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Vietnam confirms purchase of cruise missiles from India

Vietnam's government has confirmed it has taken delivery of a batch of short-range ramjet supersonic cruise missiles from India.

Foreign ministry spokeswoman Le Thi Thu Hang said at a press briefing on Thursday that Vietnam is developing defense cooperation with India to allow the country to pursue its defense policies.

“The arms purchase is in line with Vietnam’s peaceful national defense policies aimed at protecting the country,” Hang said.

She said the strategic comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and India is growing in various areas and contributing to peace, stability and development in the region and the world.

The BrahMos missile was developed by Russia's NPO Mashinostroeyenia and India’s Defense Research and Development Organization. It is the world’s fastest anti-ship cruise missile in operation, traveling at speeds of 3,400-3,700 kilometers per hour.

The three-ton missiles can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land.

India has already supplied patrol vessels to Vietnam and has been providing military training, but the missiles are the first arms trade deal between the two countries.

Details of the value of the deal have not been revealed.

Vietnam is building up its military amid tensions in the disputed East Sea, which is known internationally as the South China Sea. The country has also ordered six Kilo-class diesel-electric submarines from Russia in a deal worth $2 billion. The latest arrived last January.

"Short range"? They have the ability to be deployed at ranges up to 900-1000km.

This really is a game changer (if the news is true) for that region. Good to see India paying China back in some way for its support to the terrorist nation in India's backyard.
a piece of advice for Vietnamese: A bad ally is more lethal than a powerful enemy.

How many times you supported pakistan in wars ? I heard, you just shoo them away by giving advice for returning back.
While clarity is awaited on the numbers and BrahMos variant being supplied to Vietnam, the missile system is undergoing major changes in India. Entry into the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) has also allowed India to open up the BrahMos’s range capabilities, with a final system that will be able to hit targets out to just under 1,000 km, formidable specifications for a supersonic weapon system. On another front, the air-launched BrahMos-A is all set for its first test firing from a modified Indian Air Force Su-30 MKI in a matter of days.

Good decision by India!

VN does not directly confirm the brahmos purchase but the spokeswoman does not deny to the question whether VN has acquired the weapon. That is clearly a Yes. We got it. Anyway Nobody should be worried too much though, because the death comes quicker than any human brain is capable to realize. the missile flies too fast.
Indeed :enjoy:



I am not badmouthing India. But it track record of export of weapon is very bad.

A country heavily depend on import weapon talks about export on weapon? What a joke? Satisfy your own defence first before talking about export.

And the Vietnamese is simply insane to buy India made weapon.
Chill man....let the viets do the talking. If it's not good they will return it or stop buying anymore.
Chinese speaking for Vietnamese only make chinese look weak. When we know the territorial hostilities between the two.
It's better if you superior han chinese stop talking like weak mediocre neighbors, and that too just after dhoklam threat no jutsu of your army.
Excellent news.

I think the next step should be to bolster their coastal defence facilities. They are already damn good at jungle warfare.

We should be bolder in offering them more tactical platforms. BrahMos took years of negotiations to get confirmed.

Maybe collaborate more on developing frigates and heavily armed OPVs.

Says a country whose ally is PAKISTAN and NORTH KOREA :lol:

Excellent news.

I think the next step should be to bolster their coastal defence facilities. They are already damn good at jungle warfare.

We should be bolder in offering them more tactical platforms. BrahMos took years of negotiations to get confirmed.

Maybe collaborate more on developing frigates and heavily armed OPVs.

VN people are well known as fighters that fight to the bitter end. Yes besides brahmos, we have huge demand for frigates, destroyers and submarines please feel free to offer to Vietnamese people's army.

The world is overpopulated by hooligans. We need a sharp sword.
they have a bunch yakhonts already from russia. why are they buying from india who's known for making inferior version of the originals??......their homemade version of su-30mki, t-90, hawk and many others are all rubbish having problems to no end... what the hell are you thinking, vietnam?
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VN people are well known as fighters that fight to the bitter end. Yes besides brahmos, we have huge demand for frigates, destroyers and submarines please feel free to offer to Vietnamese people's army.

The world is overpopulated by hooligans. We need a sharp sword.

We have you covered my friends, a friend in need is a friend indeed!

they have a bunch yakhonts already from russia. why are they buying from india who's known for making inferior version of the originals?? their homemade version of su-30s, t-90s, hawks and many others are all rubbish having problems to no end. what are the hell are you thinking vietnam?

Look at the butthurt! ensure you apply some vaseline once the burning subsides
Chinese should favor bharat for selling downgrade Russian equipment further downgraded by bharatis to Vietnam instead of buying directly from Russia.

Says a country whose ally is PAKISTAN and NORTH KOREA :lol:

and who is your ally? do you even have ally?
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