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Vietnamese harassment disrupts, complicates South China Sea situation


Apr 8, 2007
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Xinhua - May 12, 2014

BEIJING, May 11 -- China's drilling operation in the vicinity of Xisha Islands -- an inalienable part of China -- is perfectly lawful and falls within China's sovereignty. Yet, such a regular operation meeting international law has been wilfully cited as a "cause for collision".

From May 3 to 7, Vietnam dispatched 36 vessels, including warships, into waters near the Chinese oil rig to harass the drilling operation, deliberately and rampantly ramming Chinese boats for as many as 171 times.
To the surprise of Chinese crew members, Vietnamese frogmen were found just 5 meters away from Chinese ships in intimidation, in addition to illegal placement of numerous broken fishing nets and large obstacles in obstruction in the waters.

The Vietnamese side, of course, has created a quite different story and framed up charges, blaming China for the row, hyping an outdated "China threat" claim and stirring up waves in the already unpeaceful South China Sea.

Contrary to Vietnamese claims, China is placing the oil rig in an undisputed area in its own territorial waters, which is only 17 nautical miles (27 km) away from Xisha Islands, and which is as far as 150 nautical miles (241 km) from Vietnam.

As China's Foreign Ministry has said, the Vietnamese harassment is a serious violation of international law and a severe infringement upon Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity, and, as it jeopardizes normal navigation security, also puts regional navigation freedom in danger.

Besides trying to sabotaging China's oil exploration, Vietnam is using the incident as an excuse to tarnish the image of China in the Southeast Asian community and the world at large.

Stoking fear and soliciting outside interference in regional situation, however, just runs counter to bilateral and regional interests.

China and Vietnam have in recent years witnessed good momentum in the development of bilateral relations, with both sides agreeing to deepen strategic cooperation and properly handle maritime issues.

The two sides have also set up working groups on maritime cooperation and jointly developed resources in the waters outside the mouth of the Beibu Bay, a key achievement of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's visit last year.

Such laudable progress should not be overshadowed by periodic maritime rows, which could stand in the way of the mutual benefits of the two peoples.

China, as the world's second largest economy, is a responsible stakeholder in regional and world affairs. It is, as witnessed by neighboring countries, striving for a peaceful and prosperous Asia to share with others the benefits of its fast growth.

As experts have said, China's peaceful rise is pivotal to regional prospects. It would be helpful for regional players to stop provoking and escalating tensions simply because China is a big neighbor.

Just as this oil rig incident has shown, China is maintaining utmost restraint, not wishing to see any unnecessary conflict arising from unfounded mistrust.

The vast South China Sea offers abundant opportunities for cooperation and the joint growth of China and surrounding countries.

For that to happen, all sides must hold on to this belief and let reason and vision prevail in their decision on immediate actions.

Commentary: Vietnamese harassment disrupts, complicates South China Sea situation - People's Daily Online
Perhaps China as a big brothers should concede for its small brothers. Thats what Bangladeshi members like Munshi expect of India.
They can "let" Vietnam to administrate the de facto Vietnam islands in Spratley without any disturbance from China; and honor it as Vietnam's territory. But no more. I think it is a good sacrifice of China for Vietnam. And for Vietnam, don't too greedy. You should stick to the de facto islands of yours in Spratley.
They can "let" Vietnam to administrate the de facto Vietnam islands in Spratley without any disturbance from China; and honor it as Vietnam's territory. But no more. I think it is a good sacrifice of China for Vietnam. And for Vietnam, don't too greedy. You should stick to the de facto islands of yours in Spratley.

what is " don't too greedy. " when it belong to us from long time ?
what is " don't too greedy. " when it belong to us from long time ?

Lol, you just said what Chinese said before. Spratley and Paracel belong to you since 1000 years ago? What make you different to them? We can sympathize to you if you just stick to your de facto islands in Spratley. But more than that? You're just another China without muscle.
A little confused by some of the maps. One country says one thing, and the other says something else.
A little confused by some of the maps. One country says one thing, and the other says something else.

