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Vietnam Defence Forum


Betray? Traitor? Dude, China and Viet have been at it for thousands of years since the birth of both countries. Count how many time China has paid "a little visit" to Vietnam and got itself lit up in the process. Help? Sure, Soviet helped China and China helped Vietnam, all have their own interest in the whole ordeal so don't run around acting like China assistance to Vietnam is out of pure generosity. And remember that it was China that backed Khmer Rouge and its genocide regime in Cambodia. Vietnam overthrew the Khmer Rouge and China attacked Vietnam to protect its crony. China "beat" Vietnam? As in Cultural Revolution "beat" China? That is indeed awesome.

Propaganda.....right, could you go back a couple of page in this thread, please? You would see a giant Chinese asshole named TerranMarine. Read through his posts and then we can discuss whether Vietnamese or Chinese is more "arrogant", ok? Have a great day.

Vietnam related defense new now

Two brand new Gepard 3.9 ships are officially incorporated into the Vietnam People Navy. 015 Tran Hung Dao and 016 Quang Trung, famous Vietnamese leaders that taught Chinese invaders a lesson back in the old days.



how many time China has paid "a little visit" to Vietnam ???? vietnam north is 1000 years is china , visit ? in fact in history , when china weak , Vietnam attacks China too . How did you get to the south of Vietnam ?
On the other hand, for a thousand years, China and Vietnam have how many years in war and how many years in peace. Then we can count the war and peace between Vietnam and other neighboring countries for a thousand years, as well as changes in the territorial boundaries . In this millennium, the territory of Vietnam has increased or decreased.
Do you think Vietnam's northern border has not changed for more than 1,000 years because of Vietnam?
why Vietnam's southern border expanding south for a thousand years ? history ,now is tool ,and in history ,it is not hate each other , There are many Kings ,it is like Civil war of region .
China's aid to Vietnam is not pure ? What do you want to be pure? You take a pure example. others help you, you must say that others are not pure. LOL . Give me an example of Vietnam's pure aid. Let me see if it's pure or not . .

You say a Chinese comment makes you unhappy, then please see why?
like me , Every time I see news and comments from Vietnam, I have to hate Vietnam . Although I am a Chinese who likes Vietnam .

News reports and comments from Vietnam have angered the Chinese. If you disagree, please search trung quoc on youtube \ google ! And you can search 越南 (Vietnam ,Chinese ). You compare .
Almost no Chinese people care about Vietnam , hate vietnam Almost None . But Vietnamese comments and reports have angered some Chinese. In fact, many Chinese hate Vietnam because of Vietnamese news and commentary.

The Vietnamese hated China , it is OK , We don't care , Chinese understand. But don't overdo it.

The Vietnamese can concentrate on development, and then be strong enough to fight China. But there really is no need to smear or promote hatred of China .

We don't care about Vietnamese warships and troops . Now Vietnam's military is moving too slowly . I hope your military progress faster .

Two brand new Gepard 3.9ships , It's not enough , Gepard , too weak . I personally think Vietnam needs to get the attention of the Chinese, at least two aircraft carriers . Produce as much as you can , don't buy other country goods ,Europe and Russia's warships are not good , they no money now ,so their many warship Technology is too slow . If you can, you can buy 5 - 10 American zumwalt-class destroyers .

Vietnam compete with china for the island, need at least 20 destroyers and 3 aircraft carriers , 200 F22 aircraft , 500 F35 aircraft , Military expenditure spending is at least $80 billion .

You might think that this is arrogance, that the Chinese don't care about Vietnam and look down on Vietnam.Maybe you are right, but the Chinese really don't care much about other countries, even the United States , We are more focused on our own development, focusing on technology and economics .If you don't believe it, you can see what the official media in China are reporting .

In the end, I want to say good luck to Vietnam, just like most Chinese people I hope Vietnam is getting better and better .
Of course, the two countries should fight when they need fight.
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how many time China has paid "a little visit" to Vietnam ???? vietnam north is 1000 years is china , visit ? in fact in history , when china weak , Vietnam attacks China too . How did you get to the south of Vietnam ?
On the other hand, for a thousand years, China and Vietnam have how many years in war and how many years in peace. Then we can count the war and peace between Vietnam and other neighboring countries for a thousand years, as well as changes in the territorial boundaries . In this millennium, the territory of Vietnam has increased or decreased.
Do you think Vietnam's northern border has not changed for more than 1,000 years because of Vietnam?
why Vietnam's southern border expanding south for a thousand years ? history ,now is tool ,and in history ,it is not hate each other , There are many Kings ,it is like Civil war of region .
China's aid to Vietnam is not pure ? What do you want to be pure? You take a pure example. others help you, you must say that others are not pure. LOL . Give me an example of Vietnam's pure aid. Let me see if it's pure or not . .

