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Suu Kyi in Vietnam, the strongman oh I mean the women that holds the political power in Burma.

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@Aung Zaya
sure. bro
she hold the strongest political power and support from most of the people in Myanmar.
i think this visit will emphasize to improve in trade and investment. Vietnam is now 7th largest investor of Myanmar and investment of Vietnam in Myanmar is now $2.1B, jumping over 50% compared to 2016's figure. goods of vietnam especially snacks and home appliances gained very good reputation in Myanmar.

Aung San Suu Kyi visits Vietnam
Released at: 13:38, 21/04/2018


Myanmar's State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi is welcomed by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc in Hanoi on April 19. (Photo: VNA)

Myanmar's State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi paid official visit to Vietnam on April 19 and 20.

by Long Van

Myanmar’s State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who is also Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of the President’s Office, paid an official visit to Vietnam on April 19 and 20 at the invitation of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc. The two countries issued a joint statement, the text of which follows and was released by the Vietnam News Agency.

1. At the invitation of His Excellency Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Her Excellency Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, paid her first official visit to Vietnam from April 19 to 20.

2. During the visit, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was accorded a ceremonial welcome by His Excellency Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc. While in Vietnam, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi held bilateral talks with Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and attended a banquet hosted by the Prime Minister. State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi also paid courtesy calls on leaders of Vietnam, laid a wreath at the Monument of National Heroes and Martyrs, and visited President Ho Chi Minh’s Stilt House. The State Counsellor also met with the Chairman of the Vietnam - Myanmar Friendship Association and Vietnamese enterprises operating in Myanmar.

3. The two leaders acknowledged that the traditional friendship and close cooperation between Vietnam and Myanmar were established by President Ho Chi Minh and General Aung San and cultivated by generations of leaders and people from both countries. They reaffirmed their common aspirations for peace, prosperity and development of the region and beyond. Vietnamese leaders emphasized that Vietnam is always mindful of the strong support rendered by the government and people of Myanmar in the past struggle for national liberation and in current efforts for national development. State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi expressed her admiration for the determination and courage with which the government and people of Vietnam defended and developed their country. State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi congratulated Vietnam for successfully implementing the strategy of renovation, reform and intensive and extensive international integration.

4. The leaders reviewed developments in bilateral relations and cooperation since the successful visit by His Excellency Nguyen Phu Trong, General Secretary of Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, to Myanmar in August 2017. The Vietnamese side stressed the importance attached to relations with Myanmar and the government led by the National League for Democracy (NLD) and reaffirmed its continued support for peace and national reconciliation in Myanmar. Vietnam firmly believes that the 21st Century Panglong was a major step forward and, through dialogues and negotiation, the Government of Myanmar would continue to succeed in building a stable and thriving democratic federal Union. The Myanmar side expressed its appreciation to Vietnam for its consistent support as well as for sharing with Myanmar its experience with regard to national reconciliation and development.

5. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi noted with satisfaction the positive progress in bilateral cooperation in past years, particularly the elevation of bilateral ties to a Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership in August 2017. Both sides reaffirmed their will to strengthen further the effectiveness of comprehensive cooperation in all areas, including trade and investment, cultural, social, and educational cooperation. These efforts will enhance trust and intensified cooperation between the two countries, bringing practical benefits to both peoples.

6. In order to effectively implement the Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership Agreement, the two leaders expressed their strong desire to promote cooperation in politics, trade and investment, defense and security, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, connectivity, energy and telecommunications, tourism, justice, education, and people-to-people exchanges and regional involvement.

7. The two sides emphasized that the exchange of visits at all levels and channels, including government-to-government, parliament-to-parliament, party-to-party, and people-to-people, will enhance the friendship and cooperation between the two countries. Both sides agreed that close party-to-party cooperation is an important pillar of bilateral ties and looked forward to the early signing of Action Plan 2018-2023 to implement the Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership established in August 2017.