Confuse? Lol. don't be. They're all the same. It just China who has more muscle to make others get bullied. But, everyone are greedy and wants more islands in South China Sea.
It is important to know that de facto ownership has the right to drill within its territorial water.

Confuse? Lol. don't be. They're all the same. It just China who has more muscle to make others get bullied. But, everyone are greedy and wants more islands in South China Sea.
The Vietnamese are just a small bully that act tough. LOL
It is important to know that de facto ownership has the right to drill within its territorial water.
The Vietnamese are just a small bully that act tough. LOL

But that means you have to retract your claims on the area that other people de facto territory, and stick to the current China de facto territory. Well, you can bully that big mouth Noy Noy of Pinoy, but hopefully after the president change you can be good with Pinoy again. As the punishment for them is over with Aquino retirement.

If China can give a part of a mountain to North Korea, also can solve the dispute between you and USSR peacefully, you can also be a wise man and forgive these little country and return Pinoy island after they understand your teaching.
But that means you have to retract your claims on the area that other people de facto territory, and stick to the current China de facto territory. Well, you can bully that big mouth Noy Noy of Pinoy, but hopefully after the president change you can be good with Pinoy again. As the punishment for them is over with Aquino retirement.

If China can give a part of a mountain to North Korea, also can solve the dispute between you and USSR peacefully, you can also be a wise man and forgive these little country and return Pinoy island after they understand your teaching.
If this is how everyone in the region is in full agreement, then I can agree we can play out this way. Whoever currently has de facto ownership deserve to drill in their nearest vicinity. Perhaps a Code of Conduct will address this clearly. We shall see how Vietnamese response because as you know, they don't accept de facto ownership.

As for the Filipino tension, trust me, if we really want to harm them, they wouldn't stand a chance fighting us. The fact is the reefs and rocks are not important to us as it is the chess game we have been playing with the USA. The Phillipines is just a pawn for the US and we know that. They are disposal for the US in time of conflict. Our American friend likes to play dirty tactic with us for a long time now by putting these pawn chess pieces to test us.
If this is how everyone in the region is in full agreement, then I can agree we can play out this way. Whoever currently has de facto ownership deserve to drill in their nearest vicinity. Perhaps a Code of Conduct will address this clearly. We shall see how Vietnamese response because as you know, they don't accept de facto ownership.

As for the Filipino tension, trust me, if we really want to harm them, they wouldn't stand a chance fighting us. The fact is the reefs and rocks are not important to us as it is the chess game we have been playing with the USA. The Phillipines is just a pawn for the US and we know that. They are disposal for the US in time of conflict. Our American friend likes to play dirty tactic with us for a long time now by putting these pawn chess pieces to test us.

So basically after Pinoy ask for forgiveness and call you big brother, you will return the reef to them?
So basically after Pinoy ask for forgiveness and call you big brother, you will return the reef to them?
We, in fact, have hint and given them that option, offer to return the dispute reefs where it was before, and even offer to provide favorable trade term if they just "delay" their arbitration attack against us. You know the answer. Acino is a US's mole and he won't stop making Phillipines become a cannon folder. He must be stop. Only the Pinoy can stop him with their action, not their mouth.
Lol, you just said what Chinese said before. Spratley and Paracel belong to you since 1000 years ago? What make you different to them? We can sympathize to you if you just stick to your de facto islands in Spratley. But more than that? You're just another China without muscle.

Paracel belong to Vietnam, not china. Vietnam said that we should solve the dispute base on UNCLOS and rules of International laws.

look at the map here below. where is nine dash claim of China and where is EZZ of Indonesia ? overlapped or not ?


What Indonesia will do when China set up oil rig in side of your EZZ ?
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don't worry about that. We are aware and preparing for that threat. But we don't want to replace one bully to another. Or help one bully to beat another bully. The problem is, Vietnam is just as greedy as China. With your claim of Paracel and Spratley. Maybe you'll be the next China and bully Pinoy, Malaysia, Brunei and even us after China get tamed. That's because of your "historical" claim, from your "feudal era".
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