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Was Jinnah Killed??

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Sep 16, 2013
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United Arab Emirates
I read this article and thought I would share it here to know if this is really true?

Was Jinnah Killed?

July 16, 1948 : Jinnah was flown to Quetta on a flight kept secret from the public even the aircraft's crew. He was seen off by ONE man, Khwaja Nizamuddin. Jinnah was loaded on a simple stretcher with couple of medical personnel, sheets were put on windows of the aircraft. At Quetta white screens were put on either side of the plane, and he was quietely taken to the small town of Ziarat. A portable x ray showed he had tubercolosis. He had a doctor and a nurse around, he was then moved back to Quetta on Aug 13. During the transport the nurse reported he was very restless and slept only after oxygen was administered.

Finally on September 11, 1948 they decided to send him to a proper doctor in Karachi, but in a condition where he was permanently on oxygen he was motored 70 miles over mountainous terrain and flown to Karachi. The ambulance even stalled at a stinking fishermans village on the way. Finally at his home in Karachi, Dr. Mistry and Dr. Shah reached him, and said if you take this strengthening injection you are going to live. He shook his head and said "No I am not" Last words. He died at 10:20 pm. He was buried privately as a shia, and got a public Sunni funeral.






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I read this article and thought I would share it here to know if this is really true?

Was Jinnah Killed?

July 16, 1948 : Jinnah was flown to Quetta on a flight kept secret from the public even the aircraft's crew. He was seen off by ONE man, Khwaja Nizamuddin. Jinnah was loaded on a simple stretcher with couple of medical personnel, sheets were put on windows of the aircraft. At Quetta white screens were put on either side of the plane, and he was quietely taken to the small town of Ziarat. A portable x ray showed he had tubercolosis. He had a doctor and a nurse around, he was then moved back to Quetta on Aug 13. During the transport the nurse reported he was very restless and slept only after oxygen was administered.

Finally on September 11, 1948 they decided to send him to a proper doctor in Karachi, but in a condition where he was permanently on oxygen he was motored 70 miles over mountainous terrain and flown to Karachi. The ambulance even stalled at a stinking fishermans village on the way. Finally at his home in Karachi, Dr. Mistry and Dr. Shah reached him, and said if you take this strengthening injection you are going to live. He shook his head and said "No I am not" Last words. He died at 10:20 pm. He was buried privately as a shia, and got a public Sunni funeral.

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Jinnah towards the end was very very ill person.

it is amazing that he survived past 1945. One could only attribute this to his sheer will power (quite common among successful people like @levina).

What happened on the very last day remains a controversy.

Not a huge controversy but something that kind of buzzes in the back of your head.

I'd not use the word "killed", as it implies assassination to some degree. And no it was not a murder or assassination.

Hope this helps.
Jinnah towards the end was very very ill person.

it is amazing that he survived past 1945. One could only attribute this to his sheer will power (quite common among successful people like @levina).

What happened on the very last day remains a controversy.

Not a huge controversy but something that kind of buzzes in the back of your head.

I'd not use the word "killed", as it implies assassination to some degree. And no it was not a murder or assassination.

Hope this helps.

And not to forget Pakistanis take Jinnah as a father and do not take lightly of such silly conspiracy theories to scandalize the passing of the greatest Pakistani to have ever lived.
Jinnah towards the end was very very sick person.

it is amazing that he survived past 1945. One could only attribute this to his sheer will power

What happened on the very last day remains a controversy.

Not a huge controversy but something that kind of buzzes in the back of your head.
I'd not use the word "killed", as it implies assassination to some degree. And no it was not a murder or assassination.
Hope this helps.
I was flummoxed to learn that instead of being air lifted he was motored 70 miles over mountainous terrain. Thats it!
Unfortunately many might see this as some mud slinging contest for they bracket me as an "Indian". I hope nobody trolls here. :(

FaujHistorian said:
(quite common among successful people like @levina).
Yeah!! yeah!!!
And not to forget Pakistanis take Jinnah as a father and do not take lightly of such silly conspiracy theories to scandalize the passing of the greatest Pakistani to have ever lived.

Pakistanis take him as father no doubt

But for LAK, he was just a hurdle to PMship.

So LAK putting pressure on Jinnah to leave the office to him was well known by then. And precisely that type of haste gives air to conspiracy theories

I was flummoxed to learn that instead of being air lifted he was motored 70 miles over mountainous terrain. Thats it!
Unfortunately many might see this as some mud slinging contest for they bracket me as an "Indian". I hope nobody trolls here. :(

Yeah!! yeah!!!

Levina Ji

Back then Pakistani gov was in dire straits.

We probably had one or two working planes with fuel gauges stuck at E and tire pressure down to zero.
Pakistanis take him as father no doubt

But for LAK, he was just a hurdle to PMship.

So LAK putting pressure on Jinnah to leave the office to him was well known by then. And precisely that type of haste gives air to conspiracy theories

LAK and MAJ were a team, not against each other. The only loss we suffered was that we didn't get to have a constitution written under MAJ's own supervision. That will bug me for ever.
LAK and MAJ were a team, not against each other. The only loss we suffered was that we didn't get to have a constitution written under MAJ's own supervision. That will bug me for ever.

you know LAK left Jinnah to form his own party called "Agriculturist party" while his brother was member of unionist party.


So the two were not love bird team.

There was a huge cultural gap.