You say a Chinese comment makes you unhappy, then please see why?
like me , Every time I see news and comments from Vietnam, I have to hate Vietnam . Although I am a Chinese who likes Vietnam .

News reports and comments from Vietnam have angered the Chinese. If you disagree, please search trung quoc on youtube \ google ! And you can search 越南 (Vietnam ,Chinese ). You compare .
Almost no Chinese people care about Vietnam , hate vietnam Almost None . But Vietnamese comments and reports have angered some Chinese. In fact, many Chinese hate Vietnam because of Vietnamese news and commentary.

The Vietnamese hated China , it is OK , We don't care , Chinese understand. But don't overdo it.

The Vietnamese can concentrate on development, and then be strong enough to fight China. But there really is no need to smear or promote hatred of China .

We don't care about Vietnamese warships and troops . Now Vietnam's military is moving too slowly . I hope your military progress faster .

Two brand new Gepard 3.9ships , It's not enough , Gepard , too weak . I personally think Vietnam needs to get the attention of the Chinese, at least two aircraft carriers . Produce as much as you can , don't buy other country goods ,Europe and Russia's warships are not good , they no money now ,so their many warship Technology is too slow . If you can, you can buy 5 - 10 American zumwalt-class destroyers .

Vietnam compete with china for the island, need at least 20 destroyers and 3 aircraft carriers , 200 F22 aircraft , 500 F35 aircraft , Military expenditure spending is at least $80 billion .

You might think that this is arrogance, that the Chinese don't care about Vietnam and look down on Vietnam.Maybe you are right, but the Chinese really don't care much about other countries, even the United States , We are more focused on our own development, focusing on technology and economics .If you don't believe it, you can see what the official media in China are reporting .

In the end, I want to say good luck to Vietnam, just like most Chinese people I hope Vietnam is getting better and better .
Of course, the two countries should fight when they need fight.


First, you open your comment about Vietnam "betray" China and then China has to kill the traitor. Why the hell that you think Vietnam "betray" China when China back a genocide regime like Khmer Rouge that massacre Vietnam civilian? Is that what Chinese call help? All of your babbling about history and shit fail to answer key questions: Why China support Khmer Rouge to kill Vietnamese? Why China attacked Vietnam in 1979 and demanded Vietnam to withdraw from Cambodia when dozens of thousands of Cambodian and Vietnamese are killed daily by Khmer Rouge? China only helped Vietnam because they wanted to keep the US distracted and away from the Taiwan issue. In term of betrayal, I dare say the Soviet would have lovely opinions about China action in the 1962 border war.

Second, I never said ordinary Chinese comment make me unhappy. I said the presence of a giant Chinese asshole is a proof that no matter where you go, Chinese arrogance far surpass Vietnamese counterpart. No Chinese ever care about Vietnam? Hah, then would you explain the action of TerranMarine? He got his *** banned because he can't keep his arrogance from exploding inside a Vietnamese thread. He searched out all the tabloid articles that suit his ego and spam it everywhere he can. Go back a couple page to see the action of your fellow countryman. Official media? We both know official media is shit, the more radical comment mostly come from social media.

Third, Chinese arms for Vietnam? That is such a good joke I can't stop laughing. Sure, Gepard is weak, US carrier is weak, Japan submarine is weak, everything is weak and Chinese stuff would beat everything. Good luck with that kind of thought. F-22 and F-35? Oh brother, you need to get out more often....

Fourth, thank you for your wish. Vietnam would always get better in one way or another. Even if some Chinese walked in and call us traitors or try to lecture Vietnam about arrogance and shit, we never bother too much about them anyway. GLHF.

First, you open your comment about Vietnam "betray" China and then China has to kill the traitor. Why the hell that you think Vietnam "betray" China when China back a genocide regime like Khmer Rouge that massacre Vietnam civilian? Is that what Chinese call help? All of your babbling about history and shit fail to answer key questions: Why China support Khmer Rouge to kill Vietnamese? Why China attacked Vietnam in 1979 and demanded Vietnam to withdraw from Cambodia when dozens of thousands of Cambodian and Vietnamese are killed daily by Khmer Rouge? China only helped Vietnam because they wanted to keep the US distracted and away from the Taiwan issue. In term of betrayal, I dare say the Soviet would have lovely opinions about China action in the 1962 border war.

