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Vietnam Economy Forum

It is the result of the real property bubble, the stock markets bubble and inflation.

You probably will be surprised to know that in last year, land prices in Hanoi some places (around Hoan Kiem Lake) up to 50,000 USD/1m2. Damn :lol:

BTW: Nice to see yusheng studying Vietnam Economy :enjoy:
Last update 12/11/2012 10:55:24 (GMT+7)
U.S. companies to help build Vietnam’s infrastructure

Mr. Francisco J. Sánchez, the U.S. Under Secretary for International Trade at the U.S. Department of Commerce, wrote for VietNamNet before his official visit to Vietnam.

On November 13-16, I will lead a U.S. Department of Commerce infrastructure sector trade mission to Vietnam, providing an excellent opportunity to expand mutually beneficial economic and commercial ties between the United States and Vietnam.

This will be my third visit and second trade mission to Vietnam since April 2011. It is intended to highlight how the U.S. Government, working with our public sector organizations, has made a long-term commitment to help build the critical infrastructure Vietnam needs for successful global integration using proven American products and technology.

The mission delegation, which includes eight major U.S. companies, will travel to both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to meet and work with government and business leaders to explore and engage greater American participation in infrastructure projects such as energy, including civil nuclear energy; aviation; environmental technology; and architecture, construction, and engineering.

U.S. companies to help build Vietnam
China made tablet PCs flooding Vietnamese market

Last update 17/11/2012 09:20:00 (GMT+7)
VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnamese hi-tech product distributors have been actively advertising for China-made tablets, because the products can bring super-profit to them.

Every Chinese tablet is sold in Vietnam at the price double the original price. Meanwhile, manufacturers can also rifle consumers’ pockets by “fabricating” the features of the products.

A dealer has revealed that a Chinese tablet could be bought at 1.3-1.8 million dong, while wholesale buyers can enjoy the discount rate of 200,000-500,000 dong per product. Meanwhile, they can re-sell the products in Vietnam at the sky-high price levels.

A Hipad Mid A13 has the quoted price at 1.55 million dong in Vietnam. Meanwhile, the products have been available on Alibaba.com at 30-45 dollars, or 600,000-900,000 dong.

An Ondan V971 which is offered on Alibaba.com at 150-190 dollars, have been available at Vietnamese shops at 4.8 million dong. An Ampe A85 is sold at 3.3 million dong in Vietnam, while the cost price is just 71-82 dollars for the order of 500 products.

As such, every Chinese tablet in Vietnam is twice as expensive as in China. This allows dealers earning fat profits of hundreds of thousands of dong or one million dong for every product sold in Vietnam.

Chinese tablets have been flooding the Vietnamese market. These include the products bearing Chinese own brands such as Teclast, Onda or Ampe and the counterfeit products bearing foreign well-known brands. Of course, no one knows the information about the manufacturers.

Ben, a well-known Chinese electronics dealer, who has been providing products to big computer shops in Hai Phong, Hanoi and Bac Giang province, affirmed that Chinese manufacturers can provide any products demanded by clients, from low cost to expensive products, from Chinese brand goods to counterfeit iPads.

Ben also said that “Chinese products are so cheap that they can bring profits to everyone.” A lot of Vietnamese companies have been set up as tablet distribution companies, which import Chinese tablets, then give the products Vietnamese brands and sell on the market as Vietnamese products.

A Vietnamese tablet brand has launched MD 803 model which is believed to be 100 percent similar to a model of Chinese KNC (8 inch, Allwinner chip, A13, RAM 512MB, 8GB memory).

On Alibaba, the product has been sold at 83 dollars. Meanwhile, in Vietnam it is priced at 4.6 million dong.

Momo tablets bearing a Vietnamese brand have been found as similar to Chinese Momo 9 (7 inch). The information about the Chinese product can be found on a big Vietnamese technology forum. The only difference between the Vietnamese and Chinese products lies in the camera: the Vietnamese model has one megapixel camera, while the Chinese one 1.3.

