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Vietnam Economy Forum

The World Oil price keep going down make stocks of VN petrol company go down. VN index down quite much to 568. Luckily, I bought real estate stocks coz we have some good news abt the recovery of real estate. PFL now 4.0 (bought when 3.6). LCG 9.4 (bought when 8.8)

Where do I buy real estate stock in Vietnam?
Where do I buy real estate stock in Vietnam?
VN index is quite hard to play. U must wait for 3 days (T3+) before u can sell the stocks u buy. I dont know where we can buy stock oversea, if u r in VN, u can create an account in SSI stock company in Ho Chi Minh and Hai Noi or Hai Phong.

There r many good news for VN real estate, so its good to buy and hold some stock like LCG, DLG, or even PFL
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How many children average Vietnamese has?

CIA world fact book give 1.8 per woman. Is that true? Lately Vietnamese has 2 children or less on average?

Every country in Asia goes aging.! (except Pinoy)
Russia and Vietnam to jointly develop energy in Arctic, Siberia
Published time: November 26, 2014 10:35


President Vladimir Putin and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Chong (from right to left in the background) during the ceremony of signing joint documents in the Bocharov Ruchei residence in Sochi (RIA Novosti / Alexey Druzhinin)

Economy, Finance, Gas, Oil, Trade

Russia’s Gazprom and its oil arm Gazprom Neft have agreed with the Vietnamese energy company Petrovietnam to jointly develop Russia’s Arctic offshore oil and gas in Siberia, as well as supply the country’s ESPO blend crude to Vietnam.

The world’s largest gas producer Gazprom and Petrovietnam agreed Tuesday on the joint exploration of gas deposits in western and southern Siberia.

"Today's agreement will strengthen our partnership in the production of gas in Russia. It’s the first time a company from the Asia-Pacific will act as a partner and co-investor in the development of Gazprom’s promising Russian deposits,” Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller said in a statement.

Gazprom’s oil arm, Gazprom Neft, signed a separate deal with Petrovietnam to develop Russia’s Dolginskoye oil field that has reserves estimated at more than 200 million tons (1.5 billion barrels). It is located in Russia’s Prirazlomnoye field on the Pechora Sea shelf, part of the country’s first offshore Arctic field which opened last year.

The companies have also signed a deal under which Gazprom Neft will supply ESPO blend crude oil to Vietnam, said Reuters.

The Russian oil market saw the introduction of the new ESPO blend in 2009, when the first branch of the Pacific Ocean pipeline was commissioned. ESPO was created especially for the pipeline and now ranks as the best Russia’s blend. ESPO is lighter and contains less salt.

The deals come at a time when Russia’s oil majors including Gazprom Neft, the oil arm of the world’s biggest gas company Gazprom, are being hit by Western sanctions that cap cooperation in offshore drilling.

"Today's agreement will strengthen our partnership in the production of gas in Russian territory. It’s the first time a company from the Asia-Pacific will act as a partner and co-investor in the development of Gazprom’s promising Russian deposits,” Aleksey Miller, Gazprom CEO said in a statement.

Russia and Vietnam also agreed to boost bilateral trade to $10 billion by 2020. In 2013 trade turnover between Russia and Vietnam grew 8.5 percent to $4 billion.

"We have real opportunities and necessary mechanisms for this," said Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding that a high-level ad hoc working group is now negotiating the implementation of 17 investment projects worth more than $20 billion.

Putin stressed that relations between the two countries can be characterized as a comprehensive strategic partnership, and the joint statement adopted Tuesday reflects the prospect of further strengthening.

Russia and Vietnam to jointly develop energy in Arctic, Siberia — RT Business
How many children average Vietnamese has?

CIA world fact book give 1.8 per woman. Is that true? Lately Vietnamese has 2 children or less on average?

Every country in Asia goes aging.! (except Pinoy)

Vietnam has a birth rate of 16.31 births/1,000 population (2009 est.) which ranks them 129 in the world.
construction starts for the tallest building in Vietnam: 350m
The Landmark 81

two recent projects from the world bank

World Bank Approves US$450 Million for Better Sanitation Services in Ho Chi Minh City
December 23, 2014

WASHINGTON, December 23, 2014—The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved US$450 million in loans and credits to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the Second Ho Chi Minh City Environmental Sanitation Project. The project will improve the environment by treating wastewater, strengthen institutional capacity to manage sanitation and wastewater services, and increase public awareness on the benefits of improved sanitation practices.

Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is emerging as a major city in Southeast Asia and is a hub of economic activities in Vietnam, contributing to about 20 percent of the country’s total GDP. To maintain its competitive position and provide quality services to its citizens, HCMC plans to develop its water-related infrastructure to increase the supply of drinking water for the growing population, protect the city from floods, and improve the environment and reduce health risks by collecting and treating wastewater.

“The Bank has a long standing and strategic partnership with HCMC. Through this new project, the city will be able to address its sanitation challenges in a more cost effective manner and create a city that is clean and competitive,” said Victoria Kwakwa, World Bank Country Director for Vietnam. “Improved urban sanitation services benefit all citizens, especially the poor. This project will ensure that the poor in the project areas are well served by having household connections to the sewer network,” she added.

The project will benefit about 1.1 million people in the city and includes a waste water treatment plant that will treat wastewater collected in the Nhieu Loc-Thi Nghe (NLTN) basin and from parts of District 2 of the city. The plant will treat untreated wastewater that is currently being discharged to the Saigon river. Through the project, sewer networks and house connections to the network will be installed in parts of District 2. The project will also provide technical assistance to improve sanitation and wastewater management practices in the city.

“The project promotes better sanitation practices in HCMC and also supports the urban development of the city through improved wastewater management,” said Sudipto Sarkar, World Bank Lead Specialist and task team leader. “Under the project an Environmental Learning Center will be created to raise awareness of sanitation issues and the environment that will benefit the people of the Ho Chi Minh City,” he added.

The total project cost is US$495 million, of which US$250 million will be financed through a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and a US$200 million credit through the International Development Association (IDA). HCMC will provide US$45 million from its own resources for the project.

Better Infrastructure for 7.5 Million Urban Residents in Vietnam
December 19, 2014

Before and After: The Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project

Ho Chi Minh City, December 19, 2014 - Bui Thi Mai owns a busy shop in Alley 76 on Ton That Thuyet Street in Ho Chi Minh City. She still recalls that just four years ago, the narrow, dirty and unsafe alley prevented her from expanding her business.

“Back then, the alley was so narrow that only one motorbike could get in,” said Mai. “There was no drainage so it was often flooded, making garbage float and mosquitoes breed. It was unsafe for our health. There were few street lights, allowing criminals to hide in the dark corners.”

Despite achievements in poverty reduction, urban poverty in Vietnam started rising in the early 2000s, especially among unregistered migrants who are often among the poorest in cities. Low-income areas faced frequent flooding and suffered from poor sanitation. They had no direct water supply and sewerage connections. These caused serious health and environmental risks to the urban poor.

Implemented from 2004 to 2014, the Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project addressed those challenges in the cities of Hai Phong, Nam Dinh, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho.

Under the World Bank-supported project, more than 200 low-income areas like Mai’s neighborhood have been upgraded, directly benefiting 2.5 million urban poor. Homes now have water supply, drainage, electricity, and sanitation services. Narrow, dirty and flooded alleys are now paved, wider, cleaner and safer. Ambulances and fire trucks can now access houses. Children can play around the neighborhood and residents can expand their businesses.

“Running my business is much easier because the street is cleaner and safer,” Mai said. “Trucks can carry goods to my door. More shops and restaurants have been opening along this big street.”

Improvements in roads, canals, lakes, sewer and bridges, would benefit an additional five million urban residents.

About 500 kilometers (310 miles) of drains and 580 kilometers (360 miles) of roads have been constructed or upgraded, improving access, reducing flooding, and improving the environmental conditions in poor neighborhoods. Nearly 30 kilometers (18 miles) of canals and seven hectares (17 acres) of lakes were dredged and connected to the drainage system. Over 800 meters (0.5 mile) of bridges and 240 kilometers (150 miles) of roads were constructed to reduce flooding and to improve both traffic capacity and the cityscape. The project also upgraded kindergartens, schools, health clinics and community centers in low-income neighborhoods.


The Tham Tuong Canal in Can Tho City was dredged and renovated, turning from a heavily polluted canal into a clean and green waterway.

World Bank

Running my business is much easier because the street is cleaner and safer. Trucks can carry goods to my door. More shops and restaurants have been opening along this big street.


Bui Thi Mai
Resident, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City


A boy plays around in Alley 128 on Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City. The narrow and dirty alley now became a wide, clean and safe street.

World Bank
Twin goals

The project did not just invest in infrastructure, it also provided access to micro loans for home improvement and income generation for households whose incomes are in the bottom 40%. So far, the repayment rate is almost 100%.

“I borrowed 5 million dong [$250] to expand my small shop at home,” said Vo Thanh Khuong, a resident of Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City. “Our income has increased and I could take better care of the kids. Our living conditions are getting better.”

