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Vietnam, Laos army mass organisations foster ties

you don't understand what we did here, you talk and talk about money and money. Take care about poverty in rural area of China first, not every Chinese could fly in to moon.

So are you saying that we should take care of our poor people and let Vietnam enjoy digging a hole on our wall to form an anti-China alliance or let Vietnam a free hand to influence South East Asia?..you're such lovely smart guy :lol:. We're not rich but we still can affort to go to moon as Nation :whistle:
I do not trust the Khmers, neither my comrades do. Only Lao comrade can be trusted. Khmer has been known backstabbing Viet one time then another, either sided with Chinese or Siamese against Viet. It is foolish to think Khmer will back Vietnam.
well, Cambodia strategically speaking is a very difficult situation as it is surrounded by mighty neighbors: Vietnam in the East, Siam in the West and Laos (ally/vassal of Vietnam) in the North.

in the past, Cambodia chosed Vietnam when it came to conflicts with Thailand. Because the Khmer know Vietnam is a stronger country. It was only one time Cambodia chosed China when it came to conflict with Vietnam in the 1970s. Most of the times, they have no choice but accept Vietnam dominance. Even today. They understand China cannot protect them.
well, Cambodia strategically speaking is a very difficult situation as it is surrounded by mighty neighbors: Vietnam in the East, Siam in the West and Laos (ally/vassal of Vietnam) in the North.

in the past, Cambodia chosed Vietnam when it came to conflicts with Thailand. Because the Khmer know Vietnam is a stronger country. It was only one time Cambodia chosed China when it came to conflict with Vietnam in the 1970s. Most of the times, they have no choice but accept Vietnam dominance. Even today. They understand China cannot protect them.

Depend on who is Cambodia's enemy :lol:, I think we China has proven to Cambodia in 1979:coffee:.
Lol I was replying to @Viet that China still can protect Cambodia from long distance call, dare to attack Cambodia and we shall punish the one who did that.

Cam no need such protect from China if she stay peaceful with her neighbors, not to be pawn of China.
Cam no need such protect from China if she stay peaceful with her neighbors, not to be pawn of China.

You Viets like to twist the word, first the @Viet guy said that China can't protect Cambodia now you said China protection is not needed. :lol:...what else I can expect?
You Viets like to twist the word, first the @Viet guy said that China can't protect Cambodia now you said China protection is not needed. :lol:...what else I can expect?

he said to time 1970s when Polpot was pawn of China and attacked on us and believed that China could protect them from punishing.

Nowaday, Cam could not repeat provocative action against Vietnam again. They understand China cannot protect them.
he said to time 1970s when Polpot was pawn of China and attacked on us and believed that China could protect them from punishing.

Nowaday, Cam could not repeat provocative action against Vietnam again. They understand China cannot protect them.

lol you twist the word again...here his quote, you just don't know to how to lie properly :lol:

Most of the times, they have no choice but accept Vietnam dominance. Even today. They understand China cannot protect them.
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A senior Vietnamese military official has lauded the coordination between mass organisations of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) and their Lao counterparts in recent years.

Welcoming a delegation from mass organisations of the Lao People’s Army in Hanoi on August 5, Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Trong Nghia, deputy head of the VPA’s General Department of Politics, further said the two sides’ mass organisations have closely worked together in many activities, especially in the exchange of delegations, sharing of experience, and professional training.

Colonel Buakham Khumisuk, head of the Lao People’s Army Trade Union, said that his delegation gained valuable experience in organising mass movements during the visit.

The guest expressed his hope that the VPA’s General Department of Politics will continue creating favourable conditions for the two countries’ armies and their mass organisations to further their links in the future.

Lao has always been a good comrade of Vietnam that can trust. Unlike Cambodia has troubled Vietnam, a China's pawn despite China use Cambodia like sacrifice lamb.

From what i have herd from Viet members here that you have significant influence of Laos & Cambodia is that true?
What Laos can get from Vietnam is not compare for what they can get from us, with your puny economy you just can't compete with China, we can finance Laos infrastructure, help their econmy and build bridge connecting Laos to Thailand and
it's interesting to know that new generation of Laotians are more pro-Thai when the old generation communist leaders are fade out. And we Chinese are well position to help improve their relations...after all it's in China's interest to do so to limits Vietnam's encroachment into Laos.

and read more about how you Viet can compete with us :lol: before claiming that Vietnam is sitting on balanced position in Laos's foreign policy

If money can buy everything including friends, trusted partners and allies, then you have better cards indeed.
lol you twist the word again...here his quote, you just don't know to how to lie properly :lol:

it is nothing different, in the past or now.

Most of the times, they have no choice but accept Vietnam dominance. Even today. They understand China cannot protect them.

with another wording of my, Cam friend can stay peaceful with us, not to be back chess of China, do you understand ?

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