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Vote: How many people here support US aid? and Why?

Do you support US aid to Pakistan on condition to its commitment to War on Terror?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • No

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • Not sure/Undecided

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters



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Dec 18, 2008
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I'd like to see how many people here support conditional US aid to Pakistan exclusively for its participation in the war on Terror?

and How many people here Do not support the US aid?

Please post your reasons for your answers.

As far as my own views are concerned. This aid is infact anything BUT Aid. I believe the correct word is BRIBE. The US has been bribing Pakistan to expand her hegemony over the region and to exploit natural resources.
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I'm ready to pay US to stop giving us aid!

It comes with strings attached and is the instrument of slavery. It is no wonder why Pakistani soil is being used to launch air strikes by foreigners onto Pakistan and we can't stop them. The lender always has supremacy over the borrower.
I'm ready to pay US to stop giving us aid!

It comes with strings attached and is the instrument of slavery. It is no wonder why Pakistani soil is being used to launch air strikes by foreigners onto Pakistan and we can't stop them. The lender always has supremacy over the borrower.

Haha...Only if it was that easy...

i absolutely agree with your view. :tup:

I was browsing a few other threads where quite a few pakistanis were infavour of the US aid and openly suggesting more.

Unfortunately theres no consensus over these issues in Pakistan.

I created this thread to see a small consensus amongst a small percentage of net-surfing literate diaspora of Pakistanis...
Pakistan needs aid. Zardari is running the country, if we had someone intelligent like Musharaf running the country, Pakistan would be ok without US aid, but Zardari is President and he's not too intelligent.

Pakistan needs to pull its economy up like it was in 2002-early 2007.
I do not support US aid, but do we have other choices???
I do not support US aid, but do we have other choices???

This is the Problem we don't have any other Choice, Our leaders have Forced us into such a bad situation.

If don't get Aid we will go Bankrupt and if we get Aid we will be slaves to them.
I support US Aid..Accept it or not..it does help us with war on terror.We're really crippled right now..when war on Terror is over then we can deny US Aid.
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This is the Problem we don't have any other Choice, Our leaders have Forced us into such a bad situation.

If don't get Aid we will go Bankrupt and if we get Aid we will be slaves to them.

All thanks to Zardari & Company.

I wish our Pakistani people would compare Pakistan now in February 2009 to Pakistan in February 2007.
Musharaf was way better for Pakistan.
"Beggars are not choosers", it's a harsh reality. On one side, we want sovereignty & dignity while on the other side; we want money either in the form of aid or in the form of loan. Now, it's our own choice what we want, isn't it?

Aids and loans always make you dependent on others. It makes your thinking limited. This limitation is how to get money from others, just like our government is doing. In this way, you become more and more dependent. If we spend our energies honestly on planning how to get rid of this aid & loan and plan how we can make our country economically independent, I bet, together we can do it. There were many economists suggesting in last May how we can avoid IMF loan! But alas, at that time, the government was busy in its politics.

Unfortunately, our corrupt rulers would not plan for it. They only know how to get money from others and then they just plan to buy bullet proof & luxury cars, houses and helicopters for them. A TV report was on air few days ago about getting helicopters for our premiers. Oh, one thing I forgot, they also plan how to fill their foreign accounts. This is what happens to aids and loans. Again, this would happen. Pakistan would suffer in the form of "do more", “suicide blasts” and "drone attacks". Can anyone give the answers of these questions: How much you are sure US would give you aid for ten years? Can we as a nation trust them especially by knowing their previous records? Can you guarantee, they would not cease the aid as soon as WOT is over? Don't you remember the suspension of F-16s?

We'll be economically independent only when we say "No to aids & loans". Just remember the history, when people didn't want to give us military equipment. That proved a blessing for us and now we are much independent in this matter and also exporting it.

I support MetalFalcon in this matter.
All thanks to Zardari & Company.

I wish our Pakistani people would compare Pakistan now in February 2009 to Pakistan in February 2007.
Musharaf was way better for Pakistan.

I dont understand how you come to that conclusion.

Musharaf is the reason Zardari is in power today. Musharaf created anarchy in the country topling the whole judiciary and selecting the most corrupt people, MQM, Chaudhary brothers, to maintain his status quo. Are you forgetting the back-door negotiations between him and Benazir Bhutto that held in the US before elections?

Washington forced this coward General to allow PPP and other corrupt politicians come back to the country. Afterall it was Musharaf who suspended the constitution, and criminal and corruption cases against Zardari in the first place.

