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Violence in Rakhine State: Deadly attacks in Myanmar kill 89

That's right, always running to bosses in the end to save your spineless hides, given what you are and what you always will be....instead of manning up and taking it on the chin....learning from it and pushing to become your own boss so you can dish it out yourself.

No one here to save your hide w.r.t rohingya on the ground. You cried wolf one too many times. Reality bites doesn't it?

More thousands rohing arrived back home to BD in the duration of this thread :) ....more thousands still to come.
Pakistan supports rohingyas thats all i need to know and nationalist members on both sides promote asabeah but i ignore it now im not falling for it anymore

actually if the rohingyas were buddhists you wouldnt have any problem but they are muslims and thats why you hate them

Pakistan will always stand with their Muslim brothers (Bangladesh and Rohingyas). Yes, we may have some difference between us but that will never stop us from supporting our brothers. Truth is Pakistan has received little to no acknowledgment for their support for oppressed Muslims around the world.

JF-17 sale is purely a business venture, Don't let these Baniyas @Nilgiri fool you. Pakistan will always stand with people of Bangladesh and will support Bangladesh on Rohingya issue.
Pakistan will always stand with their Muslim brothers (Bangladesh and Rohingyas). Yes, we may have some difference between us but that will never stop us from supporting our brothers. Truth is Pakistan has received little to no acknowledgment for their support for oppressed Muslims around the world.

JF-17 sale is purely a business venture, Don't let these Baniyas @Nilgiri fool you. Pakistan will always stand with people of Bangladesh and will support Bangladesh on Rohingya issue.
Thank you for support they will try to try to create fethnah but ignore them. also i apologise for awami league raw agents and full support to our brothers in Kashmir :pakistan:
Who gives a toss about Myanmar getting JF-17s to be honest.:lol:

Do you think 3/4 dozen Mig-29s and JF-17s will be anymore than a turkey-shoot for the 12 AESA equipped SU-30SMEs that BD will acquire by 2019? Let the idiots next door spend precious money on buying planes that will become prey to the advanced Flankers that will soon enter BAF.

When the contract is signed? Up till now i dont get the clue, even my friend from Rosoboronexport and United Aircraft said no deal had taken place and he is Aspac sales marketing member for Russian trade and services. The only thing Russian had offered to bd Air forces officialy is Mig 35, not Su 30 SME after they taking into consideration BD Air Force infrastructure and fleets.

And err, SU 30SME is doesnt sporting AESA radar actually, well a hoaxer like tou cant into detail actually

If ever it must be come from Bd. Military.com site in which had produced numerous hoaxes till now.
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I already told you too, NO ONE in this world takes what people that are proud of having 3 million of them slaughtered in a genocide and X00,000 of their mom's and grandmom's getting some intimate attention (and spawning some butthurt kids like yourself in the process) has to say about about anyone else and what connections they make for other ethnicities in their malnourished brains (as seen in their health indicators in neutral 3rd party countries which show just how terribly genetically degraded they are - diabetes prevalence of one third, cardiovascular problems more than 60%....WTF, guess god has to have some cruel jokes on planet earth as warning sign).

So its rich when you complain and try to degrade back at countries and societies providing work for your women, the only work you lot are apparently any good at (when they arent cooped up in some sweatshop stitching underwear for hours on end):



They are thankful for it, given their own society has no shame. This will be how you are looked upon eternally. Myanmar is right to push such people back to where they originated. More thousands arrived back into BD just yesterday again, quickly surpassing 10,000 in just few days. Enjoy the reality!
A heavily downgraded version of African Bantu trying to be relevant! :lol:

I know you are desperate. But you can't suppress the ugly truth like yourself... :disagree:
Myanmar villages burn as Rakhine unrest rages
Published at 07:37 PM August 30, 2017

Pictures of victims of violence in the state of Rakhine are displayed on a screen during a news conference held by National security Advisor U Thaung Tun at National reconciliation and peace center office in Yangon, Myanmar August 29, 2017REUTERS
The violence, which erupted six days ago after Rohingya militants staged surprise raids on police posts, has shown little sign of abating, leaving at least 110 confirmed dead and sending thousands fleeing
Smoke billowed from at least three burning villages in the remote section of Rakhine state where Myanmar’s military is carrying out sweeps for militants.

The violence, which erupted six days ago after Rohingya militants staged surprise raids on police posts, has shown little sign of abating, leaving at least 110 confirmed dead and sending thousands fleeing.

