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its great and its got many new features and a long storyline aswell as online.
Thankyou for clearing my doubt . I'm definately gonna buy it :smokin:

Btw i'm looking forward for Far cry 3 . Is environment and physc are awesome dude

Far Cry 3 - Stranded Trailer [UK] - YouTube

Live ,unseen demo play through.

also anyone got AC revelations? i finished it , ottoman empire was great

Janissaries are so hard to kill they have gun and sword


yea ,finished it of when it got released in stores here.

and the janasres are easy if u use the crossbow and pistol combo. other wise the counter everything.
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I Brought Ps3 only for (UC3) Uncharted 3 Awesome Game never Played a Game which has such Ultra Graphics
Try playing uncharted 2 also . It has a lot to offer .
Let me tell you half of its gameplay is based in Nepal , so you'll have that south asian feel :lol:
Anyone want to have a match against me in Medieval 2 Total war? PM if interested.
"Path of Exile" is going into a stress test weekend , anyone interested in trying out this diablo-esqe mmo can try it out in 12 hours.

FYI:its free too play,in the absolute sense.

All hardcore RTS RPG lovers will not want to miss this. Played it during the last stress test weekend and absolutely loved it.

Path of Exile - Forum

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