Second, I never said ordinary Chinese comment make me unhappy. I said the presence of a giant Chinese asshole is a proof that no matter where you go, Chinese arrogance far surpass Vietnamese counterpart. No Chinese ever care about Vietnam? Hah, then would you explain the action of TerranMarine? He got his *** banned because he can't keep his arrogance from exploding inside a Vietnamese thread. He searched out all the tabloid articles that suit his ego and spam it everywhere he can. Go back a couple page to see the action of your fellow countryman. Official media? We both know official media is shit, the more radical comment mostly come from social media.

Third, Chinese arms for Vietnam? That is such a good joke I can't stop laughing. Sure, Gepard is weak, US carrier is weak, Japan submarine is weak, everything is weak and Chinese stuff would beat everything. Good luck with that kind of thought. F-22 and F-35? Oh brother, you need to get out more often....

Fourth, thank you for your wish. Vietnam would always get better in one way or another. Even if some Chinese walked in and call us traitors or try to lecture Vietnam about arrogance and shit, we never bother too much about them anyway. GLHF.
China back a genocide regime ,what a joke , your happy is OK ! china help you , when betray also can punish .
1962 is Soviet To invade our territory . The Soviet union did not withdraw its troops from China until 1955, and demanded a military base in China . Does China have troops in Vietnam or have military bases in Vietnam.

I never said ordinary Chinese comment make me unhappy . I'm just using the word (unhappy) to express your statement . OK ! English is not my language, there is ambiguity, you ignore it.
There are few people care about Vietnam, not mean no one ! do you understand .
in fact The Vietnamese commentary and the news were so full of hatred and distortion that it angered both the Vietnamese and the Chinese . Include your comments .
Chinese arms for Vietnam? You misunderstand, or my English is wrong, I mean to let you Vietnam to produce for yourself .
about europe \ russia or japan weapon , yes , We now think they're too weak, maybe you think it's arrogant, ridiculous, but that's what we think . They are moving too slowly now , Without money, people are too lazy .
they no have new generation of fighters and warships . It's very arrogant , sorry .
[ Vietnam need at least 20 destroyers and 3 aircraft carriers , 200 F22 aircraft , 500 F35 aircraft , Military expenditure spending is at least $80 billion .] It's not a joke. I'm serious .
Basically the Chinese don't mention Vietnam, and you don't care about what we call traitors . If the Chinese are concerned about Vietnam, that's not good for Vietnam .
Though you go and preach your genocide, proclaim your hatred and anguish . As long as you're happy.
I still have to say good luck to Vietnam. -----------------The comments above are all translated by Google. There are many wrong places. Please don't mind the mistakes.
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Looks like (armament, equipment, uniform etc.) some of these guys are from police special forces.

Yeah, I'm still looking through. :cheesy:
I guess it's fair before starting to be involved in discussions (despite I'm well-read about the issue).

If you specify what exactly, I will provide, for sure. :-)
Cuz there are tons of information in russian language segment of the web.
Can you translate some highlights and post here? Would be interesting for some readers who follow the development of Vietnam military.

Personally I am interested of when VN would be able to build submarine and destroyer :D
how many time China has paid "a little visit" to Vietnam ???? vietnam north is 1000 years is china , visit ? in fact in history , when china weak , Vietnam attacks China too . How did you get to the south of Vietnam ?
On the other hand, for a thousand years, China and Vietnam have how many years in war and how many years in peace. Then we can count the war and peace between Vietnam and other neighboring countries for a thousand years, as well as changes in the territorial boundaries . In this millennium, the territory of Vietnam has increased or decreased.
Do you think Vietnam's northern border has not changed for more than 1,000 years because of Vietnam?
why Vietnam's southern border expanding south for a thousand years ? history ,now is tool ,and in history ,it is not hate each other , There are many Kings ,it is like Civil war of region .
China's aid to Vietnam is not pure ? What do you want to be pure? You take a pure example. others help you, you must say that others are not pure. LOL . Give me an example of Vietnam's pure aid. Let me see if it's pure or not . .

You say a Chinese comment makes you unhappy, then please see why?
like me , Every time I see news and comments from Vietnam, I have to hate Vietnam . Although I am a Chinese who likes Vietnam .

News reports and comments from Vietnam have angered the Chinese. If you disagree, please search trung quoc on youtube \ google ! And you can search 越南 (Vietnam ,Chinese ). You compare .
Almost no Chinese people care about Vietnam , hate vietnam Almost None . But Vietnamese comments and reports have angered some Chinese. In fact, many Chinese hate Vietnam because of Vietnamese news and commentary.

The Vietnamese hated China , it is OK , We don't care , Chinese understand. But don't overdo it.

The Vietnamese can concentrate on development, and then be strong enough to fight China. But there really is no need to smear or promote hatred of China .

We don't care about Vietnamese warships and troops . Now Vietnam's military is moving too slowly . I hope your military progress faster .