The displaced include ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and the persecuted Rohingya Muslim minority, thousands of whom have massed at the “zero line” border with Bangladesh which they are barred from crossing.

The bodies of two Rohingya women and two children washed up on Bangladeshi soil on Wednesday, an official there said, as villagers took to rickety boats or tried to swim across a frontier river.

On Wednesday villagers in Rakhine continued to flee their homes.

A Rohingya villager near the town of Maungdaw, speaking on condition of anonymity, said residents fled his hamlet as security forces approached and torched their homes.

It was not immediately possible to verify his account but Rohingya who have made it into Bangladesh have brought similar testimony with them.

Large fires were visible early Wednesday from the May Yu river that cuts through the area worst hit by unrest.

Maximum restraint?
Outlying villages have witnessed some of the worst violence, raising fears security operations are shielded from scrutiny by the danger and inaccessibility of the area.

Rohingya villagers are stuck between police and troops hunting down the insurgents and militants offering sporadic resistance.

But testimony gathered from the displaced reaching Bangladesh suggests some Rohinyga men are heeding a call-to-arms by the militants and are staying behind to fight in their villages.

The Arakan Rohingya Solidarity Army claims its men launched Friday’s surprise attacks on police posts, killing 11 state officials, with knives, homemade explosives and a few guns.

After years in which the Rohingya largely avoided violence, the group last October carried out deadly attacks on police posts.

That prompted a months-long security crackdown by Myanmar’s army which left scores dead and forced 87,000 people to flee to Bangladesh.

The UN believes that military crackdown may have amounted to ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya – allegations denied by the army.

On Sunday Pope Francis led mounting international calls for the protection of “our Rohingya brothers”.

The UN has also urged Myanmar to protect civilians during its operations and called on Bangladesh to allow the displaced into their territory – something Dhaka is loath to do given it already hosts 400,000 displaced Rohingya.

A Myanmar government official on Tuesday said security forces would use “maximum restraint” in coming days but insisted on the country’s right to defend itself from “terrorists”.

Myanmar’s Rohingya are the world’s largest stateless minority and endure severe restrictions on their movements.
A heavily downgraded version of African Bantu trying to be relevant! :lol:

I know you are desperate. But you can't suppress the ugly truth like yourself... :disagree:

You can only keep repeating yourself now like a broken record, amply illustrating why your kind has lower scientific output per capita than even the "Bantu" you seem to have some racist notion of.

Patents filed by BD went from 2 to 0 in the USA in latest release.....lol. Guess repeating the same sentence over and over again didn't help those people that tried filing this time haha. Worthless scumbags. Poverty stricken, IQ-deprived, diabetes and heart condition ridden useless wastes of oxygen...and I am only talking about the ones that have fled to greener shores in UK, US and Canada (plenty of statistics already posted multiple times).....the armpit sewer they originated from is lot worse (hard to believe its possible) as we saw in that brave tourist's video cpl weeks ago haha (and also economist liveability for dhaka being around warzone level).
Fleeing Rakhine state into death’s cold embrace
  • Adil Shakhawat
  • Published at 11:13 PM August 31, 2017
  • Last updated at 12:20 AM September 01, 2017

The bodies of this mother and son are one of a pair of bodies that washed up on the shore of Shah Porir DwipAdil Shakhawat/DHAKA TRIBUNE
A boat had capsized near Shah Porir Dwip in Teknaf, roughly 100km from Cox’s Bazar
As the gunfire from automatic rifles and whoop-whoop-whoop from helicopters overhead rose to a deafening cacophony of panic and dread, 17 members of the Rohingya community in Rakhine State fled for their lives.
On the shores of Bay of Bengal, they boarded a boat, hoping to find a moment of reprieve in Bangladesh.

Like a raindrop which loses itself when it falls upon the ground, the hopes of the refugees were obliterated, when the boat sank in its perilous voyage.

Abdullah, a Rohingya man who fled to Bangladesh on Monday, was waiting for his wife and their two-year-old son to meet him. He had last heard from them on the night of August 29, when she told him they were boarding a boat to Bangladesh after paying MMK10,000 (Burmese currency equal to roughly Tk590). He waited for hours, and hours, as worry ate away at him. Abdullah inquired about incoming boats to every middleman who helped the Rohingya escape.

