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Vietnam Defence Forum

meh, still, we can buy a whole frigging Carrier Battle Group with 60 billions easy.

I'd say 2 carrier groups with 60 billion. Virginia class subs are 1.8 billion, Zumwalt class are not part of carrier groups, 5 destroyers are enough for a carrier group.
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I'd say 2 carrier groups with 60 billion. Virginia class subs are 1.8 billion, Zumwalt class are not part of carrier groups, 5 destroyers are enough for a carrier group.

a bit of a stretch for 2 CBG in that amount....lol.......anyway, let's just say we can get heck a lot of ship with that money...

imagine Vietnam spend 60 billions in the Vietnamese Navy.......What would you get?
a bit of a stretch for 2 CBG in that amount....lol.......anyway, let's just say we can get heck a lot of ship with that money...

imagine Vietnam spend 60 billions in the Vietnamese Navy.......What would you get?
Interesting question. Now, VN focus is economy, so spending the money on HSR and North-South superhighway has priority. Ok lets say thing gets out of control, we would slow down or halt economic development, taking $60 billion loan on building three fleets: North, Center and South fleet. Each fleet has one Izumo aircraft carrier, accompanied by two Atago destroyers, two Gepard frigates, four Molynia corvettes, four TT400TP gunships and two Kilo submarines.
a bit of a stretch for 2 CBG in that amount....lol.......anyway, let's just say we can get heck a lot of ship with that money...

imagine Vietnam spend 60 billions in the Vietnamese Navy.......What would you get?

I would get a ton of submarines and naval aviation for the most part, awacs, etc.
Air defense

P18M early warning radar, Su27 interceptor squadron




I served in the US Armed Force, I am an American. I am also an Australian by descent (My mother obtained Australian Citizenship before I was 10)
That's why myself and others are puzzled why you are not using the American Flag but using the Chinese Flag instead.
I am not being antagonistic.
It would reduce a lot of animosity and confusion if you will use the correct flags.
By using the US flag, it doesn't remove the ethnicity or "chineseness" if you so chooses to promote yourself.
@Shotgunner51 @was
That's why myself and others are puzzled why you are not using the American Flag but using the Chinese Flag instead.
I am not being antagonistic.
It would reduce a lot of animosity and confusion if you will use the correct flags.
By using the US flag, it doesn't remove the ethnicity or "chineseness" if you so chooses to promote yourself.
@Shotgunner51 @was
Ohh, so that's why he using Chinese flag.
I thought he is Chinese, serving in Aus, no offence.

But in my personal opinion, what ever your ethnicity is, but if you hold a passport of a country, furthur taken oath for protecting that country with your last breath. You are solely married to that country without any divorce.

Like the Gurkhas are of IA, they indeed all are Indian citizens and ready to die for country. But they actually by ethnicity are from Nepal.

But no matter what, they all are Indians.
Ohh, so that's why he using Chinese flag.
I thought he is Chinese, serving in Aus, no offence.

But in my personal opinion, what ever your ethnicity is, but if you hold a passport of a country, furthur taken oath for protecting that country with your last breath. You are solely married to that country without any divorce.

Like the Gurkhas are of IA, they indeed all are Indian citizens and ready to die for country. But they actually by ethnicity are from Nepal.

But no matter what, they all are Indians.
I agree. Iindia, with 1.2 billion population will of course have some who will hate being an Indian and wont want to die for the nation.
That's why myself and others are puzzled why you are not using the American Flag but using the Chinese Flag instead.
I am not being antagonistic.
It would reduce a lot of animosity and confusion if you will use the correct flags.
By using the US flag, it doesn't remove the ethnicity or "chineseness" if you so chooses to promote yourself.
@Shotgunner51 @was

If you want to know, I am a holder also hold a Chinese Passport. And this April I paid 60,000 RMB taxes for 2016 on my share along with my brother and my sister to the Chinese Government from the family textile business in Guangdong, I have a home address and Telephone Phone Number in Dongguan, Guangdong and Hong Kong, I have a residence account registered with the Mainland Chinese Authority, I also hold a Swedish, British Passport on top of my American, Australian, Chinese Passport with a right to live in New Zealand (as per Trans Tasman Agreement), Mexico and Permanent Residence in Canada, is it a good enough answer for you?

@waz I was assured this type of harassment will stop, can you delete that member post and my post when you are done with.

Thank You
If you want to know, I am a holder also hold a Chinese Passport. And this April I paid 60,000 RMB taxes for 2016 on my share along with my brother and my sister to the Chinese Government from the family textile business in Guangdong, I have a home address and Telephone Phone Number in Dongguan, Guangdong and Hong Kong, I have a residence account registered with the Mainland Chinese Authority, I also hold a Swedish, British Passport on top of my American, Australian, Chinese Passport with a right to live in New Zealand (as per Trans Tasman Agreement), Mexico and Permanent Residence in Canada, is it a good enough answer for you?

@waz I was assured this type of harassment will stop, can you delete that member post and my post when you are done with.

Thank You

Dongguan? Very interesting, I'm often there.
Interesting question. Now, VN focus is economy, so spending the money on HSR and North-South superhighway has priority. Ok lets say thing gets out of control, we would slow down or halt economic development, taking $60 billion loan on building three fleets: North, Center and South fleet. Each fleet has one Izumo aircraft carrier, accompanied by two Atago destroyers, two Gepard frigates, four Molynia corvettes, four TT400TP gunships and two Kilo submarines.

