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Walking On A Tight Rope


Jun 11, 2014
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Pakistan is going through one of most difficult times of its history. We are faced with internal as well as external threat and for past decade are involved in endless conflict which has resulted in loss of more than 50,000 Pakistanis. We are here only because of mistakes of the past successive Governments and self interest and short sightedness of our previous leaders.

The geopolitical situation of the region demands that Pakistan should take a very balanced approach in its foreign policy especially in relation to its neighbors, and also in relation to the interests of the big powers.

During the Cold War Pakistan has sided with the West and after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan during the 1980s it was the support of the Pakistan military and ISI along with Afghan Mujahedeen’s resistance which ultimately resulted in the break up of the Soviet Union. Also since September 11, 2001 Pakistan has joined USA in its War on Terror and has been front line state, a war which brought death of more than 50,000 innocent Pakistanis including over 10,000 military personnel. It is so unfortunate that after all these sacrifices , today we find Western writers accusing Pakistan military and ISI as real enemy of the USA instead of Afghan Taliban and blame Pakistan for hindering the West in achieving its goals in Afghanistan.

India has always been hostile towards us since our birth and engaged Pakistan three times in war . Indians always look for slightest opportunity to create problems for Pakistan and today openly supporting anti Pakistan elements like TTP and other separatist movements. Under Indian influence our both Western neighbors Afghanistan as well as Iran have turned hostile towards us and today we feel alienated in the world. This all reflect a big failure in our foreign policy. Now with Narendra Modi as head of state of India Pakistan should expect more rough times ahead .

The best way for Pakistan to get out of this crisis is to re-evaluate our foreign policy and learn from our past mistakes. Our foreign policy should be balanced and should not be hostile towards anyone but at the same time should not be of appeasement and loss of our national dignity. We should not bow down or accept hegemony of any country but at the same time never try to interfere or support terrorist activities in our neighborhood viz a viz Afghanistan and Indian occupied Kashmir and encourage conflict resolution through positive dialogues.

The best example for Pakistan is the policy of China. Over past many decades China has adopted a very balanced and sound foreign policy of non interference as well as solely concentrating on its economy without indulging in unnecessary conflicts. China has got enemies who are equally or even more hostile towards their country then ours but Chinese have dealt this with a very sound and balanced approach keeping safe distance as well as asserting them when needed.

Pakistan has a big advantage that today China is the only super power which has genuinely good and long term relations with us. One may feel surprised that why Pakistan has never entered into a strategic defense pact with our most tried and tested friend and instead always lean towards USA and the West who have betrayed our interest at the most vital times.

Pakistan and China have common enemies and it is need of time that both countries should enter into mutual defense pact and also carry out joint military operations against militants like TTP who are also training anti-China Uyghur separatists.

It is a good move of our Government to give access of Gwadar port to the Chinese and also plans to develop an economic corridor from Gwadar to Kashgar but we should realize that our enemies like India, and some Western powers would never let it happen so easily and would try their best to fund the terrorist groups within Pakistan to hamper this project. It is more necessary both for Pakistan and China to enter a common defense pact to safeguard this economic corridor otherwise all efforts made towards it will be wasted.

Pakistan should also learn from Chinese to adopt a balanced foreign policy towards its neighbors which do not favor a certain group and strictly be of non-interference. We can try to solve our conflict with arch rival India, as well as Afghanistan and Iran on same principles. I am sure that with China on our back we will be in a much better position to negotiate with any country as compared to what we are now.

Hope our policy makers can learn the balancing act from Chinese as well as from our past mistakes and take the country out of woods to the road of progress and prosperity.

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