The real Question is: Is Musharaff worse or Zardari?
I dont understand how you come to that conclusion.

Musharaf is the reason Zardari is in power today. Musharaf created anarchy in the country topling the whole judiciary and selecting the most corrupt people, MQM, Chaudhary brothers, to maintain his status quo. Are you forgetting the back-door negotiations between him and Benazir Bhutto that held in the US before elections?

Washington forced this coward General to allow PPP and other corrupt politicians come back to the country. Afterall it was Musharaf who suspended the constitution, and criminal and corruption cases against Zardari in the first place.

The real Question is: Is Musharaff worse or Zardari?

Mera bhai, in February 2007, Pakistan's economy was booming, it was at its highest point. Back then, Pakistan was at an economic competition with India, now Pakistan is at an economic competition with Afghanistan. On 2007, Pakistan's GDP growth rate was at 7%, now its barely 1% and today India's GDP growth rate is at 7%.
Now in February 2009, Pakistan is almost bankrupt, had to take an IMF bailout, theres more drone attacks on Pakistani soil now, theres more Pakistani civilians killed now, theres more Pakistani troops killed now, theres more suicide bombings in Pakistan now. Parts of Pakistan is under Taliban control now.

Pakistan during Musharaf's era was far better than Pakistan today.
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Foreign Reserves – a significant economic indicator and of vital importance to every expanding economy. Foreign Reserves is the first and basic economic indicator that transmits an air of confidence and trust, amongst the potential foreign & local investors and the nation. Foreign Reserves are held in abundance and accumulated - in order to sustain the confidence of a country’s capacity to carry out external trade confidently, to balance the momentum between demand & supply of foreign currencies, and also used as an intervention tool by the State Bank. Reserves also bail out the economy in times of financial crisis.

By October 2007, at the end of Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz’s tenure, Pakistan raised back its Foreign Reserves to a handsome $16.4 billion. His exceptional policies kept our trade deficit controlled at $13 billion, exports boomed to $18 billion, revenue generation increased to become $13 billion and attracted foreign investment of $8.4 billion.

Pakistan recently has seen a drastic drop in its Reserves by 50% and its currency devalued by 40%, which has left ordinary people confused and the usual cynics have started heaping the blame onto the policies of Mr. Shaukat Aziz, without even knowing the basic macro-economic indicators nor understanding the relationship b/w Foreign reserves, Trade deficit and Currency devaluation.

The Trade deficit (Exports minus Imports) is always managed in ratio to Revenue generation, Capital inflows and Reserves. Almost all developing economies face the dread of trade deficit but their abundant foreign reserves gives them the fiscal space to overcome those grievances.
Illustrating in mathematics for ordinary readers, on October 2007, when PM Shaukat Aziz left us:
Exports - $18 billion

Imports - $30.53 billion

Trade deficit - $12.53 billion

Foreign Reserves - $16.4 billion

What is to be seen above is that, Pakistan’s Foreign Reserves $16.4 bn exceeded the trade deficit $12.53 bn by a comfortable $3.87 billion and with an additional foreign investment of $8.4 billion – Pakistan’s currency stayed stable at Rs.61 per dollar.

Currency starts to devalue ONLY when the Trade deficit surpasses the Foreign Reserves. This rare phenomenon occurred in PPP’s incompetent & dense minded government, which has led to devaluation of the currency by 40%. They failed to protect our Sovereignty - our Foreign Reserves!

In PPP’s inept government of eight months,

Trade deficit - $20.74 billion

Foreign reserves - $8 billion

Under PPP, the Reserves fell from $14 billion to $8 billion and the trade deficit increased from $12.53 billion to $20.74 billion.

The moment the foreign reserves ($8 bn) fell below the trade deficit ($20.74 bn), the currency starts to devalue. Under Mr. Shaukat Aziz, Rupee stayed stable till October 2007, because our Reserves $16.4 billion EXCEEDED our Trade deficit of $12.53 billion.

In 2007, when international oil prices reached an alarming level of around $90 per barrel, predicting to exceed $140 per barrel, it hurt the Imports bill of many developing countries, by increasing the trade deficit. The experienced Mr. Shaukat Aziz gauged this situation and immediately started monitoring & controlling individual sectors that were importing. He allowed imports only in sectors that were export specific. His efforts resulted in decreasing our Import bill by 6.53% by September 2007 (one month before he left).

