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Watch Tejas stun Malaysian audience in Lima 2019

Well tbh , its nothing special but langkawi is definitely stunning
Not sure the word stun has the same meaning here. The IAF gives a much better display with the Mirage 2000 than this blase routine.
I remember the malfunction where Tejas air chute is released prematurely. Probably stunned by this kind of poor act. :enjoy:
No such thing happened.
Tejas automatically jettisons drag chute once its ground speed is around 100km/hr.
In the video in post #1 one can clearly see when the chute was jettisoned the aircraft speed already reduced to 100km/hr

F-16 and F-35 does the same.

No such thing happened.
Tejas automatically jettisons drag chute once its ground speed is around 100km/hr.
In the video in post #1 one can clearly see when the chute was jettisoned the aircraft speed already reduced to 100km/hr

F-16 and F-35 does the same.

Wrong comparisons. Both eject at different timing.
I saw Tejas Flying faster and maneuvering faster than Bahrain air show. With Tejas MK1+, Tejas shall loose at least 500 kg of weight with improved aerodynamics and AOA and STR improving by couple of degrees. In each of air show from now onward, we shall see performance of Tejas improving.
It will have state of art Indo Isreali EW, AESA and ultra long range missiles like METEOR, Astra MK2, SFDR etc. Tejas shall rule Asia.
where was tejas gone on 27feb combat we were waiting for it for long time.It emits so much smoke that it can be detected by naked eyes without using any radar
Not saying it out of any bias but that was just a standard performance not Stunning. They could have at least tried to do a short field takeoff to show Thrust to weight like this

Yeah, its a real shame that JF-17 couldn't make it to the actual air show in malaysia or even Bahrain to humiliate us.

Wrong comparisons. Both eject at different timing.
It does not depend upon timing.
Drag chutes automatically eject as 100km/hr.
It does not matter whether you took to deaccelerated to that speed in just 10 seconds or 30 seconds.
Tejas drag chute got jettisoned automatically as it speed was 100km/hr.
Yeah, its a real shame that JF-17 couldn't make it to the actual air show in malaysia or even Bahrain to humiliate us.
but it did reach the battle scene on time to decimate a flying coffin along with Rapptooor of Easht
I guess thats enough for us to celebrate it also proves JFTs superior capability
when teja was putting her circus costumes thunders was fighting a real world aerial battle
and emerged as victorious
Yeah, its a real shame that JF-17 couldn't make it to the actual air show in malaysia or even Bahrain to humiliate us.


Actual and real airshow happened on February 27th of this year ......... no?

What happened to Tejas ...... the truck got a flat tyre or something?

but it did reach the battle scene on time to decimate a flying coffin along with Rapptooor of Easht
I guess thats enough for us to celebrate it also proves JFTs superior capability
when teja was putting her circus costumes thunders was fighting a real world aerial battle
and emerged as victorious

If only that was true.

Reality is that PAF had more faith in their 40 year old F-16 than brand new JF-17 :lol:
Actual and real airshow happened on February 27th of this year ......... no?

What happened to Tejas ...... the truck got a flat tyre or something?

True, when a second generation plane shot down a forth generation plane.
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