Thanks, after all of that, I honestly believe Iran has more in common with the U.S. than Russia and the Arabs in our neighborhood. We could've be the ally that Israel pretends to be, but man, there is a lot of hurt feelings caused by the missteps of U.S. intelligence and diplomacy when it comes to Iran. However. the lobby has a done a fine job in the U.S. to make sure Iran will never come back into the fold, these missteps have also given rise to the hardliners Iran that are as detrimental to our future as the backwards American foreign policy. In a lot of ways, the U.S. has waged war on Iran for 40 years, economic war is still a war..right? Iran has lost hundreds of billions in oil revenue that could have built roads, hospitals and schools. Besides, any regional heavy weight will have aspirations of superiority in their region, it's a fact of life so when I hear pundits warn Iran is vying to be a regional power I shrug asking so?wouldn't a world power want to have some checks in a place like the Middle East? A check to make sure the Saudis behave, Israel behaves? I know that they think Iran is a troublemaker or anti american, Iran acts regionally for it's own interest, I haven't seen any moves beyond that. Besides, all the bad elements they complain about is brought on due to animus created by U.S. policy towards Iran, Iran's leadership (in the military/intelligence) is paranoid, so the proxies are out crop of that paranoia. The sad part is that we could've already be mending fences after JCPOA but now we're back where we started, I give props to Israel for this. This was well executed, with this move Iran's hardliners are now firmly in control and the reformists are on the ropes. It will be a decade or two before we will see a moderate in place as Iran's president, even then he will most likely spurn any diplomatic efforts by the U.S. The truth is Iran doesn't need a whole lot of oil revenue to continue funding proxies, so all the bad elements the U.S., Saudis and Israelis are complaining about will still be firmly in place. If the goal was to silence or upend the moderate voices in Iran well then, mission accomplished.
You bring up a very good point and this is Iran seems to be the "eternal" enemy so to speak. Even if Iran were to play nice, follow their rules it wouldn't be enough as they'd need an enemy to justify their actions... It is an all around shitty situation no matter how you cut it and a price must be paid by all those who participate in the game: unfair, depraved, cruel, immoral, unjust, irrational, inherently duplicitous, cunning, conniving, devious, wrought with corruption, grandiose and delusions of grandeur are all words I'd use to describe the nations involved in the "great game" in one aspect or another. None of them are innocent but my heart will admittedly be with my lineage yet I'm torn between my birth country of America and my Iranian heritage which I'm deeply proud of.
I just can't view Israelis being friends with Iranians anytime soon (if ever...), especially after all the assassinations, subterfuge, stuxnet, hijacking of US policy makers and the damn presidential office all to punish an ENTIRE nation for wanting independence, nuclear power and balance in the region. And yes, you are right on the money when you say economic war is still war, at least as far as I'm concerned it is. My distain for Israel has never been greater... A nation of 8 million can pull the strings of the self-proclaimed world leader (USA) thus ruining the lives of 80+ million. Israel shouldn't be a factor in bi-lateral talks between the US and Iran yet is CONSISTENTLY Israel who is buzzing in the ears of Americans politicians. I believe it was either Winternights or the Immortal who said something about peace would only come if Iran recognized Israel or something. They really aren't wrong when they say that lol, it does seem that Israel and Iran's actions towards them will determine US policy towards Iran, period.
Iranians were so happy back in 2015 when the JCPOA was being signed and implemented then Trump destroyed years of hard work and trust damn near in an instant. just can't be stated how much of a crime against humanity and international diplomacy his actions were. He wont be remembered fondly, I'll make sure to remind those I come across just how objectively shit of a "president" Trump is. So much money went down the drain due to the draconian sanctions, so many Iranians dead, dying or in need of medicine due to the sanctions, so many Iranians unjustly paying for the price of independence all because the US can't get over itself. All for Israel, all for the Neo-cons... Idk what to say anymore.
One can only hope Iranians can see the forest for the trees and truly grasp the struggle for independence they are in. Sure Iran isn't innocent but no nation, especially one of 80 million who haven't done anything worthy of the punished they currently incur, should be treated and robbed of a stable future. But you know, Israel am I right?
Sorry if my response is all over the place but I do also think that Iran would have given America WAY more in return that Israel and Saudi Arabia combined but it simply just didn't go that way. Iran has a larger more education inclined population that is inherently technologically biased, science focused and engineering focused. Sans-sanctions, the level of output from Iran would be extremely high, yet that output is greatly hindered due to these unfair sanctions. A human tragedy if you ask me.
Sometimes I want there to be a war to just finally determined who gonna win and whatever happens, happens. If Irans fate is to become fractured and destroyed, if Irans fate is to become a vassal state, if Irans fate is to become a legitimate regional power recognized by all around them, If Israel is to be victorious, if US is to crumble or be victorious just let it happen. This has been going on for too long. Gets to be a drag sometimes you know?
The thing is.. Iran isn't that innocent. At one point they drew up plans to invade Afghanistan to expand their territory.
Agreed no nation is inherently or categorically innocent but my point was aimed towards the Iranian populace rather than government/military who make plans to invade or take any actions akin to that.