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Violent teaching : Are our children animals ?

This happens in uk but a few times the molvi got beaten up with golf clubs etc or jumped.
it was best day of my life cos i got day off that day, yeah watch cartoons and play outside i was kid at the time.
what did you call your molvi torturer we had nicknames for our molvis like gorilla, undertaker, chris benoit, bison from street fighter.

you always have that one snitch the care taker of the mosque, who sucks up to the molvi and tells him rumours about other kids what they do at school, so they get tortured. somtime the snitch brings brand new weopen , bamboo stick, freash stick, ready to tested on victim, similar to the military industriel complex of usa.
but snitch has his down fall when molvi is not there he gets jumped and beaten.
some times you are lucky you sit next to rich kid who got plenty of sweets and arcade games which you can borrow or steal from him. obvously you play protection racket for each sweet.
Ah the school days.... damn! too many stories of such torture to list and that too in a private school...... thankfully didn't study anything in/from mosque/molvi.
Tenth grade was the worst of all. English subject wasn't my forte but I wasn't bad at it either (provided I got an A). My teacher used to give almost a new essay/story/letter to memorize everyday (for the last couple of months) and I wasn't good at memorizing. He then used to test the next day, marking down from 15 for each mistake (never used to take long before it used to be a mark less than 12) and voila a stick for each mark to make up the difference...... I still have stick marks on my back.... He may have beaten me equivalent of all the beatings put together of my school life. What was the result? I never memorized any of the essay/stories/letters he gave, will not forgive him for this.
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