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Vietnam's middle class projected to double by 2020

The headache issue is that most of real middle class concentrates in North Vietnam, or in people with North Vietnamese root living in the South.

The real estate price are skyrocketed by the investment of North Vietnamese people, not only billionaires but the average people, who are educated, work hard and have savings. This make country richer but the wealth are controlled by North Vietnamese.

In Đà Nẵng, Nha Trang, Phú Quốc, Hồ Chí Minh, etc. most big projects, if not all, are either from North Vietnamese investors or foreign ones. This is the problem.

People in the South keep complaining that Hanoi is exploiting them, but they do not want to accept that the investment and managing skills all come from the North. The South is rich in natural resource only.

As a Hanoian, I am not feeling proud of it. It poses the risk for the country in long term. The North can become industrialized and rich, but the South will look something like a version of the third world Phillipines, with very rich people and very poor people living together.

When a poor farmer from a Northern province immigrates to the South, within 10 - 20 years, he can build his big house, send his children to university, while his Southerner neighbours keep living in poverty, it is a cultural problem, and a big one.
The headache issue is that most of real middle class concentrates in North Vietnam, or in people with North Vietnamese root living in the South.

The real estate price are skyrocketed by the investment of North Vietnamese people, not only billionaires but the average people, who are educated, work hard and have savings. This make country richer but the wealth are controlled by North Vietnamese.

In Đà Nẵng, Nha Trang, Phú Quốc, Hồ Chí Minh, etc. most big projects, if not all, are either from North Vietnamese investors or foreign ones. This is the problem.

People in the South keep complaining that Hanoi is exploiting them, but they do not want to accept that the investment and managing skills all come from the North. The South is rich in natural resource only.

As a Hanoian, I am not feeling proud of it. It poses the risk for the country in long term. The North can become industrialized and rich, but the South will look something like a version of the third world Phillipines, with very rich people and very poor people living together.

When a poor farmer from a Northern province immigrates to the South, within 10 - 20 years, he can build his big house, send his children to university, while his Southerner neighbours keep living in poverty, it is a cultural problem, and a big one.
there is no evidence suggesting the majority of property investments is made by northerner. anyway, southerner are basically northerner who migrated to the south in the last two centuries. there are enough southerner who look down on poor cousins in the north. ok, maybe we should stop the cultural division between north and south.
But you know who rules the US, right? Allying with the US and subscribing to TTP means opening all doors and windows for the Rothschild/ Warburg/ Morgan/ Rockerfeller cabal and that's what your gov is doing.

Rothschild wants to enslave people through debt. They don't just rule the US, they rule many countries as of now and including the country you reside in, Germany. Rothschild family goes way back 200 years. But when you go against them, they put you in the grave. Hitler, JFK, Lincoln, etc.

Vietnam's situation is complex. The CIA acted alone (JFK knew about it) in assassinating Ngo Dinh Diem, he was a PM of South Vietnamese until 1963 and his brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, was also assassinated the same year. The reason for their assassination is below.

By October 1963, more than 16,000 American troops were in Vietnam, and the casualties had mounted into the hundreds. That summer the Diem regime was waging an open, hard-hitting war against the Buddhist majority in the country. A campaign to that effect was personally directed by President Diem, his brother Nhu and Diem’s sister-in-law, Ngu Le Xuan — the flamboyant Madame Nhu. They closed Buddhist schools and made random arrests of dissident Buddhist leaders. ARVN elite troops attacked a Buddhist demonstration, arresting hundreds. Then a Buddhist monk named Thich Quang Duc set fire to himself in protest on a crowded Saigon street. The Ngo brothers believed that the Buddhist uprising was Communist inspired, and Madame Nhu, often known as the Dragon Lady, notoriously said that she would enjoy seeing more barbecues of Buddhists.

