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War-A necessity

Slav Defence

Oct 30, 2010
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War-A necessity

September 6th|2013

Written By:Slav Defence


The term war carries lot of impressions along with it. Whenever we hear this word, our heart fills with fear, hatred, aggression and we imagine of fire, blood, smoke, cries. Thus we imagine of apocalypse, of catastrophe-

But we never see beyond smoke, blood and fire--we never observe the changes in culture, the changes in geography, the changes in religion and new variations introduced after huge collapse or reaction of forces. War is thus a necessity, a bitter truth for human survival, no matter how much we try to escape from it and talk of peace, one day, this fire will come to our homes as well with a new proposal-proposal of change after painful collapse, and this is what humans are afraid of—change.

All humans are ambit to Allah’s constitution, and not only human, but entire universe is at war, and we observe changes in universe after hidden or visible wars, for those changes benefit us therefore we name it as ‘reactions’ of certain species or atoms, how clever of us!
It depends upon your context of defining war. You may consider is as a destructive reaction of nations in human world or as a reaction which gives you new variations, indeed this procedure is painful, but this is the methodology of Allah due to which he settles patterns of future and introduces new variations.

Humans are social species who are biased by nature, they can define it as constructive pattern only, when this reaction gives them hegemony over their opponent or dominance to their traits over opponent, but when same procedure gives their traits a recessive position, then same war is define as destructive for them.
Thus definition of war keeps on changing with respect of nation’s interest. However one thing is clear—a nation must initiate war when it observes this procedure proposing dominance of their traits over another, and must avoid it when they find it as destructive for them.

There are two types of positions during war:


The defensive war is fought when a nation experiences an opponent with an intention to dominate and destroy their trait i.e. culture, religion etc. For such nation, winning becomes a necessity, the nation finds itself in survival mode and needs to gather full force, strength and power against the opposing forces of enemy.
Whereas the nation which enjoys an offensive mode of war has its own objectives: To dominate their traits over their enemy, to annihilate their opponent and establish their hegemony.
But there is a hidden factor which triggers them to wage war. That is... fear!
This fear whispers them and teaches them that: “ If you don’t attack them today, then they will attack you tomorrow!” Due to this fear, they take initiative and wage war, thus fulfilling the pattern of nature to bring new changes and variations.

Now if we look at present situation of Pakistan we will find out that how Pakistan is sandwiched between interests of various countries, every country including Iran, India, USA, and middle eastern countries have objective to establish their hegemony in this Asian region, where as Israel with her own objectives to establish their hegemony as “Greater Israel” or Zion according to myth.

Most astonishing fact is that Iran or Arab who has extreme dislikes for Israel themselves wanted to establish their own hegemony as ‘Persian gulf state’ or Arab in region.

I ask you my friends, we all have same objective, all of us wanted to establish our own hegemony in a region, don’t forget Russian attempt as well, so I ask you, when we have same designs, then why we hate each other and play victim card? The truth is that all of us are same, yes however on the basis of strength of force; we are either in dominating position or recessive.
Thus I will end my statement with this message that war is procedure of which you cannot escape, it is the nature’s strategic procedure or methodology of which we are ambit of, so prepare yourself, this fire will reach your home one day, it is not in your hands to escape of nature’s death pattern and new changes proposed, however you are given enough choice to place yourself: either in dominating position or recessive.


Best Regards,
The Pakistan Defense Team

@WebMaster @Awesome @Secur @Luftwaffe @Aeronaut @balixd @Last Hope @Icarus @Xeric @Major Sam @RescueRanger @Irfan Baloch @Neptune @nuclearpak and others
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Let me add here...in simple terms I would like to call it Survival of the best -a small fish gets eaten by the bigger and bigger fish gets eaten by even bigger than itself. According to theory of evolution, macro organisms had to evolve themselves in order to survive. Those who failed had to face the curse of erradication from the face of the earth.

Even while studying business, a every important subject we study is evolution-change.

Those who stand firm and steady Will actually fall down as there structure had been too rigid and could not stand the strong currents. But those with flexible structure and those who could evolve and move in the direction of current have greater chances of survival.