8. The two sides recognized the strong development in bilateral economic cooperation. Two-way trade in 2017 reached nearly $830 million, a 51 per cent increase compared to 2016. Vietnam has risen to become the seventh-largest foreign investor in Myanmar, with 17 projects and $2.1 billion in registered capital. This relationship of cooperation demonstrates that the two economies complement each other and brings benefits to both sides in the fields of agricultural trade, investment, aqua product processing, tourism and services, given the circumstance that the Government of Myanmar is carrying out extensive economic reforms. The two sides also reaffirmed the commitment to enhance cooperation and find new means to reach the two-way trade target of $1 billion at the earliest possible time. Both sides stressed the importance of policy provision in trade and investment and providing a favorable environment for foreign investors, including those from Myanmar and Vietnam. Leaders of both sides recognized the need to study further the possibility of establishing new mechanisms as well as signing the necessary memoranda of understanding (MoUs) and agreements to help facilitate and promote investment between the two countries.

9. Both sides expressed appreciation of recent developments in bilateral defense-security cooperation and reaffirmed the continued effective implementation of agreements reached under bilateral and multilateral frameworks. The two sides agreed to expand defense and security cooperation, including the exchange of military delegations at all levels, conduct the Defense Policy Dialogue at the Deputy Ministerial level in 2018, and expand cooperation into other areas, such as training, medical assistance, search and rescue, and sports exchanges. Vietnam welcomes friendship, sightseeing, and field research visits by Myanmar delegations as well as Myanmar trainees attending courses on the treatment of burns and the manufacture of prosthetic limbs in Vietnam.

10. The two sides welcomed and committed to fully implementing the newly-signed MoU on Cooperation in the Field of Post, Telecommunication and ICT, and the MoU on Information Cooperation. Both sides agreed to expedite negotiations for the early signing of the Agreement on the Prevention and Fight Against Crime and other agreements and treaties in the field of security cooperation. Both sides reaffirmed their commitment not to allow any individual or organization to use one country’s territory to conduct activities against the other country.

11. Both sides agreed to strengthen cooperation with a view towards promoting closer financial links and enhancing the financial sector, including financial services. The two sides also emphasized the importance of strengthening bilateral cooperation in the telecommunications and energy sectors, especially in the fields of oil and gas and infrastructure sharing.

12. Both sides reiterated that agriculture, forestry and fisheries cooperation is an important area of cooperation with many advantages and potential for mutual support and development. In that spirit, the two sides agreed to sign agreements on agriculture, forestry, fisheries and livestock and to expand cooperation at an early date to find ways to improve the quality and value of agricultural products, including corn, rice, beans and mung beans. The two sides expressed a commitment to accelerating procedures to sign an MoU on Cooperation in Agriculture and Rural Development at the earliest possible time.

13. The two sides also agreed to promote multi-modal transport cooperation, including land, sea and air links between the two countries and within the sub-region. In light of the successful GMS 6 held in Hanoi in March, the two sides will work closely together to achieve the goals set out at GMS 6.

14. The two leaders also discussed ways to deepen further bilateral ties in tourism, justice, education and people-to-people exchanges under the framework of the Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership. Both sides encouraged the effective implementation of student exchange programs at all levels. They reiterated their support of the role and activities of the Vietnam-Myanmar Friendship Association and the Myanmar-Vietnam Friendship Association to enhance people-to-people exchanges and contribute proactively to the extensive development of the Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership between the two countries.

15. The two leaders expressed their appreciation of the close cooperation in regional and international forums, including ASEAN, the Non-Aligned Movement, and the UN. To elevate the excellent cooperation to new heights in the spirit of the Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership, both sides agreed to continue to support the realization of the ASEAN Community’s goals through regional cooperation within the ACMECS and the CLMV frameworks, especially in the areas of environment, poverty alleviation, water security, connectivity, and human resources development.