Much of the violence perpetrated by the Diem regime against the seemingly peaceful Buddhist majority was seen on American television. Reaction from the White House was swift. President Kennedy condemned the violence and urged Diem to get his house in order. Ambassador Nolting had meanwhile been replaced by Henry Cabot Lodge, who in August 1963 received a message from then acting Secretary of State George Ball, who noted that Diem had to get rid of his corrupt brother and inflammatory sister-in-law if he expected to receive continued U.S. support of his government. Lodge, in a memo to Washington, reported that the chances of Diem going along with the American demands were virtually nil. The fallout from the Buddhist uprisings in the summer of 1963 became the lightning rod for the coup that sealed the fate of both Diem and Nhu.

JFK, 3 weeks later was also assassinated the same year. Later his brother, Robert Kennedy was also assassinated. The reason for JFK's assassination was a lot of reasons. But it has to do with him trying to remove the CIA and Federal Reserve (which belongs to the Rothschild). In my opinion.

You already know why Vietnam doesn't just trade only with China, but also with TTP. TTP is obviously a win for Vietnam for a duration of time. Vietnam has nothing to lose but everything to gain.

You should ask China why she's going against the IMF with BRICS. Probably wants to enslave the world too. But at least it creates a competition between the two.

So what is the difference between China and the Rothschild? nothing.

The headache issue is that most of real middle class concentrates in North Vietnam, or in people with North Vietnamese root living in the South.

The real estate price are skyrocketed by the investment of North Vietnamese people, not only billionaires but the average people, who are educated, work hard and have savings. This make country richer but the wealth are controlled by North Vietnamese.

In Đà Nẵng, Nha Trang, Phú Quốc, Hồ Chí Minh, etc. most big projects, if not all, are either from North Vietnamese investors or foreign ones. This is the problem.

People in the South keep complaining that Hanoi is exploiting them, but they do not want to accept that the investment and managing skills all come from the North. The South is rich in natural resource only.

As a Hanoian, I am not feeling proud of it. It poses the risk for the country in long term. The North can become industrialized and rich, but the South will look something like a version of the third world Phillipines, with very rich people and very poor people living together.

When a poor farmer from a Northern province immigrates to the South, within 10 - 20 years, he can build his big house, send his children to university, while his Southerner neighbours keep living in poverty, it is a cultural problem, and a big one.

Yes, North has a lot of money borrowed and taken away from a lot of investors and never able to pay them back. The corrupted VCP officials took every bit of money from people to fund their lavish's lives. Regular North people was never rich.

In fact, they didn't even have the best educational system. If Vietnam wasn't united, you would look like North Korea today.

In fact, the people can't hold a smart conversation with the Chinese. This is obvious on PDF.

Before 1975, South Vietnam has a lot of automobiles while you Northerners still riding bicycles imported from China.

After 1975, most of the money from South poured into the North. You North people don't know how to make money but only know how to take money and are ungrateful for it. This is why Vietnam got a bad reputation in China for not paying them back their money.

How do you even industrialize something when your precious VCP government only care about their lavish's lives and protecting their corrupted VCP principles? There's no law and order in Vietnam. There's no protection for the investors and businesses. If the VCP doesn't change, they will not be able to keep TTP and the growth they are experiencing today. So the VCP has to change and adapt to the new level of growth for it to become stable.

Here's a video to open your eyes.

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Rothschild wants to enslave people through debt. They don't just rule the US, they rule many countries as of now and including the country you reside in, Germany. Rothschild family goes way back 200 years. But when you go against them, they put you in the grave. Hitler, JFK, Lincoln, etc.

Vietnam's situation is complex. The CIA acted alone (JFK knew about it) in assassinating Ngo Dinh Diem, he was a PM of South Vietnamese until 1963 and his brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, was also assassinated the same year. The reason for their assassination is below.

JFK, 3 weeks later was also assassinated the same year. Later his brother, Robert Kennedy was also assassinated. The reason for JFK's assassination was a lot of reasons. But it has to do with him trying to remove the CIA and Federal Reserve (which belongs to the Rothschild). In my opinion.

