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Vietnam Defence Forum

Seem like [B]Avrora [/B]even can help VN to build Nuke-Sub if possible :D[/QUOTE]
Avrora is not a submarine builder, it only provides combat information and control systems.

Anyway nuclear sub is a nice thing, but costs three times more than a [B]Kilo [/B]diesel sub, so instead of $0.5bn, you need $1.5bn, such as for a [B]Akula-class[/B] submarine:

Avrora is not a submarine builder, it only provides combat information and control systems.

Anyway nuclear sub is a nice thing, but costs three times more than a Kilo diesel sub, so instead of $0.5bn, you need $1.5bn, such as for a Akula-class submarine:

nuke-sub is a strong deterrence.as zAvrora said that they would help VN to build a strong naval fleet,then nuke-sub is the best toy for our navy now.

As u know,We bought those Kilos subs on Credit,so Pls dont think much abt its price coz if we cant buy it by hard cash even if its cheaper than Kilos.if Russia wanna sell nuke sub to VN,they will sell on credit,too :D
Press release
20 March 2013

Ministry for Foreign Affairs

EU establishes partnership and cooperation agreements with the Philippines and Vietnam

The Government today presented two bills to the Riksdag dealing with the EU's relations with the Philippines and Vietnam.

The Philippines

A partnership and cooperation agreement is to establish a framework for relations with the Philippines. The agreement concerns cooperation in a broad spectrum of areas, such as:

human rights
non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
trade and investment
development cooperation
environment and climate change

The agreement contains a legal commitment on both sides regarding the respect of human rights and obligations with regard to the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The partnership agreement with the Philippines may also constitute the framework for potential future negotiations on a free trade agreement with the country.


A partnership and cooperation agreement is to establish a framework for relations with Vietnam. The agreement concerns cooperation in a broad spectrum of areas, such as:

development cooperation
non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
trade and investment
environment and climate change
human rights

The agreement contains a legal commitment on both sides regarding the respect of human rights and obligations with regard to the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The agreement is also intended to constitute the framework for the ongoing negotiations on a free trade agreement with Vietnam.

EU establishes partnership and cooperation agreements with the Philippines and Vietnam
nước tạo lập lực lượng hải quân hoạt động trên cơ sở thường trực ở vùng biển Thái Bình Dương và Ấn Độ Dương.

Ảnh: RIA Novosti
Ảnh: RIA Novosti

"Trong lịch sử Hải quân từng có kinh nghiệm, khi chúng ta có các hải đội ở Ấn Độ Dương và Thái Bình Dương. Hiển nhiên, nếu cần thiết, chúng tôi sẽ đề xuất với Bộ Quốc phòng, Chính phủ và Tổng thống để tại đó hiện diện các đơn vị tác chiến trên cơ sở thường trực”, - Đô đốc V.Chirkov cho biết trong cuộc phỏng vấn của kênh truyền hình "Zvezda".

Như đã thông báo, ông Viktor Ozerov đứng đầu Ủy ban Quốc phòng và An ninh thuộc Hội đồng Liên bang trước đó đã tuyên bố ủng hộ ý tưởng khôi phục lực lượng của Hải quân Nga làm nhiệm vụ thường trực trong khu vực chiến lược quan trọng của đại dương thế giới.

"Chúng tôi ủng hộ tuyến chiến lược của ban lãnh đạo đất nước để khôi phục hiện diện của Hải quân Nga trong đại dương thế giới. Chúng tôi muốn phục hồi cơ sở hải quân cũ ở Việt Nam. Chúng tôi sẵn sàng phát triển sự hiện diện của Nga cả trong những vùng biển và đại dương khác...", - ông V.Ozerov nêu ý kiến hôm 14 tháng Ba trong quá trình cuộc gặp với các Tùy viên quân sự các nước ở Nga.
"We want to restore the old naval base in Vietnam.We are ready to develop Russia's presence in the sea and other ocean ... "- Commander of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Chirkov said

Chirkov also said that in case of necessity the Russian Navy Command would suggest that the country's leadership to create naval forces operating on a permanent basis in the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.


Photo: RIA Novosti

"In the history of the Navy ever experienced, when we have the fleet in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Obviously, if necessary, we will propose to the Ministry of Defense, Government and the President to in which the presence of combat units on a permanent basis ", - Admiral V.Chirkov said in an interview of the TV channel" Zvezda ".

As previously announced, Mr. Viktor Ozerov, head of the Defense and Security Committee of the Federal Council had previously declared support the idea of ​​restoring forces of the Russian Navy permanent duty in strategic areas importance of the world's oceans.

"We support the strategic lines of the national leadership to restore the Russian Navy's presence in the world's oceans. We want to restore the old naval base in Vietnam. We are ready to develop the Russia's presence in the sea and other ocean ... "- he V.Ozerov raise comments on 14 March during a meeting with the military attaché in Russia.

Tu-142 in Cam Ranh base before 1990
China-US will jump up and down like before 1990 soon :partay:
Conducting shooting down fighter aircraft drill

Jan 20, 2013- Vnesea

Spratly Island Sand Cay (Vietnamese: Đảo Sơn Ca)




High-ranking military delegation visits Germany

Updated : 3/22/2013 9:33:52 AM



A high-level military delegation led by Deputy Minister of National Defence Nguyen Chi Vinh paid a three-day working visit to Germany from March 19.

Vinh held talks with Secretary of State of German Defence Ministry Ruediger Wolf and paid a courtesy visit to Germany Defence Minister Thomas de Maiziere on March 21.

The two sides expressed their wishes to enhance bilateral army cooperation suitable to the two countries’ strategic partnership, focusing on maintaining annual deputy ministerial level dialogue mechanism, exchanging delegations, and training officers on languages.

They will also cooperate with and support each other at defence – security multilateral forms and mechanisms and during Vietnam’s preparation to take part in UN peace-keeping activities. Bilateral cooperation in the defence industry will be boosted as well.

They agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on bilateral defence cooperation in the time to come.
North Korean experts train Vietnamese police

Updated : Sat, March 23, 2013,10:27 AM (GMT+0700)


Experts from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea’s Ministry of People’s Security have completed a four-month training course for 98 trainees from mobile police and task force units across Vietnam.

The course, which ended in a closing ceremony held yesterday in the barracks of Task Force Battalion No. 2 in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 9, is part of a cooperation program between the DPRK Ministry of People’s Security and the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security.

During the course, which lasted from November 2012 to March 2013 under the coordination of the battalion, North Korean experts taught trainees in military knowledge and martial arts.





Vietnam, New Zealand agree to lift defence ties

Updated : Sat, March 23, 2013,10:45 AM (GMT+0700)


Vietnamese and New Zealand Defence Ministers have agreed to work so as to elevate bilateral defence cooperation to a new level with the early signing of a defence cooperation agreement.

The agreement was reached at talks between visiting Vietnamese Defence Minister General Phung Quang Thanh and his New Zealand counterpart Jonathan Coleman following an official welcome ceremony on March 21 in Wellington city.

Both sides should exchange delegations at all levels, cooperation in English training, set up a deputy minister-level dialogue mechanism, and exchange experiences in military services with a focus on navy cooperation, said Thanh.
Zelenodolsk shipyard, Russia will build 2 more Gepard 3.9 class stealth frigates for Vietnam Navy.
Work on the first ship will begin in June 2013.


Vietnam Navy will receive ships in 2016 and 2017.
Both ships will be built with antisubmarine features.

Good News for Viet Nam. They will add more punch to the Vietnamese Navy and help to secure Vietnamese assets in the East Sea area.
$300 millions for these two ships, I personally perfer 4 Su-35 insead:smokin:

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