Two brand new Gepard 3.9ships , It's not enough , Gepard , too weak . I personally think Vietnam needs to get the attention of the Chinese, at least two aircraft carriers . Produce as much as you can , don't buy other country goods ,Europe and Russia's warships are not good , they no money now ,so their many warship Technology is too slow . If you can, you can buy 5 - 10 American zumwalt-class destroyers .

Vietnam compete with china for the island, need at least 20 destroyers and 3 aircraft carriers , 200 F22 aircraft , 500 F35 aircraft , Military expenditure spending is at least $80 billion .

You might think that this is arrogance, that the Chinese don't care about Vietnam and look down on Vietnam.Maybe you are right, but the Chinese really don't care much about other countries, even the United States , We are more focused on our own development, focusing on technology and economics .If you don't believe it, you can see what the official media in China are reporting .

In the end, I want to say good luck to Vietnam, just like most Chinese people I hope Vietnam is getting better and better .
Of course, the two countries should fight when they need fight.
Keep calm and see the truth. You forgot about the helps from USSR for China. So you think the Guandong (Japanese army) in Qingdao could surrendered Chinese force in WW2? USSR helped you so much after you got independent so see what these thing they got in 1969. Dont mention to Japanese who give you more than 200 billion USD (ODA) from 1960 to now to help you get second position in the world about economy. Next to the American, forgot the opening economy you got from the visit of American in 1980s??
Keep calm and see the truth. You forgot about the helps from USSR for China. So you think the Guandong (Japanese army) in Qingdao could surrendered Chinese force in WW2? USSR helped you so much after you got independent so see what these thing they got in 1969. Dont mention to Japanese who give you more than 200 billion USD (ODA) from 1960 to now to help you get second position in the world about economy. Next to the American, forgot the opening economy you got from the visit of American in 1980s??
We won't forget anything, good or bad.

At the same time, we will not exaggerate the role of others and undermine our efforts . At the same time, I also want to say that Soviet aid we paid for the money and minerals , Japan's ODA is a loan that is not a bailout, is to pay back, and it has to buy something from Japan, and the ODA we also have ,and bigger than jap , We won't let anyone thank us because it's a loan, not a bailout. it is business behaviour .

USA ? Do you know anything about business? We offer a lot of cheap products and sacrifice our environment. Do they need to thank us? And do you think this is China's unilateral benefit? Without China's support, the United States could be the world's sole superpower , Most simply, without China's support, the United States could sanction Russia, Iran and north Korea , The dollar can be so easily pressed against the euro .
JAP ? Even Japan gives us $10 trillion, we won't be grateful! More than 50 years of war ,We have compensated our national revenue for decades. only In 1931- 1945, 35 million people were killed.

If it were you, would you forgive this ----a country invade your couuntry for 50 years ,your country's People killed 10% people , and pay for decades of your country 's income. then this country To borrow $2 billion to your country, and you have to use this money buy the products of that country. Would you thank that country?
Read some propaganda and accuse china forgetting . what is a joke .
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China back a genocide regime ,what a joke , your happy is OK ! china help you , when betray also can punish .
1962 is Soviet To invade our territory . The Soviet union did not withdraw its troops from China until 1955, and demanded a military base in China . Does China have troops in Vietnam or have military bases in Vietnam.

I never said ordinary Chinese comment make me unhappy . I'm just using the word (unhappy) to express your statement . OK ! English is not my language, there is ambiguity, you ignore it.
There are few people care about Vietnam, not mean no one ! do you understand .
in fact The Vietnamese commentary and the news were so full of hatred and distortion that it angered both the Vietnamese and the Chinese . Include your comments .
Chinese arms for Vietnam? You misunderstand, or my English is wrong, I mean to let you Vietnam to produce for yourself .
about europe \ russia or japan weapon , yes , We now think they're too weak, maybe you think it's arrogant, ridiculous, but that's what we think . They are moving too slowly now , Without money, people are too lazy .
they no have new generation of fighters and warships . It's very arrogant , sorry .
[ Vietnam need at least 20 destroyers and 3 aircraft carriers , 200 F22 aircraft , 500 F35 aircraft , Military expenditure spending is at least $80 billion .] It's not a joke. I'm serious .
Basically the Chinese don't mention Vietnam, and you don't care about what we call traitors . If the Chinese are concerned about Vietnam, that's not good for Vietnam .
Though you go and preach your genocide, proclaim your hatred and anguish . As long as you're happy.
I still have to say good luck to Vietnam. -----------------The comments above are all translated by Google. There are many wrong places. Please don't mind the mistakes.
China obviously backed up Khmer Rouge. I already read a comment of a Chinese expert who in Cambodia to help Khmer Rogue at that time. I have no enough post to post link in here. But he said he saw Khmer Rouge soldier took Chinese-Cambodian and they required the help from him but He did not do anything.