When he heard from a boatman that the bodies of Rohingyas had been found at sea, an invisible fist drove into his chest cavity.

The boat had capsized near Shah Porir Dwip in Teknaf, roughly 100km from Cox’s Bazar.

Early Wednesday morning, a Bangladeshi was performing her prayers in her house in Shah Porir Dwip. After her morning prayers, she walked out of the house, and found the dead bodies of a woman and a child.

They were not the only one. 500 metres south, another mother lay dead with her son.

Abdullah now lives with a pain that makes the bitterness of regret seem like honey.

“I should have brought them with me when I crossed the border. The army burned down our villages and killed our people. My family fled in one direction, I ran in another direction. We remained in touch till they got on the boat.”

When Abdullah examined the bodies, it did not assuage his heart to find that they were not his family. He said he knows his family is dead, because they were on that very boat which capsized. His wife and child remain missing, just like his hopes and dreams.

This group of refugees are among 600 Rohingyas stranded at Shah Porir Dwip. The photo was taken on August 31, 2017 Adil Shakhawat/Dhaka Tribune

The bodies of the mother-son pairs remained on the beach, draped by black polythene sheets like shrouds.

As the day grew, more and more onlookers gathered, muttering to each other: “God knows how much pain they had to go through.”

A woman called Shamima was cradling her own child as she whispered: “Who can tell what a mother feels when she can’t save her baby.”

Rohingya refugees identified the bodies and lamented that neither the Border Guard Bangladesh nor Teknaf police were assuming responsibility for the bodies and left them on the beach, till late Wednesday.

BGB 2 Battalion Commanding Officer SM Ariful Islam said Teknaf police will dispose of the bodies, right after they make a decision.

Boatman Mohammad Solim told the Dhaka Tribune that many of his fellow boatmen confirmed that a boat had sunk with more than a dozen on board.

Over 600 Rohingyas, including 187 new arrivals this week, are stranded in Shah Porir Dwip. This includes three with gunshot wounds, mothers with newborns, the sickly and the diseased.

About 100 refugees are taking shelter in a small local mosque where they survive on aid from locals who bring fresh water, dry food and basic medicine. Despite their poor state, they remain confined by the BGB.

The interior of the mosque reeks of disease and death. The pungent malodour of infected wounds and sores assail the nostrils of any new visitors. The Rohingya lie on mats of palm leaves.

There is no special treatment for mothers, infants or the wounded.

The more aged members of the community sit in a corner and weep silently, horrified at their experience.

Every one of these Rohingyas escaped from villages in Southern Maungdaw. All throughout Wednesday, they gazed out across the river at the smoke rising from their villages.
You can only keep repeating yourself now like a broken record, amply illustrating why your kind has lower scientific output per capita than even the "Bantu" you seem to have some racist notion of.

Patents filed by BD went from 2 to 0 in the USA in latest release.....lol. Guess repeating the same sentence over and over again didn't help those people that tried filing this time haha. Worthless scumbags. Poverty stricken, IQ-deprived, diabetes and heart condition ridden useless wastes of oxygen...and I am only talking about the ones that have fled to greener shores in UK, US and Canada (plenty of statistics already posted multiple times).....the armpit sewer they originated from is lot worse (hard to believe its possible) as we saw in that brave tourist's video cpl weeks ago haha (and also economist liveability for dhaka being around warzone level).
You can collect every negative of us and keep repeating to feel some comfort. :enjoy:

But still you can't suppress the fact that you and your kinds are heavily downgraded version of African Bantu tribe. :lol:
You can collect every negative of us and keep repeating to feel some comfort. :enjoy:

But still you can't suppress the fact that you and your kinds are heavily downgraded version of African Bantu tribe. :lol:

Keep repeating yourself like a Bantu click language. Funny fellow with no higher thought process. Besides Bantu tribes are myriad times smarter than you fellows (check out sci-direct yourself), yet you indulge in mocking yourself by bringing them into the topic.

You are heavily downgraded version of the simian banglapithicus to begin with anyway. Lungi and pole vault probably too advanced for you :lol:
Rohingia are equally responsible.
There's a big misconception about the violence in Burma that has caused severe casualties to both Rohingya Muslims and Burmese Buddhists. Therefore it is important that a fair assessment to this issue is done to shed light on the grey areas and enlighten those who are clueless on the subject.