Momo 9 has been sold at 91-100 dollars on Alibaba, while Vietnamese Momo at 2.48 million dong.

When asked about the model, an officer of a computer shop said that the company’s factory is set up in China, but the design, branding and sale have been untaken by the headquarters in Vietnam.

According to Nguyen Viet Anh, a tablet dealer, there are four factors that decide the production cost of tablets. The first three ones are the screen, chip and 3G feature, the information about which can be easily found. Meanwhile, the information about the fourth factor – circuit board – can only be found if “taking apart the products.”

It is the result of the real property bubble, the stock markets bubble and inflation.

You probably will be surprised to know that in last year, land prices in Hanoi some places (around Hoan Kiem Lake) up to 50,000 USD/1m2. Damn :lol:

BTW: Nice to see yusheng studying Vietnam Economy :enjoy:

50000usd per square meter is a very huge bubble for Vietnam current economic level, that is why so high loan rates and inflation rates exist, can you tell me what are the reasons leading that happened? it must be a hard time for small business and common Vietnamese.

i hope your government has already learnt the lessons from 1998 Asian Financial Crises.
50000usd per square meter is a very huge bubble for Vietnam current economic level, that is why so high loan rates and inflation rates exist, can you tell me what are the reasons leading that happened? it must be a hard time for small business and common Vietnamese.

i hope your government has already learnt the lessons from 1998 Asian Financial Crises.

Yes, in my opinion, the land prices in VN were pushed up too high with the main reason is due to speculation, with the help of the commercial banks.

The banks have pumped a lot of money for speculators in real property. This pushed up real property prices up clouds, inflation up high.

In 2012, VN government tightened credit to reduce inflation, the money pumped into the real property reduced dramatically. Series speculators, real property business afflicted, die and died,,,

Land prices in Hanoi as expensive as in Tokyo and Paris: Colliers International
Thứ năm, ngày 27 tháng 10 năm 2011 cập nhật lúc 17:00

Colliers International’s market report in quarter 3 revealed land prices in central districts of Hanoi of at approximately US $ 27,200 per square metre (or 570 million dong) that is as expensive as those in Tokyo and Paris.
According to Colliers, Hanoi’s urban areas could be divided into three main zones.
Firstly, land prices in the outer districts namely Tu Liem, Ha Dong in the west, Long Bien in the east and Hoang Mai in the south range from US $968 to US $8,329 per square metre. Secondly, those in zone two including Thanh Xuan district, Ba Dinh district, Cau Giay District, Dong Da District and Tay Ho.
District vary between US $2,590 and US $18,940 square metre. Lastly, Hoan Kiem District and Hai Ba Trung District see land prices hovering between US $2,611 and US $27,200.
Clearly, the nearer the areas are to the centre of the city, the wider the price range are.The dependence of trade advantage on the location has made prices of street-fronted houses and those in lane largely differ.
The most expensive are corner-street-fronted houses around the Sword Lake which is as high as those in Tokyo and Paris. A square metre in Hang Gai Str., Cau Go Str., Hai Ba Trung., for instance, could cost around US $21,000 – US $27,000.
Likewise, prices of land in central streets also witness a staggering surge. Those in a lane of Hue Str. where fashion shops are gathered are the same as or even higher than in street-fronted houses on Ton Duc Thang Street, Cau Giay Street and Truong Chinh Street. Those on Hai Ba Trung average at US $21,700 per square metre, 1.5 times-2 times higher than those in Kim Ma Street and Giai Phong Street.
In general, land prices in Hanoi are largely subject to the location and even speculation-related factors.Furthermore, transactions have scarcely been conducted through an official channel and the lack of information transparency has made statistics imprecise.

The article above did not mention a special deal in late of last year, the price land around Hoan Kiem Lake, 1 billion VND (~50,000USD)/1m2 land (not floor house). :sick: :no:
:coffee: I would recommend an article about the land prices distorted in Vietnam: :lol:

Why has Land-Housing Price Increasingly Risen?

