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Vietnam Defence Forum

Vietnam is in advanced negotiation to purchase 10 Nerva mini unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) from Nexter Robotics. The Nerva can be fitted with a wide variety of sensors, including day/EOIR cameras, and explosive ordnance disposal systems.

source: IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

onboard of the Japanese landing ship JDS Kunisaki

Japan has the strongest navy in the western Pacific. Copying them is not a bad idea. Vietnam has sent several groups of officers to Japan for tactical and weapon conversion training.

onboard of the Japanese landing ship JDS Kunisaki

Japan has the strongest navy in the western Pacific. Copying them is not a bad idea. Vietnam has sent several groups of officers to Japan for tactical and weapon conversion training.


Were you there on the thread where I said Japanese fleet are stripped of offensive capabilities?
Not sure, if you weren't, you know now. It's more complicated, but basically Japan can't conduct naval battle alone, not effectively anyways.

So if you must disregard China, put South Korea, they have essentially the same navy, but better here and worse there. However they have full capabilities on their warships.
pic with a Kilo 8-)


Were you there on the thread where I said Japanese fleet are stripped of offensive capabilities?
Not sure, if you weren't, you know now. It's more complicated, but basically Japan can't conduct naval battle alone, not effectively anyways.

So if you must disregard China, put South Korea, they have essentially the same navy, but better here and worse there. However they have full capabilities on their warships.
yes, I read your previous post. From what I see is Japan has a very well equipped and financed navy. Perhaps can our japanese friend confirm of what you say. by the way, our Kilo are equipped with land attack missiles.

@Nihonjin1051, it it true that Japanese navy does not possess offensive capabilities (e.i. land attack missiles) and always needs US warships in battles?
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@Viet ,

Our forces are purely defensive in nature, but we have the capability to deliver destruction onto our potential enemies.
We do not depend on US naval protection as we have the 2nd largest number of DDGs in the world , second only to the United States Navy.
pic with a Kilo 8-)


yes, I read your previous post. From what I see is Japan has a very well equipped and financed navy. Perhaps can our japanese friend confirm of what you say. by the way, our Kilo are equipped with land attack missiles.

@Nihonjin1051, it it true that Japanese navy does not possess offensive capabilities (e.i. land attack missiles) and always needs US warships in battles?

Why would I lie? It's easily researched. Now this is Wikipedia, but considering, the simplicity of my claim this is good enough.
However, in keeping with the defensive mission of the JMSDF and passive role of the Japan Self-Defense Forces in general, the Kongō-class lacks the Tomahawk missile.
Kongō-class destroyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, not only did the Americans strip Japanese ships, they made the Japanese pay for it with cold hard cash. They are like the dude that rapes you and ask you for payment of service.

Same deal happened to Japanese fighters.

There's actually a few more features that lacks in Japanese equipments, IE, there battle system lacks a few more things for full effectiveness, I know this because I'm a follower of the Chinese military show that invites Chinese admirals and generals from defense colleges. Despite what you think of them, their actual technical knowledge are excellent, all have been to foreign institutes and seen first hand these ships. You know, one of the privilege of wearing a star.

You Kilos are pretty good.
Why would I lie? It's easily researched. Now this is Wikipedia, but considering, the simplicity of my claim this is good enough.

Kongō-class destroyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, not only did the Americans strip Japanese ships, they made the Japanese pay for it with cold hard cash. They are like the dude that rapes you and ask you for payment of service.

Same deal happened to Japanese fighters.

There's actually a few more features that lacks in Japanese equipments, IE, there battle system lacks a few more things for full effectiveness, I know this because I'm a follower of the Chinese military show that invites Chinese admirals and generals from defense colleges. Despite what you think of them, their actual technical knowledge are excellent, all have been to foreign institutes and seen first hand these ships. You know, one of the privilege of wearing a star.

You Kilos are pretty good.

I agree that we do not have Tomahawk cruise missiles. But Japan, as a peaceful nation, does not have a 'First Strike' policy. In actuality, Japan will not engage unless we are fired upon first.

As per the issue of offensive capability, that itself is under development now. Abe Shinzo and the LDP party believe tha it is best to not only reform the SDF, but to also enhance military responsibility and utilize an offensive capability.
It is not like we are unable to do it, it is more so because the Japanese people , particularly in the Diet are sensitive on regards to military offensive changes.

I would hardly blame the Americans. They have been pushing us to adopt more offensive capability , but it has been the Diet (Parliament) that has been slow to change.

You don't have to make vitrious verbiage against the Americans.
@Viet ,

Our forces are purely defensive in nature, but we have the capability to deliver destruction onto our potential enemies.
We do not depend on US naval protection as we have the 2nd largest number of DDGs in the world , second only to the United States Navy.
That reflects my thought. Japan as island nation has traditionally a strong navy, while Vietnam has the strength in the land forces. Your country can develop desired attack weapons if you want.
Here is an article in the Japan Times (I check for interesting news from time to time) talking over the difference of approaches Vietnam and Japan deal with China.

for example, if a Chinese warship locked its weapons-guiding radar onto a Vietnamese ship, we would have reacted by launching antiship missile pre-emptively. A japanese warship would wait.

Referring to the incident on Jan. 30, 2013, in which a Chinese naval frigate allegedly locked its weapons-guiding radar onto a Japanese destroyer — an accusation that China’s Defense Ministry brushed off as “groundless” — military affairs journalist Mitsuhiro Sera believes a Vietnamese ship would have reacted by attacking pre-emptively, since “Such an act is akin to a declaration of war,” as Sera puts it.

Vietnam seen as a potential role model for Japan | The Japan Times
I agree that we do not have Tomahawk cruise missiles. But Japan, as a peaceful nation, does not have a 'First Strike' policy. In actuality, Japan will not engage unless we are fired upon first.

