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Vietnam-Germany Relations


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
I am starting this thread (is going to be my favorite one, I believe) about Vietnamese-German relations, in all bilateral cooperations.

All contributions are welcome.
Rösler visits Vietnam Monday, focuses on business
tuoitrenews |
Updated : Sat, September 15, 2012,12:31 PM (GMT+0700)


German Economics and Technology Minister Philipp Rösler will visit Vietnam over September 17-19 and as scheduled, will receive an honorary doctorate from the University of Economics in Hanoi.

The Vietnamese-born politician will also, together with Vietnamese Minister of Investment and Planning Bui Quang Vinh, attend the Vietnam-Germany dialogue forum on September 18.

Rösler is expected to attend another economic forum in Ho Chi Minh City the next day and inaugurate the Germany-Vietnam technology center and Germany-Vietnam exchange school.

He is also scheduled to meet with Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and other senior Vietnamese officials.

He will be accompanied by federal parliamentarians, Minister of State at the German Federal Foreign Office, Cornelia Pieper and representatives of 50 businesses.

Speaking with Spiegel Online, Rösler said he expects German businesses to benefit from the visit.

“Vietnam is a country on the rise and therefore an interesting market for our companies. A lot has been achieved in recent years, including moves in the direction of greater economic freedom”, he told Spiegel Online.
Rösler visits Vietnam Monday, focuses on business - Vietnam politics news - TuoiTreNews
German leader deepens trade ties
Last update 17/09/2012 11:39:16 (GMT+7)
Vietnam Net


On the occasion of his official working visit to Vietnam on September 17-19, 2012 German Federal Minister of Economics and Technology Philipp Rosler said this visit was to sharpen the two nations’ bilateral investment and trade ties.

What significance does your visit to Vietnam have for you in your function as Federal Minister of Economics and Technology as well as on a personal level?

I am looking forward to my visit as Federal Minister, but also a little on a personal level. Vietnam is a country with an interesting and varied past and an enormous economic potential. Vietnamese people are hard workers as well as eager for knowledge and wish for a sustainable economic future for their country. At the same time, Vietnam is also part of my personal history. In this respect, my trip to Vietnam will also be accompanied by a certain emotionality. However, Germany is my home.

Germany is currently Vietnam’s biggest European trade partner. The South East Asia country’s exports to Germany during the first half of the year are almost $2 billion. Nevertheless this number does not correspond to Vietnam’s full export potential to this biggest export market in Europe. How do you see the export opportunities of Vietnamese goods to the German market?

In the past few years Vietnam has undergone a strong development and increased its productivity as well as the quality of its products and diversified its economy. This is beneficial to the opportunities of Vietnamese goods in the global competition. I believe that this trend will continue in the future.

Vietnam has shown a strong commitment to further the education and training of its workers – and this also with some help by German companies in Vietnam. Skilled employees and experts are indispensable in business to further increase the competitiveness of a company and to develop products and services as well as a bigger market share. It is also important not to overlook the sustainability as well as energy efficiency of these products and services.

You will be accompanied by a business delegation. What results do you expect from this trip concerning trade and investment? How do you see the bilateral economic cooperation in the near future?

The German and Vietnamese cooperation in business benefits from a long and faithful relationship. Many business representatives accompanying me to Vietnam have known the country for many years and also have continually developed their cooperation.

With the visit of Chancellor Angela Merkel last year and my visit right now the Federal government has shown how important Asia and especially Vietnam is for our economic cooperation based on mutual trust. As Federal Minister of Economics I will continue to champion a good framework for our economic cooperation. Within the European Union I will advocate speedy and constructive negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA) with Vietnam.

Germany is Vietnam’s biggest trade partner in Europe. Many of the big projects such as the tramway No2 in Ho Chi Minh City as well as the Vietnamese-German University are being implemented. What steps will have to be taken to further the economic cooperation and trade?

One important measure to further trade is free trade agreements. I am glad that negotiations between the EU and Vietnam on this important topic have been initiated.

Cooperation in Vietnam is furthered by the establishment of market economy structures as well as an improved regulatory framework. First steps are already taken in this direction, but efforts have to continue. Ultimately, economic relations depend on the businesses themselves.

Vietnam and Germany formed a strategic partnership with the Declaration of Hanoi, which was signed by Chancellor Merkel and Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung last year. This strategic partnership is sign of a special bond between Vietnam and Germany.

