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Washington does not accept Japan's claims to Diaoyu Islands


Apr 8, 2007
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A US Congressional report said Washington has never recognized Japan's sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands and takes no position over the territorial row between Japan and China.

The report, published on Sept 25 by the Congressional Research Service, said the US recognizes only Japan's administrative power over the Diaoyu Islands after the Okinawa Reversion Treaty was signed in 1971.

China-Japan relations hit the lowest point in years after Tokyo's so-called purchase of the Diaoyu Islands on Sept 10, a move sparking wide protest across China. The islands have been Chinese territory for centuries.

During Senate deliberations on whether to consent to the ratification of the treaty, the US State Department asserted that the US took a neutral position with regard to the competing claims of Japan and China, despite the US' return of the islands to Japanese administration.

"Department officials asserted that reversion of administrative rights to Japan did not prejudice any claims to the islands," said the report from the Congress' think tank, the public-policy research arm of the US Congress.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei on Monday said he noted the US' neutral position on the Diaoyu Islands in the report and added he hopes the US will "walk the talk".

Analysts said the report, which reflects the Obama administration's stance over the territorial row between its ally and China, is an effort to ease the escalating tension but can hardly change the US' Japan-tilt policy.

However, according to the report, the Diaoyu Islands fall under the scope of the 1960 US-Japan Security Treaty since 1972, which stipulates that the US is bound to protect "the territories under the administration of Japan".

Under the treaty, the US guarantees Japan's security in return for the right to station US troops — about 50,000 — in dozens of bases throughout the Japanese archipelago.

Washington has been ambiguous on the Diaoyu Islands issue as it supports Tokyo with the US-Japan Security Treaty, but has warned Tokyo not to break the "red line" of China or cause large-scale conflicts, said Feng Wei, an expert on Japanese studies at Fudan University in Shanghai.

Both Japan and the US have made some compromises in front of China's all-round countermeasures over the issue, and "Washington is especially worried that the China-Japan territorial dispute could threaten US and Japan's economy as well as the Asia-Pacific stability amid its strategic pivot to the region", he said.

On Friday, Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba delivered a written statement to Taiwan saying that the Japanese government hopes to resume talks on fishing in the waters in the East China Sea.

But at the same time, two US aircraft carrier strike groups have been deployed since mid-September to the Western Pacific in an apparent attempt to keep the activities of the Chinese military in check and as a response to China's launch of its first aircraft carrier at the end of September, Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun said on Oct 6.

Hong told a regular news conference that Chinese marine surveillance ships and fishery patrol ships will continue their official duties in waters near the Diaoyu Islands, which are under China's jurisdiction.

Fishery authorities said on Saturday that five fishery patrol ships were in the area during the National Day holiday from Sept 30 through Sunday to continue their patrol missions. Four Chinese marine surveillance ships also arrived in the waters on Oct 2.

"Safeguarding China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests is the Chinese military's sacred duty," Hong said.

He also once again urged Tokyo to correct its mistakes and return to negotiations to resolve the dispute, as well as to strictly comply with the one-China policy and properly handle relevant issues.

In sensitive situations like this, favoring one party helps little in de-escalating a potentially violent conflict, Mike Honda, a Japanese-American and US representative for California, said on his blog earlier this month.

"If this conflict becomes violent on the East China Sea, we will see shipping thwarted, more factories closed, costs of imports climb and other foreign policy decisions affected," he said.

Liu Yedan contributed to this story.



Senkaku (Diaoyu/Diaoyutai) Islands Dispute: U.S. Treaty Obligations


A Qing dynasty volume with a yellowed title page in bold, black characters from the 1760s about Ryukyuan students sits on display in a glass case at the Imperial College in Beijing on Wednesday. Chinese scholars say that the 18th century book is evidence that the Diaoyu Islands are part of China's territory. Photo: AFP



In 1893, the Empress Dowager Cixi granted the Diaoyu Islands to Sheng Xuanhuai who was the Chief Minister of the Court of Imperial sacrifices at that time. Being also a businessman in the pharmaceutical sector, he was keen on harvesting the plant “statice arbuscula” on the islands. The Chinese used these herbs to manufacture pills to prevent high blood pressure and relieve pain because of dampness. Being thrilled about the effectiveness of the pills the Dowager Cixi awarded three of the disputed islands to the Chinese pharmacologist.251 This decree carried the imperial seal thereby making it official: “The medical pills submitted by Sheng Xuanhuai have proved to be very effective. The herbs used in making the pills are said to have been collected from the small island of Diaoyutai, beyond the seas of Taiwan. It has come to my knowledge that the said official’s family has maintained for generations pharmacies offering free treatment and herbs to destitute patients. This is really most commendable. The three islands of Diaoyutai, Huangwei Yu, and Chiwei yu are hereby ordered to be awarded to Sheng Xuanhuai as his property for the purpose of collecting medicinal herbs. Seal of Queen Mother Cixi

By virtue of this imperial act the three mentioned islands could have become Chinese “property”. At least the Qing Dynasty recorded officially the existence of the islands.

