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Waqas Ahmed Goraya Rears His Ugly Head Once Again

Lol wtf? See ya later buddy, ISI definitely going to eat him alive after that. No sympathy.
What part of this is blasphemous ?
Also his abduction is well documented. In fact many bloggers who write against the establishment are known to poof like that.
Are you denying that they were abducted ?
No problem sir, let them face the music for being lenient on the traitors. Why should we be bothered and stressed? We have better things to do...they make blunders so let them enjoy...
Bro I totally understand your frustration, the agencies get rotten egg on their faces every time this swine tweets, they should have learned their lesson from that other shameless swine Hussain Haqqani who is egging on the Trump admin to launch more punitive actions against Pak army and state, it really is SAD.Kudos bro
Well guess what , he didnt tried writing against the establishment of USA or UK else he would be in a small dark cell somewhere away from humans.
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