And I have to agree, current important projects of our bilateral cooperation are the Vietnamese-German University, the opening of the new Vietnamese-German School as well as the tramway number 2 in Ho Chi Minh City. I also attach great importance to the German House that we want to build in Ho Chi Minh City as a symbol of the friendship between our two countries. This will still need more consultations, but we are on track with this project as well.

Do you expect the European debt crisis to seriously affect a stronger cooperation between Vietnam and Germany?

No. The economic relations between Vietnam and Germany have grown over a long time and are very stable. In the context of the European debt crisis, Germany is well-positioned. Germany will remain the anchor of stability in Europe even within a difficult international environment. Both internal consumption as well as exports are increasing.

Even in the future Vietnam can still count on Germany as a dependable partner with a robust economy.

German Economy Minister Philipp Roesler (L) poses for a photo with Vietnam's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Luong Minh at the Government Guesthouse in Hanoi September 17, 2012. Roesler is in Hanoi on a three-day visit from September 17 to 19. REUTERS/Kham
The article below is from the German Goverment website - Foreign Policy

Beziehungen zwischen Vietnam und Deutschland

Politische Beziehungen
Wirtschaftliche Beziehungen

Stand: März 2012


foto: Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und Vietnams Ministerpräsident Nguyen Tan Dung. Quelle: AFP

Politische Beziehungen

Die bilateralen Beziehungen besitzen eine besondere Qualität. In Deutschland leben rund 100.000 Vietnamesen bzw. Deutsche vietnamesischer Abstammung, in Vietnam sprechen ca. 100.000 Menschen deutsch.

Durch die Vietnam-Besuche der Bundeskanzlerin und des Bundesaußenministers sowie den Deutschland-Besuch des damaligen Außenministers Pham Gia Khiem haben die bilateralen Beziehungen 2011 neue Impulse erhalten. Im Oktober 2011 vereinbarten die Bundeskanzlerin und Premierminister Nguyen Tan Dung eine "strategische Partnerschaft" zwischen Deutschland und Vietnam.

Deutschland unterstützt nicht nur den wirtschaftlichen Transformationsprozess Vietnams. Die Reform der rechtlichen Strukturen Vietnams ist Aufgabe des deutsch-vietnamesischen Rechtsstaatsdialogs, in dessen Rahmen eine Vielzahl von Seminaren, Workshops, Besuchen und vergleichbaren Veranstaltungen mit Juristen und Beamten aus Vietnam sowohl in Deutschland wie in Vietnam stattgefunden haben. Ein weiteres, für die Zukunft der Zusammenarbeit wichtiges Vorhaben ist die geplante Errichtung eines Deutschen Hauses in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt. Anläßlich des 35. Jahrestages der Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen zwischen der Bundesrepublik und Vietnam wurde das Jahr 2010 als „Deutsch-Vietnamesisches Jahr“ mit zahlreichen Veranstaltungen gefeiert. Beide Staatspräsidenten hatten die Schirmherrschaft übernommen.


Vietnam ist ein wichtiges Partnerland der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Seit 1990 hat Deutschland Vietnamfast 1,5 Mrd. Euro Entwicklungshilfe zur Verfügung gestellt.

Die vietnamesisch-deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit konzentriert sich auf folgende drei Schwerpunktbereiche:

- Nachhaltige Wirtschaftsentwicklung und Berufsbildung,
- Umweltpolitik, Schutz und nachhaltige Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen, Stadtentwicklung (Abwasser-/Abfallentsorgung),
- Verbesserung der dezentralen Gesundheitsversorgung

Eine besondere Bedeutung kommt dabei dem Thema Kinderschutz zu. Der wesentliche Teil der Programme wird von den beiden großen staatlichen Durchführungsorganisationen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, der KfW Entwicklungsbank und der Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit mbH (GIZ), die im Auftrag und mit Mitteln der Bundesregierung arbeiten, umgesetzt.

Deutschland hat im Rahmen der Regierungsverhandlungen Ende 2011 insgesamt 289 Mio. Euro für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit Vietnam für die Jahre 2011 und 2012 neu zugesagt, nachdem davor im Jahr 2010 weitere 300 Mio. Euro neu zugesagt worden warenDie nächsten Regierungsverhandlungen über die bilaterale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit werden Mitte 2013 2011 in Deutschland stattfinden.