We won't forget anything, good or bad.

At the same time, we will not exaggerate the role of others and undermine our efforts . At the same time, I also want to say that Soviet aid we paid for the money and minerals , Japan's ODA is a loan that is not a bailout, is to pay back, and it has to buy something from Japan, and the ODA we also have ,and bigger than jap , We won't let anyone thank us because it's a loan, not a bailout. it is business behaviour .

USA ? Do you know anything about business? We offer a lot of cheap products and sacrifice our environment. Do they need to thank us? And do you think this is China's unilateral benefit? Without China's support, the United States could be the world's sole superpower , Most simply, without China's support, the United States could sanction Russia, Iran and north Korea , The dollar can be so easily pressed against the euro .
JAP ? Even Japan gives us $10 trillion, we won't be grateful! More than 50 years of war ,We have compensated our national revenue for decades. only In 1931- 1945, 35 million people were killed.

If it were you, would you forgive this ----a country invade your couuntry for 50 years ,your country's People killed 10% people , and pay for decades of your country 's income. then this country To borrow $2 billion to your country, and you have to use this money buy the products of that country. Would you thank that country?
Read some propaganda and accuse china forgetting . what is a joke .

But you are the first person who accuse Vietnam in here in while China attacked Vietnam, not Vietnam attacked China. Yes Japanese's ODA is a loan so why you still got the loan from Japan when everyday you said they are this, they are that? You borrow mony from friends but they give money for that, Is it not the help from friends to you? You can give all reason to prove you are good and accused someone are not, I see you are trying to be hypocrite, Even when you said Japan kill 35 million your people, why you need to be grateful, we also can said: Chinese kill Vientamese people in Ming dynasty, why they need to thank to China in VN war. So ridiculous in your logic.
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China obviously backed up Khmer Rouge. I already read a comment of a Chinese expert who in Cambodia to help Khmer Rogue at that time. I have no enough post to post link in here. But he said he saw Khmer Rouge soldier took Chinese-Cambodian and they required the help from him but He did not do anything.

China does not support your government. What do you support ,Or use the word " recognition "?
What about the government of your country, that is your home thing , not other countries, and no other country has the right to interfere ? China supports Cambodia's government and does not support the corruption and cruelty of the government. OK !

Let foreigners solve their own internal affairs . The country will never have peace, as it is now Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan .
The government is not good enough to overthrow it . This is a national right . Not the right of foreigners.
If you can't overthrow your government, it only mean that ---- anti-government people << support the government people .

What's wrong with China attack vietnam, Vietnam doesn't mess with China, can China beat him? China has also helped it . You think Vietnam hasn't invaded China? Vietnamese territory has been expanding, you don't know.

accuse Vietnam ?
Vietnam is everywhere blackening China, we are all unconcerned, reply here is not ok? Go and count the news and comments from the Vietnamese. Then you can count the Chinese news and comments .
Are we qualified? We are a poor country, and we are doing everything we can to help Vietnam save money . They say our help is not pure enough. You can cite a pure example for Vietnam! Yes, helping Vietnam is helping ourselves ,But because of that, help is not a help ?what is a joke .
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China obviously backed up Khmer Rouge. I already read a comment of a Chinese expert who in Cambodia to help Khmer Rogue at that time. I have no enough post to post link in here. But he said he saw Khmer Rouge soldier took Chinese-Cambodian and they required the help from him but He did not do anything.

But you are the first person who accuse Vietnam in here in while China attacked Vietnam, not Vietnam attacked China. Yes Japanese's ODA is a loan so why you still got the loan from Japan when everyday you said they are this, they are that? You borrow mony from friends but they give money for that, Is it not the help from friends to you? You can give all reason to prove you are good and accused someone are not, I see you are trying to be hypocrite, Even when you said Japan kill 35 million your people, why you need to be grateful, we also can said: Chinese kill Vientamese people in Ming dynasty, why they need to thank to China in VN war. So ridiculous in your logic.
We once helped the Chinese in their military campaign against their enemies in the northern front during the Ming. Ok that’s a rare exception. Usually peace is ensured if we have an edge or overhand over the Chinese army for example as seen during the Le. The peace period lasted for 300 years.

If the Chinese feel our weakness, they will attack using every excuses: we don’t pay tribute. We betray them. We mistreat the Hoa. We attack their ally the Khmer. We miss to congrat the Emperor on his birthday...

Or we fail to send gifts to the Emperors concubines.

