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WATCH: Escorted by Israeli soldiers, masked Jewish settlers throw stones at Palestinian children


Jun 1, 2012
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WATCH: IDF soldiers escort masked settlers attacking Palestinian village | +972 Magazine

The West Bank Palestinian village of Urif is no stranger to incursions and attacks by Israelis – both military and civilian. Most of the time, however, the two come separately.

A series of videos released by Israeli human rights group B’Tselem on Wednesday show what appear to be masked Israeli settlers entering the Nablus area village and throwing stones on Monday. According to B’Tselem witnesses, they threw the stones toward a Palestinian school, all while being escorted by Israeli soldiers.

The following video is a compilation of four sequential video clips. They can be viewed separately here: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Not only do the Israeli soldiers make no attempt (seen in the video) to stop the marauding settlers, when Palestinian schoolchildren throw stones back at their attackers, the soldiers join in – firing tear gas at the Palestinians, according to B’Tselem.

At another point in the video, one of the masked settlers appears to be directing others with a large two-way radio.

According to B’Tselem, whose volunteer videographers witnessed the scene, the settlers approached a USAID-funded water reservoir construction site in the village, threw stones at a family home and broke an electricity meter.

The filmed record indicates that the military, which is required to defend Palestinians in the West Bank, in actual fact served as a security entourage for violent settlers,” B’Tselem said in a statement, adding that, “the military backed the settlers in their assault on Palestinians and their property.”

+972 requested a response from the IDF, which will be added as soon as it is received.

Early in 2013, the Israeli military was filmed harassing the entire village of Urif by driving through the village in the middle of the night blaring sirens, throwing stun grenades and yelling through loudspeakers, “Good morning Urif.” (Video here.) Soldiers in that case were reprimanded.

In May of 2013, following the murder of a settler from Yitzhar, the army also escorted masked settlers as they attacked Urif and a neighboring Palestinian village of Asira al-Qibliya.

Later the same month, soldiers stood by as masked settlers shot a Palestinian man in the head in Asira al-Qibliya.

A week later, settlers set fire to a field in Urif and shot a Palestinian man who was trying to extinguish the flames.

In all of the cases mentioned in this report, the settlers were alleged to have come from Yitzhar, although due to the fact that they wear masks, their identity has not been confirmed in most cases. As can be seen in the video of this week’s incident, however, the IDF could easily have detained or identified the attackers.
Shame on illegal state of israel , they are worst than animals ... Pakistan should send 10000 army special forces to defend west bank from these animals ... these animals will learn when they face the real force and they can only attack the poor people , cant face some one of their own size ...
Another joke thread created by false flag propagandist.

First of all he is lying as usual. No any children in video.
Secondly that shows level of his frustration - create a thread about throwed stone.

Boy u should try harder or u wont get ur wage this month.
Another joke thread created by false flag propagandist.

First of all he is lying as usual. No any children in video.
Secondly that shows level of his frustration - create a thread about throwed stone.

Boy u should try harder or u wont get ur wage this month.
and here comes the chosen people :agree:
Another joke thread created by false flag propagandist.

First of all he is lying as usual. No any children in video.
Secondly that shows level of his frustration - create a thread about throwed stone.

Boy u should try harder or u wont get ur wage this month.
Yup throwing stones at women is more macho thing!
Another joke thread created by false flag propagandist.
Reported for another instance of out-of-control insulting.

First of all he is lying as usual. No any children in video.
How do you know? The tape was filiming the attackers only. And read the article - the description was made by an "Israeli" group, B'Tselem, not by me. Granted, the incident described - where the IDF joins the settler attack - was not released. Might be soon.

Secondly that shows level of his frustration - create a thread about throwed stone.
You wish. But the IDF is the gift that keeps on giving. Some days ago I even had a thread about IDF soldiers hiding by schools and shooting children in the back. Is that bad enough for you? Anyway, the excuse used by your army for shooting one of the children dead is that he was throwing stones. Alleged stone-throwing by Palestinians is always used by your side to justify deadly force. (Solomon2 tried it to for one of the murders.) But apparently only when the supposed thrower is Palestinian - when it's a Jew, the stone becomes less dangerous, it seems, based on your comment.

And by the way, it's spelled "thrown".

Boy u should try harder or u wont get ur wage this month.
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Shame on illegal state of israel , they are worst than animals ... Pakistan should send 10000 army special forces to defend west bank from these animals ... these animals will learn when they face the real force and they can only attack the poor people , cant face some one of their own size ...
This is just propaganda dear, media created ...Do you believe this...:cheesy::disagree:
you certainly denied to beheading of Indian solider in video and called it media propaganda ...
This is just propaganda dear, media created ...Do you believe this...:cheesy::disagree:
The videos are by an Israeli group, B'Tselem, which is a human rights NGO, not a media anything. B'Tselem's activities would not be tolerated by the Israeli government in case it was just agitating against it with fake footage. Try to know some of background of the situation before weighing in with these falsehoods.
Yup throwing stones at women is more macho thing!
We dont see at who there are throwing stones.

1) At 0:11 we can see an old Palestinian man, he is close to settlers and not seem to be worried at all.
2) At 0:55 we see some Palestinian guy running but then video is cut for unknown reason. :rolleyes:

Thats all basically what we see in that "sensational" video. Another fake topic created by fake flag propagandist.
Shame on illegal state of israel , they are worst than animals ... Pakistan should send 10000 army special forces to defend west bank from these animals ... these animals will learn when they face the real force and they can only attack the poor people , cant face some one of their own size ...

Pakistan should send its entire defence forces (though they wont be enough) to fight insurgents in Balochistan, SWAT, FATA and defend Shias, Christians, Hindus, polio vaccination teams, journalists, foreign nationals, government officials ...
We dont see at who there are throwing stones.

At 0:11 we can see a old Palestinian man, he is close to settlers and not seem to be worried at all.

At 0:55 we see some Palestinian guy running but then video is cut for unknown reason. :rolleyes:

Thats all basically what we see in that sensational video.
At 2:01 - 2:04 was I dont know a man with a headscarf...or do you need other videos for proof?

How about those soldiers dispersing after the people who were throwing the stones going towards their heavy vehicles ...unknown reasons there too...
At 2:01 - 2:04 was I dont know a man with a headscarf...or do you need other videos for proof?
She does not look worried.

Reported for another instance of out-of-control insulting.
I also call you a LIAR. Go on and whine to moderators.

How do you know? The tape was filiming the attackers only.
LOL you claimed that they throw stones at kids, but we cant see any kids in video. Hence u are a LIAR.
We dont see at who there are throwing stones.
Then you admit you don't know if they weren't aiming at children from the footage, as you keep saying.

1) At 0:11 we can see an old Palestinian man, he is close to settlers and not seem to be worried at all.
Come again? There's no old man there.

2) At 0:55 we see some Palestinian guy running but then video is cut for unknown reason. :rolleyes:
Unknown man with unknown nationality seen running for unknown reason. That changes everything.
The videos are by an Israeli group, B'Tselem, which is a human rights NGO, not a media anything. B'Tselem's activities would not be tolerated by the Israeli government in case it was just agitating against it with fake footage. Try to know some of background of the situation before weighing in with these falsehoods.
I have nothing to do with Israel Palestine struggle... I was just quoting to the person who just denied a video , where, Indian soldier is beheaded by pakistani Army and he/she called it a media propaganda.
And btw there are many angle to see a thing, this video presents only one aspect. Israel is india good friend and I will go with Israel... It's not necessery that every one have to agree with your views...:coffee:
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