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(VIDEO) What is the Iran Nuclear Deal? Analysis by US Gen. 'Mad Dog' Mattis

  1. The international system is falling apart, this is a global matter
  2. The Iran deal fits into this overall disintegration
  3. It is the biggest shift in diplomatic relations in modern history
  4. It is strategically dangerous
  5. Iran is an enemy of the international system and anti-world order
  6. America considers that Iran considers America an enemy
  7. Iran has been given a leading role in the Middle East
  8. Iran has been given package to make it a potential leading global power in the future
  9. The deal is not a only nuclear deal, but a side affect is that it helps Iran in further non-nuclear militarisation
  10. Iranians are not acting like a nation state, they are a revolutionary cause
  11. There are numerous threats from Iran, the biggest are nuclear, counter-maritime, cyber threat, ballistic missile, surrogate and proxy threats (QUDS-Force)
  12. The most significant threat is nuclear, so dispensations had to be given to focus on this threat alone, effectively ignoring the others
  13. Iran is regionally destabilising
  14. Whether the deal is good or bad, who knows
  15. The deal is between 6 nations and Iran and places them at a less favourable position
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If Iran weaponizes nuclear power, I personally believe they will use it as soon as they can. Even if they made only one, they will hit Israel guaranteed.
Iran should weaponizes nuclear power, We completely support our governments attempts to build a nuclear arsenal. NPT is nothing but a candy for a baby. According to NPT, nuclear weapon states should disarm themselves of nuclear weapons. Not only they're not doing that, They constantly updating their nuclear arsenals. Nuclear weapon states failure to meet their obligations gives us the right to develop our own nuclear arsenal.
Iran should weaponizes nuclear power, We completely support our governments attempts to build a nuclear arsenal. NPT is nothing but a candy for a baby. According to NPT, nuclear weapon states should disarm themselves of nuclear weapons. Not only they're not doing that, They constantly updating their nuclear arsenals. Nuclear weapon states failure to meet their obligations gives us the right to develop our own nuclear arsenal.

I don't believe for a minute that anyone with nuclear weapons will not use it, at some point. then eveyone dies.

but i do beleive this video is correct and true, becasue he said 'The international system is falling apart, this is a global matter' and it is falling apart.

Just look at brexit-eu fall out, french riots, us shutdown, stockmarket choas. etc. and thats just today
I don't believe for a minute that anyone with nuclear weapons will not use it, at some point. then eveyone dies.
Nuclear armed states have absolutely no rights to tell others not to have their arsenals when they themselves are in clear violations of NPT. Genocidal Americans, The only users of nuclear weapons against poor defenseless civilians, Who are in clear violations of NPT and broke the Iran Nuclear Deal, Constantly threaten our people with the act of wars and genocides, We need nuclear weapons to defend ourselves against the genocidal Yankees. If the world is going to end up in flames, So be it.
1.Theocratic Iran is the only state which is standing against atheist Imperialists.
2.Iran is a rising power with enough energy for today.
3.Nuclear is the future energy, so imperialists decided to establish a fake deal to at least delay or slow down Iranian advancement.
4.Subject of the deal was nuclear, because Imperialists already knew that Iran's leader wont allow any other subject.
5.Iran's leader allowed negotiation on the nuclear energy, cause traitor Reformists were fooling the people and advertising the deal as the only solution to a better economy, they were advertising the disputes, as a misunderstanding.
6.deal established; limitation of Iran's nuclear energy program VS end of sanctions.
7.Iran fulfilled it's commitments first (by traitor reformist government against the order of supreme leader)
8.Imperialists breached the deal (started by Obama) even before the start, as it was prearranged.
9.Iran's economy not only didn't recover, it started to go further down day by day, thousands of factories were closed, as traitor Reformists now wanted to Import everything from west, in the name of free economy which was dictated to them by their western masters.
10.An anomaly among U.S politics (result of their own corruption) led to the election of Trump, a man who was more blunt in his policies.
9.Trump abandoned the deal, and made all sanctions official, no more disguise!
10.Other Imperialists, followed the same path, with the excuse of U.S sanctions.
11.Currently, Iran (because of the Reformist government) is the only party which is still holding to the deal!

12.sooner or later, Iran will abandon the deal, whether during this government or the next one.
13.West's puppets and ultimately pro-west thoughts and ideologies have lost their credibility in Iran, Reformists are already predicting their defeat for the next elections!
14.Imperialists' ultimate plan for provoking Iranian people against an Islamic system and leadership has failed with all means.

Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei:
Some U.S governors pretend to be crazy(wild), of course I don't believe it, but they are truly number one dumbs!
  1. The international system is falling apart, this is a global matter
  2. The Iran deal fits into this overall disintegration
  3. It is the biggest shift in diplomatic relations in modern history
  4. It is strategically dangerous
  5. Iran is an enemy of the international system and anti-world order
  6. America considers that Iran considers America an enemy
  7. Iran has been given a leading role in the Middle East
  8. Iran has been given package to make it a potential leading global power in the future
  9. The deal is not a only nuclear deal, but a side affect is that it helps Iran in further non-nuclear militarisation
  10. Iranians are not acting like a nation state, they are a revolutionary cause
  11. There are numerous threats from Iran, the biggest are nuclear, counter-maritime, cyber threat, ballistic missile, surrogate and proxy threats (QUDS-Force)
  12. The most significant threat is nuclear, so dispensations had to be given to focus on this threat alone, effectively ignoring the others
  13. Iran is regionally destabilising
  14. Whether the deal is good or bad, who knows
  15. The deal is between 6 nations and Iran and places them at a less favourable position
You need to dig deeper to draw good conclusions....not take the Zionist media's word for it. I'll start by telling you that this video along with another speech was the reason Kushner pushed to have Mattis as a Defence secretary, of course Kushner was told by Netanyahu to get Mattis, Flynn and Kelly, not to mention to nominate Pompeo to the CIA. Do you think the biggest gathering of Iran haters in key roles in our government was an accident? So let's; begin, the norms or world order that Iran is screwing up. First, It's so rich to hear these guys talk about the world order and shifts in diplomacy, when they unleashed Stuxnet....a weapon that could have resulted in a Chernobyl like disaster without once thinking how many innocent people might die, also imagine the environmental disaster it may have caused. This weapon according to the experts has done more damage to the world order and future diplomacy and war than anything in the past 60 years. Now the world knows nothing is off limits, that the enemy can damage your infrastructure and environment which then can cause many times more deaths than soldiers fighting on a battlefield.

Second, Maritime threat? Whose aircraft carriers and warship are parked outside of Iran's shores?

Third, Who upended the entire middle east by first empowering Saddam and then overthrowing him? Which by the way gave rise to ISIS, which then conveniently gave our sheikdom friends a violent proxy that probably killed more Muslims than the Americans. Whose Ally is bombing Yemen's population? Who gave them permission and arms to be able to carry out this atrocity? Who bombed Libya which then caused the violent civil war there?
Fourth, and Fifth, Iran and Iran's deal is Strategically dangerous and Iran is against the world order? let me ask you, you mean like letting the Saudis embargo Qatar? Or to help overthrow the Turkish President? Or Venezuela? come on man, you're asleep my friend....WAKE UP!
Sixth, Iran considers U.S. an enemy, you tell me, if a country overthrew your democratically elected government do you consider them an ally? How about sanctions on medicine and technology such as passenger aircraft, both of which have caused 1000s to die in Iran...people whom are not even involved in Iran's government.

Seventh, well I'm gettin tired but if the first 6 is not enough to prove my point nothing will......good luck!
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You need to dig deeper to draw good conclusions....not take the Zionist media's word for it. I'll start by telling you that video along with another speech was the reason Kushner pushed to have Mattis as a Defence secretary, of course Kushner was told by Netanyahu to get Mattis, Flynn and Kelly, not to mention to nominating Pompeo to the CIA. Do you think the biggest gathering of Iran haters in key roles in our government was an accident? So let's; begin, the norms or world order that Iran is screwing up. First, It's so rich to hear these guys talk about the world order and shifts in diplomacy, when they unleashed Stuxnet....a weapon that could have resulted in a Chernobyl like disaster without once thinking how many innocent people might die, also imagine the environmental disaster it may have caused. This according experts has done more damage to the world order and future diplomacy and war than anything in the past 60 years. Now the world knows nothing is off limits that the enemy can damage your infrastructure that can result in many times more deaths than soldiers on a battlefield.

Second, Maritime threat? Whose aircraft carriers and warship are parked outside of Iran's shores?

Third, Who upended the entire middle east by first empowering Saddam and then overthrowing him? Which by the way gave rise to ISIS, which conveniently gave our sheikdom friends a violent proxy that probably killed more Muslims than the Americans. Whose Ally is bombing Yemen's population? Who gave them permission and arms to be able to carry out this atrocity. Who bombed Libya that caused the violent civil war there?
Fourth, and Fifth Iran and Iran's deal is Strategically dangerous and Iran is against the world order? like letting the Saudis embargo Qatar? Or to help overthrow the Turkish President? Or Venezuela....come on man, you're asleep my friend....WAKE UP!
Sixth, Iran considers U.S. an enemy, you tell me if a country overthrew your democratically elected government do you consider them an ally? How about sanctions on medicine and technology such as passenger aircraft, both of which have caused 1000s to die in Iran...people who are not even involved in Iran's government.

