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Vietnamese Anti-China Activists get brutally beaten by anti-Vietnamese Activists


Mar 6, 2015
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Thugs Attack Vietnamese Anti-China Activist on Hanoi Street



Thugs Attack Vietnamese Anti-China Activist on Hanoi Street


Nguyen Chi Tuyen receives treatment at a clinic after he was attacked in Hanoi, May 11, 2015.

An activist in Vietnam who has spoken out extensively against Chinese aggression in the South China Sea was brutally beaten by thugs in the capital Hanoi on Monday, in the latest attack against public campaigners in the one-party communist nation, where dissent is not tolerated.

Activist Nguyen Chi Tuyen, who has participated in several anti-China rallies expressing anger over Beijing’s claims to the disputed Paracel islands, told RFA’s Vietnamese Service he was attacked in the morning after driving his son to elementary school around three kilometers (two miles) from his home.
“On the way home, along the road I usually take, a group of thugs stopped me from both in front and behind [my vehicle] and they beat me,” Tuyen said.

“I couldn’t see what they were using to strike me, but I am sure that they didn’t only use their hands and feet. They struck me about my head and face.”

Tuyen said he received first aid at a medical center near his home, but his friends decided to take him to the French-Vietnamese Hospital, where he was given a CT scan to determine whether he had suffered a brain injury.

“The doctors there told me that I was lucky because my brain was not damaged; only the soft parts were injured. My forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose and ears are swollen. I was given six stitches on my head. Those were the main injuries,” he said.

“The doctors allowed me to go home and said that if I experienced any abnormal symptoms in the next 24 hours, I should be hospitalized; if not, I should just take a prescription they gave me.”

Blogger beaten

Tuyen, who has also campaigned to commemorate Vietnamese soldiers who died during Vietnam’s brief border war with China in 1979 and to promote environmental causes such as recycling, is the latest outspoken activist to be beaten by thugs on a Hanoi street in weeks.

At the end of April, prominent blogger Trinh Anh Tuan was savagely attacked with bricks by a trio of plainclothes policemen he said were among a group of men who have been observing his home for the past month.

Tuan, who operates a website calling for transparency from local officials with regards to a controversial tree removal plan in the city, said he had been harassed by plainclothes authorities before in March 2014, though “the injuries were not as severe as this time.”

He was also among 50 people detained and beaten by police on May 15 last year after taking part in an anti-China protest sparked by territorial tensions in the South China Sea.

Reported by RFA’s Vietnamese Service. Translated by Gia Minh. Written in English by Joshua Lipes.
Thugs Attack Vietnamese Anti-China Activist on Hanoi Street
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I applaud the Vietnamese brave enough to knock some sense into these anti-China trouble makers.

It is up to the Vietnamese people ultimately to punish and control those in their country who try to drive a wedge in China-Vietnam relations.

Never underestimate the will and determination of America and western NGOs as they will "educate" and recruit the desperate and uneducated to do their bidding, which in this case, teaching Vietnamese how big bad China is infringing on their territory so they must strongly voice their opinion and stir up trouble.
I watch this type of protest every Sunday in Hanoi.
Right before and after the trip of Mr. Trong to USA. The protest would be free, no one would harm the protesters.

It never means : anti-China, anti-Vietnam ... but anti- the right to protest for everything.
The local authority worry that opposing activists bring their own banners ( anti-communism ) along with anti-China banners.

See that activist immediately reported to RFA ( Radio of Free Asia ) you would understand the case
He might as well join the VCP, and see whether he can change the view inside.
In one-party state, a lot of decisions are made inside the party, not outside.
He might as well join the VCP, and see whether he can change the view inside.
In one-party state, a lot of decisions are made inside the party, not outside.

No need to do that. This is the conflict of activists with national security department which belong to the govt.
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