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Wall of a House Has to be Demolished to Provide Stones for Pelting: March 2023 in Lahore

Crimson Blue

Nov 7, 2019
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United States
Some reports are now coming in from the events of March 14 & 15. According to a Lahore based journalist, political workers ran out of the stones for pelting on fascist forces or Rana Sana Ullah.

-An old Lady who is resident of Zaman Park asked political workers to demolish the wall of her house to get stones for pelting. So eventually, her wall was demolished partially to provide stones for defense against PDM forces.

-There are story of makeshift bridge on the canal which workers used to cross to the other side to avaoid heave shelling.

-At one point the only thing between Rangers and Zaman Park residence was Murad Saeed with only 40 workers to defend a gate. How did that go down?

- Role of female political workers who were arranging salt & water from nearby houses in Zaman Park since all other roads to Zaman Park were blocked. Water mixed with salt was used to counter effects of tear gas.

This all sounds a scenes from a cheesy movie or a fiction book but apparently that's how it went down last night in Lahore.

This is people's resistance against the oppressor government.
Maryam nawaz the "Fasaadi"
These stone pelters can be charged for attacking police

- Indian police does that in IOK and everyone on their T.V channels cheered when stone pelters were arrested.
- And Israli forces also do that every day ...
- British Raj also prosecuted freedom fighters with such tactics.

...... so yeah occupying forces in Green Land should also charge and prosecute them ........ :pakistan:
Silent resistance by neighbors at Zaman Park on March 14:

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