“Having access to credit helps the poor benefit even more from improved infrastructures,” said Keiko Sato, Acting World Bank Country Director for Vietnam. “This approach really fits the World Bank’s twin goals in eradicating extreme poverty by 2030 and promoting shared prosperity by improving the living standards of the bottom 40% of the population in every country.”

Community participation

Communities actively participated in project design and implementation. They attended numerous meetings and supervised the infrastructure upgrading work in their neighborhoods. They also contributed their time, efforts and even donated land to improve access in the upgraded areas.

“Together with other members of our community, I frequently checked the project’s progress in our neighborhood to make sure everything was done in a timely manner with high quality,” said Nguyen Thanh Tu, Member of the community supervision board, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City.

With $382 million financing from the World Bank and $140 million counterpart funding from the Government of Vietnam, the project has turned 200 low-income areas into vibrant, attractive communities, and transformed the lives of millions of urban poor.

“Our family’s income has increased twofold since 2010,” said Mai. “We are very happy and we will maintain this clean and green environment for our own benfits".
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two recent projects from the world bank

World Bank Approves US$450 Million for Better Sanitation Services in Ho Chi Minh City
December 23, 2014

WASHINGTON, December 23, 2014—The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved US$450 million in loans and credits to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the Second Ho Chi Minh City Environmental Sanitation Project. The project will improve the environment by treating wastewater, strengthen institutional capacity to manage sanitation and wastewater services, and increase public awareness on the benefits of improved sanitation practices.

Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is emerging as a major city in Southeast Asia and is a hub of economic activities in Vietnam, contributing to about 20 percent of the country’s total GDP. To maintain its competitive position and provide quality services to its citizens, HCMC plans to develop its water-related infrastructure to increase the supply of drinking water for the growing population, protect the city from floods, and improve the environment and reduce health risks by collecting and treating wastewater.

“The Bank has a long standing and strategic partnership with HCMC. Through this new project, the city will be able to address its sanitation challenges in a more cost effective manner and create a city that is clean and competitive,” said Victoria Kwakwa, World Bank Country Director for Vietnam. “Improved urban sanitation services benefit all citizens, especially the poor. This project will ensure that the poor in the project areas are well served by having household connections to the sewer network,” she added.

The project will benefit about 1.1 million people in the city and includes a waste water treatment plant that will treat wastewater collected in the Nhieu Loc-Thi Nghe (NLTN) basin and from parts of District 2 of the city. The plant will treat untreated wastewater that is currently being discharged to the Saigon river. Through the project, sewer networks and house connections to the network will be installed in parts of District 2. The project will also provide technical assistance to improve sanitation and wastewater management practices in the city.

“The project promotes better sanitation practices in HCMC and also supports the urban development of the city through improved wastewater management,” said Sudipto Sarkar, World Bank Lead Specialist and task team leader. “Under the project an Environmental Learning Center will be created to raise awareness of sanitation issues and the environment that will benefit the people of the Ho Chi Minh City,” he added.

The total project cost is US$495 million, of which US$250 million will be financed through a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and a US$200 million credit through the International Development Association (IDA). HCMC will provide US$45 million from its own resources for the project.

Better Infrastructure for 7.5 Million Urban Residents in Vietnam
December 19, 2014

Before and After: The Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project

Ho Chi Minh City, December 19, 2014 - Bui Thi Mai owns a busy shop in Alley 76 on Ton That Thuyet Street in Ho Chi Minh City. She still recalls that just four years ago, the narrow, dirty and unsafe alley prevented her from expanding her business.

“Back then, the alley was so narrow that only one motorbike could get in,” said Mai. “There was no drainage so it was often flooded, making garbage float and mosquitoes breed. It was unsafe for our health. There were few street lights, allowing criminals to hide in the dark corners.”

Despite achievements in poverty reduction, urban poverty in Vietnam started rising in the early 2000s, especially among unregistered migrants who are often among the poorest in cities. Low-income areas faced frequent flooding and suffered from poor sanitation. They had no direct water supply and sewerage connections. These caused serious health and environmental risks to the urban poor.

Implemented from 2004 to 2014, the Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project addressed those challenges in the cities of Hai Phong, Nam Dinh, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho.

Under the World Bank-supported project, more than 200 low-income areas like Mai’s neighborhood have been upgraded, directly benefiting 2.5 million urban poor. Homes now have water supply, drainage, electricity, and sanitation services. Narrow, dirty and flooded alleys are now paved, wider, cleaner and safer. Ambulances and fire trucks can now access houses. Children can play around the neighborhood and residents can expand their businesses.

