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Very Good News: American Economy is growing at recession levels now


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
US economy grows at snail’s pace in first quarter, expands 0.1%
Published time: April 30, 2014 17:05
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Crisis, Economy, Finance, Government Spending, USA
The US economy came to a near standstill in the first quarter of 2014, growing at one of its weakest paces since 2012. The slow growth could indicate that America's post-recession honeymoon is over.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP), or the total sum of all goods and services produced within the USA, only advanced 0.1 percent in the first three-month period of 2014, the Commerce Department said on Wednesday.

The report is a preliminary estimate and can be revised significantly, either up or down.

Economic momentum slowed down due to the effects of extreme winter weather, as well as a decrease in business spending. Exports fell at a rate of 7.6 percent in the first quarter – the biggest fall since the recession ended. The frigid weather could be to blame for less consumer spending, which only increased at a rate of 0.4 percent.

The slowdown is in stark contrast to the 3.4 percent economic expansion that the US enjoyed in the second half of 2013.

“We’ve been living in sub-3 percent land, and people have gotten used to that as the new normal. But it's not. It's anemic,” Dan North, chief economist at Euler Hermes North America, told The New York Times.

America's economy slowed drastically in the first quarter of 2014, as wintry weather depressed corporate spending and housing sector activity. Smaller additions to inventories by farmers and businesses also held back growth.

Business spending dropped 2.1 percent between January and March, as companies spent less on buildings, equipment, and intellectual property.

Federal spending is set to grow in 2014, which could help offset the lackluster first quarter growth. Most economists are predicting an overall growth of between 2.5 and three percent.

Later on Wednesday, the Federal Reserve will finish its two-day meeting and will likely announce another $10 billion in monthly bond purchases as part of its planned 'tapering’ of stimulus spending.




you grow now almost at the same level like Russia despite having no civil war looping all the time on your borders and without massive propaganda against your country
I mean there are things that Russians can bag the Americans out for. A weak economy is not one of them.
I mean there are things that Russians can bag the Americans out for. A weak economy is not one of them.

America is a $15 trillion+ "innovation based" economy.

People who can just grasp the scope of above line will understand how gigantically dominant U.S economic might is.
America is a $15 trillion+ "innovation based" economy.

People who can just grasp the scope of above line will understand how gigantically dominant U.S economic might is.

China will overtake the US in PPP.
PPP is the only thing that matters.
I mean there are things that Russians can bag the Americans out for. A weak economy is not one of them.
russias economy grew always more than americas, it only slowed down because of the euro crisis and russia doesnt posses this little tool to print some money to buy everything it wants

GDP, PPP (current international $) | Data | Graph

america only increased less than 30% during the years, Russia over 100% more than doubled.
US economy has not recovered since the 2008 crash. That's why they still have 0% interest rates and QE. If they have truly recovered, they don't need such policies.

Anyway, its great news for the world the despotic empire is doing badly. The world economy has been growing perfectly fine since 2008 without US demand or contribution.

Only subordinate slaves (mostly from South Asia) really loves western empires.


We are bigger than the US in many areas and PPP will be the final nail in the US coffin.
The World Factbook

it is, even CIA whichs americas intelligence agency says that you need to look at ppp if you want to know the true chinese economy. CIA also doesnt provide any rankings for nominal only ppp

The World Factbook

what also people forget is that chinese gdp never counts hong kong and macau in there which belong to china. These two provinces give additional 440 Billion dollars or something.
South Asians are all the same. Subordination to the white man is the only thing they understand.

Please don't mix us with Indians etc.

We criticize U.S where its necessary, but saying that U.S economy is not the strongest in the world is just plain false. Since when Chinese started living in delusions like indians do?

Majority of Chinese members here will agree with me, and not you.

So go shove this sub-ordination to white man talk somewhere else...
US Economy Is A House Of Cards

US Economy Is A House Of Cards

Please don't mix us with Indians etc.

We criticize U.S where its necessary, but saying that U.S economy is not the strongest in the world is just plain false. Since when Chinese started living in delusions like indians do?

Majority of Chinese members here will agree with me, and not you.

So go shove this sub-ordination to white man talk somewhere else...

Oh come on now, you love the white man. Admit it.
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