The Rohingyas are a Muslim minority who migrated from Bangladesh and reside in Myanmar. The community procreated in large numbers within a very short period of time without any family planning and considerations to limited resources, because of which the native community in the area has became a minority and deprived of their own lands that were grabbed by increased population of Rohingyans.
image: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tAYCA3-Deds/WBY6myeRmdI/AAAAAAAACmQ/yMXgY61AHaMPAoJGQCq4Y-EL0UrC9PxhgCLcB/s640/the%2Breal%2Breason%2Bbehind%2Bbuddhist%2Band%2Bmuslim%2Bviolance%2Bin%2BBurma%2Bmyanmar.jpg

According to Rohingyas, they are indigenous to Rakhine State, while the Burmese historians claim that they migrated to Burma from Bengal primarily during the period of British rule in Burma, and to a lesser extent, after the Burmese independence in 1948 and Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971.

General Ne Win's government, in 1982, enacted the Burmese nationality law, which denied citizenship to the Rohingyas honoring the opinion of vast majority of Burmese. (96%) The decision also came as a result as the Rohingyas were rebelling the government for several decades with the support of external forces, mainly from separatists movements and extremist groups including Al Qaeda.
The Rohingya insurgency in Western Myanmar was an insurgency in northern Rakhine State (also known as Arakan), waged by insurgents belonging to the Rohingya ethnic minority. Most clashes have occurred in the Maungdaw District, which borders Bangladesh.
image: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6YYJlUCHPMs/WBY8tqIzwaI/AAAAAAAACmY/qvN4Ha3Haz4ZPDIYAA-OUjGe4HKZdBLrgCLcB/s1600/burma.png

Local mujahideen groups were rebelling government forces From 1947 to 1961, in an attempt to have the mostly Rohingya populated Mayu peninsula in northern Rakhine State secede from Myanmar, and have it be annexed by East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh). In late 1950s they lost most of their support and surrendered to government forces.
The modern Rohingya insurgency in northern Rakhine began in 2001 although Shwe Maung, the then MP of the Rohingya-majority, rejected claims that new Islamist insurgent groups had begun operating along the Bangladeshi border.
Latest incident that got reported was in October 2016, where clashes have erupted on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border, with Rohingya insurgents linked to foreign Islamists suspected of being the perpetrators.
However Rohingyas have stayed in Burma for several generations and account for nearly 4% of Myanmar’s population.

On the other hand the incident where brutal rape and murder of a Rakhine Buddhist woman by Muslim men, followed by the killing of Rohingya Muslims (as retaliation) sparked the communal riots between Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims. This was not exactly a one sided massacre, but a communal riot with victims from both sides.

The issue became more severe when Rohingyas started killing monks too. Often by beheading them. At least 19 such monk killings were reported within a couple of months where monks started to take the side of the native groups who were fighting the Rohingyas.

image: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GqxyUO_peQ8/WBfxMHtWb2I/AAAAAAAACms/T-YYo5TvPy4UKaaYIPAEV1GfOa2T7bO5QCLcB/s1600/myanmar.jpg

Now the question every one of us must be asking is, why do Muslims kill Christians? Why do Muslims kill Muslims? pretty much everywhere in the world. None of the Buddhists we know did/ does / wants to kill Muslims, at least not because of any religious reasons. But in Myanmar we find low tolerance towards proselytism, this means there’s no problem with any religion you may have, as long as you stick to it and don’t attempt to convert others. The Christians have learned their lesson a long time ago although they continue to do it without being aggressive about it, the Hindus never had such ambitions, the Buddhists never engage in that, but the Muslims…Well…Well...Well

On the other hand Rohingyas communities tend to be highly conservative of inter-faith marriages where they punish and sometimes kills their women in case they marry someone outside Rohingyas. While they are ready to marry Buddhist women and convert them to Islam. This doesn’t sit well with some conservative factions of the Buddhist majority, for obvious reasons.

Christians and hindus, the 2nd and 4th largest communities, by population, are integrating just fine despite many Christian ethnicities engaging against the Buddhist Bamar (Kachin, Chin, Karen, etc), the disputes are historical, territorial and resource-based, never religious. Also, insulting religion, ANY religion, for whatever reason, is illegal in Myanmar and would land you in jail in a matter of hours. And that’s actively enforced, probably for good reason.

