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Vietnamese immigrants face deportation from Germany

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Can the OP read german? google "Vietnamesen in Deutschland". We are model immigrants.
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Former master will always be OK to accept rejected Vietnamese. :D
really? that is a nice offer. :-)
the current French president needs every votes in the next elections.
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Yea and unlike Germany we have a minimal wage so you can send some money back to your homeland to help your poor brothers like Niceguy and Eastsea. :D
What does China have to do here ? ^^

Viet, you are German ?
Yea and unlike Germany we have a minimal wage so you can send some money back to your homeland to help your poor brothers like Niceguy and Eastsea. :D
The new government is introducing minimal wage, too.

What does China have to do here ? ^^

Viet, you are German ?
Does viet sound german to you? Lol
I only know one german guy on pdf: goetterdaermerung.
Yea and unlike Germany we have a minimal wage so you can send some money back to your homeland to help your poor brothers like Niceguy and Eastsea. :D

Thank for intention, I'm sống khỏe. my wage is delayed in three month, but my cart was charged fully before Xmas.

Its wrong ATM limitations here in Vietnam, one day my wife could charged out only 20 mill.

The new government is introducing minimal wage, too.

Does viet sound german to you? Lol
I only know one german guy on pdf: goetterdaermerung.

goetterdaermerung is chinese same as eazzy. I habe been to in BRD, I know that people there looks down at all foreigners from Slavic, Turkisch to Asian and don't have time to make propaganda for China.
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The law is the law.
Germany deports illegal aliens from different countries every day. That is not an issue here. Besides, the article is from 2009 (!), reporting 100 illegal Vietnamese to be deported. Since then no further case is reported according to my knowledge. Given more than 100,000 Vietnamese living permanently in Germany, the number of 100 is negligible.

Actually today Germany wants to lure smart and skilled migrants into the country, including those from Vietnam.
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just found out recently german vice chancellor is vietnamese. saw his interview on tv.. that guy is a fking banana: yellow on the outside, white on the inside. :D
just found out recently german vice chancellor is vietnamese. saw his interview on tv.. that guy is a fking banana: yellow on the outside, white on the inside. :D
if you live in germany then you should behave like a german. otherwise you will be seen like a banana in this country.
I...how ridiculous!
you are a low IQ idiot, as usual. post reported.
he hated their race and rightfully so :enjoy:
another retarded comment from you. by the way Rösler now has a new job in Switzerland: Managing Director of World Economic Forum (WEF). He is right, Politics sucks.

The new government is introducing minimal wage, too.

Does viet sound german to you? Lol
I only know one german guy on pdf: goetterdaermerung.
My time in Germany I only saw Turks (besides other Europeans). I'm assuming the Viets had settled in East Germany? (It was the 70's when I was there)
My time in Germany I only saw Turks (besides other Europeans). I'm assuming the Viets had settled in East Germany? (It was the 70's when I was there)
the poor East Germans was annexed by the West in modern day Anschluss, I read many was wish for return to pre re unification, ostglie or something like that
you are a low IQ idiot, as usual. post reported.

another retarded comment from you. by the way Rösler now has a new job in Switzerland: Managing Director of World Economic Forum (WEF). He is right, Politics sucks.

lol, reported for what? did I say anything that's lies, you a non German live there should know it's true

yeah, left after leading FDP to humiliation, what a funny race made up nice excuses
My time in Germany I only saw Turks (besides other Europeans). I'm assuming the Viets had settled in East Germany? (It was the 70's when I was there)
Had you served as soldier here?

There are many waves of Vietnamese coming to Germany. Most came here after 1980s when many as refugees sought shelter in Western countries such as West Germany and France. Another wave came after the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern communism bloc.
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