16. The two sides reiterated continuing the close cooperation in regional cooperation mechanisms in the Mekong sub-region, including the Mekong - Japan, Mekong - Korea, Mekong - Ganga, and Lower Mekong Initiative as well as the Greater Mekong Sub-region. Vietnam encouraged Myanmar to become an official member of the Mekong River Commission (MRC).

17. Leaders of both sides expressed their commitment to cooperate closely to build a successful ASEAN Community with a central role in the regional security architecture.

18. Both sides reiterated the importance of maintaining peace, stability, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the region and underlined the importance of the peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with international law and the 1982 UNCLOS without resorting to threat or use of force. Both sides committed to support the full and effective implementation of the DOC and the early conclusion of an effective COC in the East Sea.

19. State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi expressed her deep gratitude for the hospitality, cordiality, and warm-hearted reception Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc accorded to her and the members of the delegation and looked forward to receiving Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on an official visit to Myanmar at a mutually convenient time.
@Aung Zaya

the Singapore company Gia Phu International Pte. Ltd. wants to construct a $5 billion Vung Ro refinery. We will need some 160,000 barrels crude per day or more. Would be good if we buy oil from Myanmar for Vung Ro.

@Aung Zaya

the Singapore company Gia Phu International Pte. Ltd. wants to construct a $5 billion Vung Ro refinery. We will need some 160,000 barrels crude per day or more. Would be good if we buy oil from Myanmar for Vung Ro.


Is there any existing/proposed overland energy pipeline from Myanmar to Vietnam?
Look cool. I wonder when our T90 tanks will arrive though? Those upgraded T55 tanks even in large number of 1,000 pieces or more have little chance against the mass of heavy armored Chinese tanks with 125mm main gun.

This shows that Indochina should have sticked to its Socialist Focus path.
The DPRK, a Northern brotherly nation that was razed to the ground after the war in 1953, and after six decades of steady dedication to its Songun-Juche orientation, the DPRK has emerged victorious, as a H-bomb superpower, with a manned space program.
Instead, after the demise of the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact and the COMECON, by changing its heading by a 180 degrees U-turn, Indochina is now left light years behind!


▲ Comrades Kim Il Sung and Ho Chi Minh, 1958 in Hanoi.


▲ North Korean orbital recoverable capsule for manned space program, full flight sequence schematics


▲ North Korean Unha launchers family



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Is there any existing/proposed overland energy pipeline from Myanmar to Vietnam?
Not yet as far as official announcements are concerned. What we know, 2 Viet companies explore oil and gas in Myanmar since 10 years, there is no report of discovery though. Vietnam wants oil and gas as it’s issued in the joint statements during the visit of Suu Kyi. It makes sense to have pipelines linking both countries. Burma has huge oil reserves, also gas. It has pipeline to China. In the case of VN, we have two challenges to overcome: money to finance the construction and consent of Thailand and Laos for transit.

Many things happen under the surface we all don’t know though.

Land Platforms

Vietnam upgrades heavy armour fleet
Dmitry Fediushko, Moscow - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
20 April 2018

The People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) is upgrading its fleet of heavy armoured vehicles, Russian and Vietnamese defence sources have told Jane's .

Hanoi is receiving Russian T-90S main battle tanks (MBTs). “Deliveries of the T-90S/SK MBTs to Vietnam have already begun. The contract is to be implemented before the end of 2019,” a Russian defence industry source told Jane's . According to the 2016 annual report of the manufacturer Uralvagonzavod (UVZ), Vietnam is to receive 64 T-90S/SK tanks. This means Hanoi is receiving the baseline and command (T-90SK) version of the T-90S.

Meanwhile, the PAVN is upgrading some of its legacy T-54/55 tanks to the T-54M3 standard.
In the ongoing economic talks between the United States and Japan, Tokyo offers cheap loans and insurance to exporters shipping American liquefied natural gas to Vietnam and elsewhere. In the first step, the US and Japan want to train workers in Vietnam and the Philippines, to assess the feasibility and environmental impact of infrastructure projects. Japan hopes the move will lure Donald Trump away from the demand of a free trade agreement with Japan.