Peace and prosperity can be garantined by overwhelming firepower.
That is an Isreal made APC, RAM - 2000. CSCĐ, or Mobile Force, is more or less to a heavily armed police force for special operation though you could see them dealing with common crimes as well.

Yeah, RAM. This version is just a little bit heavier, for primar fire support of police operations.

Thank you!

Oh and i have some questions, mainly relate to the Vietnam submarine training program. I believed beforeKilo 636, Soviet and later Russia did provive submarine traning to Vietnam. Do you have any picture or infomation on that subject?

I've discovered this issue some time ago and found out that there is information shortage towards the whole process (except official information). As I know, crews were prepared paralelly with the process of submarines' building (perhaps in Sankt-Peterburg). The contract - signed in December 2009 - also included building of the Training Center in Viet Nam (for the Vietnamese submariners; under plan of the company "Aurora" which have its representative office in Nha Trang) and all necessary infrastructure at Cam Ranh. Due to russian official propagandistic newspaper, since October 2013, 54 submariners started 12-month preparation course in India at "Satavakhana" military school ().

There is also known that in accordance with the contract at least 160 torpedos had been acquired (80 pcs. 53-65KE and 80 pcs. TE-2). Exact amount of delivered 3M14E and 3M54E is unknown (may be the Vietnamese journalists know?). Total cost of the contract is estimated around 4 bln. USD.

Can you translate some highlights and post here? Would be interesting for some readers who follow the development of Vietnam military.

Personally I am interested of when VN would be able to build submarine and destroyer

No problem!

I guess, Viet Nam is not ready yet to build its own submarines (except mini submarines), and I'm not sure that you really need destroyers - this kind of battle ship is for ocean.

Looks like - this is my private opinion - you need at least six frigates (pr.11661E "Gepard-3.9" is corvette, good one, but not frigate) and up to 18 corvettes.

There was one sarcastic article in the russian media about "the first Vietnamese submarine", but I think you had saw it earlier (page 47 of the thread).

And I'd like to say that since 2003 the military build-up of Vietnam has been impressing. You have done a great job!
a Vietnamese company buys two Bell 505 Jet Range X helicopters.


The US apparently wants to sell their high priced F35 stealth fighter to Vietnam as well, as part of “Buy American” campaign. "They will be able to use our equipment for maritime domain awareness, for maritime security ... that’s important for them," Kaidanow said, according to the Associated Press. "Our hope is [Vietnam] will consider American companies (not only) in defense but in other sectors as well."


The U.S. recently transferred a Coast Guard Cutter as well as several Boeing Insitu ScanEagle unmanned aerial vehicles for maritime surveillance to Vietnam.


Yeah, RAM. This version is just a little bit heavier, for primar fire support of police operations.

Thank you!

I've discovered this issue some time ago and found out that there is information shortage towards the whole process (except official information). As I know, crews were prepared paralelly with the process of submarines' building (perhaps in Sankt-Peterburg). The contract - signed in December 2009 - also included building of the Training Center in Viet Nam (for the Vietnamese submariners; under plan of the company "Aurora" which have its representative office in Nha Trang) and all necessary infrastructure at Cam Ranh. Due to russian official propagandistic newspaper, since October 2013, 54 submariners started 12-month preparation course in India at "Satavakhana" military school ().

There is also known that in accordance with the contract at least 160 torpedos had been acquired (80 pcs. 53-65KE and 80 pcs. TE-2). Exact amount of delivered 3M14E and 3M54E is unknown (may be the Vietnamese journalists know?). Total cost of the contract is estimated around 4 bln. USD.

No problem!

I guess, Viet Nam is not ready yet to build its own submarines (except mini submarines), and I'm not sure that you really need destroyers - this kind of battle ship is for ocean.

Looks like - this is my private opinion - you need at least six frigates (pr.11661E "Gepard-3.9" is corvette, good one, but not frigate) and up to 18 corvettes.

There was one sarcastic article in the russian media about "the first Vietnamese submarine", but I think you had saw it earlier (page 47 of the thread).

And I'd like to say that since 2003 the military build-up of Vietnam has been impressing. You have done a great job!
South Korea, a country that is smaller in population and land mass, produces fighter jets, submarines and destroyers. I don’t see any reason why we don’t follow. But you are right VN needs more firepower at sea. Mighty frigates are a good start.

I have hoped Russia will assist.
China does not support your government. What do you support ,Or use the word " recognition "?
What about the government of your country, that is your home thing , not other countries, and no other country has the right to interfere ? China supports Cambodia's government and does not support the corruption and cruelty of the government. OK !

Let foreigners solve their own internal affairs . The country will never have peace, as it is now Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan .
The government is not good enough to overthrow it . This is a national right . Not the right of foreigners.
If you can't overthrow your government, it only mean that ---- anti-government people << support the government people .