Until the 1894, the Japanese could not make any progress regarding the incorporation of the islands. In a letter of response to the Director of the Prefecture Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Home Affairs Egi Kazuyuki the Okinawa Prefecture Governor stated that no investigation had been carried out so far on the islands. In his request, Mr. Kazuyuki wondered as well whether there was evidence such as old records or folklore that demonstrate the islands belong to our country. The answer of the Okinawa Prefecture was the following:
“…there exist no old records related to the said islands or any transcribed evidence or folklore and legends demonstrating that the islands belong to our territory”
This secret letter conveys a different idea of what is the official Japanese contention published on the web page of the Japanese Foreign Ministry

* The advent of the Sino-Japanese War was instrumental for the Japanese government regarding the incorporation of the Senkaku Islands. The long awaited “suitable moment” had finally arrived. After the outbreak of the war on August 1rst, 1894, China’s military defeat enabled the Japanese Tenno to impose harsh peace condition upon the struggling Qing Dynasty. China lost its territory in Taiwan and on the Liaodong peninsula.

Say the people of the communist party of Vietnam.
Communist party of Vietnam is current regime control Vietnam, but as for China history with all different dynasties their action still the same, destroy everything where ever they go and alter their history.

Your ancestor are one of those minority that got wiped out, brain washed, and lost your history, and now you have to use China history? Do you really know who's your ancestor?
The article only emphasizes US congress report which is not official stand of US.

In the US, only the Congress can declare war. The President may give the order in an emergency but, if Congress doesn't back him up, he will have some explaining to do.
The islands are in the East China Sea.

The dispute is between China & Japan.

How does the ' Sherrif" figure in this ?
Communist party of Vietnam is current regime control Vietnam, but as for China history with all different dynasties their action still the same, destroy everything where ever they go and alter their history.

Your ancestor are one of those minority that got wiped out, brain washed, and lost your history, and now you have to use China history? Do you really know who's your ancestor?

The CCP is also current regime control China, it is a common sense.
So in other words, you are telling me that Vietnamese history are very peaceful, they didn't kill a person in Compa, nothing was destroyed during the changing of dynasties and the CPV didn't fire a bullet to unite the whole country, changed nothing in the history book and never brainwashed its people. Hmmm...
And due to your logic everything written in the history book is not to be believed, including your Vietnamese history since your ancestor are also one of those minority that got wiped out, brain washed, and lost your history.

Maybe you should just believe in what you have dreamed in your dream.
The islands are in the East China Sea.

The dispute is between China & Japan.

How does the ' Sherrif" figure in this ?

In the real world even a sneeze by a little baby in Almaty is considered within the 'sheriff's' domain.
Besides, Chinese people are still using Chinese language. Original documents are stored and understandable . If people doubt what were written in the modern history book (in Vernacular), they can still search for another history book in classical, old version. Even the CCP can do nothing to change the history completely.

As for Vietnamese history, I don't think that you are really reading what your ancestors were writing. Since you understand none of your classical Vietnamese language, it could be a piee of cake for your Party to fool you people and you can't even find out the truth.

So, if someone say that Chinese history is not believable, then I will consider Vietnamese history, pardon my language, as nothing but rubbish.
Someone like Minjitta who dare say that China has been altering its history through out its 5000 years of civilization has some been so brainwashed that nobody can possibly take him serious. I suppose he is the one who knows what is the real history then. Not only does this sound like a talk of a brainwashed child because it adds no value to the discussion of this thread it is also way off topic too.
The islands are in the East China Sea.

The dispute is between China & Japan.

How does the ' Sherrif" figure in this ?

Because Japan is our ally and we have a defence treaty with them, of which these islands are covered.
Communist party of Vietnam is current regime control Vietnam, but as for China history with all different dynasties their action still the same, destroy everything where ever they go and alter their history.

Your ancestor are one of those minority that got wiped out, brain washed, and lost your history, and now you have to use China history? Do you really know who's your ancestor?

LOL! A run-away patient from mental hospital? :lol:

A second ago he said Chinese history is fake, now he believes the Chinese history. :rofl:

Severe bipolar-disorder in display!
Because Japan is our ally and we have a defence treaty with them, of which these islands are covered.

Did Japan or China ask for the self styled Sherrifs opinion on the subject ?

If japan is an ally , why go against it publicly ?
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