Wirtschaftliche Beziehungen

Deutschland hat 2011 seine Position als größter EU-Handelspartner Vietnams stärken können: Im letzten Jahr konnte ein Handelsvolumen von 7,5 Milliarden USD erzielt werden, was gegenüber dem Vorjahr (5,85 Milliarden USD) eine beachtliche Steigerung darstellt. Erneut wies der bilaterale Handel einen deutlichen Überschuss zugunsten Vietnams auf: Vietnam hat 2011 Waren im Gesamtwert von 5,18 Milliarden USD nach Deutschland exportiert, umgekehrt betrug der Wert der nach Vietnam ausgeführten deutschen Produkte lediglich 2,32 Milliarden USD.

Wichtigste vietnamesische Exportprodukte nach Deutschland sind Schuhe, Textilien, landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse (z.B. Kaffee und Pfeffer), Meeresfrüchte und mittlerweile auch Elektronikartikel und Möbel. Wichtigste Einfuhrprodukte aus Deutschland sind Maschinen, Fahrzeuge und Ausrüstungsgegenstände sowie Produkte der chemischen Industrie. Vietnam hat das Ziel, sich bis 2020 zum Industrieland zu entwickeln. Der damit verbundene Bedarf an höherwertigen Anlagen sollte sich in einer weiter steigenden Nachfrage nach Maschinen 'Made in Germany' äußern.

Die Delegation der Deutschen Wirtschaft mit Büros in Hanoi und Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt und Hanoi ist Teil des AHK-Netzwerks. Die Delegation befindet sich in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt in einer Bürogemeinschaft mit der Deutschen Kaufmannschaft (German Business Association), in der sich über 160 deutsche Unternehmen zusammengeschlossen haben. Deutsche Unternehmen haben knapp 400 Mio. USD in Vietnam investiert (wobei wichtige Investitionen deutscher Unternehmen, die über Auslandstöchter gesteuert werden, statistisch schlecht zu erfassen sind). Seit 2008 ist auch "Germany Trade and Invest" (GTAI, früher Bundesagentur für Außenwirtschaft bfai) mit einer Korrespondentin in Hanoi vertreten.
Zum Seitenanfang


Seit Abschluss des Kulturabkommens 1990 entwickeln sich die bilateralen Kulturbeziehungen positiv. Die rund 100.000 Vietnamesen, die in Deutschland gearbeitet, studiert oder sich dort fortgebildet haben, bilden eine - in Asien einzigartige - Brücke zwischen Deutschland und Vietnam, die das Interesse an Deutschland wach hält.

Der wissenschaftliche Austausch profitiert von der großen Zahl in Deutschland ausgebildeter Akademiker. Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD), die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung und die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft fördern eine wachsende Zahl wissenschaftlicher Kontakte und Kooperationsvereinbarungen. Vietnam ist Schwerpunktland der Bemühungen zur Internationalisierung des Hochschulstandorts Deutschland. Derzeit studieren rund 3.800 vietnamesische Studenten an deutschen Universitäten. Im Dezember 1999 hat das Vietnamesisch-Deutsche Zentrum (VDZ) an der Technischen Universität Hanoi seine Arbeit aufgenommen, das auch die seit 2003 bestehende Außenstelle des DAAD in Hanoi beherbergt.

Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) pflegt intensive Kontakte mit dem vietnamesischen Forschungsministerium. Im Bereich der Wissenschaftlich-Technologischen Zusammenarbeit herrscht ein dichter Austausch auf fachlicher und politischer Ebene. Schwerpunkte der Aktivitäten des BMBF liegen in den Bereichen Bildung, Biotechnologie, Wasser- und Umweltforschung und Forschungsmanagement.

Mehrjährige Verhandlungen über die Errichtung von Kulturinstituten wurden im Januar 1997 mit der Unterzeichnung eines Abkommens abgeschlossen. Im Dezember 1997 wurde das Goethe-Institut Hanoi eröffnet, das sich zu einem viel besuchten Mittelpunkt deutscher Kultur und Sprache sowie darüber hinaus zu einem beliebten Treffpunkt Kulturschaffender und -interessierter entwickelt hat. Seit Ende 2003 betreibt das Goethe-Institut gemeinsam mit dem DAAD auch in Ho-Chi-Minh Stadt ein "Deutsches Zentrum", das Sprachprogramme und akademische Beratung anbietet und welches in 2008 zu einer GI-Außenstelle mit eigener kultureller Programmarbeit ausgebaut wurde. Für viele zukünftige Studenten sind die Sprachkurse des Goethe-Instituts Sprungbrett für den angestrebten Studienaufenthalt in Deutschland.