What's wrong with China attack vietnam, Vietnam doesn't mess with China, can China beat him? China has also helped it . You think Vietnam hasn't invaded China? Vietnamese territory has been expanding, you don't know.

accuse Vietnam ?
Vietnam is everywhere blackening China, we are all unconcerned, reply here is not ok? Go and count the news and comments from the Vietnamese. Then you can count the Chinese news and comments .
Are we qualified? We are a poor country, and we are doing everything we can to help Vietnam save money . They say our help is not pure enough. You can cite a pure example for Vietnam! Yes, helping Vietnam is helping ourselves ,But because of that, help is not a help ?what is a joke .

Are you another humorist in this forum? We can all see how China is a great friend to others nations, just look how China is treating the African nations for example. China give 1 $ but take back 2$... Taking all the resources and treat them like satellite nations. China is just as bad as any other superpowers. Your friend President Duarte of Philippines probably took some bride to be friendly with China. Philippines political system is notoriously corrupted, every former presidents are know to take huge bribes (example: Number uno Ferdinand Marcos)

Let me remind you that China is over 20 times the size in territorial, population and economy compare to VN.... VN attacking China....Stop reading the PLA BMNA (BIG Mouth No Action) news. VN did some cross border commando attacks during the 1979 conflict, but it was small tactical and sabotage attacks inside China.... Invasions always come from the northern border of VN.... We can't beat China, so VN go south and destroyed all the southern kingdoms to annexed the lands.

Yeah you are right, VN should get aircraft carriers and big destroyers so that PLA would have the biggest slow moving targets to sink in the South China Sea... Your big proud PLA aircrafts carriers will sink in the first days of conflict whatever it's with US, Japan or VN. You don't need to be a genius to know that.

What other VNese said in the internet doesn't represent the majority of the population. You cannot just reading comments from a few people and then blaming on everyone else, that's not really smart. Big mouths are always louder in the internet and weak guys are always acting tough, you should know that by now.

You saying China didn't support Khmer Rouge is grotesque. Thousands of PLA military advisors in Cambodia, military weaponry and uniforms in the Khmer Rouge, PLA invasion in 1979 was coincide few weeks after the VPA invasion of Cambodia in december 1978. I suggest you again to stop reading the PLA BMNA (BIG Mouth No Action) news.

Those Khmer Rouge uniforms doesn't look like the PLA uniform, right?
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Are you another humorist in this forum? We can all see how China is a great friend to others nations, just look how China is treating the African nations for example. China give 1 $ but take back 2$... Taking all the resources and treat them like satellite nations. China is just as bad as any other superpowers. Your friend President Duarte of Philippines probably took some bride to be friendly with China. Philippines political system is notoriously corrupted, every former presidents are know to take huge bribes (example: Number uno Ferdinand Marcos)

Let me remind you that China is over 20 times the size in territorial, population and economy compare to VN.... VN attacking China....Stop reading the PLA BMNA (BIG Mouth No Action) news. VN did some cross border commando attacks during the 1979 conflict, but it was small tactical and sabotage attacks inside China.... Invasions always come from the northern border of VN.... We can't beat China, so VN go south and destroyed all the southern kingdoms to annexed the lands.

Yeah you are right, VN should get aircraft carriers and big destroyers so that PLA would have the biggest slow moving targets to sink in the South China Sea... Your big proud PLA aircrafts carriers will sink in the first days of conflict whatever it's with US, Japan or VN. You don't need to be a genius to know that.

What other VNese said in the internet doesn't represent the majority of the population. You cannot just reading comments from a few people and then blaming on everyone else, that's not really smart. Big mouths are always louder in the internet and weak guys are always acting tough, you should know that by now.

You saying China didn't support Khmer Rouge is grotesque. Thousands of PLA military advisors in Cambodia, military weaponry and uniforms in the Khmer Rouge, PLA invasion in 1979 was coincide few weeks after the VPA invasion of Cambodia in december 1978. I suggest you again to stop reading the PLA BMNA (BIG Mouth No Action) news.View attachment 452517 View attachment 452518

Those Khmer Rouge uniforms doesn't look like the PLA uniform, right?
LOL , humorist , I think Vietnam realy humorist . vinetnam's comment ----China give 1 $ but take back 2$! LOL ,WHY YOU WRITE BACK 20$ ...
Stop reading the PLA BMNA (BIG Mouth No Action) news.----SORRY ,PLA ,It's basically training news.
even no news about Vietnam. about 1979 is none . we are not vietnam .
next , you say ---so VN go south and destroyed all the southern kingdoms to annexed the lands. LOL
why VN aggression? If China is not strong, Vietnam will invade China. In your opinion, China should destroy the kingdom of Vietnam.As for your comments, I personally hope china to help Cambodia go Nouth and destroyed all the Nouthern kingdoms to annexed/reoccupy the lands .