You already know why Vietnam doesn't just trade only with China, but also with TTP. TTP is obviously a win for Vietnam for a duration of time. Vietnam has nothing to lose but everything to gain.

You should ask China why she's going against the IMF with BRICS. Probably wants to enslave the world too. But at least it creates a competition between the two.

So what is the difference between China and the Rothschild? nothing.

Yes, North has a lot of money borrowed and taken away from a lot of investors and never able to pay them back. The corrupted VCP officials took every bit of money from people to fund their lavish's lives. Regular North people was never rich.

In fact, they didn't even have the best educational system. If Vietnam wasn't united, you would look like North Korea today.

In fact, the people can't hold a smart conversation with the Chinese. This is obvious on PDF.

Before 1975, South Vietnam has a lot of automobiles while you Northerners still riding bicycles imported from China.

After 1975, most of the money from South poured into the North. You North people don't know how to make money but only know how to take money and are ungrateful for it. This is why Vietnam got a bad reputation in China for not paying them back their money.

How do you even industrialize something when your precious VCP government only care about their lavish's lives and protecting their corrupted VCP principles? There's no law and order in Vietnam. There's no protection for the investors and businesses. If the VCP doesn't change, they will not be able to keep TTP and the growth they are experiencing today. So the VCP has to change and adapt to the new level of growth for it to become stable.

Here's a video to open your eyes.

I don't think, you really understand the fundamentals of the Rothschild system. It goes beyond enslavement of the people, it's deeper than religion or ethnicity, it's darker than the deepedst dungeon. No system has killed more people in the last century and yet manages to sell you unicorn sparkles.

And I don't need you to tell me that the whole EU has been the playing field of the Rothschild. Guess where this family comes from! There are only a handfull countries that have still outside the Rothschild system and a short glance into the "free media" will tell you which countries these are.

The last US president who tried to free his country from the system got a bullet in his head.
Well I hope the communist traitors helps the people first. The traitor communist are ignoring
the people and letting them starve to death. In my personal opinion. Vietnam should be ruled by Monarch and Buddhism. Not communist ideologies and dictators. Vietnam monarchy has protected the nation for 2000 years.

I really hope these children gets a home.

Homeless children part 2

More homeless people.

MONARCHY has protected Vietnam for 2000 years. Why change a system that works?

Sweden is monarchy by the way. Not democracy
Norway is also monarchy. Not democracy.
I don't think, you really understand the fundamentals of the Rothschild system. It goes beyond enslavement of the people, it's deeper than religion or ethnicity, it's darker than the deepedst dungeon. No system has killed more people in the last century and yet manages to sell you unicorn sparkles.

And I don't need you to tell me that the whole EU has been the playing field of the Rothschild. Guess where this family comes from! There are only a handfull countries that have still outside the Rothschild system and a short glance into the "free media" will tell you which countries these are.

The last US president who tried to free his country from the system got a bullet in his head.
du siehst Gespenster! obviously you see Jews everywhere, don´t you? :D

this is real: "Deutsches Haus" building under construction in Saigon. completion in August 2017.





du siehst Gespenster! obviously you see Jews everywhere, don´t you? :D

Communism was created by Karl Marx. Karl Marx is a Jew. The reason why Hitler killed Jews was because of communism. If communism was never invented. Adolf Hitler would have never killed the Jews. Adolf Hitler started World War 2. Because he wanted to kill off communism in Europe.

And Vietnam is following a Jewish ideology called communism. So no wonder all Muslims thinks Vietnam are Jewish. The worst enemy of communism is Islam and Nazis.
i am always thought Vietnam Communist system is much akin to Nationalism sentiment than the ideology ones, even during their heyday in Cold War era. Compared to Maoism and Commintern of Soviet
Communism was created by Karl Marx. Karl Marx is a Jew. The reason why Hitler killed Jews was because of communism. If communism was never invented. Adolf Hitler would have never killed the Jews. Adolf Hitler started World War 2. Because he wanted to kill off communism in Europe.

