TPP is one economy game of Vietnam.
Vietnam has signed FTA with EU . Russsia, S. Korea and others. Vietnam does not give up right over state own comapaniies whichs are related to our sovereignity secrity.
TPP chapters included: competition, co-operation and capacity building, cross-border services, customs, e-commerce, environment, financial services, government procurement, intellectual property, investment, labour, legal issues, market access for goods, rules of origin, sanitary and phytosanitary standards, technical barriers to trade, telecommunications, temporary entry, textiles and apparel, trade remedies.
In US, in recent year's expiration of federal agriculture policies gives Congress in US, an important opportunity to take a fresh look at the $25 billion spent annually on farm subsidies.
Same rule applied for all members. So we can do in the same way in Vietnam.
what did China opened your market from 1972 ? Pls go back to culture revolution period in 1960s.