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and is any one buying psp 2 aka ngp i think so i will buy it looking for sum 1 to buy my old psp
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nah Crysis is kinda crap...i like the multi-player tho...but the nano mods and unlocks dont take long..after that it gets dry..
The campaign is linear, and i liked Crysis 1 better'

img218.imageshack.us/i/scrapp.jpg/ --->this is the link to some of my stuff im temporarily indulging in as well as those below in the quick keys--->warhamer 40k 2 Redemption ; Lol ; Dragon Age 2 ; nd Magica
The Psp 2 isent selling yet...itll release this fall maybe.. i hope it under the 15k inr price range anything more is a waste
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Playing Crysis 2 now. The multuplayer's crap. People running around with invisibility on all the time. The servers are sh*t too. Too much lag.
Playing Crysis 2 now. The multiplayer's crap. People running around with invisibility on all the time. The servers are sh*t too. Too much lag.
Are u playing on ranked servers? Cus if u dont host locally(withing country), ur bound to have large latency. I played with a few friends back when the leaked beta got shared..didn't have any problems what so ever excluding the minor beta bugs. U residing in Ireland? im sure u wont have trouble finding European servers in a few days.
I recently finished Mass Effect 2 on PS3 and have started playing Killzone 3 along with Heavy Rain. Started Fallout New Vegas couple of months ago still have to beat that.
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Dead Island Trailer

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Playing Crysis 2 now. The multuplayer's crap. People running around with invisibility on all the time. The servers are sh*t too. Too much lag.

Yeah I played Crysis 2 multiplayer and I wasn't satisfied. The maps also need improvement.
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Yeah I played Crysis 2 multiplayer and I wasn't satisfied. The maps also need improvement.

Yeah I might give it another chance next weekend. If I still don't like it I'm finishing the campaign and selling it. Need to save up for Battlefield 3.

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