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Vietnam asks China to end sovereignty violations

WoW, surprisingly you have defeated China so many times. Then why the heck you still pay tribune to China year after year???

Even today, you have borrowed a lot of money from China and we are your debtor. You beg China to transfer electricity into vn since you do not have enough. You are still the beggers and get some spine when you are truly independent!!!

Tiny Vietnam's economic life is still in China's hands.

It is because your CCP government has volunteered to do it!
China even refused to take over Vietnam for free

Intrusion into French Indochina

The Chinese Kuomintang also supported the Vietnamese Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang in its battle against French and Japanese imperialism.

In Guangxi Chinese military leaders were organizing Vietnamese nationalists against the Japanese. The VNQDD had been active in Guangxi and some of their members had joined the KMT army.[33] Under the umbrella of KMT activities, a broad alliance of nationalists emerged. With Ho at the forefront, the Viet Nam Doc Lap Dong Minh Hoi (Vietnamese Independence League, usually known as the Viet Minh) was formed and based in the town of Chinghsi.[33] The pro-VNQDD nationalist Ho Ngoc Lam, a KMT army officer and former disciple of Phan Boi Chau,[34] was named as the deputy of Phạm Văn Đồng, later to be Ho's Prime Minister. The front was later broadened and renamed the Viet Nam Giai Phong Dong Minh (Vietnam Liberation League).[33]

The Viet Nam Revolutionary League was a union of various Vietnamese nationalist groups, run by the pro Chinese VNQDD. Chinese KMT General Zhang Fakui created to league to further Chinese influence in Indochina, against the French and Japanese. Its stated goal was for unity with China under the Three Principles of the People, created by KMT founder Dr. Sun and opposition to Vietnamese and French Imperialists.[35][36] The Revolutionary League was controlled by Nguyen Hai Than, who was born in china and could not speak Vietnamese. General Zhang shrewdly blocked the Communists of Vietnam, and Ho Chi Minh from entering the league, as Zhang's main goal was Chinese influence in Indo China.[37] The KMT utilized these Vietnamese nationalists during World War II against Japanese forces.[33] Franklin D. Roosevelt, through General Stilwell, privately made it clear that they preferred that the French not reacquire French Indochina (modern day Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos) after the war was over. Roosevelt offered Chiang Kai-shek control of all of Indochina. It was said that Chiang Kai-shek replied: "Under no circumstances!".[38]

China even refused to take over Vietnam for free

Intrusion into French Indochina

The Chinese Kuomintang also supported the Vietnamese Viet Nam Quoc Dan Dang in its battle against French and Japanese imperialism.

In Guangxi Chinese military leaders were organizing Vietnamese nationalists against the Japanese. The VNQDD had been active in Guangxi and some of their members had joined the KMT army.[33] Under the umbrella of KMT activities, a broad alliance of nationalists emerged. With Ho at the forefront, the Viet Nam Doc Lap Dong Minh Hoi (Vietnamese Independence League, usually known as the Viet Minh) was formed and based in the town of Chinghsi.[33] The pro-VNQDD nationalist Ho Ngoc Lam, a KMT army officer and former disciple of Phan Boi Chau,[34] was named as the deputy of Phạm Văn Đồng, later to be Ho's Prime Minister. The front was later broadened and renamed the Viet Nam Giai Phong Dong Minh (Vietnam Liberation League).[33]

The Viet Nam Revolutionary League was a union of various Vietnamese nationalist groups, run by the pro Chinese VNQDD. Chinese KMT General Zhang Fakui created to league to further Chinese influence in Indochina, against the French and Japanese. Its stated goal was for unity with China under the Three Principles of the People, created by KMT founder Dr. Sun and opposition to Vietnamese and French Imperialists.[35][36] The Revolutionary League was controlled by Nguyen Hai Than, who was born in china and could not speak Vietnamese. General Zhang shrewdly blocked the Communists of Vietnam, and Ho Chi Minh from entering the league, as Zhang's main goal was Chinese influence in Indo China.[37] The KMT utilized these Vietnamese nationalists during World War II against Japanese forces.[33] Franklin D. Roosevelt, through General Stilwell, privately made it clear that they preferred that the French not reacquire French Indochina (modern day Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos) after the war was over. Roosevelt offered Chiang Kai-shek control of all of Indochina. It was said that Chiang Kai-shek replied: "Under no circumstances!".[38]

from wikipedia

American President Franklin D. Roosevelt and General Joseph Stilwell privately made it adamantly clear that the French were not to reacquire French Indochina (modern day Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos) after the war was over. Roosevelt offered Chiang Kai-shek to place all of Indochina under Chinese rule. Chiang Kai-shek supposedly replied: "Under no circumstances!".[15]

After the war, 200,000 Chinese troops sent by Chiang Kai-shek under General Lu Han entered Indochina north of the 16th parallel to accept the surrender of Japanese occupying forces. They remained there until 1946.[16] The Chinese used the VNQDD, the Vietnamese branch of the Chinese Kuomintang, to increase their influence in Indochina and put pressure on their opponents.[17]
Chinese guys are very poor on The history..after maoist cultural revolution..
they know only tales..