So you are right, everyone has to face this war - but the bigger question is " Are we ready for it? "
Let me add here...in simple terms I would like to call it Survival of the best -a small fish gets eaten by the bigger and bigger fish gets eaten by even bigger than itself. According to theory of evolution, macro organisms had to evolve themselves in order to survive. Those who failed had to face the curse of erradication from the face of the earth.

Even while studying business, a every important subject we study is evolution-change.

Those who stand firm and steady Will actually fall down as there structure had been too rigid and could not stand the strong currents. But those with flexible structure and those who could evolve and move in the direction of current have greater chances of survival.

So you are right, everyone has to face this war - but the bigger question is " Are we ready for it? "

This is my friend,what I have said,there are two positions-Dominant or passive, if we are prepared and have strengthen ourselves,then we will enjoy dominating position,however if we don't compromise and realize the nature's methodology,then we will be in passive order,this is how one nation dominates on another,there is a factor--weak and strong..we cannot escape of nature's pattern,however we are given freedom of choice to decide our positions,and we can attain it by hard work and pre-planned decisions.
Thus I will end my statement with this message that war is procedure of which you cannot escape, it is the nature’s strategic procedure or methodology of which we are ambit of, so prepare yourself, this fire will reach your home one day, it is not in your hands to escape of nature’s death pattern and new changes proposed, however you are given enough choice to place yourself: either in dominating position or recessive.

Besides the process of evolution, wars are resultant of economic conditions and reasons. Especially, when it comes to global conflict. If you look at history all global recession/depressions ended into a global conflict. Wars promote armament industry and post war it promotes reconstruction sector. If a powerful country faces economic problems, best solution is engage in wars. US is an undisputed example of it. It is continuously supporting its economy through wars. By waging war they are selling weapons, after taking control country's resources are acquired at throw away cost or no cost. Then reconstruction is done; major contracts go to its own companies. Since 2008 world is in financial crisis. Some economist predict it to develop into a depression. Depressions end in world war and in this game beneficiary is always big fish which gobbles on to smaller ones.
Besides the process of evolution, wars are resultant of economic conditions and reasons. Especially, when it comes to global conflict. If you look at history all global recession/depressions ended into a global conflict. Wars promote armament industry and post war it promotes reconstruction sector. If a powerful country faces economic problems, best solution is engage in wars. US is an undisputed example of it. It is continuously supporting its economy through wars. By waging war they are selling weapons, after taking control country's resources are acquired at throw away cost or no cost. Then reconstruction is done; major contracts go to its own companies. Since 2008 world is in financial crisis. Some economist predict it to develop into a depression. Depressions end in world war and in this game beneficiary is always big fish which gobbles on to smaller ones.

Totally agree,however sometimes,unnecessary wars do bring instability to powerful countries,especially in case if they loose.
Another good article by my friend @Slav Defence. Well, I claim that the term "fight" is the most strong emotional feeling of Human creature after "love". And how "fight" triggered "war"... I think everybody knows it. But what I said above are only in conventional&unconventional fields. But all the "war" above are triggered by the "War" which Slav Defence wrote up there.

Personally, right or wrong, I'd rather be the dominant. As he said, one it'll knock our doors... But at another day, it'll knock all of ours doors. Dunno whatta say, that simplifies the war; "If you wish peace, prepare for war..."
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Another good article by my friend @Slav Defence. Well, I claim that the term "fight" is the most strong emotional feeling of Human creature after "love". And how "fight" triggered "war"... I think everybody knows it. But what I said above are only in conventional&unconventional fields. But all the "war" above are triggered by the "War" which Slav Defence wrote up there.

Personally, right or wrong, I'd rather be the dominant. As he said, one it'll knock our doors... But at another day, it'll knock all of ours doors. Dunno whatta say, that simplifies the war; "If you wish peace, prepare for war..."

