you may not like my stance but it is based in reality. And btw- I despise your writing style, it is like one would expect from a schizophrenic . It's bunch of random thoughts- Like america is not involved in Africa fighting the terrorist, we are. Show me where the US is convicted for war crimes in any international courts and not some absurd Islamist court or alike...
America is not without it's faults and we have many, but the gibberish you spew does not stand the test of reality. Like this monumental gibberish of Syria's internal battle is because of America or blaming the Arab spring on us vs. the doing of a populace that was fed up with it's ruthless dictators.
Btw, war does not ignite our economy, it bleeds it. But I don't expect you to know that. do you know what the wars have cost us?
Jay what you have experienced is what I have seen quite often in India. Our gov't has not done a great job in educating the masses especially with quality primary education. Im not blaming them entirely coz education is a privilege but in this day and age access to quality education will At least folks on this site have access to computers and wifi, what about the 300 million ppl who live on the bare minimum? They are easily misguided and taken advantage of. Politics in India and in most of the world divides ppl by spreading lies and BS. Its hard just to get the truth and actual ground realities. So, how do we overcome this? Waiting for the for the govt to provide basic education will do just that, provide rudimentary or basic education. Luckily, when the Khan academy is a viable, self sufficient platform, it will make great progress in that regard. But a real challenge will stay remain in India. How do you get ppl in India to think and act more cohesively? How do you build unity? How do you put the right thoughts and building blocks in place? How do you all this and more, and still pentrate the market more? My idea may not be new but it will be radically utilized to maximum efficiency for maximum results. I know my idea will spark the interest and fancy of kids and young adults in India. The answer is using mobile tech platform to create......well....I can't much more detail than that on the forum.