As per the issue of offensive capability, that itself is under development now. Abe Shinzo and the LDP party believe tha it is best to not only reform the SDF, but to also enhance military responsibility and utilize an offensive capability.
It is not like we are unable to do it, it is more so because the Japanese people , particularly in the Diet are sensitive on regards to military offensive changes.

I would hardly blame the Americans. They have been pushing us to adopt more offensive capability , but it has been the Diet (Parliament) that has been slow to change.

You don't have to make vitrious verbiage against the Americans.

I got nothing against the Americans, you do work you get paid, but certain things are well.....weird to say the least.

I never said Japan can't have it, I said you don't have it. Also, despite what you may think, knowing how to make a TV and a missile is not quite the same. While Japan is technologically advanced, you experience with missiles of a offensive nature is limited, eventually yes, but immediately, probably not. Abe can do what he wants, but with the countless missiles pointing at our Easter direction, I say he can put Jesus in the VLS and it still won't solve anything.

Fifth Gen fighter is a good if not an entirely accurate comparison. Japan can "field" one, but it's essentially a 4+, after decades of inactivity, you can't just expect to get back to your WW2 days like that. Even Ronaldo gets fat.

Actually you can see the Americans wants to keep Japan what it is, if Japan is self restraint, why did Americans make Filipinos pay for disarming the cutters they sent them? I'm positive, the Filipinos didn't ask for it.
That reflects my thought. Japan as island nation has traditionally a strong navy, while Vietnam has the strength in the land forces.
Here is an article in the Japan Times (I check for interesting news from time to time) talking over the difference of approaches Vietnam and Japan deal with China.

Vietnam seen as a potential role model for Japan | The Japan Times

For us, we have the capability to field a large army (our population is 130 million), however, it would be contrary to our national mandate , which stresses peaceful development with our regional partners. For Vietnam, I can understand the necessity to maintain a large standing army , considering the last 1979 land - based ware you had with the People's Republic of China. And also to project Vietnamese interests in neighboring Cambodia, Laos and possibly Thailand if necessary.

For us, we don't fear a military invasion of Japan. First of all, we would detect any buildup by either North Korea / other nations in North East Asia. Second, our naval power would sink any foolhardy military adventurism. Thirdly, our Air Force is qualitatively and quantitatively one of the strongest in Asia-Pacific. Fourth, Japanese GSDF would be able to annihilate any so called invasion. And we would , in response to an attack, be free to mount our own offensive.

But, in a realistic scenario, i don't see any nation foolish enough to attack us. :)

I got nothing against the Americans, you do work you get paid, but certain things are well.....weird to say the least.

I never said Japan can't have it, I said you don't have it. Also, despite what you may think, knowing how to make a TV and a missile is not quite the same. While Japan is technologically advanced, you experience with missiles of a offensive nature is limited, eventually yes, but immediately, probably not. Abe can do what he wants, but with the countless missiles pointing at our Easter direction, I say he can put Jesus in the VLS and it still won't solve anything.

Fifth Gen fighter is a good if not an entirely accurate comparison. Japan can "field" one, but it's essentially a 4+, after decades of inactivity, you can't just expect to get back to your WW2 days like that. Even Ronaldo gets fat.

Actually you can see the Americans wants to keep Japan what it is, if Japan is self restraint, why did Americans make Filipinos pay for disarming the cutters they sent them? I'm positive, the Filipinos didn't ask for it.

We have SM-3 Block IA ABM, which has the capability to shoot down ballistic missiles into our airspace / ground terrain. We also have RUM-139, and Harpoons on our ships. We have the capability of fitting our ships with cruise missiles (as we have the technology), but we adhere to our 'No-First Strike' Policy, so we do not need it. Besides, why does Japan need offensive capability right now? Its not like we are going to strike any of our neighbors? That would destabilize the region. And is the antithesis of my country's national objective and core beliefs.

Actually you can see the Americans wants to keep Japan what it is, if Japan is self restraint, why did Americans make Filipinos pay for disarming the cutters they sent them? I'm positive, the Filipinos didn't ask for it.

They (USA) have been pushing Japanese politicians for decades to increase military responsibility. It has only been recently that Japan has even engaged or conceived a more rotund military / foreign policy. Even now.
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Dutch PM’s Mark Rutte visits Vietnam in June 16. Both countries have agreed to increase cooperations in all field including defence. a "Vietnam Day in the Netherlands" event has been scheduled to take place in the Netherlands in 2014.



Very handsome pictures @Viet ! Good to see the military developments of your country and foreign partners. :)
Senior Lieutenant General Ty visits Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Force Pol Saroeun, in Cambodia June 15. More cooperations between military units stationed along the shared border and in training.



Very handsome pictures @Viet ! Good to see the military developments of your country and foreign partners. :)
yeah I hope to see concrete results when your FM visits Vietnam.
Vietnam needs to accelerate the naval buildup. I am pretty sure Japan can help us :angel:

Japan’s foreign minister to visit Vietnam on maritime security | Politics | Thanh Nien Daily
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Italy PM Matteo Renzi visits Hanoi on June 9.

Vietnam as the coordinator of the ASEAN-EU relations will help boosting relations with the EU.

PM Renzi said Italy shares the view with the European Union and leaders of the group of 7 (G7) expressing deep concern about the tensions and calling upon parties concerned to settle the dispute by peaceful measures in accordance with international law.



for example, if a Chinese warship locked its weapons-guiding radar onto a Vietnamese ship, we would have reacted by launching antiship missile pre-emptively. A japanese warship would wait.
:laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry: Viets furiously masturbating about third most powerful military in the world after Paracel humiliation
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