LAK was feudal lord
while Jinnah was a city lawyer.

It was tough for LAK to be in the shadow of Jinnah but had nowhere else to go politically speaking,
So LAK putting pressure on Jinnah to leave the office to him was well known by then. And precisely that type of haste gives air to conspiracy theories
I heard about that and thats another reason why I posted this thread.

FaujHistorian said:
Levina Ji
Back then Pakistani gov was in dire straits.
We probably had one or two working planes with fuel gauges stuck at E and tire pressure down to zero.
May be you're right. But then you do know that in such emergencies those working planes could 've been used. JMHO!
LAK and MAJ were a team, not against each other. The only loss we suffered was that we didn't get to have a constitution written under MAJ's own supervision. That will bug me for ever
if Mr. Jinnah would have lived for another 10 years the condition of sub continent would be very different. also i really think Pakistan would be a far better country. i am not saying Pakistan is bad country but still it would be far better than the current Pakistan.
I heard about that and thats another reason why I posted this thread.
you probably know best that even mian bevi, saas bahu can have noke jhonk.
These two guys were politicians.

Believe me I can tell you 100 times worst stories about Nehru, Gandhi and patel trio and eventual horrendous assassination of Gandhi. But I won't. Don't want to distract the thread.

May be you're right. But then you do know that in such emergencies those working planes could 've been used. JMHO!

Pakistan as you know now is million times richer and resourceful than it was on that sad day of 1948.

We as a nation were predicted to be dead in 2 years. And there were very very strong indications.

In those circumstances, planes trains automobiles etc. were rarity of nth degree.

if Mr. Jinnah would have lived for another 10 years the condition of sub continent would be very different. also i really think Pakistan would be a far better country. i am not saying Pakistan is bad country but still it would be far better than the current Pakistan.

history cannot be written on ifs and buts

if Mr. Jinnah would have lived for another 10 years the condition of sub continent would be very different. also i really think Pakistan would be a far better country. i am not saying Pakistan is bad country but still it would be far better than the current Pakistan.

India had nehru up till 1965? And jinnah was around till 1948. Though India did lose Ghandi, there was still Nehru, the real politician/policy maker. Under him, gandhi politics rose. Meanwhile in Pakistan, we had LAK but he was assasinated and then the power shuffle started. In the first 7 years, we saw many PMs and governor generals. There was no clear indication on what Pakistan was going to be, while Nehru did outline that during the 17 years.

The founding father of nation really needs to be there for the nation, because none can question his final say. Be it washington, north korean leader, mao (new china power), stalin etc. They had clear policy on what the nation is going to be, of which, the elements remain in respective countries. Here in Pakistan, we still talk about "what's Jinnah's Pakistan"
you probably know best that even mian bevi, saas bahu can have noke jhonk.

FaujHistorian said:
These two guys were politicians.
Believe me I can tell you 100 times worst stories about Nehru, Gandhi and patel trio and eventual horrendous assassination of Gandhi. But I won't. Don't want to distract the thread.
I'm aware of it.
And as long as its somebody like you who gives such examples I would not consider it trolling. So yes go ahead.

FaujHistorian said:
Pakistan as you know now is million times richer and resourceful than it was on that sad day of 1948.
We as a nation were predicted to be dead in 2 years. And there were very very strong indications.
In those circumstances, planes trains automobiles etc. were rarity of nth degree.

if Mr. Jinnah would have lived for another 10 years the condition of sub continent would be very different. also i really think Pakistan would be a far better country. i am not saying Pakistan is bad country but still it would be far better than the current Pakistan.
Completely agree!

India had nehru up till 1965? And jinnah was around till 1948. Though India did lose Ghandi, there was still Nehru, the real politician/policy maker. Under him, gandhi politics rose. Meanwhile in Pakistan, we had LAK but he was assasinated and then the power shuffle started. In the first 7 years, we saw many PMs and governor generals.

The founding father of nation really needs to be there for the nation, because none can question his final say. Be it washington, north korean leader, mao (new china power), stalin etc. They had clear policy on what the nation is going to be, of which, the elements remain in respective countries. Here in Pakistan, we still talk about "what's Jinnah's Pakistan"

bhai meray

LAK was in too much hurry to become PM.

This haste destroyed him as a politician. First he pushed Jinnah out, then he tried to push big powerful Punjabis out.

This was so acrimonious that Punjabi leaders would openly say "We got out of Hindu's chokehold, and now Hindustanis are putting rope around our necks".

This my brother was mainly due to LAK's phurtian.

And guess what, they

India had nehru up till 1965? And jinnah was around till 1948. Though India did lose Ghandi, there was still Nehru, the real politician/policy maker. Under him, gandhi politics rose. Meanwhile in Pakistan, we had LAK but he was assasinated and then the power shuffle started. In the first 7 years, we saw many PMs and governor generals.

The founding father of nation really needs to be there for the nation, because none can question his final say. Be it washington, north korean leader, mao (new china power), stalin etc. They had clear policy on what the nation is going to be, of which, the elements remain in respective countries. Here in Pakistan, we still talk about "what's Jinnah's Pakistan"
yes you are right we had Nehru till 1963. and no one can deny the contribution of Nehru in building our nation.because of Nehru we are strong democratic country. Nehru and our other great leaders such as Mr.ambedkar showed us path and it is because of them we are strong democracy.
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