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Wang Quanzhang: The lawyer who simply vanished

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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In August 2015 Wang Quanzhang was detained by the Chinese authorities.

In that he was not alone. The nationwide series of raids that summer saw more than 200 lawyers, legal assistants and human rights activists brought in for questioning.

But almost two years on, Mr Wang is the only lawyer from whom nothing has been heard at all.

"I don't know whether he's alive or dead," his wife Li Wenzu told me. "I have had no information at all. He has simply disappeared from the face of the earth. It is so scary, so brutal."

China's "709" crackdown as it's now known - a reference to 9 July, the date it began - is widely seen as a sign of a growing intolerance of dissent under President Xi Jinping.

Of the large number of people initially detained, around two dozen have been pursued as formal investigations. Over the past year or so those cases have gradually been reaching some kind of a conclusion.

Some of the accused have been given long jail terms, of up to seven and a half years, for the crime of subversion.

Others have been given suspended prison sentences or released on bail, but still remain under constant surveillance.

But of the lawyers arrested in that initial 2015 sweep, Mr Wang is unique. Apart from one brief written notification of his arrest, the family say he has disappeared into a black hole.


Li Wenzu fears her husband is being punished for a failure to compromise

"For these two years, he hasn't been allowed to meet the lawyer that we have employed for him, and he has no right to communicate with the outside world," his wife Ms Li said. "He has been deprived of all rights."

There have been allegations that some of the lawyers have been tortured during their detention, force-fed drugs, shackled, beaten and kept in stress positions for long periods of time.

Their admissions of guilt, either in court or in the televised confessions that have been broadcast by state-run TV, should not be taken at face value, their supporters argue, but rather as the inevitable consequence of the pressure they've been under.

They now fear that Mr Wang's continued incarceration might be because he is holding out.

"I think it might be because my husband hasn't compromised at all," Ms Li said. "That's why his case remains unsolved."

Wang Quanzhang is certainly no stranger to pressure. His work representing the persecuted followers of China's banned spiritual movement, Falun Gong, as well as human rights activists, has attracted the ire of the authorities before.

In this interview, he recounts being beaten in the basement of a court building for challenging the order of a judge.


Confessions made by some detainees, like lawyer Xie Yang, reflect the pressures on them, supporters say

Jerome Cohen is a professor at New York University School of Law and a long-term expert on the Chinese legal system. He knows some of the detained lawyers personally.

"They are in the lead, they are the ones who have really gone public. There are many other lawyers who are quietly working, they hope, within the limits allowed by the party," he said.

"But they too are feeling the pressure and are watching very carefully how these lawyers, who were up front as it were, are being abused."

"Of course this deters a lot of people, which is the whole aim of the party... to try to keep the lawyers in line."

President Xi Jinping has spoken of the dangers that liberal ideals, like constitutional rights enforceable in the courts, pose for Communist Party rule.

China, it seems, wants lawyers to help it "rule by law", not keep its rulers in check through the "rule of law".

The lawyers whose cases have gone to trial appear to be those who have consistently taken on the most politically sensitive cases, as well as those who have advocated for the need for a justice system beyond party control.

"The party knows it needs lawyers, it wants them for economic development," Mr Cohen said. "But essentially, the party would like lawyers to behave like dentists, like technicians."

"I admire dentists very much but I don't expect them to annunciate the values of my society," he added.

"So this is what the party is trying to do, and it is doing so with extreme cruelty."


Image caption:Xi Jinping has said that liberal ideals threaten the Communist Party's monopoly on power
But if that is the plan then, on one level, it isn't working. The "war on law" has prompted the wives of the detained lawyers to work together and advocate very publically for their husbands' release.

Despite facing continuing intimidation and harassment by plain-clothes policemen, they have refused to be silenced.

Some of them even addressed a US Congressional hearing on the issue this week, including - via recorded video evidence - Li Wenzu.

Other Chinese lawyers have come to the defence of those caught up in the crackdown, visiting detention centres to demand information or mounting legal challenges, only then, subsequently, to be detained themselves.

And the wider community of Chinese defence lawyers has made public its opposition to the alleged mistreatment of members of the profession.

Meanwhile there is mounting concern about the fate of Wang Quanzhang. If he really is still holding out against the odds, his loved ones fear the consequences.

Lawyer and friend Ge Wenxiu recorded this video message that was posted on Twitter this week.