Rohingyas Muslims were welcomed as guests in the beginning according to historians. There was little or no problem at the beginning. Problems such as rebelling did happen later but an agreement was reached and they disarmed in early 60s. Although minor conflicts occurred among both communities, nothing serious occurred until about 5 years ago where Muslims gathered in numbers and walked the streets killing the minority natives in their areas. Which is why Burmese Buddhists started counter attacking the Muslims who were killing their brothers and sisters in Rohingyas lands. Below video is self explanatory to the fact that how Muslims gathered in hundreds to attack Minority Buddhists in Rakhine State.

Therefore, it is critical that one needs to understand that Buddhists do not kill Muslims but the natives are responding to the rebels who are virtually on a ethnic cleansing mission is Rakhine State. If Buddhists were at fault, they should probably be attacking Christians too. At least some type of discrimination against Christians which is the 2nd largest religious community in Burma which has never happened.

It must also be noted that no one should be linking the unrest to religious war. Its a political war where natives trying to protect their life from insurgents belonging to a migrated community. Who are not only trying to procreate at a disturbing rate but also trying to convert natives to their faith forcibly by direct and indirect means. To make it worst, they are promoting Rohingyas men to marry Buddhists but has banned Rohingyas women to marry Buddhists. Its a riot the Rohingyas started by attacking Buddhists and other way round as it is evidently true to anywhere else in the world. It is Rohingyas who kill people Chanting Allahu Akbar and not a single Buddhist because Buddhists can't possibly justify killing according to their teachings. But their survival has become a priority which compel them to fight back.

Buddhists in Burma have seen Rohingyas rioting against them for more than half a century for no apparent reason except the need to create a separate Islam region in Burma with the funding that come from extremist organizations and middle east in addition to the support they have from neighboring Pakistan and Bangladesh. Its as the last resort they have opted to deal with the obvious problem they have at hand. It was simply a question for Buddhists weather they were willing to die at the Hands of Muslim separatists or try to prevail by fighting back.

Read more at http://www.religionmind.com/2016/10/why-did-buddhist-monk-lead-mob-group.html#hpHbTKDx8I1qjMZd.99
Rohingia are equally responsible.
There's a big misconception about the violence in Burma that has caused severe casualties to both Rohingya Muslims and Burmese Buddhists. Therefore it is important that a fair assessment to this issue is done to shed light on the grey areas and enlighten those who are clueless on the subject.

The Rohingyas are a Muslim minority who migrated from Bangladesh and reside in Myanmar. The community procreated in large numbers within a very short period of time without any family planning and considerations to limited resources, because of which the native community in the area has became a minority and deprived of their own lands that were grabbed by increased population of Rohingyans.
image: https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tAYCA3-Deds/WBY6myeRmdI/AAAAAAAACmQ/yMXgY61AHaMPAoJGQCq4Y-EL0UrC9PxhgCLcB/s640/the%2Breal%2Breason%2Bbehind%2Bbuddhist%2Band%2Bmuslim%2Bviolance%2Bin%2BBurma%2Bmyanmar.jpg

According to Rohingyas, they are indigenous to Rakhine State, while the Burmese historians claim that they migrated to Burma from Bengal primarily during the period of British rule in Burma, and to a lesser extent, after the Burmese independence in 1948 and Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971.

General Ne Win's government, in 1982, enacted the Burmese nationality law, which denied citizenship to the Rohingyas honoring the opinion of vast majority of Burmese. (96%) The decision also came as a result as the Rohingyas were rebelling the government for several decades with the support of external forces, mainly from separatists movements and extremist groups including Al Qaeda.
The Rohingya insurgency in Western Myanmar was an insurgency in northern Rakhine State (also known as Arakan), waged by insurgents belonging to the Rohingya ethnic minority. Most clashes have occurred in the Maungdaw District, which borders Bangladesh.
image: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6YYJlUCHPMs/WBY8tqIzwaI/AAAAAAAACmY/qvN4Ha3Haz4ZPDIYAA-OUjGe4HKZdBLrgCLcB/s1600/burma.png

Local mujahideen groups were rebelling government forces From 1947 to 1961, in an attempt to have the mostly Rohingya populated Mayu peninsula in northern Rakhine State secede from Myanmar, and have it be annexed by East Pakistan (present-day Bangladesh). In late 1950s they lost most of their support and surrendered to government forces.
The modern Rohingya insurgency in northern Rakhine began in 2001 although Shwe Maung, the then MP of the Rohingya-majority, rejected claims that new Islamist insurgent groups had begun operating along the Bangladeshi border.
Latest incident that got reported was in October 2016, where clashes have erupted on the Myanmar-Bangladesh border, with Rohingya insurgents linked to foreign Islamists suspected of being the perpetrators.
However Rohingyas have stayed in Burma for several generations and account for nearly 4% of Myanmar’s population.