Very well added Neptune my friend,now I have a regret,why I haven't mentioned you in my previous 7 reports :hitwall:
I will not add or subtract anything,I will just say,that when we Muslims try to escape of war for the sake of peace,we make the worse mistake my friend,because our opposing nations took benefit of it and grab Dominating position,thus we must realize and compromise with Allah's pattern or else we will be removed from the surface of earth,and replaced by generations with better approach and greater skills.
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Very well added Neptune my friend,now I have a regret,why I haven't mentioned you in my previous 7 reports :hitwall:
I will not add or subtract anything,I will just say,that when we Muslims try to escape of war for the sake of peace,we make the worse mistake my friend,because our opposing nations took benefit of it and grab Dominating position,thus we must realize and compromise with Allah's pattern or else we will be removed from the surface of earth,and replaced by generations with better approach and greater skills.

lol... That's pretty right in deed. Honestly not a big fan of them but The most recent examples are Iran, Syria...etc. Maybe It's because Islam takes it easy when it comes to such things :)
lol... That's pretty right in deed. Honestly not a big fan of them but The most recent examples are Iran, Syria...etc. Maybe It's because Islam takes it easy when it comes to such things :)

That is the problem my friend,Islam doesn't take it easy,it is that Allah who gives nation what they deserve my friend,the reason of Europe's dominance and Israel's success is that they are sincere to themselves.
Usually some fools misunderstand that Allah only supports his followers but they ignore the bigger picture,it is Allah who also helps those who help themselves,Allah is sincere,that is why we are seeing Europeans and Americans dancing on our heads,because he is also the God of Israel,the God of Moses.
That is why our enemies are getting dominance and power,because they worked damn hard for it,while what we were doing?do I need to recall you that my friend?
@Slav Defence balance and logical Article.

I would refer you to an excellent book Genghis Khan: Invincible Ruler of the Mongol Empire

Thank you very much for referring this book my friend,I will read it,Inshallah.:D
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That is the problem my friend,Islam doesn't take it easy,it is that Allah who gives nation what they deserve my friend,the reason of Europe's dominance and Israel's success is that they are sincere to themselves.
Usually some fools misunderstand that Allah only supports his followers but they ignore the bigger picture,it is Allah who also helps those who help themselves,Allah is sincere,that is why we are seeing Europeans and Americans dancing on our heads,because he is also the God of Israel,the God of Moses.
That is why our enemies are getting dominance and power,because they worked damn hard for it,while what we were doing?do I need to recall you that my friend?

If we understand this philosophy then our problems will be solved in not time. There is a joke that there was a person who 24 hours prayed for lottery prize. But to no avail. Ultimately, God had to speak to him tell him that first you need to buy the lottery ticket for me to let it happen. Our example is same. We do not follow traffic rules and then expect an orderly traffic. We want to pay bribes for either to expedite our work or to cater for illegalities, then expect bribe culture to end. We dont want to pay electricity bill, steal it and then expect load shedding to stop. We evade tax and then expect infrastructure to improve. We select nincompoops as our leaders and then expect system to change.
If we understand this philosophy then our problems will be solved in not time. There is a joke that there was a person who 24 hours prayed for lottery prize. But to no avail. Ultimately, God had to speak to him tell him that first you need to buy the lottery ticket for me to let it happen. Our example is same. We do not follow traffic rules and then expect an orderly traffic. We want to pay bribes for either to expedite our work or to cater for illegalities, then expect bribe culture to end. We dont want to pay electricity bill, steal it and then expect load shedding to stop. We evade tax and then expect infrastructure to improve. We select nincompoops as our leaders and then expect system to change.

Perfect addition my friend,that is our problem,we call Allah but we never follow his guidance,but other nations,who don't even have faith act in a way,Allah want us to act,thus he gave them hegemony over us,then we cry loud and assume ourselves as victim,this is not gonna work in front of God,he has authority to replace generations,so we should be thankful to him and strive hard in the limited amount of time.
Many times wars are forced on nations and sometimes they are not. In our case, circumstances and actions of others, particularly Al Qaeda and Usama Bin Ladin, required a military response to keep them from repeating their acts of terror against the United States and the rest of the world. You would remember that the United States used military action in Afghanistan against an organization and their supporters, who had attacked and killed thousands of our citizens. Throughout history, we have seen examples of war being waged to bring about peace. We saw what happened to Afghanistan and saw it transform to become breeding and training grounds for the terrorist organizations. These terrorists started planning and attacking innocent civilians all over the world. Finally when they killed thousands of our citizens on our soil, we chose to respond to stop more attacks. Today international terrorists are almost eliminated from Afghanistan. There is no denying that in many cases war or military responses become a necessity to bring about sustained peace.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
War-A necessity

