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View from McLeod Road: Why the Sino-Pak alliance is economically worthless


Aug 13, 2012
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In the 12-year period between July 2000 and June 2012, net foreign investment in Pakistan amounted to about $29 billion, of that, just $0.8 billion came from China. CREATIVE COMMONS

KARACHI: Pakistan’s leaders love using laughably outrageous metaphors in describing the country’s relationship with China, yet the truth is that this so-called alliance means almost nothing positive for the Pakistani economy.

All of Islamabad – indeed all of Pakistan – appears to be bending over backwards in laying out the red carpet to welcome Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. But the fact of the matter is that China will give Pakistan almost nothing, and this two-day trip is really only being made by the Chinese premier to avoid slapping Islamabad in the face completely, after having made his first trip abroad a three-day visit to India, in a key signal about the real shifts in Chinese foreign policy.

Pakistanis love to proclaim China as our “all-weather friend. In his last visit to China, former Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani described the relationship as “higher than mountains, deeper than oceans, stronger than steel and sweeter than honey.”

On this trip, Premier Li described the relationship as “a tree, now exuberant with abundant fruits”.
This was not him being poetic. It was delivering a message that nobody in Pakistan seems to have gotten: that China’s ties with Pakistan are not some eternal alliance of friends, but a strictly utilitarian relationship in which Beijing uses Islamabad occasionally to scare the living daylights out of the United States and India to get what it wants in its negotiations with Washington and New Delhi, and then abandons Pakistan once that transaction is completed.

A look at the numbers suggests that the Islamabad-Beijing relationship has had very little benefit for Pakistan as whole.

In the 12-year period between July 2000 and June 2012, net foreign investment in Pakistan amounted to about $29 billion, according to the State Bank of Pakistan. Of that, just $0.8 billion came from China, and nearly all of that was China Mobile’s investment in Zong.

China’s investment in Pakistan is less than that of tiny Netherlands, which invested $1.4 billion during that time. The supposed “Great Satan” – the United States – invested the most in Pakistan: $7.7 billion, or more than a quarter of all foreign investment in the country. There is only one major Chinese company with actual investments in Pakistan: China Mobile. The number of major US companies investing in Pakistan? More than 30.

In Pakistan’s terms of trade with China, the relationship is virtually colonial in nature. In 2012, China sold Pakistan about $6.6 billion worth of goods, mostly electronic equipment and machinery. Pakistan sold China about $2.6 billion worth of goods, nearly all of that cotton yarn. By contrast, Pakistan runs a trade surplus with both the United States and the European Union.

But what about Gwadar Port and its benefits to Pakistan, one might be tempted to ask. There is no denying that Gwadar – if developed properly – can deliver massive economic gains to Pakistan as a whole and especially the impoverished people of Balochistan. The problem is that this is exactly what we said when we handed over the Saindak copper and gold mines to China a decade ago. How’s that working out for us? Not very well, by the looks of the Balochistan and federal governments’ revenues, and the utter lack of development in that area.

What about other Chinese companies building infrastructure in Pakistan? They are simply contractors being paid for construction work on projects financed mostly by Pakistani taxpayers or donations from the US, EU or multilateral donors.

The truth is that China is much more serious about its economic relationship with India than with Pakistan. Here is how we know: in Islamabad, the Chinese premier will, at best, sign a few memoranda of understanding, essentially worthless pieces of paper that say nothing of substance. In India, the visit was marked by Chinese companies signing legally binding contracts with their Indian counterparts worth billions of dollars. China’s trade with India is worth $68 billion and the two countries are on track to take it to $100 billion in two years.

The sooner Pakistan wakes up from the “China is our friend” delusion, the sooner we will stop giving control of the country’s economic resources for almost nothing in return. The harsh reality is that Pakistan means almost nothing to China, and that is why the relationship with Beijing has yielded almost no tangible benefits for the Pakistani economy.

View from McLeod Road: Why the Sino-Pak alliance is economically worthless – The Express Tribune

Published in The Express Tribune, May 23rd, 2013.
The problem with paid writers at a time when Chinese PM is on visit, is that on the one hand these bloggers try to stire feelings by saying Pakistanis look up to China for help and they mock it as begging, and on the other hand these writers moan over and over again and expect that China should come to rescue of Pakistan for economic crisis.


China is NOT supposed to solve our issues.

create investment opportunities so everyone will invest not only China
The sooner Pakistan wakes up from the “China is our friend” delusion, the sooner we will stop giving control of the country’s economic resources for almost nothing in return. The harsh reality is that Pakistan means almost nothing to China, and that is why the relationship with Beijing has yielded almost no tangible benefits for the Pakistani economy.

This is strange logic.

The only one who can improve your economy is yourself. Every economic interaction with another country should be done with the eventual goal of learning to improve yourself.