On the other hand the incident where brutal rape and murder of a Rakhine Buddhist woman by Muslim men, followed by the killing of Rohingya Muslims (as retaliation) sparked the communal riots between Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims. This was not exactly a one sided massacre, but a communal riot with victims from both sides.

The issue became more severe when Rohingyas started killing monks too. Often by beheading them. At least 19 such monk killings were reported within a couple of months where monks started to take the side of the native groups who were fighting the Rohingyas.

image: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GqxyUO_peQ8/WBfxMHtWb2I/AAAAAAAACms/T-YYo5TvPy4UKaaYIPAEV1GfOa2T7bO5QCLcB/s1600/myanmar.jpg

Now the question every one of us must be asking is, why do Muslims kill Christians? Why do Muslims kill Muslims? pretty much everywhere in the world. None of the Buddhists we know did/ does / wants to kill Muslims, at least not because of any religious reasons. But in Myanmar we find low tolerance towards proselytism, this means there’s no problem with any religion you may have, as long as you stick to it and don’t attempt to convert others. The Christians have learned their lesson a long time ago although they continue to do it without being aggressive about it, the Hindus never had such ambitions, the Buddhists never engage in that, but the Muslims…Well…Well...Well

On the other hand Rohingyas communities tend to be highly conservative of inter-faith marriages where they punish and sometimes kills their women in case they marry someone outside Rohingyas. While they are ready to marry Buddhist women and convert them to Islam. This doesn’t sit well with some conservative factions of the Buddhist majority, for obvious reasons.

Christians and hindus, the 2nd and 4th largest communities, by population, are integrating just fine despite many Christian ethnicities engaging against the Buddhist Bamar (Kachin, Chin, Karen, etc), the disputes are historical, territorial and resource-based, never religious. Also, insulting religion, ANY religion, for whatever reason, is illegal in Myanmar and would land you in jail in a matter of hours. And that’s actively enforced, probably for good reason.

Rohingyas Muslims were welcomed as guests in the beginning according to historians. There was little or no problem at the beginning. Problems such as rebelling did happen later but an agreement was reached and they disarmed in early 60s. Although minor conflicts occurred among both communities, nothing serious occurred until about 5 years ago where Muslims gathered in numbers and walked the streets killing the minority natives in their areas. Which is why Burmese Buddhists started counter attacking the Muslims who were killing their brothers and sisters in Rohingyas lands. Below video is self explanatory to the fact that how Muslims gathered in hundreds to attack Minority Buddhists in Rakhine State.

Therefore, it is critical that one needs to understand that Buddhists do not kill Muslims but the natives are responding to the rebels who are virtually on a ethnic cleansing mission is Rakhine State. If Buddhists were at fault, they should probably be attacking Christians too. At least some type of discrimination against Christians which is the 2nd largest religious community in Burma which has never happened.

It must also be noted that no one should be linking the unrest to religious war. Its a political war where natives trying to protect their life from insurgents belonging to a migrated community. Who are not only trying to procreate at a disturbing rate but also trying to convert natives to their faith forcibly by direct and indirect means. To make it worst, they are promoting Rohingyas men to marry Buddhists but has banned Rohingyas women to marry Buddhists. Its a riot the Rohingyas started by attacking Buddhists and other way round as it is evidently true to anywhere else in the world. It is Rohingyas who kill people Chanting Allahu Akbar and not a single Buddhist because Buddhists can't possibly justify killing according to their teachings. But their survival has become a priority which compel them to fight back.

Buddhists in Burma have seen Rohingyas rioting against them for more than half a century for no apparent reason except the need to create a separate Islam region in Burma with the funding that come from extremist organizations and middle east in addition to the support they have from neighboring Pakistan and Bangladesh. Its as the last resort they have opted to deal with the obvious problem they have at hand. It was simply a question for Buddhists weather they were willing to die at the Hands of Muslim separatists or try to prevail by fighting back.

Read more at http://www.religionmind.com/2016/10/why-did-buddhist-monk-lead-mob-group.html#hpHbTKDx8I1qjMZd.99
Where did you find this gem. Looks like written by some dharmic Indian.

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