Along with the rocketing of prices of many other goods and services, recently, the land and housing price has increasingly risen. Although many alternatives aiming at reducing land and housing price have been suggested by ministries and relevant agencies, the land and housing price has continuously increased as a “unruly horse”. What are the main reasons for this situation?

Without any impact from world price
Many people recognized that the continuous increase in or remaining stationary at very high level in prices of gold, petroleum and many other categories of goods and services are impacted by the world market. However, in respect of land and housing market, it is likely that there have been any impacts from the world market. At present, the land and housing price level in international financial centers such as London (UK), New York (USA), Tokyo (Japan), Shanghai (China) remains stationary, while the land and housing price in Vietnam are keeping to rocket, especially in Ha Noi and Hochiminh City. In several months at the end of 2007 only, the land and housing price in these two cities has increased between 50%-100%.
A strange thing which economic analysts both inside and outside country could not explain is that while income of majority of Vietnamese is about $ 700 per year, and $ 1,000-1,500 for people in Hanoi and Hochiminh City (for people of Shanghai, London, New York... the figure is between $ 10,000-40,000), the price of one square meter of land in Hang Dao Street or Hang Ngang Street in Hanoi and in Dong Khoi street and Le Loi Street in Hochiminh City is of VND between 800,000 million and 1 billion (equal to $ 50,000-65,000); It means that the amount of money to buy one square meter of land would be enough to buy an average flat in Shanghai, London or New York.
In general, the land and housing price in Vietnam is 1.5 time higher than that of many countries over the world. therefore, it could not say that the highly increase in land and housing price in Vietnam was caused by impacts of the world market; and if any, it would be a little increasing impact on prices of some categories of input materials such metal, cement and construction costs. However, it is certain that the level of such a increase in expenditures could not push up the land and housing price to the high level as today. So what are the main reasons making the land and housing price in Vietnam unilaterally increasing like this?