“Running my business is much easier because the street is cleaner and safer,” Mai said. “Trucks can carry goods to my door. More shops and restaurants have been opening along this big street.”

Improvements in roads, canals, lakes, sewer and bridges, would benefit an additional five million urban residents.

About 500 kilometers (310 miles) of drains and 580 kilometers (360 miles) of roads have been constructed or upgraded, improving access, reducing flooding, and improving the environmental conditions in poor neighborhoods. Nearly 30 kilometers (18 miles) of canals and seven hectares (17 acres) of lakes were dredged and connected to the drainage system. Over 800 meters (0.5 mile) of bridges and 240 kilometers (150 miles) of roads were constructed to reduce flooding and to improve both traffic capacity and the cityscape. The project also upgraded kindergartens, schools, health clinics and community centers in low-income neighborhoods.


The Tham Tuong Canal in Can Tho City was dredged and renovated, turning from a heavily polluted canal into a clean and green waterway.

World Bank

Running my business is much easier because the street is cleaner and safer. Trucks can carry goods to my door. More shops and restaurants have been opening along this big street.


Bui Thi Mai
Resident, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City


A boy plays around in Alley 128 on Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City. The narrow and dirty alley now became a wide, clean and safe street.

World Bank
Twin goals

The project did not just invest in infrastructure, it also provided access to micro loans for home improvement and income generation for households whose incomes are in the bottom 40%. So far, the repayment rate is almost 100%.

“I borrowed 5 million dong [$250] to expand my small shop at home,” said Vo Thanh Khuong, a resident of Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City. “Our income has increased and I could take better care of the kids. Our living conditions are getting better.”

“Having access to credit helps the poor benefit even more from improved infrastructures,” said Keiko Sato, Acting World Bank Country Director for Vietnam. “This approach really fits the World Bank’s twin goals in eradicating extreme poverty by 2030 and promoting shared prosperity by improving the living standards of the bottom 40% of the population in every country.”

Community participation

Communities actively participated in project design and implementation. They attended numerous meetings and supervised the infrastructure upgrading work in their neighborhoods. They also contributed their time, efforts and even donated land to improve access in the upgraded areas.

“Together with other members of our community, I frequently checked the project’s progress in our neighborhood to make sure everything was done in a timely manner with high quality,” said Nguyen Thanh Tu, Member of the community supervision board, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City.

With $382 million financing from the World Bank and $140 million counterpart funding from the Government of Vietnam, the project has turned 200 low-income areas into vibrant, attractive communities, and transformed the lives of millions of urban poor.

“Our family’s income has increased twofold since 2010,” said Mai. “We are very happy and we will maintain this clean and green environment for our own benfits".

I still see sewer lines go through that cannel. Hopefully, they would reroute that someday.
Tallest building in Vietnam is Vietinbank tower in Hanoi, 363 m with 68 floors, under construction since 2-3 years ago. I think it already completed the foundation.
two recent projects from the world bank

World Bank Approves US$450 Million for Better Sanitation Services in Ho Chi Minh City
December 23, 2014

WASHINGTON, December 23, 2014—The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved US$450 million in loans and credits to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the Second Ho Chi Minh City Environmental Sanitation Project. The project will improve the environment by treating wastewater, strengthen institutional capacity to manage sanitation and wastewater services, and increase public awareness on the benefits of improved sanitation practices.

Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is emerging as a major city in Southeast Asia and is a hub of economic activities in Vietnam, contributing to about 20 percent of the country’s total GDP. To maintain its competitive position and provide quality services to its citizens, HCMC plans to develop its water-related infrastructure to increase the supply of drinking water for the growing population, protect the city from floods, and improve the environment and reduce health risks by collecting and treating wastewater.

“The Bank has a long standing and strategic partnership with HCMC. Through this new project, the city will be able to address its sanitation challenges in a more cost effective manner and create a city that is clean and competitive,” said Victoria Kwakwa, World Bank Country Director for Vietnam. “Improved urban sanitation services benefit all citizens, especially the poor. This project will ensure that the poor in the project areas are well served by having household connections to the sewer network,” she added.

The project will benefit about 1.1 million people in the city and includes a waste water treatment plant that will treat wastewater collected in the Nhieu Loc-Thi Nghe (NLTN) basin and from parts of District 2 of the city. The plant will treat untreated wastewater that is currently being discharged to the Saigon river. Through the project, sewer networks and house connections to the network will be installed in parts of District 2. The project will also provide technical assistance to improve sanitation and wastewater management practices in the city.