Japanese Ship is probably not the best to go, they are a bit over inflated in price, just like the American. I would also think it's not really good to try and mix Russian Ship and Japanese Ship together.

I think it's better for Vietnam, if they were given 60 billions, to get either all Russian Ship or all European Ship.

I think the combo of Lider-class destroyer and Admiral Grigorovich combo is quite lethal, combine with Akula Attack Sub. I would probably go with Mistral Class LHD instead of Izumo Class Carrier.

So, Mistral will cost around 800 millions per ship, 2 Mistral will be around 1.6 billions
Akula class is about 2 billion per, let's say Vietnam is getting 6 (3 per carrier group), which is 12 billions
Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate cost around 1.8 billions per ship, I reckon Vietnam can order and support 10 Frigate. Which is about 18 billions
The wildcard, however, is the Lider Class destroyer, as it is on paper, not yet been built, you probably can work out some JV deal with the Russian, and have it cheaper, but I do think even without some sort of deal, it's more or less cheaper than a Flight III AB Class Destroyer. Which let's say it's 2.4 billion per, Vietnam can get 4 of these in their carrier group for 10 billions.

So, to recap, it would be around 51.6 billions for that wish list. Which leave around 10 billions for Vietnam to go after carrier air group.

I would get a ton of submarines and naval aviation for the most part, awacs, etc.

AWACS is a bit tricky, but tons of submarine seems to be a waste of money (I am a surface warfare guy) and you would probably want to even out the purchase a bit......

Which Surface ship you want Vietnam Navy to have?

Dongguan? Very interesting, I'm often there.

Yes, that's where my mother ancestry was from. Her mother was born in a village in DongHuang (東坑鎮), which was a farm land back in 1940s, and now is probably one of the biggest industrial area in Southern China, we used to have 3 factory in 東坑 (Where my grandmother village was) a Steel Mill, a Lighter Factory and a Textile Factory, the first two went busted sometime during the 90s, and only the textile factory left.

I stopped going back to 東坑鎮 in the late 90s, and I google map it yesterday and see they have build a lot of houses and stuff in the tiny little town in my memory.

Actually, if the political situation is not that bad, I would not mind retiring with my family back in my family house in 長安塘.
If you want to know, I am a holder also hold a Chinese Passport. And this April I paid 60,000 RMB taxes for 2016 on my share along with my brother and my sister to the Chinese Government from the family textile business in Guangdong, I have a home address and Telephone Phone Number in Dongguan, Guangdong and Hong Kong, I have a residence account registered with the Mainland Chinese Authority, I also hold a Swedish, British Passport on top of my American, Australian, Chinese Passport with a right to live in New Zealand (as per Trans Tasman Agreement), Mexico and Permanent Residence in Canada, is it a good enough answer for you?

@waz I was assured this type of harassment will stop, can you delete that member post and my post when you are done with.

Thank You
Thanks for clarifying.
Don't really understand why you are so sensitive over this.
Like I say, its just to reduce the animosity and confusion that some members have towards you.
I hope you don't see me as harassing you.
For that I apologize.
I have always had the view that you are knowledgeable and is valuable to this forum.
I am also not surprised that you hold so many passports since you shared with us that you work in the Intelligence area.
Nobody have issues with Gambit who takes US viewpoints strongly while showing US flags.

I do admire and learn from your wide knowledge and the effort you take to present your views though it is rather long winded at times.
As you may glean from my posts, I am not strongly pro China but rather a China admirer and well wisher, a well wisher for Philippines, Vietnam and Australia and a strong Asia.
Your views on Chinese matters are not controversial, its just an uneasy feeling having you on the opposite camp most of the time, haha. Sure wish you are on my side.

I have come to some conclusions about you and your job that I will keep to myself so as not to intrude further into your private affairs.
Anyway my apologies again if this matter had irritated or annoyed you.
I don't meant it to be that way and had wanted to bring it up in a friendly way.
Be assured this will be the last time I will be touching on this matter.
If you come across my posts on opposing sides, do not take it in an unfriendly way
Looking forward to when we will be posting on the same side.
Japanese Ship is probably not the best to go, they are a bit over inflated in price, just like the American. I would also think it's not really good to try and mix Russian Ship and Japanese Ship together.

I think it's better for Vietnam, if they were given 60 billions, to get either all Russian Ship or all European Ship.

I agree Vietnam is better off purchasing all japanese(western design) or all russian not both. It will be less burden for Vietnam financially in the long run, Vietnam can't afford to operate both, it doesn't make sense financially and will cause problems with compatibility with other weapon systems and logistics. I think if Vietnam had that sort of money to spend, they would probably focus on their navy and air force.

Navy - new ASW helicopters e.g. mh60r seahawk, extra frigates and I would think these new frigates would specialize in air defence instead since Vietnam currently has none. Replacement of their aging corvettes, lots of designs available and can easily be built in their own shipyards. I don't think Vietnam is looking for or needs a carrier fleet though lol maybe 2 or 3 LHD e.g. mistral class or izumo class and which can also be used in humanitarian disasters and finally 2 or 3 replenishment ship with all these new ships they need to keep it sailing lol..

Air Force- replace aging fighters, ASW aircraft e.g. p8 poseidon, AWAC aircrafts, larger cargo aircrafts e.g. a400m and tanker aircraft currently Vietnam has no such aircraft in its fleet plus replacement of most of its aging rotary fleets.

Army - new tanks, ifv, apc and everything in between
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