"Lawyer Quanzhang, are you still alive?" he asks. "We don't mind if you make a damn confession on Chinese TV and come home. Come home."
Wang Quanzhang is certainly no stranger to pressure. His work representing the persecuted followers of China's banned spiritual movement, Falun Gong
I stopped reading at here. 20 years ago, when Falun Gong was not banned yet, I was a student and saw how the Falun Gong people behaved. I told my friend:" This is a cancer to our society. It will be banned by the government sooner or later." It was so clear that Falun Gong is a cult. Even a student knew it.
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I stopped reading at here. 20 years ago, when Falun Gong was not banned yet, I was a student and saw how the Falun Gong people behaved. I told my friend:" This is a cancer to our society. It will be banned by the government sooner or later." It was so clear that Falun Gong is a cult. Even a student knew it.
could you tell how do the falun gong adherents behave?
There is quite a following of them in my country.
I read the china governmnt harvested organs from them who are presumed to have healthyorgans as deem by the officials.
could you tell how do the falun gong adherents behave?
There is quite a following of them in my country.
I read the china governmnt harvested organs from them who are presumed to have healthyorgans as deem by the officials.
You have to know the history background in China back to 80's and 90's. There were too many cults like Falun Gong by then. Which were all fking cheating games. Falun Gong was not something new for us.

I had no personal contact with them. But I did see some Falun Gong guys who were obviously mentally disordered and called themselves some kind of supernatural beings(神仙)and called others inferiors(凡人). More than that, Falun Gong expanded very fast and the adherents were strictly organized. When I saw thousands crazy people gathered and prayed, I felt nothing but disgusted.
You have to know the history background in China back to 80's and 90's. There were too many cults like Falun Gong by then. Which were all fking cheating games. Falun Gong is not something new for us.

I had no personal contact with them. But I did saw some Falun Gong guys who were totally mentally disordered and called themselves so kind supernatural beings(神仙)and called others inferiors(凡人). More than that, Falun Gong expanded very fast and the adherents were strictly organized. When I saw thousands crazy people gathered and prayed, I felt nothing but disgusting.

Below images are not about Falun Gong. They are all about same kind cults that were once popular in China
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Falun Gong is just like white lotus sect during the Qing Dynasty. Misled ordinary and is evil cult.
could you tell how do the falun gong adherents behave?
There is quite a following of them in my country.
I read the china governmnt harvested organs from them who are presumed to have healthyorgans as deem by the officials.

These are lunatics. Even in Taiwan, people abhor those crazies. They are indeed a dark cult. There was an incident last year, a group of Falun Gong crazies beat the son of one of their members in a sort of ritual.

People keep away from them and their dark cult. If that poor lawyer is killed and buried somewhere by those lunatics, I would not be surprised.

They are sort of a modern age cult religion like Scientology, but much more politicized because of neo-fascist Western media.
These are lunatics. Even in Taiwan, people abhor those crazies. They are indeed a dark cult. There was an incident last year, a group of Falun Gong crazies beat the son of one of their members in a sort of ritual.

People keep away from them and their dark cult. If that poor lawyer is killed and buried somewhere by those lunatics, I would not be surprised.

They are sort of a modern age cult religion like Scientology, but much more politicized because of neo-fascist Western media.
Yes. If Satan agrees to destroy China, the western countries would invite him to form an ally without any hesitation.
Yes. If Satan agrees to destroy China, the western countries would invite him to form an ally without any hesitation.

Western neo-fascism is like an epileptic seizure. You never know when it will come, but you sure know it will come and hit someday.

Life goes on even though these distractions arise. Each passing day means progress. The world is not the same. Now China has the ecosystem of almost everything, including the internet knowledge base.
That is distressing to read. No wonder Chinese members posting here have to adhere to the Communist Party line. They expect lawyers to behave like dentists? Wow. It is amazing that the average citizen doesn't rise up in revolt. But then again, China has a history of some kind of divine-imperial rule - power has never vested with the people.
LOL, just see their publication (the "Epoch Times") which is the most anti-China newspaper out there, set up by some Chinese-American Falun Gong members.

In Taipei, these lunatics set up some publicity tents and people change their direction not to get close to them. Always small in number, but, they have some rich backers. Really, similar to Scientology.

While in the US, I joined couple of sessions with those Scientology crazies just out of curiosity.

They are all scary, dark cult. Even Indian cow-veneration is much healthier - except drinking certain cow stuff, of course.
In Taipei, these lunatics set up some publicity tents and people change their direction not to get close to them. Always small in number, but, they have some rich backers. Really, similar to Scientology.

In Hong Kong they basically hang around some areas of Central and try to scam people for money.

I guess their foreign financiers aren't paying them enough.

Let there be freedom and democracy for the Chinese.
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