Die Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung eröffnete als erste politische Stiftung im November 1990 ein Büro in Hanoi, 1993 folgte die Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung. Seit Februar 2009 ist auch die Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung sowie seit 2011 die Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung in Hanoi mit eigenen Büros vertreten. Für das Jahr 2012 plant die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, die bereits Veranstaltungen in Vietnam durchführt, eine Repräsentanz zu eröffnen.

Im September 2008 wurde in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt die Vietnamesisch-Deutsche Universität (VDU) eröffnet, deren Gründungsdokumente im Februar 2008 in Hanoi in Anwesenheit des Bundesaußenministers unterzeichnet worden waren. Das vom Bundesland Hessen initiierte Projekt soll zu einem Vorzeigeprojekt der bilateralen Hochschulzusammenarbeit entwickelt werden. Im Rahmen der vom Auswärtigen Amt Ende 2007 ins Leben gerufenen Initiative „Schulen: Partner der Zukunft“ ist auch in Vietnam der Deutschunterricht an vietnamesischen Schulen erweitert worden. Neue Partnerschulen konnten für Deutschland gewonnen werden.
Auswärtiges Amt - Beziehungen zwischen Vietnam und Deutschland

Hanoi Economic University's rector professor Nguyen Van Nam (R) hands over an Honorary Doctorate Degree to German Economy Minister Philipp Roesler (C) at a ceremony in Hanoi September 17, 2012.
Roesler is in Hanoi on a three-day visit from September 17 to 19. REUTERS/Kham
The only thing I know about Germany-Vietnam relations is that a lot of German men like to go to Asia and have sex with young Asian women.

Other than that, Germans are extremely racist against mongoloids.
The only thing I know about Germany-Vietnam relations is that a lot of German men like to go to Asia and have sex with young Asian women.

Other than that, Germans are extremely racist against mongoloids.

This essentially is the purpose of idiots, idiot, and they are everywhere in the world not only in Germany. The majority of Germans are smart enough to know that Vietnam does not allow the prostitution same as in Thailand and other countries, otherwise they risk going to jail in VN...
Smart people who are looking for opportunities to cooperate and do business instead acting as an Idiot.
PM encourages German investment in Vietnam


Vietnam-German or Vietnam-Vietnam encounter?

The Vietnamese Government will create all favourable conditions for German businesses to invest in Vietnam, especially those operating in manufacturing and infrastructure construction, says Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung.

PM Dung made the remark at a September 18 reception for Germany’s Minister of Economics and Technology Philipp Roesler in Hanoi.

Applauding Roesler’s visit, Mr Dung expressed his delight at the increasing development of the sound relationship between Vietnam and Germany in various fields, including politics, economics, trade and investment to development cooperation, education and training, and culture, particularly since the two countries set up their strategic partnership last October.

He spoke highly of the working results between Roesler and leaders of ministries and sectors of Vietnam, affirming the support for both sides to effectively implement the signed cooperation agreements, especially in infrastructure construction, trade, education and training and development aid.

The government leader suggested that the two sides speed up the agreed projects, such as the metro line No.2 in Ho Chi Minh City, the German House and the Vietnam-Germany University and German International School, as part of efforts to boost the effectiveness of bilateral cooperation.

He also asked Germany to help Vietnam resolve issues in the East Sea through peaceful negotiations, based on international law.

Roesler said his Vietnam visit aims to further strengthen the relationship between the two countries in all fields, especially economics, trade, investment, and education and training.

The Minister emphasised that Germany supports Vietnam in boosting comprehensive cooperation with the European Union (EU) and speeding up the approval process of the Vietnam-EU free trade agreement.

He affirmed that Germany is willing to help Vietnam in areas of finance, science and technology, as well as to increase its development aid to Vietnam.

PM encourages German investment in Vietnam - PM encourages German investment in Vietnam - VOVNEWS.VN
. . . .
Vietnam-born Roesler points the way ahead for growth
Thanh Tung | vir.com.vn | Sep 24, 2012 09:12 am


Germany’s call for greater cooperation with Vietnam has received a warm response.

While meeting with Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and holding talks with Minister of Planning and Investment Bui Quang Vinh on his official visit to Vietnam from September 17-19, Vietnam-born German Federal Minister of Economics and Technology Philipp Roesler said Germany coveted new opportunities in cooperating with Vietnam in the health care, energy, and education and training sectors.

