazar Mahmoud

If you find any media report local or national, I will accept that all social media casualty posts are fake.
If you fail it proves ISPR is dishonest about reporting own casualties.
Easy challenge.
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