Seventh, well I'm gettin tired but if the first 6 is not enough to prove my point nothing will......good luck!

Yes, you are right that Iran has been demonised. And you are also right that there is a lot of anti-Iran rhetoric coming from all around the world. You are also right that the people who do this act in disregard of consequences.

Who do you think is behind this and what is the rationale behind this. You must know that most world leaders are irreligious, so religion is not a motive for them. Then who, what and why are they doing this. The only conclusion that I can say, is that Iran presents a revolutionary threat and it scares the order.
Iran Nuclear Deal is the biggest con job in the history of mankind.

Go learn something about the baggage details of Pakistani C-130 landing in Tehran, back in early 90's.
At about the same time, Iran was running Baloch separatists operations from Indian consulate in Zahedan.
1.Theocratic Iran is the only state which is standing against atheist Imperialists.
2.Iran is a rising power with enough energy for today.
3.Nuclear is the future energy, so imperialists decided to establish a fake deal to at least delay or slow down Iranian advancement.
4.Subject of the deal was nuclear, because Imperialists already knew that Iran's leader wont allow any other subject.
5.Iran's leader allowed negotiation on the nuclear energy, cause traitor Reformists were fooling the people and advertising the deal as the only solution to a better economy, they were advertising the disputes, as a misunderstanding.
6.deal established; limitation of Iran's nuclear energy program VS end of sanctions.
7.Iran fulfilled it's commitments first (by traitor reformist government against the order of supreme leader)
8.Imperialists breached the deal (started by Obama) even before the start, as it was prearranged.
9.Iran's economy not only didn't recover, it started to go further down day by day, thousands of factories were closed, as traitor Reformists now wanted to Import everything from west, in the name of free economy which was dictated to them by their western masters.
10.An anomaly among U.S politics (result of their own corruption) led to the election of Trump, a man who was more blunt in his policies.
9.Trump abandoned the deal, and made all sanctions official, no more disguise!
10.Other Imperialists, followed the same path, with the excuse of U.S sanctions.
11.Currently, Iran (because of the Reformist government) is the only party which is still holding to the deal!

12.sooner or later, Iran will abandon the deal, whether during this government or the next one.
13.West's puppets and ultimately pro-west thoughts and ideologies have lost their credibility in Iran, Reformists are already predicting their defeat for the next elections!
14.Imperialists' ultimate plan for provoking Iranian people against an Islamic system and leadership has failed with all means.

Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei:
Some U.S governors pretend to be crazy(wild), of course I don't believe it, but they are truly number one dumbs!
Ahhh, you and your bullshit, it's all about the reformist. While your hardliners are busy stealing Billions from our people, not to mention your Messiah Ahmadinejad that got us into this mess and embarrassed us on the world stage. I'm amazed that you can read and write English but still think an 80 yr old religious figure with zero diplomatic experience can strategically steer our country. I'm not all that religious but if people like you are in our government I pray god will save us.....from ourselves.
Yes, you are right that Iran has been demonised. And you are also right that there is a lot of anti-Iran rhetoric coming from all around the world. You are also right that the people who do this act in disregard of consequences.

Who do you think is behind this and what is the rationale behind this. You must know that most world leaders are irreligious, so religion is not a motive for them. Then who, what and why are they doing this. The only conclusion that I can say, is that Iran presents a revolutionary threat and it scares the order.

What Kastor is saying is more or less the reality and your comment about Iran's revolutionary threat (it is most definitely a threat to those who want Iran under their control) is also viable, yet I would say it isn't Iran's "revolutionary" demeanor that pisses off the US-Israel and the West, but it is the independence Iran has shown that really throws them off the edge. Imagine if you will Iran, a nation that was to be designated as nothing but a vassal state used to house troops, sell weapons; call up diplomatic favors, and steal oil from ultimately being nothing more than a disposable nation: then one day they overthrow US installed ruler and put in a popular figure that being Ayatollah Khomeini. Iran destroyed the Western paradigm of ultimate control and decided its own fate. Yet, as I've stated before on this forum: Iran's current government is not a good one and needs change/reform. Simply speaking there is one too many problems causing widespread issues throughout the nation which need to be addressed.