Rupee stayed stable throughout Mr. Musharraf’s supported governments. Trade deficit never exceeded the foreign reserves in the last eight years. The results were as follows – a stable rupee:

2001-02: Rs. 61
2002-03: Rs. 57.7
2003-04: Rs. 57.92
2004-05: Rs. 59.66
2005-06: Rs. 60.16
2006-07: Rs. 60.5
2007 (Dec): Rs. 61

What did the inefficient PPP do in these last eight months? They failed to monitor each sector of imports to control them individually. Pakistan’s economy started destabilizing because PPP could not guard our $14 billion reserves. Nor did they utilize any effort to increase the reserves from where Mr. Shaukat Aziz left it at $16.4 billion! The easier way out for them is to beg around the world barefaced or go back to IMF disgracefully.

What did the PPP further do? They increased the import bill by 55% in the months April to June 2008 and again increased it by 52.65% in the months July to September 2008 – though world oil prices fell from $140 per barrel to $70 per barrel.

Flight of capital takes place ONLY in economies where there is lack of trust and faith! Investors and endowing Public do not trust the government of PPP and are wary of PPP’s earlier corrupt reputation.

In the first four months of PPP, around $22 billion were withdrawn from the economy and KSE’s market capitalization fell by $29 billion. The State Bank was forced to place ban on transfer of dollar outside Pakistan.

Foreign reserves get hurt twice in this depletion process. First, when the investors and public pull back their money. Second, when macro-economic indicators witness imbalance and the government is forced to pay their external liabilities through these Reserves. This second stage occurs only when the government loses other means of regular income and is unable to control their imports.

Every country in the world is forced to make Imports. Imports help boost Exports. Even the world exporter China makes an import worth around $954 billion, to further promote their exports. But, Imports should be Export specific – scrutinized and restrained monthly – which was being done under the policies implemented by Mr. Shaukat Aziz.

Let’s analyze the steady India, as an example, with GDP growth of 9%.

Indian Imports - $188 billion (compared to Pakistan’s imports of $40 billion)

Indian Trade deficit - $63 billion (compared to Pakistan’s deficit of $20 billion)

The Indian currency is not devaluing because their Foreign Reserves $308 billion exceed their trade deficit of $63 billion.

Had Mr. Shaukat Aziz continued, the Trade deficit would have been kept controlled in accordance with Pakistan’s Revenue generation, Capital inflows and Foreign Reserves – which would have kept our rupee stable and economy booming at 7% GDP growth.

This latest IMF tranche of $7.6 billion, pre-arranged for a period of two years, will not help boost an economy whose foreign investment is declining, and where the trade deficit exceeds the total foreign reserves. This economic deception is yet another soothing drug given to us, by our unpopular democratic government of PPP.

If Pakistan wishes to remain free from influence of IMF, there is no better option than to assert our economic sovereignty and accumulate Foreign Reserves, from help of over-seas Pakistani. Additionally, attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and public & private portfolio investment. Regrettably, PPP lacks the credibility and the reliability to attract back that trust and confidence!

Afreen Baig is an independent analyst majoring in International Relations and Economics. She can be reached at afreenbaig@gmail.com

Foreign Reserves Phenomenon: Shaukat Aziz versus PPP Our leader - Musharraf
In 2006, Pakistan was the 3rd fastest growing economy of the world and world’s preferred destination for Investment! In President Musharraf’s era:

Pakistan’s economy grew by 100% — to become $ 160 billion
Revenue grew by 100% — to become $ 11.4 billion
Per Capita Income grew by 100% — to become $ 925
Foreign Reserves grew by 500% — to become $ 17 billion
Exports grew by 100% — to become $ 18.5 billion
Textile exports grew by 100% — to become $ 11.2 billion
Karachi Stock Exchange grew by 500% — to become $ 75 billion
Foreign Direct Investment grew by 500% — to become $ 8 billion
Annual Debt servicing decreased by 35% — to become 26%
Poverty decreased by 10% — to become 24%
literacy rate grew by 10% — to become 54%
Public development Funds grew by 100% — to become Rs 520 billion

About Our leader - Musharraf
Personally, I don't prefer any kind of aid from anyone. We should stand up using our own backbone. But if we are able to extract aid from anyone and also protect our national interest - I don't mind. With the RIGHT leaders we can actaully benefit from this aid - while a dishonest leader (like zardari) may actually transfer the whole amount to Dubai personal account.

We need modern technology to counter the insurgents in NWFP (our version & reality of WoT). Our WoT is our war against the groomed agents/uprisers of RAW and Mossad in NWFP and Balochistan. There are atleast three versions of taliban. We are not fighting a US WoT. We're fighting our WoT.
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