“Germany has much experience and modern technologies to develop these sectors which are greatly needed by fast-industrialising Vietnam,” Roesler said, referring to 56 representatives from Germany’s leading firms accompanying his visit to Vietnam.

When Klaus Hellmann, general director of German-invested Hellmann Worldwide Logistics GmbH & Co.KG, asked Minister Vinh to allow this company to implement a public private partnership (PPP)-based logistics project in Vietnam’s health care sector, Roesler proposed Vinh to establish a task force on Germany-Vietnam PPP with this project to be piloted. Members of the task force would come from the German Embassy to Vietnam and the MPI. “If this project succeeds, more Germany-Vietnam PPP projects in other sectors will be implemented,” Roesler said.

In response, Vinh said: “That’s a very good idea and the MPI wholly supports it, because PPP in the health care sector is quite new in Vietnam. It is not so difficult to establish this task force. Capital for operating this task force will come from an Asian Development Bank-backed fund used for PPP projects in Vietnam.”

Roesler said German enterprises also wanted to help the Vietnamese government implement its energy development strategy and apply smart energy technology.

“Vietnam has lots of potential of wind power and renewable energy. But manufacturing of these energy sources needs a large amount of investment capital and should be suitable with the economy’s growing demand. It will be a good and intelligent solution if Germany and Vietnam can cooperate in this industry,” said Roesler.

Siemens Vietnam and Vinamotor on the occasion of Roesler’s visit signed a contract for manufacturing an ELFA hybrid bus prototype.

The two companies entered a cooperation agreement in June 2012 to apply Siemens ELFA® hybrid drive technology for city buses in Vietnam. Siemens would supply all necessary ELFA components and provide technical support while Vinamotor would prepare the platform and manufacture remaining parts of the bus for operational readiness. With the Siemens technology, city buses could reduce fuel consumption by 50 per cent and mitigate impacts on the environment through lower exhaust emission.

Pekka Paasivaara from Germanischer Lloyd said his company had been operating in Vietnam for over 20 years and “will focus more on recycle energy projects in the country, which boasts great potential in wind energy.”

However, both Roesler and German enterprises said German investors were waiting for clearer investment legal mechanism in favour of investors in the energy sector. “For instance, wind power price is far lower than production costs. This cannot help Vietnam attract more foreign investors into developing wind power projects,” Paasivaara said.

As for education and training cooperation, many enterprises like Hellmann, Siemens and Metro Cash & Carry said they would help Vietnam’s government produce skilled employees via their training centres and courses. “We will also open a health care training centre in Vietnam and need the government’s support,” Hellmann said.

Roesler said Germany would have more training programmes in Vietnam in the coming times. On this occasion, he witnessed the opening of Ho Chi Minh City-based Germany-Vietnam High School and Germany-Vietnam Technology Centre in charge of research and training Vietnamese engineers.

Also on this occasion, Vietnam’s Construction Ministry and Schwabisch Hall Germany, which is Germany’s largest home savings and loan company, signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation.

Germany is currently Vietnam’s number one European trade partner, which occupies 19 per cent of Vietnam’s total export turnover earned from the EU market. The two nations’ two-way trade turnover reached $6 billion last year. Up to late August, 2012, there were 184 German investment projects in Vietnam, with total registered capital of $904 million.

Vietnam and Germany forged a strategic partnership in October, 2011 when Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel paid an official visit to Vietnam.
Vietnam Investment Review - Top News - Vietnam-born Roesler points the way ahead for growth
German Oktoberfest in Saigon


The German Oktoberfest 2012 in Ho Chi Minh City at Windsor Plaza Hotel: 05th, 06th of October 2012 and 09th till 13th of October 2012.

Organized in Ho Chi Minh City by the German Business Association and the Windsor Plaza Hotel, the 20th Oktoberfest 2012 marks not only one of the largest social events and parties in town but the biggest Oktoberfest in Vietnam and South East Asia this year. The news agency “Reuters” and the “Chicago-Tribune” ranked the Oktoberfest in Ho Chi Minh City last year the 9th largest Oktoberfest outside of Germany.
German Oktoberfest in Hanoi


The Oktoberfest Hanoi 2012 at Cung Xuan Event Center: Friday 19th and Saturday 20th of October 2012.

Under the patronage of the German Embassy in Vietnam and the German General Consulate in Ho Chi Minh City, the German Business Association (GBA) co-hosts and celebrates the Germany’s largest cultural event in Vietnam this coming October.

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