And Vietnam is following a Jewish ideology called communism. So no wonder all Muslims thinks Vietnam are Jewish. The worst enemy of communism is Islam and Nazis.
Oh great. Thanks for sharing the info. Without you I would have never known the muslims think we are Jews.

Are you anti-jewish? My Jewish friends know very well what I'm talking about and they support my view.
No in contrast I like the Jews. They are smart people. Since they are just few they need protection.
Oh great. Thanks for sharing the info. Without you I would have never known the muslims think we are Jews.

No in contrast I like the Jews. They are smart people. Since they are just few they need protection.

But you generalised all Jews to be in bed with the Rothschild, that's racist!

Communism was created by Karl Marx. Karl Marx is a Jew. The reason why Hitler killed Jews was because of communism. If communism was never invented. Adolf Hitler would have never killed the Jews. Adolf Hitler started World War 2. Because he wanted to kill off communism in Europe.

And Vietnam is following a Jewish ideology called communism. So no wonder all Muslims thinks Vietnam are Jewish. The worst enemy of communism is Islam and Nazis.

You are clueless!

No in contrast I like the Jews. They are smart people. Since they are just few they need protection.

Which one do you like the most? Zionist or Orthodox Jews?
Muslims loves Orthodox Jews. Because orthodox Jews are following the original Jewish bible.
Muslims hates Zionist Jews. Because Zionist Jews conquered Palestine.
Karl Marx was a Zionist Jew. Karl Marx wanted to conquer Europe with communism in order to create a Jewish empire. The main reason why Adolf Hitler hated the Jews so much and caused the Holocaust.

Take a look at this video. Orthodox Jews are loved by all Muslims all over the world.

So what is the difference? Well Orthodox Jews are loved by Muslims because Orthodox Jews follows the original Hebrew bible. Zionist Jews does not follow the bible. They only want to destroy Muslims. And because Karl Marx was a Zionist Jews and created communism. All Muslims considers communism a Zionist ideology. So Muslims wants to destroy communism. You must remember. There exist 2 types of Jews. Orthodox jews and Zionist Jews. Muslims hates Zionist Jews and communism. Because they consider communism Zionist ideology.
Muslims hates Jews. That is true but they only hate ZIONIST JEWS AND COMMUNISM.
Muslims loves Orthodox JEWS.
Which one do you like the most? Zionist or Orthodox Jews?
Muslims loves Orthodox Jews. Because orthodox Jews are following the original Jewish bible.
Muslims hates Zionist Jews. Because Zionist Jews conquered Palestine.
Karl Marx was a Zionist Jew. Karl Marx wanted to conquer Europe with communism in order to create a Jewish empire. The main reason why Adolf Hitler hated the Jews so much and caused the Holocaust.

Take a look at this video. Orthodox Jews are loved by all Muslims all over the world.

So what is the difference? Well Orthodox Jews are loved by Muslims because Orthodox Jews follows the original Hebrew bible. Zionist Jews does not follow the bible. They only want to destroy Muslims. And because Karl Marx was a Zionist Jews and created communism. All Muslims considers communism a Zionist ideology. So Muslims wants to destroy communism. You must remember. There exist 2 types of Jews. Orthodox jews and Zionist Jews. Muslims hates Zionist Jews and communism. Because they consider communism Zionist ideology.
Muslims hates Jews. That is true but they only hate ZIONIST JEWS AND COMMUNISM.
Muslims loves Orthodox JEWS.
Yes and the earth is flat until someone comes proving it is wrong. I would appreciate if you stop talking nonsense, ease constructing fantasy out of your mind.
Yes and the earth is flat until someone comes proving it is wrong. I would appreciate if you stop talking nonsense, ease constructing fantasy out of your mind.

Have fun with the NEO Nazis when they come to power in Europe. Cause it will someday.
You will experience a whole new reborn Adolf Hitler in the future. The Nazi hates Jews and communism. Just like Muslims. And after they take over Europe they will then exterminate communism in the rest of the world

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