you say ----You saying China didn't support Khmer Rouge is grotesque. lol, china support Khmer Rouge ,it is right , like support vienam gov . That doesn't mean we support their corruption.Just as the Vietnamese government had plundered and killed Chinese in Vietnam.

you say ----You cannot just reading comments from a few people and then blaming on everyone else, that's not really smart ..... sorry ,
Vietnam's media \news\comments, I see too much, what exactly is it, you understand it .

china media\news\comments ,you can search in chinese . Vietnam's media \news\comments, It has angered the Chinese people, although very few people now , but will gradually become more . Vietnam's media \news\comments win the world , they make vietnam hate china , then make china hate vietnam .Let's see who wins in the end . guancha.cn/china main media ,pla official media 81.cn/ , look for vietnam !!

Oh, I forgot to say it. Vietnam has a low presence in Chinese news media commentary. You can believe anything anti-chinese, as long as you are happy ....Like you said---feneration \resources plunderer \Invasion 1000 years ------Vietnam's happy is important .

at last ,big mouth is chinese people, like me , not my gov and pla ...your vietnam big mouth is your people and media ,These two are the same ,But the difference is that we can afford the consequences. You can't afford it .1979 , Our troops take turns to play game , as they exercise .

I think the Chinese have the same thing as the Vietnamese . we support Vietnam to beat China too.

add say --- corrupted ----every country have corrupt , people and government all have corrupt .Every country has a different view of corruption.
We Chinese frankly can't stand western corruption, including corruption in Vietnam.Have many corrupt in China, but we are still doing things.But corruption in the west country and Vietnam is even not work . China's civil servants can do something in one day, they can't finish it in three days.
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LOL , humorist , I think Vietnam realy humorist . vinetnam's comment ----China give 1 $ but take back 2$! LOL ,WHY YOU WRITE BACK 20$ ...
Stop reading the PLA BMNA (BIG Mouth No Action) news.----SORRY ,PLA ,It's basically training news.
even no news about Vietnam. about 1979 is none . we are not vietnam .
next , you say ---so VN go south and destroyed all the southern kingdoms to annexed the lands. LOL
why VN aggression? If China is not strong, Vietnam will invade China. In your opinion, China should destroy the kingdom of Vietnam.As for your comments, I personally hope china to help Cambodia go Nouth and destroyed all the Nouthern kingdoms to annexed/reoccupy the lands .

you say ----You saying China didn't support Khmer Rouge is grotesque. lol, china support Khmer Rouge ,it is right , like support vienam gov . That doesn't mean we support their corruption.Just as the Vietnamese government had plundered and killed Chinese in Vietnam.

you say ----You cannot just reading comments from a few people and then blaming on everyone else, that's not really smart ..... sorry ,
Vietnam's media \news\comments, I see too much, what exactly is it, you understand it .

china media\news\comments ,you can search in chinese . Vietnam's media \news\comments, It has angered the Chinese people, although very few people now , but will gradually become more . Vietnam's media \news\comments win the world , they make vietnam hate china , then make china hate vietnam .Let's see who wins in the end . guancha.cn/china main media ,pla official media 81.cn/ , look for vietnam !!

Oh, I forgot to say it. Vietnam has a low presence in Chinese news media commentary. You can believe anything anti-chinese, as long as you are happy ....Like you said---feneration \resources plunderer \Invasion 1000 years ------Vietnam's happy is important .

at last ,big mouth is chinese people, like me , not my gov and pla ...your vietnam big mouth is your people and media ,These two are the same ,But the difference is that we can afford the consequences. You can't afford it .1979 , Our troops take turns to play game , as they exercise .

I think the Chinese have the same thing as the Vietnamese . we support Vietnam to beat China too.

add say --- corrupted ----every country have corrupt , people and government all have corrupt .Every country has a different view of corruption.
We Chinese frankly can't stand western corruption, including corruption in Vietnam.Have many corrupt in China, but we are still doing things.But corruption in the west country and Vietnam is even not work . China's civil servants can do something in one day, they can't finish it in three days.

Why wrote in bold your comment? You want to talk loud like a tough guy and intimidating the people like PLA ?? Most the things you wrote are incoherent and too many contrary comments, you change your comments like you changing your diapers. You lack to many facts and knowledge to discuss anything serious with you....

Stop writing comments in this VN forum you are embarrassing yourself. You are the one (Chinese) who come in this forum (Vietnamese) and start saying provocative and negative comments. Please get out of this forum
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