You can't rely on other nations to build your economy. But you can learn from them and use it to improve your own capabilities.
The article says View from McLeoud Road -- Chinese friends should understand that Mcleoud road is famous for banks and commercial enterprises -- The article is high lighting something we have been high lighting for years, namely that China and Pakistan speak in flowery terms but in real value, not much is matched by the words -- See these are businessmen, they measure things of real value, exchangeable value, they can eat or buy or sell "feel good" -- this is the proper perspective of the article.

Now we have argued for years, (just check on this forum) that it is not China but Pakistan that does not take the value of commercial relations seriously - and this is the complaint for Mcleoud road as well, where are the govt ministries that promote trade with China? Where are the programs that identify and create opportunities for Pakistani and Chinese business??
This is strange logic.

The only one who can improve your economy is yourself. Every economic interaction with another country should be done with the eventual goal of learning to improve yourself.

You can't rely on other nations to build your economy. But you can learn from them and use it to improve your own capabilities.

That's true.

Pakistan is not very good place to invest as of now.

Pakistan must solve problems like terrorist attacks, load shedding and bring in new policies to encourage investors.

Once Stability and investment friendly environments comes back in Pakistan, investments will follow
The article says View from McLeoud Road -- Chinese friends should understand that Mcleoud road is famous for banks and commercial enterprises -- The article is high lighting something we have been high lighting for years, namely that China and Pakistan speak in flowery terms but in real value, not much is matched by the words -- See these are businessmen, they measure things of real value, exchangeable value, they can eat or buy or sell "feel good" -- this is the proper perspective of the article.

Now we have argued for years, (just check on this forum) that it is not China but Pakistan that does not take the value of commercial relations seriously - and this is the complaint for Mcleoud road as well, where are the govt ministries that promote trade with China? Where are the programs that identify and create opportunities for Pakistani and Chinese business??

We have the most experience when it comes to building infrastructure in the developing world.

We also produce and consume more energy than any other country.

There is so much you could benefit from our experience if only your leaders were more serious about it.

It was only recently that we opened our economy to the outside world. Every time we worked with the Americans/Europeans etc. we were constantly learning, so that one day we would be able to do it all ourselves.

Now, our infrastructure building capabilities are among the most competitive in the world. We should be working together more to solve Pakistan's energy problems, without all the bureaucratic hurdles.
some of the metaphors used to describe the sino-pak relationship are incredibly creative...
This is strange logic.

The only one who can improve your economy is yourself. Every economic interaction with another country should be done with the eventual goal of learning to improve yourself.

You can't rely on other nations to build your economy. But you can learn from them and use it to improve your own capabilities.

To be honest...it is brutal but true, the moment India and China relationship will increase and China feels India will also supports rise of China, the importance of Pakistan is over...It is a very known fact that USA sees Pakistan as a counterbalance to Russian,Iran and India as Pakistan is located in middle of all these states...And China sees Pakistan to pull down India...These are very honest attitude of powerful nations like China and USA towards Pakistan..

But again, in this whole episode, there is no point in blaming China.Since its independence Pakistan and its corrupt politico-military gov somehow got a habit of getting aid and financial help from US and West due to the strategical initiative from West to achieve their own goals...So in this process, the politican or people who rule Pakistan, forgot to develop their economic infrastructure for long term gain..They always expected that someone will come to rescue....And West has always supported the aid concept because by giving aid to a develop country, they will make sure developing nation will always have a dependency on West... But to be honest ....this is not the way relationship works....The classic example is China and Japan relationship...Although they treat each other as enemy still then their trade is more than $100 billion.....
To be honest...it is brutal but true, the moment India and China relationship will increase and China feels India will also supports rise of China, the importance of Pakistan is over...It is a very known fact that USA sees Pakistan as a counterbalance to Russian,Iran and India as Pakistan is located in middle of all these states...And China sees Pakistan to pull down India...These are very honest attitude of powerful nations like China and USA towards Pakistan..

But again, in this whole episode, there is no point in blaming China.Since its independence Pakistan and its corrupt politico-military gov somehow got a habit of getting aid and financial help from US and West due to the strategical initiative from West to achieve their own goals...So in this process, the politican or people who rule Pakistan, forgot to develop their economic infrastructure for long term gain..They always expected that someone will come to rescue....And West has always supported the aid concept because by giving aid to a develop country, they will make sure developing nation will always have a dependency on West... But to be honest ....this is not the way relationship works....The classic example is China and Japan relationship...Although they treat each other as enemy still then their trade is more than $100 billion.....

And USA recently found India as counterbalance to China.

Its not a new thing everyone works for own interests.

Indians calling it begging when it comes to Pakistan and call it as diplomacy when it comes to India.

Pak-US relations had always been rocky but these work fine when it comes to selective protection of self-interests hence both do NOT trust each other.

Whereas in Pak-China relations though Pakistan does not get that much investement and projects as compared to India still we trust China for the biggest reason that China so far did NOT interfere in our internal matters.

Above all if NOT giving benefits, China also did NOT harm Pakistan.

This is the biggest reason for us to love China even if China expresses merely words of praise for us.
There is another thread running which is exactly opposite to this one........I am confusedddddddddddd:laughcry:

Btw nice trolling guys :P
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