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Washington describes the Houthis' behavior as "abhorrent" and "obstructs the solution."

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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he United States accused the Houthi militia of being an "obstacle to resolving the conflict" in Yemen, and that it continues its terrorist attacks against Yemenis and Saudi Arabia, and considered that with its actions it "unified the world against it", and that it is not interested in diplomacy and does not want peace.

In his press conference, US State Department Spokesman Ned Price said that the United States is renewing its position by supporting the "Saudi partners" who are being subjected to "terrorist" attacks by the Houthis in Yemen, pointing out that the Houthis have shown through their actions on the ground, including their attack. On Marib, and through their continuous attacks against Saudi Arabia, they are the "diplomatic obstacle."

He added, "The Houthis are the obstacle to finding a solution to this conflict, and if it turns out that what we saw from the reports attacking our Saudi partners, we, of course, condemn this in the strongest terms. We also renew our support for the security and safety of Saudi Arabia, and our Special Envoy Tim Lenderking continues to work closely with his counterpart at the United Nations, Hans Grundberg, to do everything we can to secure a ceasefire, address urgent humanitarian and economic priorities, and restart the political process.

Price emphasized that Washington helped bring the countries of the region and beyond on a unified position, "but the Houthis, and their hateful activity and reprehensible behavior, helped unite the world against them, to prove to the world that, at least for the time being, they are not interested in diplomacy, nor do they appear to be interested in peace."

He explained that the US administration's goal is to change the position of the Houthis, and "work with our Saudi partners, with the government of the Republic of Yemen, and with other partners in the region, including the United Nations envoy, to start this diplomatic process." Also, establishing a ceasefire is one of the things that the US administration is also working on with international partners,” pointing to the need to increase humanitarian aid access to the Yemeni people.

“Because after all, it is the Yemeni people who suffer the most, and suffer the most from what we have seen from the Houthis, from their constant attacks, and from their unwillingness to allow an adequate flow of humanitarian aid into parts of the country that still represent today,” he added. The worst ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in the world.”

Price justified what the US administration did by removing the Houthis from the list of terrorist sanctions, saying that this would have been a “punitive policy” against an entire people, and instead, “we have enacted targeted sanctions against individual Houthi leaders who bear responsibility for some of these actions, including: That is actions against our Saudi partners, and they are responsible for their outrageous behavior.”

The United States still pledges to punish Houthi entities and individuals in its sanctions list, and says that this is very likely, while the US special envoy for Yemen, Tim Lenderking, disclosed in a visual forum last week that the Houthis carried out about 375 cross-border attacks on Saudi Arabia in 2021.

In addition, US officials affirmed that they have an obligation to help Saudi Arabia defend itself, especially as the United States is struggling with high oil prices, according to what was reported by the American newspaper "The Wall Street Journal", noting that they are ready to formally agree to the Saudi request to buy weapons, and support The country is armed with defensive weapons, such as the "Patriot missile" interceptor.

In a previous report, Asharq Al-Awsat had talked about the existence of US military, diplomatic and legislative actions and demands at various levels calling for the need to restore military and intelligence support to the Arab coalition forces in order to prevent the fall of the oil-rich Ma'rib Governorate in the north of the country, with the intensification of battles between the Yemeni government forces and the Houthi group. rebellious.

Voices trying to influence the US administration have urged President Biden to "relax restrictions" imposed on military support in the Yemen war, so that the United States can help the Yemeni government and its allies repel the Houthi advances in the battles in Marib, warning of "the consequences of not moving quickly." .

It is noteworthy that the State Department addressed Congress, with the Biden administration’s approval of selling more than a billion dollars in military sales to Saudi Arabia, which contain “air-to-air” missiles and attack helicopters, which some considered as evidence and an indicator of the changing positions of the US administration on the Yemen war. She stressed that the new weapons would also provide "protection for US forces in the region."


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