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Vietnamese Anti-China Activists get brutally beaten by anti-Vietnamese Activists

you dream your dream. unless you can tell me why should russia risk the historic relationship to vietnam for a handful of yuan?

you failed to understand the big picture. has the vietnamese government stopped refuelling russian strategic bombers as the US demands it? No. we play a game you don´t know.
Wow, a primitive scheme that every ten year old in China know. You underestimate Russia and US but overestimate your stupid country men.
Wow, a primitive scheme that every ten year old in China know. You underestimate Russia and US but overestimate your stupid country men.

Don't bother replying his usual excuses is that "we play game you don't know." If you ask me I think he suffers from an early case of Alzheimer.

In his defense though Russia may eventually clash with China, but not as long as China keeps footing the bill for Russia & as long as the sanction is in place Russia will have to rely more on China. It may happens somewhere in the future, but certainly not over Vietnam.

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Don't bother replying his usual excuses is that "we play game you don't know." If you ask me I think he suffered from early Alzheimer.

In his defense though Russia may eventually clash with China, but not as long as China keeps footing the bill for Russia & as long as the sanction is in place Russia will have to rely more on China. It may happens somewhere in the future, but certainly not over Vietnam.

You see the west and their lackeys are eager to disrupt Sino russian alliance. They are fearful.
Then I wish your alliance last long.

Ironically the alliance will remain in place as long as US team maintain the leading position in global politics, unless one choose submission instead of ambition.
Don't bother replying his usual excuses is that "we play game you don't know." If you ask me I think he suffered from early Alzheimer.

In his defense though Russia may eventually clash with China, but not as long as China keeps footing the bill for Russia & as long as the sanction is in place Russia will have to rely more on China. It may happens somewhere in the future, but certainly not over Vietnam.


Yes there could be potential head butting between US-Russia in the future. IF that is the case, it means US have been weakened. As far as a war between giant countries like the stupid Viets wish for so they can reap the rewards after the mayhem ,they are just dreaming.
Russian don't forget what Chinese traitor did in border in 1969.:p:

kntnamese Anti-China Activist Freed After Year-Long Jail Term




Vietnamese Anti-China Activist Freed After Year-Long Jail Term


Well-known anti-China activist and government critic Le Thi Phuong Anh was released from a prison in Vietnam on Friday after serving a 12-month sentence for anti-state activity, she said, calling her experience in jail “the most horrible year of my life.”

Speaking to RFA’s Vietnamese Service on Friday, the mother of three and member of Vietnamese Women for Human Rights expressed thanks to her supporters who greeted her on her release.

“It was the most horrible year of my life—I don’t know how to describe it, other than truly horrible,” she said of her time in jail.

“I am touched by everybody’s warm welcome and I am happy now. Thank you so much to everyone.”

Phuong Anh was arrested in May 2014 along with two other activists and accused of disrupting traffic in southern Vietnam’s Dong Nai province after stopping to take pictures of anti-China protests sparked by Beijing’s deployment of an oil rig into contested waters in the South China Sea.

The trio was subsequently charged under Article 258 of the penal code for “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe on the interests of the state” and Phuong Anh was sentenced in early February to 12 months in prison, which included her time in detention awaiting trial.

The Vietnamese government has sought to silence criticism of how it has dealt with the issue of anti-China protests in Vietnam and arresting their organizers.

Scores of bloggers and dissidents have been charged under Article 258 in recent years, which rights groups say is deliberately vague and used to prosecute critics of Vietnam’s one-party communist government.

Prior to her arrest, Phuong Anh and her husband, Le Anh Hung, had repeatedly sent letters to members of the National Assembly accusing Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai of operating a drug smuggling ring.

Both Phuong Anh and her husband say they have been subjected to repeated harassment at the hands of undercover police, including beatings.

The U.S. has long criticized Vietnam for its abysmal human rights record, marked by the suppression of basic freedoms, media censorship, and repression of workers’ rights as well as its worsening record of arresting and imprisoning dissidents, bloggers and religious leaders.

According to New York-based Human Rights Watch, approximately 150 to 200 activists and bloggers are serving prison time in Vietnam simply for exercising their basic rights.

Reported by Mac Lam for RFA’s Vietnamese Service. Translated by Ninh Pham. Written in English by Joshua Lipes.

Vietnamese Anti-China Activist Freed After Year-Long Jail Term

What is this Chinese Bridge Champion ?

VCP traitors to the people and lap dogs of CCP:mad:

Well you can't blame vcp that much, since they know they owe their power in the first place to Russia and China, .Moreover, as it's usually the case with communist one party systems, the party always comes before the country, and the party is above both the constitution and every body /institution. So the party will somewhat always prefer to have good ties or at worse neutral ties with China, as they are scared any alliance /getting close to the U. S might cause them to loose power /authority as they are scared of U. s intentions of democracy, freedom of speech, Human Rights, all of which VCP rejects as it undermines it's authority /power. it's for this reason i believe Vietnam will never be a U. S ally (under VCP ), which a shame as both countries have common interests. However to VCP(just like the CCP) the party comes before the state.

ASK yourself a simple question : if VCP was in trouble of losing power and had to choose between saving it's power /position or saving the country and losing power thereafter, which one will it choose?
You should know the answer .:)

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