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Vietnamese armed boats opened fire on the Chinese Taiping Island

plz check Itu-Aba isl on this map mark with taiwan flag, we have three shoar near this biggest isl.

The media said that Taiwan’s armed forces in the Pacific island is almost March, the Vietnamese troops exchanged fire « Military of China, force comment.
I know what u did there
Keep blah blah, who cares,just with 2 or 3 CBU-55, Taiwan is completely erased on the World map:coffee:

You should care. Your bombs were paid for by remittances sent back from enterprising Viet brides.
actually is it quite sad to see these delusional viet trolls thinking they are tough and powerful where as their pathetic economy is not even in the top 50, fx reserves only $6 billions:rofl: millitaryly couldnt even make bullets:rofl:in other word poor vietnam just aint capable to do anything except rely on their women to marry rich chinese men to boost their economy, and yet these viet trolls want to take on china LOL

Vietnamese women wed foreigners to aid family
Vietnamese women marry to help family - World news - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com

Vietnamese migrant brides in Taiwan
Vietnamese migrant brides in Taiwan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't have any more for debate, only spamming about women.
I reminder you that most of them came from area Mekong Delta where Chinese in native living as we call Minh Huong. They came to Vietnam from Fujian province China by time when Ming Dynatry is collapsed. Therefore Taiwanese, same Fujian in native prefere to go there to get marriage, including human trafickers from China.
That why Vietnam Police don't care so much bcz this bussinese of Chinese.:enjoy:
You are laughing on your dong bao, he, he 中国同胞们:enjoy:
I can see how Chinese posters speak about Vietnamese women in most of CHina-Veitnam threads. SO Racist type.

Several troll wars happen between India and Pakistan, Arabs and Irans, India Vs China, but nobody stoops so low, to talk about women of other nation. But in case of Vietnam, Chinese posters love to bring the woman in most of threads, what a pleasure they get degrading woman from other nation.

It's hilarious they making fun of vietnamese foreign brides. But chinese are the largest foreign brides in Korea. :rofl:

Also expert estimate that men in China age between 20-45 will need 30 million women by 2020. :lol:

List of ethnicity order by country of origin for mail-order bride from 2011
1. Chinese - 53,159
2. Chinese with Korean ancestry - 53,546
3. Vietnamese - 41,693
4. Filipino - 1,1874
5. Cambodia - 4,404
6. Mongolian - 2,798
7. Thai - 2,741
The US war criminals would have a dilemma, they are caught between their ally; weapons client Taiwan and new ally against China, Vietnam which had killed so many US war criminals but in their turn who had murdered and mass killed thousand of women and children.
I would like that you really do that. Show taiwan (ROC) who is the boss!!!

War with tiny Tawan soon will happen, we bought lots of Russia's weapon and keep most of them inside Russian's arsenal now, when the right time come, you guys will see who is Big boss in SCS(east sea):coffee:
War with tiny Tawan soon will happen, we bought lots of Russia's weapon and keep most of them inside Russian's arsenal now, when the right time come, you guys will see who is Big boss in SCS(east sea):coffee:

If that happens, Taiwan and Mainland will have good excuse to take all islands back.
From many Viet comments here, You can' find how idiotic viet is!!!
Even Taiwan can kick them off, If not Mainland restrain taiwan, they have much more money buy weapon, and their defence technology is more advanced than low level Viet!! If Viet have gut to make the first shoot, their NAVY will be destroied absolutely!
We can react on Three Georges Dam, what will happen ?
War with tiny Tawan soon will happen, we bought lots of Russia's weapon and keep most of them inside Russian's arsenal now, when the right time come, you guys will see who is Big boss in SCS(east sea)
Hehe, so don'trun away like in Laosan mount in 1992 when we're ready to teach you a hard lesson, we don't like to fight with a coward who only good at supprise bitting ,dudeWar with tiny Tawan soon will happen, we bought lots of Russia's weapon and keep most of them inside Russian's arsenal now, when the right time come, you guys will see who is Big boss in SCS(east sea)

Then explain to every why you guys ran away from Laosan in 1992 ??or you guys're so scared that our CBU-55 would barbecue your troop in few minustes ??

Don't forget in 1992, China had no more US-Nato support against Vietnam and CBU-55 can burn up 2.500 troops in few minutes:coffee:

Keep blah blah, who cares,just with 2 or 3 CBU-55, Taiwan is completely erased on the World map:coffee:
World Wide Web on April 20, Taiwan’s “newsletter” said the Vietnamese armed patrol boats on March 22 and 26, on two occasions near the Itu Aba Island, Taiwan sea patrol boats expelled were the other side firing provocation, the Taiwan side and then fired warning shots. Taiwan defenders of the Pacific Island state of emergency immediately ready returned fire.


Latest: Vietnamese armed boats opened fire on the Chinese Taiping Island | Chinese Military

I doubt this. Who can provide any other sources in English?
it comes back with error "404 error page not found" when clicking on web link.

when google you will find this:

Strengthen Taiping defense: lawmakers - Taipei Times
Coast Guard Administration Minister Wang Ginn-wang (王進旺) said a Vietnamese military boat appeared to have fired a blank round toward a coast guard vessel on March 22, but the two sides did not have an engagement.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tung Kuo-yu (董國猷) said a representative to Vietnam had expressed the government’s concern and protested with Vietnam’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but Hanoi denied that the incident took place.

It looks and sounds as a non-event. Some chinese are keen to look for a confrontation.
basically taiwanese are cowards.I am serious doubt that taiwan would do anything aggressive to take back those islands.they are only good at barking.
people who lives in south place are usually more coward than who lives in north.
basically taiwanese are cowards.I am serious doubt that taiwan would do anything aggressive to take back those islands.they are only good at barking.
people who lives in south place are usually more coward than who lives in north.

If you are not so corward, regain your independence from China, Manchukuo is big country in East Asia.:meeting:
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