Is it possible being a mechanism mistake?
According to the many economic analysis’s, the reason for land and housing price as high as today is the imbalance in demand – supply. With a country of 80 million population, the fast natural increase in population, specially in two big cities of Hanoi and Hochiminh, has led a situation in which the housing capacity could not meet the demand for living. In addition, the number of newly established enterprises in the whole country has increased day by day leading the high demand for land renting and land using. This is an important reason for increasing in land and housing price. However, it is not main one.
Come back the issue of supply being not enough for demand causing the high increase in land and housing price as well as the reason of the natural increase in population as analyzed by some policy makers and economic experts. The question is that whether these explanations are reasonable or not? The answer is not. Why? The only need is to put the issue in the international context during the integration time one would have the answer. We may look at our neighbor country - China to interpret this issue.
Developing market economy with a level of GDP higher than that of Vietnam, but land and housing price in China is cheaper than that of our country (remember that China joined WTO before Vietnam). In respect of the natural increase in population, in huge cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shandou... the population has increased much more than in Hanoi and Hochiminh City. However, land and housing price in these cities is equal 70% that in Hanoi and Hochiminh City. So what are the reasons for dramatically increasing in land and housing price in Hanoi and Hochiminh City. According to many economic experts, there would be problems in managerial mechanism and policy making.
Let remember the situation during 17-18 years ago, (except the 1982-1985 period when prices increased with the speed of a flying horse creating high inflation) when the relationship between price-income and salaries of majority of people was harmonized, land and housing price almost had not suddenly fluctuated. The rich usually accumulated gold for purpose of earning profit, land was not considered as a category of high value property. Depending on income level (real income), people could effort any lot of land they really wanted.
Since our economy transformed from the central planning mechanism into market one, land has become a category of property with value higher and higher – a category of profitable property. The land and housing market has become “warmer and warmer” up to “fevered” (the first time of “fevered” land and housing price was the 1992-1994 period). When land and housing price gets “fever”, income of majority has not yet increased or increased with a low speed not correspondent to the increase in the land and housing price. While Government was not finding out feasible solutions to curb the increase in land and housing price, the relation between land and housing price and income developed by an inverse proportion. The increases in salary, income and land and housing were one time, two times and three-four times, respectively. There have been an appearance of groups with different benefits in the society. Some people having money and power have quickly grown rich by abusing the loosing in state management during transforming from the central planning mechanism into market one. Many people having money by corruption and receiving bribe have shifted to doing business in land and housing sector making land and housing being a category of properties with the highest value. During this period, state management agencies and policy makers should have timely intervene solutions so that the land and housing price properly could reflect their real value and were accommodated to the income of majority. However, we could not do like this. The land and housing price have increased at a gallop since then. Recently, the relationship in increasing in salary, income and land and housing price is 1-2-100, respectively, compared to the increase in land and housing price for the first time of 1-2-3 or 4 as mentioned above. The current average GDP per capita of Vietnam is $ 700, while the land and housing price is VND 30 million (about $ 2,000) per square meter. A reality could not be imaged.
Meanwhile, Land Law (supplemented), a law considered as the most advantage law in this sector, encompasses some provisions which are contributing to make the land and housing price more increasing. They are provisions on which Provincial/City People’s Committees will be entitled, depending on the current price, to adjust the land and housing price for one time every year. As a result, the market price of land and housing has been increased every year. In addition, the cooperation between related state management agencies, specially Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Investment and State Bank, is too weak and inefficient. Each ministry has tried to “curb” the increase in land and housing price by its own policies in an almost unilateral manner without any cooperation with each others in policies on interest rates, exchange rates and prices applicable. On this aspect the role of these agencies is too little important so that the investors could self-determine land and housing price as the market price. Finally, these agencies themselves have used this market price as a standard price for their management work. More further, it could not forgive to mention a “evil alliance” between part of Government officials working in public agencies degraded in both ethics and integrity and land speculators to illegally earring benefits and pushing the land and housing price much highly. On a deeper aspect, the increase in land and housing price has indicated that there have been an appearance of many people who have not earned living by salaries or legal incomes but by suspicious methods in order to quickly grow rich.
The continuous increase in land and housing price in many past years looks like a “disease” which has been negligently treated by “doctors”, who are state management agencies; reasons for the “disease” have not yet been detected to be decisively treated. It is about time to have a “major operation” to treat the “disease”. It would be very difficult and must be pain. However, no gain without pain. The question is that, at the moment, whether we dare to do or not?

General Department Of Taxation - Ministry Of Finance - Chi ti
:coffee:In 2012, VN government tightened credit to reduce inflation, the money pumped into the real property reduced dramatically. Series speculators, real property business afflicted, die and died,,,

it is not good that in 2012 real property companies afflicted and dead far before full basic constructions for resident housing and business offices finished in Vietnam.

similarities happened in China but before massive construction finished or accompanying whit the massive construction. high cost of land sometimes urges the company to finish the job on the land as soon as possible to get money back and decrease the interest payment. by Chinese law, government can take back the land and impose a fine if the company did not begin or finish the construction in a certain time.
it is not good that in 2012 real property companies afflicted and dead far before full basic constructions for resident housing and business offices finished in Vietnam.

similarities happened in China but before massive construction finished or accompanying whit the massive construction. high cost of land sometimes urges the company to finish the job on the land as soon as possible to get money back and decrease the interest payment. by Chinese law, government can take back the land and impose a fine if the company did not begin or finish the construction in a certain time.

Yes, many of buildings, villas, condominiums... stopped while building due to no money.
But even if it has been completed, the investors cannot sell it, banks are not allowed to pump money to market, while house prices are too high for people who have the needs really, so they cannot buy it...




fallow villas which have prices millions USD.
Germany supports Hue Imperial Citadel restoration


VOV) -The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs will donate more than US$4.3 billion to a project restoring and preserving the interior decoration of the Ta Vu (Mandarins’ House) in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue.

The donation will be funded through teams from the German Conservation, Restoration and Education Projects (GCREP) and the non-profit Society for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (GEKE). The project will run from now until April 2014.