September 6th|2013

Written By:Slav Defence


The term war carries lot of impressions along with it. Whenever we hear this word, our heart fills with fear, hatred, aggression and we imagine of fire, blood, smoke, cries. Thus we imagine of apocalypse, of catastrophe-

But we never see beyond smoke, blood and fire--we never observe the changes in culture, the changes in geography, the changes in religion and new variations introduced after huge collapse or reaction of forces. War is thus a necessity, a bitter truth for human survival, no matter how much we try to escape from it and talk of peace, one day, this fire will come to our homes as well with a new proposal-proposal of change after painful collapse, and this is what humans are afraid of—change.

All humans are ambit to Allah’s constitution, and not only human, but entire universe is at war, and we observe changes in universe after hidden or visible wars, for those changes benefit us therefore we name it as ‘reactions’ of certain species or atoms, how clever of us!
It depends upon your context of defining war. You may consider is as a destructive reaction of nations in human world or as a reaction which gives you new variations, indeed this procedure is painful, but this is the methodology of Allah due to which he settles patterns of future and introduces new variations.

Humans are social species who are biased by nature, they can define it as constructive pattern only, when this reaction gives them hegemony over their opponent or dominance to their traits over opponent, but when same procedure gives their traits a recessive position, then same war is define as destructive for them.
Thus definition of war keeps on changing with respect of nation’s interest. However one thing is clear—a nation must initiate war when it observes this procedure proposing dominance of their traits over another, and must avoid it when they find it as destructive for them.

There are two types of positions during war:


The defensive war is fought when a nation experiences an opponent with an intention to dominate and destroy their trait i.e. culture, religion etc. For such nation, winning becomes a necessity, the nation finds itself in survival mode and needs to gather full force, strength and power against the opposing forces of enemy.
Whereas the nation which enjoys an offensive mode of war has its own objectives: To dominate their traits over their enemy, to annihilate their opponent and establish their hegemony.
But there is a hidden factor which triggers them to wage war. That is... fear!
This fear whispers them and teaches them that: “ If you don’t attack them today, then they will attack you tomorrow!” Due to this fear, they take initiative and wage war, thus fulfilling the pattern of nature to bring new changes and variations.

Now if we look at present situation of Pakistan we will find out that how Pakistan is sandwiched between interests of various countries, every country including Iran, India, USA, and middle eastern countries have objective to establish their hegemony in this Asian region, where as Israel with her own objectives to establish their hegemony as “Greater Israel” or Zion according to myth.

Most astonishing fact is that Iran or Arab who has extreme dislikes for Israel themselves wanted to establish their own hegemony as ‘Persian gulf state’ or Arab in region.

I ask you my friends, we all have same objective, all of us wanted to establish our own hegemony in a region, don’t forget Russian attempt as well, so I ask you, when we have same designs, then why we hate each other and play victim card? The truth is that all of us are same, yes however on the basis of strength of force; we are either in dominating position or recessive.
Thus I will end my statement with this message that war is procedure of which you cannot escape, it is the nature’s strategic procedure or methodology of which we are ambit of, so prepare yourself, this fire will reach your home one day, it is not in your hands to escape of nature’s death pattern and new changes proposed, however you are given enough choice to place yourself: either in dominating position or recessive.


Best Regards,
The Pakistan Defense Team

@WebMaster @Awesome @Secur @Luftwaffe @Aeronaut @balixd @Last Hope @Icarus @Xeric @Major Sam @RescueRanger @Irfan Baloch @Neptune @nuclearpak and others

War is the most important thing in life for me their is no such thing as peace as some one said peace is nothing but time gap which people get to prepare for another war and the nation which is ready to die and fight for its religion and ideology and nation they would survive so it is good for you that you remain strongest military power and economic one or other wise be ready to get destroyed and conquered by who ever wants to destroy you
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