“The project promotes better sanitation practices in HCMC and also supports the urban development of the city through improved wastewater management,” said Sudipto Sarkar, World Bank Lead Specialist and task team leader. “Under the project an Environmental Learning Center will be created to raise awareness of sanitation issues and the environment that will benefit the people of the Ho Chi Minh City,” he added.

The total project cost is US$495 million, of which US$250 million will be financed through a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and a US$200 million credit through the International Development Association (IDA). HCMC will provide US$45 million from its own resources for the project.

Better Infrastructure for 7.5 Million Urban Residents in Vietnam
December 19, 2014

Before and After: The Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project

Ho Chi Minh City, December 19, 2014 - Bui Thi Mai owns a busy shop in Alley 76 on Ton That Thuyet Street in Ho Chi Minh City. She still recalls that just four years ago, the narrow, dirty and unsafe alley prevented her from expanding her business.

“Back then, the alley was so narrow that only one motorbike could get in,” said Mai. “There was no drainage so it was often flooded, making garbage float and mosquitoes breed. It was unsafe for our health. There were few street lights, allowing criminals to hide in the dark corners.”

Despite achievements in poverty reduction, urban poverty in Vietnam started rising in the early 2000s, especially among unregistered migrants who are often among the poorest in cities. Low-income areas faced frequent flooding and suffered from poor sanitation. They had no direct water supply and sewerage connections. These caused serious health and environmental risks to the urban poor.

Implemented from 2004 to 2014, the Vietnam Urban Upgrading Project addressed those challenges in the cities of Hai Phong, Nam Dinh, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho.

Under the World Bank-supported project, more than 200 low-income areas like Mai’s neighborhood have been upgraded, directly benefiting 2.5 million urban poor. Homes now have water supply, drainage, electricity, and sanitation services. Narrow, dirty and flooded alleys are now paved, wider, cleaner and safer. Ambulances and fire trucks can now access houses. Children can play around the neighborhood and residents can expand their businesses.

“Running my business is much easier because the street is cleaner and safer,” Mai said. “Trucks can carry goods to my door. More shops and restaurants have been opening along this big street.”

Improvements in roads, canals, lakes, sewer and bridges, would benefit an additional five million urban residents.

About 500 kilometers (310 miles) of drains and 580 kilometers (360 miles) of roads have been constructed or upgraded, improving access, reducing flooding, and improving the environmental conditions in poor neighborhoods. Nearly 30 kilometers (18 miles) of canals and seven hectares (17 acres) of lakes were dredged and connected to the drainage system. Over 800 meters (0.5 mile) of bridges and 240 kilometers (150 miles) of roads were constructed to reduce flooding and to improve both traffic capacity and the cityscape. The project also upgraded kindergartens, schools, health clinics and community centers in low-income neighborhoods.


The Tham Tuong Canal in Can Tho City was dredged and renovated, turning from a heavily polluted canal into a clean and green waterway.

World Bank

Running my business is much easier because the street is cleaner and safer. Trucks can carry goods to my door. More shops and restaurants have been opening along this big street.


Bui Thi Mai
Resident, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City


A boy plays around in Alley 128 on Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City. The narrow and dirty alley now became a wide, clean and safe street.

World Bank
Twin goals

The project did not just invest in infrastructure, it also provided access to micro loans for home improvement and income generation for households whose incomes are in the bottom 40%. So far, the repayment rate is almost 100%.

“I borrowed 5 million dong [$250] to expand my small shop at home,” said Vo Thanh Khuong, a resident of Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City. “Our income has increased and I could take better care of the kids. Our living conditions are getting better.”

“Having access to credit helps the poor benefit even more from improved infrastructures,” said Keiko Sato, Acting World Bank Country Director for Vietnam. “This approach really fits the World Bank’s twin goals in eradicating extreme poverty by 2030 and promoting shared prosperity by improving the living standards of the bottom 40% of the population in every country.”

Community participation

Communities actively participated in project design and implementation. They attended numerous meetings and supervised the infrastructure upgrading work in their neighborhoods. They also contributed their time, efforts and even donated land to improve access in the upgraded areas.

“Together with other members of our community, I frequently checked the project’s progress in our neighborhood to make sure everything was done in a timely manner with high quality,” said Nguyen Thanh Tu, Member of the community supervision board, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City.

With $382 million financing from the World Bank and $140 million counterpart funding from the Government of Vietnam, the project has turned 200 low-income areas into vibrant, attractive communities, and transformed the lives of millions of urban poor.

“Our family’s income has increased twofold since 2010,” said Mai. “We are very happy and we will maintain this clean and green environment for our own benfits".

How is district 11 now?

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