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Watch the student film about Kashmir the I&B Ministry has blocked at Kerala fest

For mullahs it must be confusing .But for sane people ,they dont have to work harder to understand these things

nothing much to see in the clip except hyped Hindutva propaganda meant for 'Mother India' sanghis consumption (Sanghis are experts in morphing, photoshopping and faking news - Right-wingers pass off a Guatemalan mob lynching video as one of a Marwadi woman being burnt alive by a Muslim mob https://www.altnews.in/right-winger...l&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer) . What happened in Kashmir is shrouded in controversies - as the narrative is dominated by KPs propagandists living outside Kashmir and not those living peacefully inside Kashmir. (If the undisciplined Indian Peace Keeping Force can rape and kill 1000s of Tamils during peace time in Tamil Eelam, the fate of Kashmiris under the occupying Indian army is unimaginable)

On the one hand, he says, the community did experience intimidation and violence, which culminated in four massacres in the past 20 years. But, on the other, he says, there was no genocide or mass murder as suggested by Pandit communities based outside Kashmir
"Over the past 20 years, we estimate that 650 Pandits were killed in the valley," Tickoo says, adding: "The figures of 3,000 to 4,000 killings [as suggested by some Pandit organisations] is propaganda, which we reject."

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Is it possible to visit Indian-occupied Kashmir as a tourist?

Well...there is nothing called Indian Occupied Kashmir...But we have a state called Jammu and Kashmir.
If you are interested to visit to J&K, then you can visit. Many tourist visit to J&K each year inspite of insurgency in the valley area.
nothing much to see in the clip except hyped Hindutva propaganda meant for 'Mother India' sanghis consumption (Sanghis are experts in morphing, photoshopping and faking news - Right-wingers pass off a Guatemalan mob lynching video as one of a Marwadi woman being burnt alive by a Muslim mob https://www.altnews.in/right-winger...l&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer) . What happened in Kashmir is shrouded in controversies - as the narrative is dominated by KPs propagandists living outside Kashmir and not those living peacefully inside Kashmir. (If the undisciplined Indian Peace Keeping Force can rape and kill 1000s of Tamils during peace time in Tamil Eelam, the fate of Kashmiris under the occupying Indian army is unimaginable)


KP propogandists ?
Lol they dont have enough demography to keep them stronger .

If you see that as fake ,we will also this as a fake .There is no mystery .
Kashmiris asked for all this

Oh please ,you cant even complete one sentence in Tamil.
So stop that BS
Why They Don't Want You to See This 16 Minute Kashmir Film

Ali Saiffudin, another singer featuring in the film says “Thank you! Maybe it is a good thing. We’ve now got more views. More people are watching it, talking about it and thinking”. Ali also claims that this is nothing new from the side of the Indian State.

Wajahat Habibullah, former Chief Information Commissioner and a co-author of the letter, believes that the banning of these films falls into the narrative of hyper nationalism that their open letter addresses. “Even critiquing a Government is participation, which is the basis of democracy. Critiquing the Government has now become synonymous with sedition. Today there is an increasing decline in this participation. This is not the India we have all worked towards creating. What Kashmir especially needs now is more freedom to express itself.”

Jawahar Sircar who served as Secretary to the Ministry of Culture from late 2008 to 2012 feels that there is a growing, creeping, intolerance in the country. “Let’s not beat around the bush. This is a choking of freedom of speech. We as a country have come together on the basis of consent. We shouldn’t be taking that consent for granted.” He also added that such decisions are coming from a Government which has a long history of condemning all previous discussions on nationalism. “We have enough evidence on that. And now suddenly the same people are dictating the terms of nationalism and national integrity to us? This is just absurd!”

Sanjay Kak, noted author and film maker believes the only way of fighting censorship is by speaking up: and speaking up for the rights of everyone whose voice is sought to be choked, whether that voice belongs to Rohith Vemula, the students of JNU, or in this case, a film about young Kashmiris. “In India we're at a point where we can hardly decide what we can or cannot eat, or what food we can or cannot keep in our homes, without running the risk of being punished for it, attacked, even lynched for it. So whether we have the right to watch something that the Ministry deems to be threatening ‘National Integrity’, well that seems an even more ambitious, even outlandish idea right now.“

Heeba Din is a research student at Kashmir University which is the same University in which the students in the film are studying and were filmed at. She believes that such films make the Government scared and uncomfortable. “The film shows young, bright, educated Kashmiris responding to the conflict in their own resilient ways. When educated, English speaking Kashmiri students identify the Indian State as an occupying force, it scares the Government. So this doesn’t come as a surprise to me. The State will do anything to clamp down these voices.”

KP propogandists ?
Lol they dont have enough demography to keep them stronger .

If you see that as fake ,we will also this as a fake .There is no mystery .
Kashmiris asked for all this

Oh please ,you cant even complete one sentence in Tamil.
So stop that BS

you must be proud of your army


extracted from 'Mission Overseas'
What are the other films that were denied permission by Modi and his RSS thugs? Are they also available on youtube?
March March March is a documentary film based on the series of events that happened in JNU last year between March- September 2016. Here's the full video of the documentary.

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