cultural revolution was half a century ago,to most Chinese it is an old history and i m very familiar with our thousands of year's history cause i spend many years studying that both home and abroad,do you think you know better Chinese history than i do?ok ,go ahead,let's find it out.
those are our islands and what we did was just taking them back.are you dumb enough to believe that you can beat Chinese navy if a battle happens today?3 decades ago you may have a fighting chance cause China was also very poor and the military was poorly equipped,but now it is a different story,Chinese navy can wipe out Vietnamese fishing boats makeshift navy in less than one hours,in 1988 we sent more than 70 of your sailors down to the bottom of sea to be as fish food in 1 minute.

But all world know you used force to rob Hoang Sa (Paracels) from us in 1974, and you had robbed reefs in Truong Sa (Spratly Islands) from us in 1988.

We have managed the islands since the 15th century, when it did not have any dispute.

We were, are, and will continue negotiations with the CCP to get back our islands....

China even refused to take over Vietnam for free


China even refused to take over Vietnam for free


from wikipedia

You can imagine anything, if you want.
But all world know you used force to rob Hoang Sa (Paracels) from us in 1974, and you had robbed reefs in Truong Sa (Spratly Islands) from us in 1988.

We have managed the islands since the 15th century, when it did not have any dispute.

We were, are, and will continue negotiations with the CCP to get back our islands....

You can imagine anything, if you want.

you government admitted it and went back on their words,after the WWII,the treaty declares that those islands belong to China.
cultural revolution was half a century ago,to most Chinese it is an old history and i m very familiar with our thousands of year's history cause i spend many years studying that both home and abroad,do you think you know better Chinese history than i do?ok ,go ahead,let's find it out.
you dont know what happened even 30 years ago correctly..how can you know thousands of year's history :lol:
you government admitted it and went back on their words,after the WWII,the treaty declares that those islands belong to China.

1951: International conference of Peace Treaty with Japan held in San Francisco, 51 countries represented and none protested the declaration of PM of State of Vietnam reaffirming the sovereignty of Vietnam over the disputed islands.

1954: the Geneva Convention ending the Indochina war, in which PRC was a signatory. The agreement stated the French transfer of those islands to South Vietnam's administration. This means PRC recognized the sovereignty of South Vietnam over the 2 islands.
history shows that Vietnam had been under Chinese rule for over 1000 years,no one knows what may happen in the future cause history always repeats itself.

History also shows that you China is always a bully and you had always been defeated by us. History also shows that you have endless greed....
you dont know what happened even 30 years ago correctly..how can you know thousands of year's history :lol:

haha,so dumb claiming you know more of our hisotry than we Chinese people,lol.i never claim that i know much about Turkey.and i really dont care.

you dont know what happened even 30 years ago correctly..how can you know thousands of year's history :lol:

any part of China's history during the last 30 years,if you are interested,i can give you a lecture for free,what do you want to learn?
haha,so dumb claiming you know more of our hisotry than we Chinese people,lol.i never claim that i know much about Turkey.and i really dont care.

any part of China's history during the last 30 years,if you are interested,i can give you a lecture for free,what do you want to learn?
thx..I dont need it..I am not a member of China Communist Party :lol:
beijingwalker be carrefull..your IP recorded...secrect police will knock to your door soon..:lol:
from wikipedia

In 1958, the People's Republic of China issued a declaration defining its territorial waters, which encompassed the Spratly Islands. North Vietnam's prime minister, Pham Van Dong, sent a formal note to Zhou Enlai, stating that the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam respects the decision by China regarding the 12 nautical mile limit of territorial waters
First, Vietnam is not the land of China. Sometimes, you invaded our country, then we fought to expel you invaders from our country.
Second, if we accepted invasion as you said, Vietnam people would live a much better life now(?), so why everyday and everyday there are the Tibetans had themselves on fire to protest China, calling independence for Tibet? everyday there are the Uighurs protested China, calling independence for Xinjiang, then they were arrested, were to go to prison?

Well, first, at least northern Vietnam was a part of China since Han dynasty and lasting 1000 years. Google 交趾 or Jiaozhi, which is current Hanoi.

as for Tibet and Xinjiang, you only see their side of story. If you actually visit those places, you will know the majority of tibet people have a much better life. I'd say the Tibetans in Lasa are pretty wealthy, perhaps richer than 99% of Vietnam people. The riots in Xinjiang often happen in south part of this province since the north part is also developing fast. You can go to see and ask around, stop believing the propaganda of western media.
If vietnam becomes part of China, the majority will gain benefit. But I guess the former rulers/officiers will ask,force, buy or brainwash your people set fire on themselves or riot against local government as well, because they lost their power and they want it back. This is exactly what happened in Tibet or Xinjiang. The difference is, Vietnam rulers may not have the similar religious means to brainwash your people to do that. So Vietnam will probably be fine. However, the majority of people will be happy to see the change.
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