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Vietnam Defence Forum

Vietnam not rally. Vietnam just try to build enough for 4 naval regions.

Damen 2500 quite interesting, Sigma even better with upto 3000t. Building them helps strengthen warship design and building. in turn that help building bigger warships easier.
9 vessels are not a too bad number.

I like the water cannons :D we shall equip all patrol boats with water cannons.

until we have a large number of Sigma, the Navy should continue building the Molyina.
Build 10 more Molyina and equipp them with Uran or X-35 antiship missiles.
In the next couple of years it will be 8 Molniya + 4 Gepard + 2 Sigma+ 6 Kilo-class. The total anti-ship missiles (Kh-35/Club/Exocet) that they will carry are 212

Btw, each KN-series and DN-series OPV has 4 water cannons
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the fun game in the SC Sea continues...with no end in sight.



1 vs. 3

Any country that has foreign military bases does not have true independence.

Vietnam has nothing that even remotely bothers the PLA. Vietnam has lost every war in the last century without Soviet and Chinese help.
If it had not existed China and Soviets, we would have not had any war
interesting picture of the day:

ASEAN-China Defense Ministers' Meeting, China´s Defense Minister Chang Wanquan (L) meets with Vietnamese Defense Minister Phung Quang Thanh in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, May 19, 2014 (Xinhua/U Aung).

Seriously just look at his face, what was he thinking about ? :D
Looks like he shat himself the moment the photo was taken. :D
Maybe he just said himself "Damn the 14bn$ casino I built with corrupt money is a shitty idea, it will be a huge failure if no Chinese tourist come !" :D Now I understand why he is crying, just realised the huge mistake he made.
Maybe he just said himself "Damn the 14bn$ casino I built with corrupt money is a shitty idea, it will be a huge failure if no Chinese tourist come !" :D Now I understand why he is crying, just realised the huge mistake he made.
True, your ideal is shitty. And still so boring ...
Kyodo News International May 20, 2014 7:42pm
Vietnamese, Indonesian leaders to meet with Aquino in Manila

Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will meet separately with Philippine President Benigno Aquino during their visit to Manila this week for the World Economic Forum on East Asia, officials said Tuesday.

Foreign Affairs spokesman Charles Jose said Aquino will meet with Dung on Wednesday to "discuss matters of mutual concern, including cooperative activities in defense, tourism, and trade and investment."

Faced with tense disputes with China over territories in the South China Sea, Philippine Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma said it is "reasonable to expect" that Dung and Aquino will "continue to compare notes on the two countries' experience in dealing with issues on the South China Sea."

Tension between China and Vietnam sparked last week over China's stationing of an oil rig near the disputed Paracel Islands in the South China Sea, with Chinese vessels ramming and using water cannons on Vietnamese vessels.

Similar issues hound the Philippines and China, especially with Manila's recent discovery that Beijing has been fortifying a disputed area in the Johnson Reef, which the Philippines says is in violation of a 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of the Parties in the South China Sea by China and Southeast Asian nations, and the arrest by Philippine authorities of Chinese fishermen at Half Moon Shoal on May 6.

Aquino will meet with Yudhoyono on Friday "to discuss matters of mutual concern, including political, defense and border, maritime, economic and socio-cultural cooperation," Jose said.

The foreign affairs department announced Monday that Manila and Jakarta have "completed the negotiations for the delimitation of their overlapping exclusive economic zones in the Mindanao and Celebes seas with the finalization of the text of the agreement and the chart on the EEZ boundary."

The 200-nautical-mile EEZ is provided by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea for coastal states.

Jose said the agreement with Indonesia is a good example in dealing with territorial disputes.

The 20-year negotiation with Jakarta shows that "we could have patience and that we could negotiate that long," he said, but added the boundary issue with Indonesia was "not really comparable" with the conflict with China.

"In the case with China, there's no overlapping EEZ. So there's nothing to demarcate. It's very clear in the provisions of (the law of the sea) where our EEZ starts and ends, and where China's EEZ starts and ends," Jose said, adding that China just has to drop its sovereignty claim over almost the entire South China Sea.

During the World Economic Forum on East Asia, Aquino and Dung will share the stage with Myanmar Vice President U Nyan Tun at the opening plenary on Thursday.

On the same day, Yudhoyono will be conferred with the Global Statesmanship Award. Indonesia will host next year's World Economic Forum on East Asia.

Organizers of this year's forum said more than 600 government and business leaders as well as leaders from civil society and academia, representing more than 30 countries, will participate in the May 21-23 event and tackle issues under the theme "Leveraging Growth for Equitable Progress."


Vietnamese, Indonesian leaders to meet with Aquino in Manila | GlobalPost
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