Not a bad move: Vietnam needs clean energy.


More details about the T-54M3 tank project. It seems that Isreali offer Vietnam some of the best weapon deals nowdays in term of missiles, tanks and rifiles.


Hanoi is receiving Russian T-90S main battle tanks (MBTs). "The deliveries of the T-90S/SK MBTs to Vietnam have already started. The contract is to be completed before the end of 2019," a source from Russian defense industry says. According to the annual report of the Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) research-and-manufacturing corporation for 2016, No.704 customer (Vietnam) is to receive 64 T-90S/SK tanks. Therefore, Hanoi takes the delivery of both the baseline and the command (T-90SK) modifications of the T-90S.

At the same time, PAVN updates a number of legacy T-54/55 tanks to the T-54M3 standard. "The Vietnamese military has launched a program to upgrade its fleet of T-54/55 tanks," a source from Vietnamese defense industry says. He adds that "several dozen" tanks will be modified. "The modernization of the whole fleet of T-54/55 MBTs is unlikely due to financial constraints," he says.

According to the source, the T-54M3 tank has been fitted with additional Super Blazer explosive reactive armor that protects the tank's frontal arc and sides. The vehicle has retained the organic D-10T2S 100 mm rifled gun of the baseline T-54/55. The T-54M3 has also received a new sighting system with infrared channel and a meteorological sensor. The tank's armament suite has been reinforced by a 60 mm mortar installed in the left part of the turret. The organic DShKM 12.7 mm heavy anti-aircraft machinegun has been retained also. All the new components of the T-54M3 tank are supplied by Israel's Rafael company.

"PAVN has launched several programs aimed at the modernization of Cold war-era systems. The T-54B tanks, the BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket systems and the P-18 radars will be upgraded in the first instance," the Vietnamese source said. According to him, the T-54Bs, not T-55 or Chinese-made Type 59 tanks, will be rebuilt into the T-54M3s.

The Vietnamese military has been beefing up the combat potential of its sea and air components in recent years. However, the land service of PAVN, Vietnam People's Ground Forces (VPGF) saw almost no upgrade. In 2015, Hanoi refurbished ASU-85 85 mm self-propelled anti-tank guns (SPATG) and issued them to the 168th Artillery Brigade of VPGF.

The acquisition of T-90S and modernization of the T-54B will shore the combat potential of Vietnamese ground troops. However, the firepower of the T-54M3 lags behind that of most modern tanks.

Vietnam's armor fleet comprises the T-54/55, T-62, Type 59 (a Chinese copy of the T-54), and even WWII-age T-34-85 tanks. Thus, Hanoi urgently needs to bring it to a modern standard.
Ye military buildup costs money, blood and tears. What are the options on the table?

Surprise: nice pictures of artificial peaceful nearshore islands in the Gulfs of Tonkin and Thailand. Not comparable to the islands created by a certain northern country with guns and missiles in place. Next step: creating far shore islands.



Surprise: nice pictures of artificial peaceful nearshore islands in the Gulfs of Tonkin and Thailand. Not comparable to the islands created by a certain northern country with guns and missiles in place. Next step: creating far shore islands.

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How much would a typical property go for do you think on these kind of islands in Vietnam?

I have not seen @Carlosa in a while btw, any idea whats up?
How much would a typical property go for do you think on these kind of islands in Vietnam?

I have not seen @Carlosa in a while btw, any idea whats up?
Such artificial islands with housings are something new, we haven’t such stuff before. I don’t think those houses are cheap, probably $1 million apiece. Property is still cheap in Vietnam though if you compare to other places.

You can find Carlosa on Twitter.

Gas masks produced by X61 factory, each costing about 1 million VND for the population, just in case, someone runs amok, resorting to chemical attack on Vietnam cities.


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