Now as an onlooker myself who deeply feels for the Iranian people. There is one point that NEEDS to get across to Iranians of all political backgrounds, ethnicities and religious persuasions. That is the US has ZERO notions of "equality" between Iran and US, especially regarding defense, energy and regional influence. It is very logical to say that the US & Israel are still reeling over the loss of Shah lead Iran: this new reality was way too devastating for their plans to carve up the Middle East and control the nations of the region thereafter. Also Americans just don't view Iranians as being on their level whatsoever for the most part. Iranians are viewed as a rebellious danger to their world order and must be taken out. Unfortunately the US wants to go about it the horrible way and that is making the innocent Iranian people truly destitute in order to get them to revolt. Where the breaking point is within the Iranian populace is something I can't truly comment on since I'm American and was born in the states, granted to two Iranians parents.

I guess one regard that is most clear, at least to me is that the US has lost all credibility to make good with Iran in the short term: for there to be ANY sort of true thawing of relations, the US needs to swallow some of its ill-fated hollow pride and extend a hand of peace, one that isn't duplicitous in nature...
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What Kastor is saying is more or less the reality and your comment about Iran's revolutionary threat (it is most definitely a threat to those who want Iran under their control) is also viable, yet I would say it isn't Iran's "revolutionary" demeanor that pisses off the US-Israel and the West, but it is the independence Iran has shown that really throws them off the edge. Imagine if you will Iran, a nation that was to be designated as nothing but a vassal state used to house troops, sell weapons; call up diplomatic favors, and steal oil from ultimately being nothing more than a disposable nation: then one day they overthrow US installed ruler and put in a popular figure that being Ayatollah Khomeini. Iran destroyed the Western paradigm of ultimate control and decided its own fate. Yet, as I've stated before on this forum: Iran's current government is not a good one and needs change/reform. Simply speaking there is one too many problems causing widespread issues throughout the nation which need to be addressed.

Now as an onlooker myself who deeply feels for the Iranian people. There is one thing NEEDS to get across to Iranians of all political backgrounds, ethnicities and religious persuasions. That is the US has ZERO notions of "equality" between Iran and US, especially regarding defense, energy and regional influence. It is very logical to say that the US & Israel are still reeling over the loss of Shah lead Iran: this new reality was way too devastating for their plans to carve up the Middle East and control the nations of the region. Also Americans just don't view Iranians as being on their level whatsoever for the most part. Iranians are viewed as a rebellious danger to their world order and must be taken out. Unfortunately the US wants to go about it the horrible way and that is making the innocent Iranian people truly destitute in order to get them to revolt. Where the breaking point is with the Iranian populace is something I can't truly comment on since I'm American and was born in the states, granted to two Iranians parents.

I guess one this is most clear, at least to me. The US has lost all credibility to make good with Iran in the short term: for there to be ANY sort of true thawing of relations, the US needs to swallow some of its ill-fated hollow pride and extend a hand of peace, one that isn't duplicitous in nature...

The thing is.. Iran isn't that innocent. At one point they drew up plans to invade Afghanistan to expand their territory.
Iran should weaponizes nuclear power, We completely support our governments attempts to build a nuclear arsenal. NPT is nothing but a candy for a baby. According to NPT, nuclear weapon states should disarm themselves of nuclear weapons. Not only they're not doing that, They constantly updating their nuclear arsenals. Nuclear weapon states failure to meet their obligations gives us the right to develop our own nuclear arsenal.

The NPT was sold on the basis that it was the first step in total disarmament. The opposite has happened. To make this worse, it is implemented in the most biased way.

Where are the sanctions against Israel and India?
Ahhh, you and your bullshit, it's all about the reformist. While your hardliners are busy stealing Billions from our people, not to mention your Messiah Ahmadinejad that got us into this mess and embarrassed us on the world stage. I'm amazed that you can read and write English but still think an 80 yr old religious figure with zero diplomatic experience can strategically steer our country. I'm not all that religious but if people like you are in our government I pray god will save us.....from ourselves.
Yeah right, hardliners are stealing, but Reformists become rich and richer?! what a small paradox!

Ahmadinejad wasn't and isn't my messiah, Yet in comparison to Rouhani he is far superior in every index.
Unlike people like you who love to portrait Europeans as neutral or good guys, I look at their long history of dirty crimes against Iran and humanity, I judge them based on their behavior, so I expect our president to expose them in international tribunes, they don't like it, sure; they want to leave the session, be my f@cking guest, that's what I expect from my enemies. It's their smile which scares me, not their moody face.

Khamenei has been in politics for more than 40 years. and a critical element against all of U.S plots.
Western strategists (the one which you consider experienced) did had a wet dream of their favorable new middle east, yet that dream turned into their nightmare of Khamenei's new middle east.
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