Germany supports Hue Imperial Citadel restoration | VOV Online Newspaper

US$4.3 billion donation? That´s a lot!
RoK launches new urban area project in Hanoi
| VGP | Nov 19, 2012 14:19 pm


The Republic of Korea’s T.H.T limited company officially held a ground breaking ceremony of an urban area in Hanoi with a total investment of $2.5 billion.

The Starlake project will be built on the area of 207.66 ha to the west of the West Lake, with 89 ha intended for roads, parks and planting trees and 46 ha reserved for building commercial projects, financial center and offices.

A land area of 26 ha is specialized for high rise apartment buildings, houses and villas to serve for around 25,000 people. The project is jointly implemented by Daewoo E&C Group and the Korea Development Bank.
Ha Long shipyard delivers 53,000 tonne vessel to Thai customer
16:51 | 16/11/2012 | CPV


Photo: Pham Cuong

(CPV) – The Ha Long Shipbuilding Company, under the Vietnam Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (Vinashin), on November 15 delivered a 53,000 tonne cargo ship named “Thor Brave” to Thai Thoresen Company.

This is the ninth vessel in a series of 53,000 tonne vessels built for foreign companies by the Halong Shipbuilding Company. Thor Brave is the first product among three ship building contracts between the Halong Shipyard and Thorsen Company.

The 53,000 tonne cargo ship has a length of 190 metres, width of 32.26 metres, depth mounded to upper deck and side of 17.5 metres, breadth mounded at 12.6 metres, cargo capacity of 65,700 cubic metres and cruising rate of 14.0 nautical miles per hour./.
Japan invests USD1.2 billion in Binh Duong’s urban project
18:47 | 15/11/2012 (CPV/VNA)


Japan’s Tokyo Corporation has decided to invest USD1.2 billion in an urban development project in the southern province of Binh Duong.

The General Director of Becamex Tokyu, Toshiyuki Hoshino November 14 pledged support for the project in 15 years for the back of real estate recovery to keep pace with population growth and rapid progress of urbanization.

He said that the project will start on November 21 and the project to be completed by 2014. He added that he will invite other Japanese partners to get involved in developing the USD1.2 billion.

Covering on an area of 714,524 square metre, Tokyu Binh Duong Garden City will have a total of 7,500 apartments and houses, a trade centre and a large space for creation and entertainment./.
Drilling begins on tunnel project
November, 19 2012 09:34:12 | Vietnam News




PHU YEN (VNS)— Work started yesterday on a tunnel route under the Ca Pass that will link the two central provinces of Phu Yen and Khanh Hoa as well as reduce traffic accidents along National Highway 1A.

The tunnel road, from Phu Yen Province's Hao Son Commune to Khanh Hoa Province's Co Ma Commune, will be 13.4km long. The maximum speed for vehicles travelling along the route will be 80kph. The project has total investment capital of VND15.6 trillion (US$748 million).
Vietnam-China trade increases 20% annually.

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GE to build centre for petroleum sector
Updated November, 20 2012 Vietnam News


HCM CITY (VNS)— General Electric yesterday announced the establishment of an engineering centre in Viet Nam to focus on product design, applications, and services for the oil and gas industry.

Targeted for completion in late 2013, the facility will be located in HCM City and employ up to 200 local engineers.

VN becomes world’s biggest pepper exporter

VietNamNet Bridge – Viet Nam has outstripped India to become the world’s largest pepper exporter thanks to its fast growing cultivated area.


Vietnam to invest over $134 mil to dredge river, improve port
Last Updated: Thursday, November 15, 2012 | Youth News Vietnam


This month Ho Chi Minh City transport authorities will begin work on a nearly VND2.8 trillion (US$134.3 million) river-dredging project aimed at allowing one of its ports to receive bigger boats.

The project will dredge 54 kilometers of Soai Rap, a tributary of the Saigon River, to a depth of 9.5 meters to make room for boats of up to 50,000 tons at the Hiep Phuoc port complex in Nha Be District in the outskirts of the city, news website VnExpress reported Thursday.

Work is expected to take 14 months. Nearly $90 million of the investment will come from Belgium's official development assistance and the rest from the city budget.
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