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Vietnam War




Good pictures.... shows the brutality and anguish of this terrible war.

I remember as a kid hearing about Vietnam on the news, but I was too young to really understand.

One thing I find interesting are all the "custom touches" the soldiers and airmen put on their uniforms. Stickers, emblems, toys, slogans. Such things would never be tolerated today, and you don't see similar in modern soldier pictures. It's easy to say "unprofessional", but these were mostly draftees with no real desire to fight in SEA. The majority went anyhow and did their job.

The tunnel rat - toughest job I've ever heard of. Crawl into a VC tunnel armed with a handgun and a flashlight.


Say what you will, these guys had titanium gonads.
I think the videos showing the street fighting was the battle for Hue.
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